13 Spiritual Signs Someone Is About To Meet The One

By Paula Tudoran 7 months ago

A Cosmic Alignment

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Ever had those moments when everything falls into place effortlessly? When the stars and planets align, it's as if the universe itself is giving you a gentle nudge toward the love story you've been waiting for. It's like celestial forces are conspiring for your happiness.

You Have Dreams That Speak

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Picture this: you're having vivid dreams of an unknown person or a serene place. It's like your subconscious is dropping hints, whispering that something extraordinary is on the horizon. Trust those dreamy signs; your soul might be eagerly preparing for a life-changing encounter.

You See Repeating Numbers

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Have you noticed 11:11 or 777 popping up everywhere? It's like the universe's secret code, a mystical tap on the shoulder, saying, "Love is just around the corner." Embrace these numbers as your personal love omens; they're pointing you in the right direction.

Plenty of Synchronicities Around You

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Life is full of meaningful coincidences, like meeting someone who loves your favorite book or stumbling upon a place that feels strangely familiar. These synchronicities are like breadcrumbs, leading you closer to that special someone. Pay attention; destiny has a way of dropping hints.

You Even Encounter Feathered Friends

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Imagine finding feathers in unexpected places, like a gentle reminder from your guardian angels. It's as if they're guiding you toward your soulmate, saying, "You're on the right path." Embrace these feathered treasures as symbols of love's imminent arrival; they're a sign that love is in the air.

Inner Peace Prevails

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You know that inner chaos and restlessness? When it suddenly quiets down, and you find an unusual calmness within, it's like your heart whispering, "Get ready; the love of a lifetime is approaching." It's your soul saying it's time to welcome a profound connection.

You Witness Intuitive Whispers

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Trust that gut feeling that's been nudging you. When your intuition insists that someone extraordinary is on their way into your life, listen. Your inner wisdom often knows things before your mind does; it's your heart's way of preparing for a soulful encounter.

You Have New, Energizing Hobbies

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Lately, you've been diving into new passions and interests, right? That zest for life you're feeling? It's a signal that love is stirring within you, infusing your world with fresh enthusiasm. Keep embracing those hobbies; they're paving the way for a vibrant love story.

Some Music Miracles

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Keep hearing that song that gives you goosebumps or instantly brings love to mind? At this point, it's like the universe sending you a melodic message, saying, "Love is near." Let music be your guide, for it often carries the rhythms of your heart's desires.

You See Signs in Nature

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Have you noticed animals appearing unexpectedly or the beauty of nature captivating you more? These are signs of an impending soulful connection. Nature has a way of aligning with your emotions; it's nature's way of reminding you that love is a force woven into the fabric of life.

You Notice Increased Empathy

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Feeling a deeper connection to others, an amplified empathy for their joys and struggles—it's your heart's way of preparing for a profound bond. Embrace this heightened sensitivity; it's a sign that you're becoming attuned to the love that's on its way.

Past Relationship Closure

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When you've made peace with the chapters of love that came before, you create a clean slate for the new and lasting love you truly deserve. It's like your heart saying, "I'm ready for a love that's unlike any other." Closure paves the way for a fresh, beautiful beginning.

You're Radiating Positivity

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That contagious optimism you've been exuding? It's like a beacon, attracting positivity into your life and signalling to the universe that you're open to love. Keep radiating that positivity; it's a magnet for the same kind of joy and optimism in your future partner.

The Power of Patience

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Remember, my friend, that the best things in life are worth waiting for. Trust in divine timing; it's orchestrating a love story that's truly worth the wait. Every moment you spend in patience brings you one step closer to the extraordinary love you've been dreaming of.

You're Feeling "Seen"

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That deep sense of being understood and valued in your friendships? It's a sign that you're primed and ready to welcome a soulmate who sees you for who you truly are. When you're cherished for your authentic self, it's a glimpse of the love that's on its way.

Seeing Signs in the Stars

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So, you've been diving into astrology and birth charts? It's like the cosmos themselves are aligning your love path. There's a reason you're drawn to the celestial; it's a celestial sign that love's grand design is unfolding. Keep exploring; the stars might have a love story written just for you.

You're Healing Old Wounds

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As you heal past heartaches and release emotional baggage, you create a sacred space within yourself for love to flourish. It's like clearing the path for a new, beautiful garden to bloom. Every step towards healing is a step closer to a love that heals and uplifts your soul.

Always Meeting Your Mirrors

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Have you noticed those people you meet who reflect qualities you admire? They're like previews of what your future love may bring. These encounters serve as reminders of the traits and values you hold dear, signalling that your soulmate will share these beautiful qualities.

Experiencing Random Acts of Kindness

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When you witness or experience acts of kindness, it's a gentle reaffirmation of love's existence in our world. These moments are unmistakably sheer and remind us that the pure essence of love is all around us, waiting to unfold in beautiful and unexpected ways.

The Auras Align

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That strong and positive energy you're feeling around you? It's like the universe's way of signalling that someone with a matching aura is about to cross your path. Trust in the energy you sense, for it's often a prelude to a profound connection that resonates at a soulful level.

You Have Vivid Visions

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Those vivid visions of your future together or fleeting glimpses of shared moments? They offer you a beautiful sneak peek into your destiny. Embrace these visions as a reminder that love has a grand plan for you, and those moments you see are just the beginning of a remarkable journey.

Plenty of Spiritual Growth

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As you deepen your connection with spirituality, it's like you're fine-tuning your heart's frequency. Often, this precedes a profound connection with a soulmate. Embrace this journey; it's paving the way for a love that resonates on a spiritual level, a love that nourishes both your heart and soul.

