The Worst Ways Someone Can End A Relationship

By Milli 7 months ago

1. Ghosting Them

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Ghosting is the term for simply ceasing communication without an explanation. Brutal right? It is one of the most savage ways to break up with someone as it leaves them heartbroken with a lot of unanswered questions. There is nothing worse than being taken by surprise with something like this.

2. Cheating On Them

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Cheating is a common reason for people breaking up, either by the person cheated on because they're so hurt or by the person doing the cheating as they realised they are not happy. Either way, it's a very hurtful way to end a relationship. It can leave people with long-lasting trust issues that they carry into future relationships.

3. By Text Message

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How cold can you be? Breaking up with someone over text message is the cowards way out. We know ending a relationship is never a comfortable conversation to have, but you owe it to the other party to show them some respect. Breaking up with someone over text message is very impersonal and will leave the other person feeling very hurt.

4. During A Fight

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We've all been there. Sometimes in the heat of the moment, you just want to say what might hurt them the most. We would still recommend not throwing the word 'break up' around. You can't be thinking clearly in these situations and the other person will feel extremely caught off guard and hurt.

5. Through A Friend

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You should never get someone else to do your dirty work, that's a fact. It will put your friend in a very uncomfortable position but it will also let your partner know that you actually have no respect for their feelings. The least you can do is tell them yourself and explain your reasons.

6. Just Before An Event

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You might have come to a decision and really want to get it off your chest, but please don't do it right before a special event. It can be very inconsiderate and ruin their plans. There really is a time and a place and right before a birthday party is not it. It just causes them extra unnecessary stress.

7. Insulting Them

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There is never any need to be nasty. Even when breaking up with someone. So don't insult them and say hurtful comments, it makes you look bad. You have cared for this person at some point, no matter the situation now, so don't leave them feeling worthless and hurt for longer than they need to be.

8. "It's Not You, It's Me"

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No one wants to hear this. And no one will believe you anyway. It's insensitive and lazy to use such a cliché excuse to break up with someone. Own it and give them the truth, whether you want to or not. People need closure and you need to allow them to move on in the future.

9. Getting Caught In The Act

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Letting your partner catch you cheating is one way to end a relationship, but it won't be a nice one. Not only is that an absolutely devastating thing to find out, there will be no amicable conversation to be had afterwards. They will hate you probably forever and there's every chance their reaction won't be a nice one.

10. Doing It In Public

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Unless you're doing it purely for your own safety, like ending a toxic relationship, then breaking up with someone in public is never okay. They will probably be upset and embarrassed and don't need any extra pairs of eyes looking at them. Do them a favour and have the conversation in private.

11. Lying About It

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You need to at least be honest about the reason for your decision. Don't start making excuses and lying about it, it's cowardly and it's confusing for the other person. You will be surprised how much more understanding people can be if they can actually see where you're coming from.

12. With A Phone Call

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Breaking up with someone by phone call may be controversial. Yes, it is more personal than a text message, but there is still no guarantee you can express your feelings properly over text. A face to face conversation is still the best way to avoid miscommunication and any unaddressed feelings.

13. Via Social Media

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We use social media for a lot these days, but it definitely shouldn't be used for a break up. That could be a messaging app that we have already covered, but it also means don't just change your facebook status with no notice! Finding out you're single from your partner's facebook status is savage.

14. Just Disappearing

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You could cause someone some real long-term damage if you just disappear with no explanation. It is an extremely confusing situation and can also be very worrying for the person involved if you just suddenly decide to stop turning up. Be the bigger person and explain yourself.

15. Ignoring Them

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Never leave someone hanging. It's immature and very cruel. You never know how your actions may impact this person in the long-term, for example carrying these feelings of rejection into future relationships. You owe them an explanation, so don't just ignore their pleas.

16. Blaming Them

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A relationship is a two-way street and rarely is it one person's fault for a break up. You certainly shouldn't be placing the blame on them while breaking up with them (no matter how you might feel in the moment). Always try and be mature about the situation and keep it brief before it turns nasty.

17. By Email

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Very similar to text message, email is also an unacceptable way to break up with someone. It shows a lack of care for that person and it can leave the dumpee feeling dismissed and unable to ask questions which can lead to a lot of frustration. Everyone deserves a face to face conversation.

