1. For saying NO
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As a woman, we feel pressure from so many different avenues at all times to always say yes. Never feel guilty for saying no, no matter what capacity it is in. And never feel guilty for saying no or turning a man down and refusing his advances at any time. Say no to whatever the heck you want to and don't apologize about it!
2. For being a 'tomboy' or 'girly' or whatever you want to be
Image source: Reddit
Women are put into so many brackets, and women are told which ones are 'socially acceptable'. Ignore all of this and don't apologize for being you. Be the 'girly' girl if that's what you like, be as 'tomboyish' as you want, or any way you feel like, no matter what people try to say.
3. For choosing to be single
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'What's a nice girl like you single for?'...perhaps because as a woman I chose to be single because I wanted to. As women, we're expected to have a stable relationship with a guy that we're planning to settle down with. You'll face questions when you're single, and don't feel apologetic in replying with a simple 'I want to be single!'
4. For pursuing your career and dreams
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Don't let anybody tell you that you can't pursue your career or that your dreams should come secondary to the conventional paths that people might expect or want you to follow. Go and chase your dreams without feeling any regrets and without any guilt.
5. How many romantic encounters you've had
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It's absolutely nobody else's business how many romantic encounters you have had...despite the fact that society or certain people will try and make you feel otherwise. If you want to share this information then go ahead, if you don't want to tell anyone then don't...whatever you do just don't apologize!
6. For having emotional days
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As a woman you go through so many ups and downs...and we have hormones and the time of the month to contend with! Nobody can blame us for not being super happy all the time. So if you're feeling down or emotional, it's normal and it's nothing to apologize about.
7. Being assertive
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For some reason when a man is assertive, it's a good thing. But, when a woman knows her own mind and is assertive she's called 'bossy', 'aggressive', or 'manly'. Don't listen to this negativity and instead of feeling guilty, be proud that you stand up for yourself and what you believe.
8. For not wearing makeup, or wearing a lot of makeup
Image source: Reddit
A woman who rocks up with no makeup is sometimes called scruffy or even penalized for not having made an effort, despite the fact she just doesn't want to wear makeup. On the contrary, women are also called all sorts of names when they choose to apply a glam makeup look. There's no winning...be confident in whatever you choose.
9. Making mistakes as a mother
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If you're a mother, you're going to make mistakes along the way because that's life, and we're all human. Humans are imperfect and nobody goes through life without making mistakes along the way. Don't feel like you should apologize for this, you're doing your best which is enough!
10. For your body
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Your body is amazing and it's a vessel that allows you to live and do all the things you want to do. Be confident in your body no matter what shape or size. Whether you're slim, curvy, small-boobed, or big-boobed, each and every body is beautiful and NOTHING to apologize or feel guilty for.
11. For putting your needs first
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Nobody else is going to put your needs first, so you have to. This is nothing to apologize for. Sometimes as women, we're expected to look after everyone's needs first and make sure everyone else is okay. But it's good to put your needs first sometimes!
12. For being an independent woman
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Independent women are boss women, and it's a great thing for a woman to be reliant on herself and have her own things going on. Never feel the need to apologize to anybody for being independent or not feeling the need to have or rely on somebody else.
13. Making more money than a man
Image source: Reddit
What is it about a woman making a lot of money that men find intimidating or emasculating? Instead of being proud of a woman's achievement, she is often shamed as though she is hurting the male sex rather than praised for her success. Don't feel like you have to apologize for your financial freedom!
14. For dating as much as you want...or as little
Image source: Reddit
Enjoy the dating scene as much as you like. Have a date lined up every night if that's what you want to do, don't let anyone shame you, and DON'T apologize. And, if you don't want to date at all, that's equally your choice and nobody else's business to interfere in!
15. For acting exactly how you want
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You do not have to act a certain way, you don't always have to 'act lady-like (whatever that even means) or act in a way that's seen as socially acceptable in terms of societal expectations. Be you and act how you want. This is something to be proud of, not be apologetic for.
