Deadliest Animals That Can Only Be Found In The Arctic

By Carole 1 year ago

1. Polar Bear

Image source: Reddit
Polar bears are not cute!  The largest carnivore in the arctic is a predator with its powerful limbs and sharp claws. It can cover really long distances as it is such a strong swimmer. Polar bears are solitary animals but during the mating season or when they are hungry, humans need to watch their backs!

2. Killer Whale

Image source: Reddit
The killer whale, like all whales, is exceptionally intelligent, not to mention more powerful than you could ever imagine!  They are not as a rule typically dangerous to human beings but interaction with them could turn them aggressive and they then become unpredictable. They are partial to rockfish as a snack.

3. Colossal Squid

Image source: NBC News
These squids can weigh up to 500 kg!  There are only a few recordings of their interactions with humans but they have been shown to be aggressive and fast.  Surprisingly, colossal squids have attacked enormous sperm whales and left scars on the mammals from their suckers.

4. Arctic Wolf

Image source: Reddit
A subspecies of the grey wolf, the arctic wolf has adapted to the very harsh arctic conditions. As we know, wolves are pack animals and they search in groups for their prey.  The caribou and muskoxen are particular favorite snacks they enjoy!  They tend to avoid contact with humans and if cornered by one (why would you?) it won't end well for the person.

5. Snow Leopard

Image source: Reddit
Whilst the snow leopard usually hangs out in mountainous regions, it can also be spotted in elevated areas of the Arctic. Snow leopards are rarely seen by human eyes and tend to prey on unsuspecting mountain goats and blue sheep. This animal moves fast and once it has food in its sight, it's goodnight to the prey!

6. Brown Bear

Image source: Reddit
Brown bears rarely attack humans but their unpredictable temperament can be a worry.  If they feel threatened or are surprised by something they will go on the attack.  They are huge in size and weight, They can grow up to 7 feet tall and weigh up to 1000 pounds.

7. Wolverine

Image source: Reddit
Wolverines have an exceptionally fierce nature and boast amazing strength. They primarily hunt and scavenge small prey but have been known to stand up to large animals, bigger than themselves. Because they will become very aggressive if they see a human, keep well out of sight.

8. Greenland Shark

Image source: Reddit
Greenland sharks are one of the earth's biggest predators. They move very slowly, scavenging and feeding on carcases along the way. Because of their sheer size, the route is kept clear as they make their way through the arctic seas. They can become aggressive but rarely go for humans.

9. Grizzly Bear

Image source: NBC News
The grizzly bear, found in the Arctic, is one of the most lethal animals in the world. They have the most ridiculous strength and also an unbelievably powerful bite, enough to split a body in half. That's making my eyes water! They will attack if caught off guard or if they are provoked.

10. Harp Seal

Image source: Reddit
With an unusual name, harp seals have "harp" markings over their bodies so there's your explanation. They have to have their wits about them as they are regularly hunted by polar bears but also by humans as well who want to eat the seal meat. They get very aggressive when they see a human being.

11. Arctic Fox

Image source: Reddit
A regular fox that may prowl around your backyard when nightfall sets in is not the same as an arctic fox. The arctic fox won't run off if spotted by a human although it will only attack a person if it feels threatened. It is far more interested in catching rodents for its dinner.

12. Walrus

Image source: Reddit
When you see a walrus you will immediately notice its long tusks. These are certainly not for decoration. They are used for the animal to defend itself and to help the walrus haul itself on to the ice flows. The issue with them is that they can be unpredictable and become aggressive within a second if they are provoked.

13. Moose

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Moose are tall, large and in charge! They are not an easy target and this is particularly so during the moose's mating seasons. They use their height and massive antlers to shove even a polar bear to the ground.  They will then gore the polar bear until it bleeds to death.

14. Ermine

Image source:  Reddit
The ermine is also known as a stoat.  Yes, they are the same thing!  Ermines are very skillful when it comes to hunting and as they are so agile, they have the ability to prey on animals bigger than themselves. Day to day, they hunt and live off small mammals that they keep their eyes peeled out for.

15. Snowy Owl

Image source: CBC
Most of you will recognise the snowy owl as being "Hedwig" from the Harry Potter movies!  These owls are birds of prey and known for their beautiful white feathers. They are skilled hunters and like to eat small mammals and lemmings. They swoop down so fast, in the blink of an eye.