18. "We Can Still Be Friends"

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No. No, you can't. So don't give them false hope. No one can remain friends after a break up without it becoming complicated. Especially if you're doing the dumping, don't leave them with any doubt that the door is closed and won't be reopening. It will only come back to bite you.

19. "I Need Space"

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What a vague and frustrating thing to hear. Does this mean you might get back together in the future after your 'space'? Don't use this excuse when breaking up with someone. You need to be clear about your reasons and also clear that this is a final decision and no amount of space will fix it.

20. Getting Someone Else To Do It

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You might think getting someone that they know to do the breaking up is a good idea, but it really isn't. It shows a lack of care and really the very least you can do is actually show up to the break up conversation! They will probably have questions that only you can answer.

21. Using A Post-It Note

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You would like to think people don't do this, but we have heard that people have! Ending a relationship with a note on a post-it is the ultimate smack in the face. It demonstrates a huge lack of compassion and will no doubt hurt the other person's feelings. You can except an angry response from the other party here.

22. Moving On Immediately

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Dumping someone and then moving on the next day is not classy. It also suggests that something might have been going on behind the scenes (whether it was or wasn't) and that can lead to some pretty dark feelings for the other party. Show some respect and wait a little while before moving on.

23. The Slow Fade

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Ghosting is one thing, but the slow fade means you are slowly removing yourself from someone's life. It's like hinting at breaking up but not actually doing it. It sounds like torture. Dragging out a break up is not fair to either party, so make up your mind and stop causing them pain.

24. Blindsiding Them

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It is actually really difficult to move on from a relationship if you had no idea the end was coming. It's not quite as common, but this is why it is so important to be clear about your feelings to your partner, otherwise they are left feeling confused and hurt and not quite sure what's hit them.

25. By Picking A Fight

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Don't just start a fight with someone thinking that you can just drop the bomb in the heat of the moment. This is still very much blindsiding your partner. Plus, if they find out that you manipulated the situation they are likely to be very, VERY angry.

26. During A Romantic Evening

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There's nothing like setting the mood for a nice, romantic evening... and then getting dumped. Read the room. Just because they might be in a good mood after a nice meal out doesn't mean they can handle a break up. It can also be very misleading if you have just spent an evening acting like a couple.

27. Whilst Intoxicated

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Alcohol may seem like it's going to give you a bit of liquid courage, but it won't come across as very respectful to your partner. It also doesn't mean that you won't regret it afterwards, as it's possible that you might do, but also very possible that your partner won't take you back.

28. After You've Made A Big Joint Purchase

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Buying a house or getting a puppy together is a very big commitment. Not a commitment you should make if there is even the slightest of doubt in your mind about your relationship. You don't want to be bringing your new puppy home and it making you realise that you've made a huge mistake. It won't just be your feelings you're hurting...

29. Beating Around The Bush

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We know it's a very awkward conversation to have, but you still need to make sure you are clear and to the point. Leave no room for misinterpretation. You want to be nice about it, but don't beat around the bush so much that you never actually get to the point!

30. Give Them False Hope

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NEVER leave them with false hope. This is why doing it in person and being clear about your feelings is the best way. Don't try to soften the blow by suggesting there could be potential in the future, just to never speak to them again. It's better to be honest from the start so you can both move on.

31. Here people share their stories of the worst ways they were dumped! He stopped sharing his location with me

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"My FIANCE and I lived together and had our locations shared with each other on our iPhones. I was at work one day... I noticed he had stopped sharing his location with me. I kept calling him for him to finally tell me a few hours later 'he couldn't do this anymore and didn't know how to leave'..."

32. He told me he had a terminal illness

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"I had a guy I was only dating for a little while tell me he had terminal cancer and couldn't see me anymore because he didn't have much time left. I didn't really believe him but he did seem to vanish off the face of the world... until a few years later I bumped into him."

33. He broke up with me after we put a limo deposit down

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"This guy I dated my senior year of high school decided to break up with me after we had put a deposit down on a limo for prom... He openly admitted this other girl he had a crush on since third grade said she would have s*x with him if he went to prom with her instead... So he broke up with me and refused to refund me for my portion of the limo."

34. A Snapchat breakup for my best friend

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"The first time I was ever broken up with... this guy straight up messaged me on Snapchat in the middle of the night while I was out with friends saying it just wasn't working. Next day I saw him out and about with my best friend at the time. They've been together for like two years now."

