Things Every Woman Does When They First Get Their Heart Broken

By Lauren Mccluskey 7 months ago

1. Experiencing heartbreak

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Experiencing heartbreak is an emotional journey, but there is not really one specific way that women or men cope with it.  Heartbreak is so deeply personal and everyone experiences it and copes with it in their own unique way.  Despite this, though, there are some common things that people might go through when they first get their hearts broken.

2. Cry

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First of all, the emotional response to heartbreak might see a woman shed a few tears.  And this is a completely normal and natural response to this emotional journey.  This might happen often or just at the very beginning, but it's often down to them grieving the loss of their relationship or something else that has caused them heartbreak.

3. Seek emotional support

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As women go through this emotional and tough time whilst they're essentially grieving, they might choose to turn to loved ones, including friends and family members for emotional support in order to help them to get through this period of heartbreak.

4. Digital reminders

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As with any relationship, they might hold a number of digital reminders within their smartphones or other devices, including photographs, videos, and messages.  So they might choose to go through their files and delete these digital reminders of the relationship which can help with their healing.

5. Social media detox

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As they go through their digital reminders, they might also choose to have a social media detox, perhaps after deleting certain images and messages.  Detoxing from social media and taking a well-needed break is thought to help people avoid painful reminders of what they've just lost.  Not only this but it stops you from scrolling endlessly, checking what the other person is up to.

6. Start journaling

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Women might start journaling during periods of heartache.  This means that they might write down their thoughts and feelings each day and make this a habit.  This can really help with being more self-aware and unpacking certain emotions and feelings, as well as be a really therapeutic and healthy activity.

7. Find distractions

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It's natural to want to forget the grief and the painful memories for a little while, especially at the beginning when you're not ready to face your feelings just yet.  One way many people do this is through finding distractions, perhaps starting a new or old hobby, socializing with friends, rewatching your favorite movie, or starting a new TV series.

8. Rewatch TV shows

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Rewatching your favorite TV shows and movies can be incredibly comforting as well as a good distraction for a short spell.  When you rewatch things that you love, you can find comfort in knowing what's going to happen in the show and you've not really got any surprises.  This is why many people choose this activity during painful periods in their lives.

9. Spend time with loved ones

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Many women choose to surround themselves with loved ones during painful seasons of their lives such as heartbreak, whether it's trusted friends or family members.  This allows them to either distract themselves from the painful feelings as well as get emotional support from them should they need it.

10. Reconnect with hobbies

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Just like rewatching old TV shows and movies can be comforting, so can reconnecting with old hobbies.  Rediscovering your interests and passions can be incredibly comforting so many women choose to do this when they're going through heartbreak.  They can also serve as a distraction whilst still remaining productive.

11. Physical activity

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Exercise is great for your health and can help to release feelings of stress, as well as boost your mood.  This is why many women choose to engage in physical activity during this painful and emotional time.  And this can be a great distraction, as long as it's not done to excess.

12. Travel

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Some women choose to take a trip or go traveling for a period after experiencing heartbreak.  This might help with the pain and the grieving of a breakup because a change of scenery can really help them gain some perspective on the situation and therefore help them deal with their healing.

13. Changes

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Making changes to your life, even if it's something small like getting a brand new haircut, can act as a symbol for a fresh start.  There are many changes that women may make to their lives to help them reset and this has the potential to give them a fresh and positive outlook on the future.

14. Start something new

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As well as making certain changes to their lives, however small, women might also choose to start something new too.  This could be a new hobby, a new project, a personal goal, or something else.  Channeling your energy into something new might serve as a good distraction and symbolize a new beginning.

15. Read self-help books

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Some women initially turn to self-help literature, reading books that provide advice and guidance to help them cope with the pain of their heartbreak.  They might not even be physical books but perhaps social media pages dedicated to providing support for women who are going through an emotional journey.

16. Learn something new

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Some women choose to learn something completely new.  Something that they have never done or even thought of doing before.  This is because it can feel incredibly empowering to expand your skills and knowledge, as well as provide a productive distraction.

17. Write letters

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Sometimes, women choose to write letters to their ex-partners, even if they don't actually send them to them.  Writing down thoughts and feelings can be incredibly therapeutic and even if they're not intended to be read, the act of writing can help with healing.  Some women even choose to let those thoughts and feelings go by ceremoniously ripping their letters up or even burning them.

