30 Things Every Woman Has In Their Nightstand

By Molly 7 months ago

1. Alarm clock or smartphone

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Now, most women probably use their smartphone as their alarm clock. But, there are some who prefer no screen time at night, so keep their phone as far away as possible, opting for a good old fashioned alarm clock instead. Either way, a clock is an absolute essential.

2. Table lamp or reading light

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Everybody has a table lamp or some kind of reading light on their nightstand. It's a necessity when you're relaxing in bed or reading and you don't want the glare of the main bedroom light on. Not to mention, it gives your bedroom a nice cosy feel to it.

3. Tissues

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Tissues are needed all year round! And there's nothing worse than needing to blow your nose in the middle of the night and having to trek all the way to the bathroom. In the winter, there are cold and flu viruses about. In the summer months, it's hay fever season.

4. Hand lotion

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Okay, nobody likes rough hands. Every woman will have a tube or two of hand lotion lying within reach on their nightstand. When you get in bed at the end of the day, it's great to top up your hand lotion and let this soak in overnight whilst you're sleeping.

5. Lip balm

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How many different lip balms do you have lying around? I know personally, I like to be stocked up. Running out of lip balm is never good! So, check any woman's nightstand and you're bound to find at least a couple of them. There's probably some old used ones too.

6. Glasses or contact lenses case

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For the women who wear contact lenses or glasses, this is something that you can guarantee to be found on your nightstand at any given moment. Or, maybe you're the type who wears glasses purely for fashion. Either way, if you've lost your glasses, this is a good place to look.

7. Water bottle or glass

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A girl has got to stay hydrated! Going to bed with a glass or bottle of water beside your bed is an absolute must. You don't want to wake up thirsty in the night and have to make your way to the kitchen to fix yourself a drink. But, as for the empty used bottles, you need to tidy them away.

8. Medications or vitamins

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If you want to remember to take your daily vitamins or medication, what better way than to keep them in your direct eye line every day. If this is the first thing you see when you wake up, or the last thing before you go to sleep, it's near impossible to forget!

9. Notepad and pen

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Whether this is for personal use, business use, or just a bit of fun, there's probably a notepad and pen to be found inside a woman's nightstand. It's a great place to store them, because it's in a private place, and is easily accessible when you get those random midnight thoughts.

10. Earplugs

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Sometimes, you've got to reach for the earplugs. They could be needed during the day for a midday nap, drowning out the noise of your family and neighbors. Or, maybe you're just trying to concentrate on something super important and want to drown out any distractions.

11. Sleep mask

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I don't know if every sleep mask will look as scary as it does on this photograph, but one things for sure, there will be one in the nightstand nevertheless! There's something about a sleep mask that gives a feeling of glamour, it makes bed time more relaxing and intentional.

12. Hair ties or hairpins

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Now, hair bands and ties are bound to be found everywhere in a woman's house, not just inside their nightstand. They're probably in the bathroom, on the living room table, and even in a woman's car. You just never know when you might need a hair tie!

13. Jewelry box

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Every woman needs a good jewelry box. It's essential to organise all your pieces. Personally, mine are organised into categories of rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Then, there are sub-categories too - old, new, sentimental and everyday pieces.

14. Personal mementos

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Now, this will look completely different for every single woman out there. It could be any object that holds some significant memory or feeling associated with it. For example, a pebble from a favorite holiday, or even a button from a family members piece of clothing.

15. Contraceptives

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Contraceptives are a must have in a woman's nightstand! Whether this is birth control pills, which since they are important to take at the same time each day, it helps to have them by your bed. Or, if condoms are more your style, it's important to have them by your bed for obvious reasons.

16. A book or e-reader

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Unwinding at the end of a long day by reading a book in bed really is an unmatched feeling, isn't it? So, there's probably a book lying on top of your nightstand right now. Maybe it's the one that you're currently reading, haven't quite gotten round to starting yet, or that you've just finished and are not quite ready to move on.

17. Hand sanitizer

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Hand sanitizer is a must! When you climb into bed at the end of the day, your hands have been through a lot. It just makes sense to have a tube of sanitizer handy - if you pardon the pun! Bonus points if it’s a scented one. Personally, I like the coconut ones.

18. Face mask

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Skincare at nighttime is super important. When you’re feeling lazy, it’s nice to stick a face mask on whilst you’re lying in bed relaxing for the evening. Keeping a face mask right beside your bed in your nightstand minimises any effort and reminds you to keep on top of your routine.

19. Nail file or nail clippers

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Every woman is bound to have a nail file (or two) lying around on their nightstand. Even for the girls that prefer to get their nails done professionally at the salon, nail files help to keep the shape or buff away any uneven edges in between your appointments.

20. Perfume or body spray

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If you have a mini bottle of perfume or body spray with you wherever you go, you will always smell amazing. Some women like to carry some around with them in their handbags, some always have spray in their car, a lot of women keep these on their nightstand.

21. Spare change or small cash

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Nowadays, everything is paid for on your card. So, when you end up with cash it’s left lying around somewhere forgotten about! Usually, the one place where you will find some spare change or small cash will be inside a woman’s nightstand in her bedroom.

22. Hand mirror

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When you need a quick check but don’t want to get up and walk to the bathroom for a mirror, it’s great when you have a hand mirror on your nightstand. Say you receive an incoming video call and you need to check your fit to answer, what you gonna do?

23. Earbuds or headphones

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This is possibly the most essential out of all the items mentioned so far. There are so many scenarios where you need earbuds at your bedside. Can’t sleep and need an audiobook to help you relax? Want to watch a movie without waking up your family? Listening to music whilst you relax? Exactly.

24. Charger cables for devices

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People who don’t charge their mobile phone overnight scare me. Personally, waking up with low battery just sets my whole entire day off on the wrong foot. So, having your charging cable available next to your bed just is an absolute must at all times!

25. Essential oils or aromatherapy diffuser

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If you haven’t got a diffuser or essential oils on your nightstand yet, go get one! Honestly, these things help for everything! They can help clear a cold, help you to relax, and of course make your bedroom smell amazing. They look nice on your nightstand, too.

26. Sleep aid supplements

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For those difficult nights when you just cannot seem to switch off, some people like to have a helping hand by using sleep aid supplements. What better place to keep these than on your nightstand? After all, getting up out of bed is the last thing you need when you’re trying to fall asleep.

27. Eye drops

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Eye drops can be a real life saver. Whether you suffer from allergies, itchy eyes, dry eyes or if you’re recovering from an infection. The problem is remembering to keep on top of your dosage! Having them in plain sight helps you to remember, and you can apply them in the comfort of your bed.

28. A favorite stuffed animal or comfort item

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Come on, admit it. There’s probably that one stuffed toy or object (maybe a blanket?) that you’ve had since you were a baby, which you just can’t part with even in adulthood. Now, some people have no shame and still keep them in their beds with them. But most of the time, you’ll find them on the bedside.

29. TV remote control

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Watching television in bed is one of life’s guilty pleasures. Lazy Sundays, slow mornings, or sick days call for some binging in bed. It defeats the point if you’ve got to keep getting up to change the channel! TV remotes should always be kept on your nightstand for ease.

30. Old tickets or documents

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If you’re anything like me, you probably hold onto old concert tickets or important documents for way longer than you need to. They end up in a drawer in my nightstand, where they will live until there’s no room to physically fit anything else in and I’m forced to get rid.

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