16. Hooded Seal

Image source: Reddit
The male hooded seal is unusual in that it has an inflatable nasal hood.  This is used to make itself attractive to the female and also as a sign of aggression to other males who try to spoil the romance!   They can become hostile and territorial in the breeding season so do not approach.

17. South Polar Skua

Image source: Cool Antartica
The south polar skua looks a bit like a large brown seagull, but that's where the likeness ends.  With its hawked beak, large talons and piercing eyes, the skua is well known for its predatory, territorial and aggressive behaviour. It's definitely one of the most dangerous species in the Arctic.

18. Arctic Scorpion

Image source: CBC
Arctic scorpions are rare. They look like creepy crawlies from an animated movie - but stay clear. This eight legged creature that live in the arctic has pincers like a crab and boy can they sting.  You would certainly know about it if you were the recipient of such a sting.  The pincers are an essential part of the scorpion's anatomy as this is how it traps its prey. Ouch!

19. Arctic Lamprey

Image source: Reddi
Arctic lampreys can grow up to two feet long. The male fish is a parasite and attaches itself on to other breeds such as trout and salmon. They like to feed on the blood of fish so could be described as the Dracula of the Arctic. They step up the aggro during breeding season.

20. Arctic Jellyfish

Image source: Reddit
Also referred to as the lion's mane jellyfish, this creature in the largest of the jellyfish family. It uses uses its stinging tentacles to pull in and capture its prey which include zooplankton and smaller jellyfish. As you can imagine, it delivers a painful sting that would make any grown man cry.

21. Beluga Whale

Image source: Reddit
Beluga whales are also called the canaries of the sea because of their shrill vocals.  They're not dangerous to humans unless they are under threat, but it should be remembered  that they are wild animals and any interaction should always be taken with caution.  They have great vision and snap up an octopus, shrimp, crab, clam or sandworm in half a second!

22. Narwhal

Image source: Reddit
Narwhals have long, spiral tusks and these are used as sensory organs. The tusks can be up to eight feet long!  When provoked, this is when the narwhal can turn dangerous. It has the title of being the rarest whale in the world so let's hope the breeding program in place works.

23. Antarctic Scale Worm

Image source: AZ Animals
This mad looking marine creature survives in the Antarctic Ocean. It's also called the bristle worm.  These bristles help it crawl along the floor of the ocean and keep predators away.  It has exceptionally sharp teeth and can extend its jaw to catch prey.  Even weirder, the bit that looks like its head is its throat!

24. Mink

Image source: Greenwich Sentinel
These adorable little creatures are a common sight along lakes, river banks and marshes in Iceland. They are petite and look so cute. DON'T BE FOOLED! They are much stronger than they look and will fight to the death to catch their prey, often small mammals. It can end up very bloody!

25. Tardigrade

Image source: Reddit
Tardigrades are known as water bears as they have plump bodies and clawed limbs.  They are absolutely tiny but don't judge them on size. They eat other tardigrades with no guilt whatsoever! They have even been taken into space and survived the cosmic rays.  That's crazy!

26. Canadian Porcupine Fish

Image source: Reddit
The lethal porcupine fish has set up home in the Arctic and is here to stay. It was first spotted in the Canadian waters around 15 years ago and is deadly. It can cause almost instant paralysis and asphyxiation because of its lethal tetrodotoxin (that's poison to you and I).

27. Hairy Chested Hoff Crab

Image source: The Guardian
This crab has been named after David Hasselhoff.  It's true! The creature has a hairy appearance so it all makes sense! They live 2,000 meters under the Antarctic waters and it's cold. They farm bacteria on their hairy chests and then eat it!  The danger with them is that they are unpredictable and will try and attack anything that comes near their home

28. Gyrfalcon

Image source: Global News
Gyrfalcons have the esteemed title of being the largest falcon species in the world.  They are known for their prowess in hunting.  A gyrfalcon is so fast on the wing that it can chase down a ptarmigan in flight and strike it so it falls to the ground.  That's lunch sorted!

29. Arctic Tern

Image source: Reddit
Arctic terns will travel very long distances.  The tern is extremely aggressive, especially when protecting its young.  It will use its sharp beak to easily catch fish and is not bothered by large predators who may go for it.  The tern will strike the animal on the top of the head and it will fall!

30. Wasps!

Image source: Reddit
That's correct!  Wasps have been brought to the Arctic as a result of climate change.  They have settled predominantly in Iceland and will attack anything or anyone if their home is threatened.  A whole colony can attack together and the results can be terrible.

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