18. Purge

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Getting rid of belongings from your home that remind you of your relationship can help with your healing as you are not left with constant reminders of it if it's not there.  Making changes in the home environment, like purging belongings and reminders, can reflect a fresh start.

19. Rearrange

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But you don't have to get rid of belongings to help with the healing process.  In fact, many women have reported that simply rearranging their furniture can help with their heartbreak journey.  This way, you can still get that fresh start feeling without having to lose belongings because your house looks different.

20. Socialize

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Socializing is something else that many women choose to do when their relationship ends.  This means that they're not only surrounding themselves with support and distractions, but perhaps they're doing something that they've not done whilst they've been in a relationship and it can feel like they're asserting independence.

21. Join support groups

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Sometimes, women might not want to share their true feelings honestly with their loved ones because they might not be able to find the words, especially if their loved ones knew and were fond of their ex-partner.  So they might choose to join support groups either online or in person with people who are going through similar experiences and can relate.

22. Volunteer

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Volunteering to help others, as well as taking part in acts of kindness can really help to boost your self-esteem and create a sense of purpose in life.  It might also be a new experience symbolizing a fresh start so many women choose to do this at the beginning of their heartbreak to help them to heal.

23. Seek professional help

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Sometimes, women choose to seek professional help during this tough and painful period in their lives.  They might want to speak to someone who is completely impartial and can provide useful guidance without emotion.  Many women therefore choose to reach out to a therapist or counselor to work through their emotional pain.

24. Therapy

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Many women choose to reach out to a therapist, seeking professional help during their heartbreak to navigate complex and painful emotions with someone who is impartial and experienced, rather than a family member or a friend who might have your best interests at heart but they aren't always helpful with this things.  This might be an online or in-person therapist.

25. Reflection

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Initially, when a woman embarks on an emotional journey of heartbreak or a painful breakup, they might begin straight away by reflecting on their relationship, spending time thinking about what went wrong and what they've learned.  Sometimes, people might wait a little while before they start to think about this as it might just be too painful to begin straight away.

26. Mindfulness

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Some women might practice mindfulness and meditation to help them to manage their overwhelming emotions.  This might be a completely new practice to them or they might be experienced already.  Mindfulness can come in many shapes and forms so you might work through a few practices until you find the one that works for you.

27. Self-care

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Even though it might be difficult at first, especially when you're working through painful emotions and reflecting on what happened to cause your heartbreak, self-care might fall by the wayside.  However many women try to prioritize self-care to help with their healing.  Simple things like taking a bubble bath or simply relaxing can go a long way.

28. Plan for the future

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When your world feels like it has changed, it can be hard to look to the future with positivity initially.  But many women plan for their future, setting new goals and aspirations for their lives.  These can provide you with a new perspective, motivation, and hope.

29. Embrace independence

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Many women find that they like their new independence because it allows them to rediscover their sense of self and identity outside of their relationship.  Embracing independence can be incredibly freeing and empowering and this is why many women choose this after heartbreak.

30. Acceptance and healing

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Healing and heartbreak is a hugely individualized and personal process and it's important to know that there is no rule book or right way to cope with it.  The most crucial aspect of the journey, though, is to give yourself time and space to heal, seek support when you need it and, ultimately, work towards acceptance, forgiveness, and healing as time passes.

31. Signs he's going to break your heart: he doesn't like labels

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If he's showing an unwillingness to call you his girlfriend, his partner, his date or even to say he's in a relationship, even after you've been dating for a while, it's a sure-fire sign he's not down for the long haul and is ultimately going to break your heart when he tells you he's looking for something else!

32. He makes excuses not to meet your family

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Meeting each other's families is the next big step in a relationship when you're serious about it, so if he's forever wriggling out of every chance to meet your family and keeps coming up with excuses, it's a sign he's planning ahead and thinking about breaking up (so no need to meet your family!).

33. You never know if he's going to be on or off with you

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You might feel you can't keep up with his moodswings, because depending on the day you talk to him, he might either be happily spending time with you, or else cold and distant. This can be a sign he's switching between moods because he doesn't know what he wants.

