30 Ways Women Flirt

By Olivia Harrison 1 year ago

1. We touch our lips

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Are we removing a smudge of lipstick? Are we checking there's nothing in our teeth? No, we're trying to move his attention towards our lips, obviously! We want him to notice our Cupid's bow, how kissable we are, and get him thinking of us in a more romantic light. He better lean in...

2. We play with our hair

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It's almost like a subconscious response. Back in the '90s, we would twist the phone cord when we were talking to a guy we liked, but with everything wireless nowadays, we reach for the next best thing: our long, lovely locks are just ready to be twirled as he looks on.

3. We find ways to move closer

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And I don't just mean metaphorically. We might choose the seat next to him. Maybe we lean in a little more when he's talking. Perhaps we find a way to lightly touch his arm or move a piece of hair out of his face. We want close proximity, and hopefully he will too.

4. We keep saying his name

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An age old tactic to get into his head - keep saying his name. It creates a sense of familiarity and warmth that will soon build into a friendship, or possibly something more. You could even go one step further and make up a cute nickname that only you use. I would recommend an acronym if you can.

5. We find ways to touch him

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It's not just about trying to get closer to him, but actually trying to touch him. If you sit next to him and your leg touches his, is there that current of electricity that flows between you? Make sure when he laughs, you place your hand on his arm. Show him you are physically interested (but if he looks uncomfortable, be sure to pull back!).

6. We focus the conversation around him

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When we like someone generally, it's easier, especially if you're no big fan of talking about yourself, to centre the conversation around them. But it's absolutely true when it comes to someone we're flirting with. We want to show him interest, and let him know that we're listening, we're engaging, and we're hear him.

7. We tilt our heads when we're talking

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Apologies for the comparison, but we do emulate a very similar energy to dogs when we like someone. We find ourselves turning our head on its side, nodding and physically showing that we're listening to what he's saying. It also makes us look incredibly cute!

8. We laugh at everything he says

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He may not be the funniest guy in the room, or even that you know, but there's something about him that just makes you erupt into a fit of giggles. He could literally tell us about paint drying, or grass growing, or something even more insane, and you would still find a way to get that laugh in.

9. We wear more provocative clothing

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This one might be the most obvious. When there is a guy we really want the attention of, it's time to crack out the LBD, or those flared trousers that show off how cute your butt is, or that low cut top. We like to wear something that is maybe a little more revealing than our regular wardrobe, and boy does it work.

10. We smile constantly

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It's not just about laughing. It's also about making sure that every time he sees us, we've got a grin on our face. We want to show off our pearly white and point out how fun-loving and easy-going we are. We're light and breezy and someone he definitely wants to spend a lot of time with. It justifies the Invisalign!

11. We give him space

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I'm not necessarily saying let's play it hot and cold, but there's something to be said about a woman giving her crush that cool air of space. It subconsciously tells him that we are booked and busy, and we couldn't possibly spend our time with just him. It makes him miss us and realise that maybe he wants to spend a little more time with us.

12. We talk about the future

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Maybe a wedding might be a little too far, but it certainly doesn't hinder us by mentioning next month or even next year. It puts in his mind that he's going to be seeing a lot more of us, and lets him get comfortable with, even excited by, the idea of us being a part of his future.

13. We make plans with him

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This one is that extra step. It's not just letting him know that we'll be in his life, but that we will actively be spending time with him. It might be the movies, or dinner, or a museum visit. We want to make plans with him so he can see we're interested in him and his interests.

14. We give him our cell number

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Another slightly more forward act: we're happy to give our cell number. It gives him access to us and us access to him in a different way. You can message him with cute responses, ask him questions, and begin to exist outside of the time you're physically together.

15. We compliment him

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My personal favorite is to let him know that the shirt he's wearing really goes with his eyes - it compliments his fashion taste, gives him a confidence boost, and says to him that you've been looking at his baby blues and you're a big fan of what you see.

