1. Hedgehog
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Hedgehogs may be extremely cute, but they are currently banned as pets in California, Hawaii, and Georgia. This is because the Department of Fish and Wildlife listed them as a restricted animals. This is because hedgehogs have the potential to spread disease, so this has to be controlled.
2. Wolves or wolf-dog hybrids
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Alaska, Connecticut, Michigan, and several other states have banned wolves or wolf-dog hybrids as pets. This is because a wolf is a wild animal with strong hunting instincts. They are seen as a potential threat to the public and so they are banned, or in certain states extremely regulated.
3. Ferrets
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It may come as a surprise that this seemingly small and harmless creature could actually be banned as pets in certain areas. Ferrets, pre-2021 were banned in California and remain banned in Washington, D.C., Hawaii, and New York City. These bans are due to a variety of reasons including becoming a public nuisance and threatening public safety due to bites.
4. Hamsters
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Why are these cute and fluffy creatures banned as pets? Well, in the majority of the USA hamsters are legal to own as a pet. But, in certain cities such as New York City, inhabitants are not allowed to keep hamsters as pets due to the risk of them running free and breeding in the city.
5. Mini pigs
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Micro Pigs are now currently banned from being kept as pets in many areas of the USA. In those areas where they are not illegal pets, they have strict rules. You may have to acquire a specific permit due to micro pigs needing specialized care in order to look after them.
6. Skunks
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On a slightly less surprising note, skunks are officially banned as pets in the majority of (but not all) states in the USA. Skunks are not suitable to be domesticated and can be quite aggressive by nature. They also carry health concerns as they can carry rabies and other deadly diseases.
7. Quaker parrots
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In California and Pennsylvania, Quaker Parrots are not pets that you are legally allowed to keep. They are classed as an exotic bird, which means that they have a lot of regulations surrounding their care. They have to be kept within certain areas, and they have very specific needs.
8. Snakes
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Certain species are completely banned throughout the USA in terms of owning them as a pet, due to the Lacey Act. This is because snakes are hazardous and poisonous snakes are seen as a public safety threat, meaning that they are banned for sale and ownership as pets.
9. Hermit crabs
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A hermit crab may sound like a strange pet to keep, however in some areas, they make popular pets. But in some states, they are banned because they are an endangered species. Another reason is that if a hermit crab is released into the wild it could upset the local ecosystem.
10. Marmoset
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Marmosets are a small New World monkey, native to South America. They are often sought after as pets because of their undeniably appealing appearance. However, they are banned in the USA by federal and state laws because they are a protected species under the Animal Welfare Act.
11. Monkeys
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Owning a pet monkey in the USA is either banned or very heavily restricted and regulated. There are multiple reasons why owning a pet monkey is banned: ethical concerns for the well-being of the monkey, safety concerns for the public, and the transmission of dangerous diseases.
12. Sugar gliders
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Sugar gliders have an appearance equally as sweet as their name, which makes them a desirable pet. But these small, Australian marsupials are banned due to being totally unfit for domestic care. They thrive off their natural habitat and they are a social species who become depressed when separated.
13. Degu
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Degus is native to Chile. They are a small rodents that have been taken in as pets in various countries. But their care comes with concerns, hence why they are banned in many places in the USA and around the world. Degus breed easily which can be a concern for local wildlife in case they become an invasive species.
14. Lemur
Image source: Reddit
Lemurs are illegal to be kept as pets in the USA. Lemurs are very social and complex wild animals who cannot happily be kept as domesticated pets. They are also critically endangered in the wild, which makes their capture and sale as pets unethical.
15. Komodo dragons
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Similarly, keeping a Komodo dragon as a pet is illegal, They are also critically endangered and they only survive in certain areas of the world or under conservation programs. Making Komodo dragons legal could endanger them even more, as people may try and capture them to keep them as pets.
16. Wallabies
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Wallabies seem like a very unrealistic pets to keep, yet they make the banned list because people have tried to domesticate wallabies and keep them as pets. It is generally seen as unethical to keep a wallaby as they need a lot of space. Keeping a single wallaby can also lead to loneliness and stress.
17. Giraffes
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A giraffe is a large, wild animal, totally unsuitable to be kept as a pet - however, that doesn't mean people haven't tried. However, it is one of many animals on the banned list which means it is illegal to keep one as a pet. It would be completely unethical as giraffes need a huge amount of space, as well as other giraffes to survive.
18. Cayote
Image source: Reddit
Coyote's are another animal which have been taken in as pets in the USA illegally. They were put on the banned list because a coyote is a close relative of a wolf, with a very similar instinct. They are naturally afraid of humans and it they feel threatened they can attack.
19. Koi carp
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Koi Carp are often kept as ornamental fish due to their stunning colors and patterns. Whilst Koi Carp are allowed in some places, in other states such as Hawaii they are banned. This is because certain fish are not allowed in case they become an invasive species!
20. Sea Turtles
Image source: Reddit
Sea turtles are an amazing sea creatures that seem to capture people's interest and hearts. But, that doesn't mean that it's legal to keep them as a pet. They have been banned after people tried to keep them, despite being an endangered species. They are now protected by laws all over the world because of their endangered species status.
21. Monitor Lizards
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Monitor lizards have in the past taken in (despite being banned) as pets, with people thinking they are a small species of lizard. But these creatures can grow up to 10 feet in length and they pose a safety risk with their sharp teeth. It's banned in the USA to keep a monitor lizard as a pet.
22. Zebras
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The zebra is also banned in the USA, again due to it being a wild animal. There is often an assumption that they are much like a horde. But, they have very different instincts which means that while a horse can safely be trained, a zebra may not, and should not be.
23. Tigers
Image source: Reddit
Tigers are banned as pets in the USA, however, there have been people who take advantage of the law by stating that they are a 'zoo' or some kind of wildlife project so that they can keep tigers. But it's unethical to keep a tiger in a domesticated environment.
24. Chausies
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The Chausie is also known as the Jungle Curl. The laws around the Chausie are more complex because it is a breed of domesticated cat with a wildcat ancestry and so while some states deem it an appropriate pet, others do not. Several states have banned the Chasui, for example, Alaska, Hawaii, Massachusetts and more.
25. Coatis
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Coatis or coatimundis is a member of the raccoon family. The reason that they are banned is because for some reason they are protected and under conservation laws. They also have the potential to spread disease to humans, And, they can be very aggressive and territorial animals!
26. Axolotls
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Axolotl's have become super popular due to their endearing, slightly comical. However, they are deceptively difficult to keep as they need a 10-gallon tank and a specific temperature and PH scale for the water. This exotic animal shouldn't be kept as a pet, it should be left in the wild.
27. Rabbits
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You're probably wondering why rabbits are on the list, but in many states keeping rabbits is prohibited. The reason for this is that rabbits are renowned for their fast breeding, and it can mean that they disrupt the balance of local wildlife and become an invasive species.
28. Fossa
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The fossa, or the Cryptoprocta ferox is an animal native to Madagascar. Despite looking somewhat like a domestic cat, they have very predatorial natures and they are considered dangerous to be kept as a pet. Which, is one of the reasons they are among many banned pets.
29. Iguanas
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Iguanas can again be a threat to native species in certain areas such as Hawaii which has a very unique set of wildlife. They are therefore banned in case they drive out the species that are native to certain states. For this reason, Iguanas are banned in some states.
30. Tarantulas
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Some people would wonder why anybody would want to keep a tarantula as a pet. However, they have been in the past a popular choice. However, now in many USA states they are banned, as they are a threat to the public as a tarantula can be dangerous to humans and deadly to wildlife.