1. Eating messy food like nobody's business
image source: reddit.com
It's such a balancing act when it comes to women, their food and what a man thinks - half the time it's the impossible standard of 'I want a woman who loves food, but she also has to not be dangerously obese'. Anyway, turns out men do find it attractive when you make a mess with chicken wings all over your face. Just sayin'.
2. Being masculine
image source: reddit.com
Most women would expect a man to want the more feminine 'perfect hourglass' figure, but it's not the case. All men like different things, of course, but apparently being more 'butch' and masculine is a huge (quite literally) green tick. Some men like women with a lot of muscle!
3. Not wanting to go out
image source: reddit.com
You don't have to be that extroverted social butterfly you thought that every man might want - turns out, men like it when women want to stay in and do absolutely nothing. It gets expensive and energy-draining going out all the time, to be fair, so it's a win win really.
4. Eyes doing their own thing
image source: reddit.com
Here's what one guy had to say: "I don't want to say
crossed eyes, but have you seen Kristen Bell's eyes? Well whatever her eyes are considered. I feel like they're a tiny bit crossed, and whenever I meet a girl with a slightly lazy eye, I'm instantly attracted. I don't even want to say
lazy eye though, more like
unmotivated eye." So there you have it.
5. Not having social media
image source: reddit.com
If you've been wasting so much time and energy trying to make your social media profiles look cool so 'he'll' notice them, and uploading regular selfies, stop right there - turns out, to some men it's more attractive if you don't have social media at all because it means you're not overly... well, social.
6. Not being a clean freak
image source: reddit.com
Maybe this one isn't too surprising, because of course men are going to like it when we're not complaining about picking up THEIR dirty laundry off the floor. But anyway, men apparently appreciate a woman who's tidy enough, but not overly tidy that she's okay with a little chaos sometimes.
7. Being a single mom
image source: reddit.com
Absolutely not saying this is a 'weird trait', it's more that society has conditioned us to think that being a single mother equals baggage in the dating pool that can put a lot of guys off. For some men, it's actually a turn on - because it shows you can handle responsibility!
8. The stomach podge
image source: reddit.com
Stop doing those stomach crunches right now, because stomach podge is in. Not all men want a toned stomach, and definitely not washboard abs. That stomach podge women try to hide so often, especially around that time of the month, is actually a big green muffin-top shaped tick!
9. Driving a terrible car
image source: reddit.com
"Obviously gorgeous women who drive a crappy car. I don't know why, I don't really understand it, maybe it's a social status thing? Either way, there's nothing sexier than the thought of like, Adriana Lima in a 1997 Geo Metro." And in case you didn't know, Adriana Lima is a Victoria's Secret model!
10. Good bone structure (but not where you think)
image source: reddit.com
Turns out some men aren't bothered about you having the perfect side profile, a straight nose or perfect jawline - they're more interested in your prominent clavicles! So you might want to start wearing lower-cut tops for a different reason: namely, showing off your collarbone.
11. Talking with your hands
image source: reddit.com
Are you someone who's constantly almost hitting the person next to them in the face when you're talking because you're so animated with your hands? Have you been thinking all this time it's an annoying trait you need to stop? Don't worry, because apparently talking all flappy with your hands is adorable in some men's eyes!
12. Women who wear hats: fedoras, specifically
image source: reddit.com
Think how much time you've been spending on your hair, hair color and hair style... only to find you could have been wearing a hat this whole time to impress that guy you like! There's apparently something about fedoras specifically, too (but we get it, they're a sexy hat!).
13. Being a magician
image source: reddit.com
"Random talents. Female magicians are my kryptonite. Not the beautiful assistants wearing a gown, but an actual woman doing full-blown tricks. That's just one example though. If a girl can moonwalk or throw food and catch it in her mouth or shuffle cards well - instant turn-on."
14. Stretch marks
image source: reddit.com
Once again, definitely not staying the stretch marks are weird - but thanks to social media filters, we've been made to believe that things like stretch marks and cellulite are a no-no. So if you wanted to hear it from a man: "Stretch marks, I swear. I don't know why they're so frowned upon, but I like them in the same way people seem to like freckles or whatever."
15. Not only lip jobs - but bad ones!
image source: reddit.com
If you're feeling the pressure to get a lip job these days, ladies, and are worried about it going wrong, the good news is some men will like it whether it's a success or a failure! "Bad lip jobs, which more or less appears to be every lip job. Don't know what it is about permanent duck status, but I like it."