16. Your bodily functions!
Image source: Reddit
Okay, ladies, why is it that society sets us up with such unrealistic standards that we aren't even able to admit that we actually have bodily functions, the very thing that keeps us alive? It's as though society thinks 'How dare a woman poop', or at the very least, they expect us to hide it!
17. For people giving you attention
Image source: Reddit
Bizarrely and wrongly, women are often told what they should wear or how they should present themselves to stop attracting 'the wrong kind of attention'. But we all know that's just as ridiculous as it sounds. Receiving attention has nothing to do with you, so don't feel guilty about it!
18. Saying what you mean
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You don't need to limit what you say or go along with something that you don't agree with because you don't want to seem rude or impolite. And you don't need to try and constantly please other people at the expense of what you think. Say what you mean and don't be ashamed of it.
19. For not being 'domesticated'
Image source: Reddit
Thankfully we've moved on from the past and women now have more choices than being the homemaker. And if you want to be a homemaker there's nothing wrong with that at all. Equally, if you're a terrible chef, you're not particularly clean and you're super messy, don't apologize either.
20. Taking up space
Image source: Reddit
Women have often been pushed out of male-dominated spaces and male-dominated conversations which means the entirety of the public sphere, everything outside of the home. Don't be apologetic for taking up space and adding to the conversation, be proud instead!
21. Pursuing education
Image source: Reddit
If you want to follow your passions and continue your education then absolutely go for it and don't let anything hold you back. Certainly, don't apologize if it isn't the path somebody else wanted you to go down. Go and get your education and pursue it as far as you like.
22. Expressing vulnerability
Image source: Reddit
You can't always be super strong. Sometimes things bother us, and sometimes we feel in a vulnerable place. It's fine to be open about our vulnerability and not anything to apologize for. You probably feel you need to be the strong figure for everyone, but sometimes you just can't be and that's okay.
23. Discussing 'taboo' topics
Image source: Reddit
Don't feel apologetic for talking about topics that aren't deemed 'ladylike'. For one, the term 'lady like' sounds archaic if you ask us because who defines how a lady should act? And two, you have as much right to be talking about these things as anybody else does!
24. For going against the grain
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You may feel like you sometimes have to apologize for going against the grain of conventionality just because you're not fitting in with the societal standard. You may even find yourself labeled negatively because of it. But you don't, need to because you're free to be who you want.
25. Having your own hobbies
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No matter if you are younger or older, or single or married...you should have the chance to have your own time to pursue your hobbies. Hobbies are an important part of who we are, and help us feel in touch with who we are as a person. So don't let these go, no matter what anybody else says.
26. Not wanting to get married
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Getting married is a choice and not a requirement. As a woman, you are free to choose marriage or to not get married and both are equally fine, no matter what anyone else may try to tell you. Ignore the many opinions you may hear and feel totally not guilty about your life choices.
27. Taking time for maternity leave
Image source: Reddit
Having a baby does not mean that you have to give up your career by any means. But there's absolutely nothing to apologize for by taking your maternity leave. That's your time for you and your baby, and it's hard work. It's not a break or time off, so don't apologize for taking as much time as you need/ want.
28. Not always looking 'perfect'
Image source: Reddit
Nobody looks perfect because the meaning of the word perfect doesn't even exist in the real world. But what we mean is, that you don't always have to look put together. Yes, you can roll out of the house without having brushed your hair in two days and that's okay! It happens.
29. Prioritizing your family
Image source: Reddit
So women feel guilt all the time for making choices, whether that's for not wanting kids prioritizing a career, or prioritising a family. If what you want to do is to prioritize your family, then that's your choice and you have to apologize to NO ONE. Every choice is legitimate!
30. Fighting for your rights
Image source: Reddit
As women, we have to keep fighting for our goals because sadly, around the world we haven't managed to achieve equality yet. So don't apologize for fighting for your goals, no matter how small or big on the scale that is. You are right to stand up for yourself as a woman!