34. He doesn't make you a priority

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If he's no longer making time for you or thinking of you as something happening in the background, it's a sign he's already mentally and emotionally checked out. He doesn't prioritize you or the relationship because he's already decided it doesn't have a future - and maybe trying to make you break up with him first.

35. He keeps dropping hints about how he's not the one for you

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Does he keep making weird comments about how you deserve better, or asking you if this is what you want? He won't be outright saying he doesn't want to be in a relationship, and instead saying things like 'You deserve someone better', 'Are you sure this is what you want?'

36. He isn't willing to open up to you

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Expressing your feelings, communicating properly and sharing your desires all takes a lot of work - but it's worth it for a relationship you care about. Someone who isn't willing to open up to you like that is likely not in it for the long haul, so they don't see the point of sharing.

37. He acts single with other people

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You might have told yourself you're just being jealous or overthinking, but the reality is if he's flirting with everyone he meets and acting as though he's single without mentioning a partner, it's a sign in his mind he is single - and he's keeping his options open for other people he's interested in.

38. He's a compulsive liar

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Someone like this, who just can't seem to tell the truth no matter what, it ultimately going to break your heart because it's just not going to work if he's telling lies all the time - no matter how big or small. This will result in no trust and you feeling paranoid or anxious.

39. He's never there when you need him

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If he isn't offering a support system for you now, it doesn't bode well for the future. Your partner should be exactly that - through thick and thin. So if he doesn't make the effort to be there when you need him, it's disrespectful - and in time, it's going to be bad enough to end things.

40. He's still actively in touch with his ex

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That isn't to say you can't still be friends with an ex in certain circumstances, but if he's still texting them in a way that seems like they still have something going on, it could be that you're a rebound and he's still hoping that he might get with his ex at some point.

41. He waits for you to make plans

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If there's no get-up-and-go about him when it comes to deciding what to do together, even make plans for the weekend ahead, it's a sign you're just a bonus to him - he doesn't mind being with you and he'll enjoy it if you make plans with him, but he's not going to lift a finger because he can take it or leave it.

42. He avoids questions about the future

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If you've been together a while and you're trying to coax information out of him about how he feels regarding living together, moving, getting married, raising a family - even getting a pet - and he's never ready to give you a straight answer, he's obviously wriggling out of it for a deeper reason.

43. Any problems are your fault (according to him)

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If you bring up any issues about the relationship (and probably the fact that he's been distant or making it feel like you don't have a future) he's going to blame you for it. He's blaming you because that's easier than admitting that he's the problem - and he's not invested enough to deal with that.

44. He panics when you're near his phone

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That isn't to say you're ever going to go through it or even touch it, but does he have a severe anxiety attack when he realizes his phone is on the seat next to you when he left it there, far too close for comfort? It could be a sign he's hiding something, like notifications you might see.

45. All conversations are superficial

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If he's inevitably going to break your heart because he's not in it for the long haul, then you might also find all conversations are light and airy, and never deep or meaningful. He's not willing to broach the big topics, because what's the point? He's only with you - for now - for fun.

46. He's spending more time away

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You can usually tell when someone is making plans to break up with you, because they pull away. They might start going out without you more, taking more and more time to answer messages or even going on 'business trips' or weekends away with friends without you.

47. You've noticed a change in s*x

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It might have all been amazing at first, but now it feels like it was too much all at once, or too good to be true. This could be a sign he was with you for a more physical relationship than long term, so if that physical intimacy has started to fizzle out, he could be looking opportunities to move on.

48. You've had to put your personal life on hold

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If everything you've ever done - both you personally, and as a couple - is for the benefit of their hopes and dreams, it's a sign he doesn't respect what you need, and might even be using you to benefit his own goals. This can make the heartbreak even worse in the end if you've cut off a lot of your own personal life for the sake of him.

49. You've realized you're putting up with his bad behavior

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There are some compromises you have to make in a relationship, but it should never be putting up with him treating you less than you deserve. If you've come to realize that's all you're ever doing, it doesn't have a future - both because you should put a stop to it, and he doesn't respect you enough to change!

50. The rose-tinted glasses have come off

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It's very easy to romanticize or idealize your partner in the very beginning during the honeymoon period - but now you're realizing all those 'quirks' aren't as good as you first thought they were. It can be a downward spiral once you see him for what he really is and it's likely not going to get better if he's not interested in being the perfect partner.

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