16. Being a potbellied pig
image source: reddit.com
"A woman with a round, potbelly. Not necessarily pregnant, but also not necessarily
not pregnant. As long as the look is there, baby or not it reels me in." So apparently it's a good day for people with muffin-top bloating, stretch marks and/or being pregnant single moms. Great!
17. Being a nerd - but an actual nerd
image source: reddit.com
A lot of women think the nerdy glasses look is a good thing in the eyes of men - go for hot teacher look - but it's more than that. A lot of men are attracted to actual, certifiable nerds: "Not just scantily clad, big, black frame glasses wearing chicks, but legitimate nerds. The ones that know HTML."
18. A lady in camouflage
image source: reddit.com
"Military women. We always hear about 'men in uniform' being considered attractive, but a lady in some camouflage makes me feel all tingly." Let's hope the camouflage isn't too successful that you can't actually see the woman to know how attractive she is, though!
19. Being ridiculously clumsy
image source: reddit.com
Turns out Bella Swan was onto something, ladies! "Clumsiness. Like a mild, woman version of Steve Urkel. Tripping, spilling things, knocking stuff over. Weird, but I like it." So it's a great day for the clumsy ones. That doesn't mean you should go pushing stuff over on purpose like a disgruntled cat, though.
20. Huge foreheads
image source: reddit.com
Have you been growing out bangs this whole time to try and cover what you think is a far too big forehead? It's time to love yourself! "Fiveheads. Maybe Rihanna triggered this for me? I don't know, but I've dated like, three straight girls with large foreheads." So now you just need to find this guy.
21. Fuzzy back hair
image source: reddit.com
Do you even know whether you have any? It's rare we get an up-close-and-personal look at our own backs, but most women will have a bit of fuzz somewhere. Turns up, this is a very specific turn on for some guys out there... "Back hair, but like, not a beastly amount. That fuzz on women's lower back is sexy though."
22. Laughing ridiculously loud
image source: reddit.com
If you've been despairing because your shrieking laugh usually clears out the entire building, or you try your hardest to cover up your mouth when you laugh - LET IT ALL OUT. This goes without saying whether a guy likes it or not, but it's a bonus to know some men out there actually love loud laughers.
23. Potty humor
image source: reddit.com
"This is going to sound crazy, but girls who joke about poop and gross stuff. A good sense of potty humor or at least being open about burps, farts and the sounds our bodies make is a nice change from those who treat it like an unspeakable subject." Hallelujah! We're all humans, after all.
24. Crooked teeth
image source: reddit.com
Cancel that dentist appointment, ladies, if you only booked it in the hope of attracting a man - because there are men out there who not only don't mind crooked teeth, but actually pinpoint them as a very specific turn-on! At the end of the day, a smile's a smile, and that's what's more important!
25. Being able to mount a TV
image source: reddit.com
"I recently saw my best friend's girlfriend's friend hook up an entire TV system. I was going to help but she insisted she had it under control. Within 20 minutes she had mounted a TV, sorted through the cords of an Xbox360 & a cable box, and had the entire thing up and running. So, I guess seeing a woman handle things that are traditionally done by a man."
26. Body hair
image source: reddit.com
A woman's body hair - or lack of - are her own business, of course. You either want to be completely shaved or you want to be all natural - both are valid! When it comes to men, most women have been trained to think they want a smooth body like a seal, but turns out a lot of men are attracted to body hair.
27. Potty mouths
image source: reddit.com
So not just potty humor, but potty mouths as well! Women swear too, shock horror, we know... but rather than get told it's not 'ladylike', some men will even say it's a big turn on for them. "A lot of people I know are turned off by women who drop f-bombs or whatever but I could watch Chelsea Handler go on explicit rants all day."
28. Being extremely awkward
image source: reddit.com
Forget about all those guys that say confidence is one of the most attractive traits in a women, because there's a man out there for everyone, and if you're extremely awkward, there's one for you, too. Some guys like awkward women that get extremely uncomfortable in most situations! Pretty much because it makes them feel like the "normal" one.
29. Having spots and blemishes
image source: reddit.com
"So not like intense acne, but for some strange reason I like a few blemishes and spots. Maybe because it just shows that she's human or something?" Is this another impossible beauty standard, though? Like it's okay to have spots as long as you don't have TOO many. Then it's not good. As though it's in a woman's control. Still... good to know!
30. Big honkers
image source: reddit.com
If you're someone with a big nose, it's likely you'd had it pointed out to you at some point - probably that mean kid at school - which affected your confidence with it as an adult. Turns out some guys aren't into that cut button nose look - they like a big nose, the bigger the better!