35. Right before Valentine's Day

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"We were high school sweethearts and had been dating for four years... He dumped me over the phone literally two hours after calling and telling me how much he loved me... Worst part is that I was leaving straight from class to go to the airport... to see him for Valentine's Day weekend and I couldn't refund the ticket."

36. He wanted to string me along

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"I got ghosted after seven months. When I finally got ahold of him, he told me that he had never loved me, he just wanted to see how long he could string me along." As if the faking love wasn't bad enough, the ghosting comes in as the top worst way you can break up with someone!

37. He made his mom break up with me

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"After seven years, he ghosted me. His disappearance left me confused and broken. Some months later, I received a Facebook message from his mother 'breaking up' with me on my ex's (her son) behalf. Pathetic." Ghosting someone after even a week is bad enough, but
seven years
? And shame on the mom for not ordering her son to do the dirty work himself...

38. He used a family trip to test his feelings

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"He was acting odd for a week or two before we headed halfway across the country to see my family... He was a d**k the entire trip, then he broke up with me the day after we got back... he legitimately ruined my trip. He said he was using the trip to see 'if he still had feelings for me.'"

39. After the company picnic

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"Dating two and a half years, with some talk of the next steps. Spent the day at a company picnic, meeting all his coworkers... That night laying in bed, he springs it on me: 'I've been thinking that this isn't going to work anymore' and that he's been thinking about it for a few months."

40. He listed all my faults

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"My ex and I had been together for almost two years when he brought up the idea of marriage. He said it was about time for us and even got a second job to save up for a ring and had this big plan to propose to me on my upcoming 30th... A few days before my birthday he said he wasn't ready and basically listed all my faults to why not..."

41. Immediately after s*x

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"He came over one night, we had s*x, and right after he finished, he broke up with me. No explanation. Just said he thought we weren't a good fit. As if he didn't know that before s*x?! Then he took the TV he gave me with him when he left immediately following that brief conversation..."

42. He dumped me in our hotel room

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"He came to visit me at the end of our program and we were super excited because we had planned it out to be very romantic. He dumped me there in our hotel room because apparently after six years together... he didn't think I was right for him and didn't love me. This was like two days before Christmas..."

43. I got a call from his wife

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"He just basically ghosted me. Didn't reply to my texts, never once called me back. Then I got a call from his wife, who I had no idea even existed." We hope that there's more to this story and that his wife left him after learning the truth, too! Hopefully both women are well shut of him!

44. I told him I loved him - he told me he didn't love me

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"I got up the courage to tell my now ex-boyfriend that I loved him, and he came back with 'I don't love you and don't know if I ever will.' Then he told all of our friends I broke his heart. Obviously, I was blindsided, or I would have never told him in the first place. It was a lovely way to spend Christmas."

45. After buying a house together

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"A five minute phone call... after buying a house together... after 14 years together!" Seriously, ghosting is bad enough, but how do these people willingly make the choice to
buy a house
knowing they don't want to be together anymore? We hope the dumped person kept the house!

46. He treated me poorly in the hope I'd dump him

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"After almost four years, I kind of got a feeling that he wasn't into it anymore... The place we shared got messier and messier, he would be out all night, just all around cold to me... I had had enough and finally talked to him about it. He said he was hoping that I would dump HIM if he treated me poorly enough so he wouldn't have to do it."

47. He believed a lie that I cheated on him

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"I met my ex through work... Someone we'd worked with then told him that I was cheating on him with someone else at work, but instead of giving me a chance to talk to him about it he literally just ghosted me. He wouldn't pick up the phone or text me back, changed the locks and even refused to give all my stuff to his housemate to give back to me."

48. Because I wasn't blonde

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"I was with a guy for a few years and he came to my apartment to dump me because "you'll never be my blonde haired, blue eyed dream girl" like I hadn't had dark hair and brown eyes throughout our whole relationship." Seriously, how can these guys be so shallow!

49. He had his friends break up with me

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"My first real boyfriend had his friends call and break up with me. Then he refused to get on the phone and talk to me." We get why breaking up with someone takes serious courage, but getting not just one but SOME of your friends to do it? As a group? The person must have been mortified!

50. Because I got ill

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"I had a gall bladder attack and spent two days in the hospital, then a week at home to recuperate... My bf of three years never called to check on me... He then came to my house with his 7 year old brother (!) to tell me I was too much stress for him with my illness and we were breaking up."

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