16. We sometimes get jealous

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It's nothing too dramatic. It's a slight possessiveness, a quirky little green eyed monster that sneaks out to let him know that we want him, or we're at least interested in him, so other woman should watch out. It's asking if he's seeing anyone and making sure he notices the flush in our cheeks when he says he isn't. Just a little bit of jealousy.

17. We try to make him jealous

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And it definitely goes the other way too! We like to take some time with other guys close by, give them some attention over our crush. We might touch their arm or laugh at what he says, then glance over to our guy, check he's checking us out. It's a risky move but it works!

18. We play with our jewellery

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We want to try and get his attention to our softer points, so we'll play with our earrings, our necklace, and our rings. It is, equally, a nervous thing to do. We start to fidget to try and rid ourselves of some of the anxiety of being around someone who gets our blood pressure up. And it shows him we like the pretty things!

19. We agree with everything he's saying

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It might go against our very core beliefs, but if he's cute, who are we to question him?! We want him to like us and know that we value his opinion, so we nod, and we smile, and we agree with him wholeheartedly. We'll cover his views on Real Housewives later...

20. We might seem a little nervous

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One sure fire ways to flirt is also one of its downsides. We can come across as a little nervous (it's one of the reasons we fidget). It demonstrates, when we stumble over our words or blush, that we're interested in him, plus we look super adorable. But it can make us a little less confident in the dating department.

21. We use cute emojis

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Not Safe For Work! If we're flirting with a guy over text, emojis are absolutely going to be used. We may throw in an eggplant, or a peach if we're feeling particularly risky, but our go to is either the little winky face or, even better, the lipstick mark!

22. We look at him, even when he's not talking

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Of course you're looking at him when he's talking - you're not rude! But you have to try and sneak a couple of glances at him while someone else is blabbing on. Hopefully, you catch his eye and then you can do a coy smile. You just want him to know that you see him, and, fingers crossed, he sees you.

23. We text him... a lot

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When we're relaxing on the sofa, when we're about to go into the shower, when we're laid in bed, when we're at the store, on our breaks at work, wherever we are, we have our phone in our hands and we're texting him. Or we're waiting for a text. That little online notification never looked so good.

24. We like to tease him

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Again, a very simple one that definitely gets his attention. We love to tease and taunt him. It might be about his hair, his jacket, work, whatever we can find that means we can poke some fun at his expense. You catch him smiling at you afterwards, and that always sends you into a tailspin.

25. We wear plenty of perfume

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This one is especially effective if you wear one scent so much that he automatically associates it with you. Si works incredibly well here, or possibly even God is a Woman by Ariana Grande. You want to smell delectable, so good he could take a bite out of you, and knows you're around when he smells your perfume in the air.

26. We might even avoid eye contact

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What's sexier than a boat load of eye contact? Absolutely none. Having spent so long gazing into his eyes, ripping it away sends him wild. It's definitely something we implement when we know we've got the upper hand. He tries to find ways to get your attention, and you'll give it to him... eventually.

27. We try to find out if he's single

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It is the worst feeling in the world when we start flirting with someone just to find out they're married. So, the first rule of flirting is to make it a cute comment. For example, "your girlfriend must be jealous that you're out tonight?". If he says he doesn't have a girlfriend, we know we're in the clear. If he says anything else, we run!

28. We try to slip in that we're single

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We want him to know we're available. Sometimes, it's the case that men will hold back if they think we're seeing someone else (so chivalrous). To clear it up right from the get go, we want to flirt with them, letting them see our ring finger is free, and then the rest of the flirting can flow.

29. We find time to be alone with him

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You know a woman is flirting with a man if she finds time to be alone with him. This is especially noticeable in a group. We try and get him to hang back with us, separate ourselves off from the rest of the group, and then we can get some up close and personable moments.

30. We fit our interests in with his interests

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It pains me to say it, but one of the surefire signs that a woman is flirting with a man is if she is talking about football, soccer or golf, when she has stipulated in the past she isn't interested in sports. We want to make his interests ours so that we can bond and share something together, and it may even lead a date.

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