You Feel an Unexplained Excitement

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Ever had those moments when you're just bubbling with anticipation and excitement? It's like your heart knows a secret – that love may be right around the corner. Trust that unexplainable thrill; it's a sign that your heart is getting ready to dance to the rhythm of love.

You Have Heartfelt Conversations

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Engaging in heart-to-heart conversations with strangers? It's as if the universe is preparing you for the soulful conversations you'll have with your future partner. Every connection, no matter how brief, is a step closer to those deep, meaningful talks that love brings.

Acts of Self-Love

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Prioritizing self-care and self-love isn't selfish; it's the foundation for a relationship that truly nurtures your soul. By loving yourself fully, you're setting the standard for the love you'll welcome into your life. It's like saying, "I deserve a love that cherishes and uplifts me."

You Have Butterfly Moments

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You know that fluttery feeling in your stomach when you think about love or about being in love? That's an unmistakable sign that your heart is awakening to its desires, so embrace those butterflies because they're the joyful heralds of love's imminent arrival.

The Power of Forgiveness

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Letting go of grudges and forgiving those who've hurt you is an act of grace. It not only lightens your heart but also prepares it for new love. Forgiveness creates space for fresh, beautiful emotions to bloom, making way for the love that heals and uplifts.

Intuitive Drawings

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Ever find yourself doodling hearts or your future partner's initials unconsciously? Your subconscious is sending a love signal. These drawings are like love notes from your inner self, a reminder that your heart is open and ready to embrace a soulful connection.

You're Unveiling Your True Self

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As you become more authentic and unapologetically yourself, you're creating a magnetic force field for someone who loves you for who you are. The more you shine as your true self, the easier it becomes for your soulmate to recognize you amidst life's beautiful chaos.

A Powerful Art of Gratitude

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Feeling grateful for the love you've experienced and the love that's yet to come is the ultimate spiritual sign. Gratitude is like a love magnet; it attracts the kind of love that's genuine, profound, and soul-enriching. Embrace it, my friend; your heart is on a beautiful journey toward "the one."

Feeling of anticipation

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This is a sense of excitement or eagerness that something significant is about to happen in your life. It's like feeling butterflies in your stomach, a sense of expectancy, and a heightened awareness of the possibilities that lie ahead. This anticipation can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

You've learned your lessons

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Sensing that you are nearing the completion of a chapter in your life is a powerful spiritual sign. It suggests that you have learned valuable lessons, grown as an individual, and are ready to move forward to the next phase of your journey. This feeling of closure prepares you for new beginnings and fresh opportunities.

You've finally learned to love yourself

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Cultivating a deeper sense of love and acceptance for yourself is essential for attracting a fulfilling romantic relationship. When you truly love yourself, you set healthy boundaries, honor your worth, and radiate confidence and authenticity. Self-love also enables you to recognize and appreciate the love that others offer you.

You just know you're ready

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Feeling emotionally, mentally, and spiritually prepared for a significant connection indicates that you have done the inner work necessary to welcome love into your life. You feel grounded, balanced, and open to the possibilities that a romantic relationship can bring.

There are signs when you meditate

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Receiving messages or signs during meditation sessions can provide profound insights into the start of your romantic journey. During moments of stillness and introspection, you may receive guidance, clarity, and intuitive wisdom regarding your love life.

Experiencing déjà vu

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Having moments of déjà vu that feel connected to your romantic destiny can be a powerful spiritual sign. It's as if you've already experienced certain aspects of your future relationship on a soul level. These moments of familiarity and recognition may reaffirm your belief in future experiences.

Is it a premonition?

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Having visions or premonitions of a future romantic encounter can provide glimpses into what lies ahead. These visions may come to you in dreams, meditation, or moments of inspiration. Pay attention to the feelings and details associated with these visions, as they may offer valuable insights into your soulmate's characteristics.

You're more receptive and open

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Being more open and receptive to receiving love and affection is a crucial aspect of preparing for a meaningful connection. When you let go of past hurts and fears, you create space in your heart for love to enter. Increased receptivity allows you to recognize and embrace the love that surrounds you.

Acting on your intuition

Image source: Jenn Shull
Trusting your intuition and following its guidance without hesitation is essential for navigating your romantic journey. Your intuition serves as a compass, guiding you toward experiences and relationships that align with your highest good. When you honor your inner wisdom and act on intuitive nudges, you invite synchronicity into your life.

There's that sense of destiny

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Believing that meeting "the one" is your destiny and ultimate purpose instils a sense of faith and hope in your romantic journey. This belief empowers you to trust in the universe's plan for your life and remain open to the magical possibilities that await you.

Moments of serendipity

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Experiencing moments of serendipity that feel orchestrated by fate can be profoundly meaningful on your romantic journey. Serendipitous events, chance encounters, and unexpected synchronicities often serve as signs from the universe, guiding you toward your soulmate.

You're receiving signs from a higher body

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Receiving signs from departed loved ones or spiritual guides can provide comfort, guidance, and reassurance on your romantic journey. These signs may come in the form of meaningful symbols, synchronicities, or messages that carry profound significance and wisdom.

You feel you can step outside your comfort zone

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Pursuing your soulmate requires courage and vulnerability. You must be willing to step outside your comfort zone, take risks, and open your heart to the possibility of love. Embracing vulnerability allows you to forge authentic connections and cultivate trust and intimacy with your partner.

That divine partnership DOES exist

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Embrace the belief that your relationship with your soulmate is a sacred and divine partnership ordained by the universe. As you honor and nurture this partnership with reverence and gratitude, you co-create a sacred space where love, trust, and spiritual growth can flourish.

It's about unconditional love

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The inner calling emanates from a place of seeking and offering unconditional love. It reflects your innate longing to share a profound and authentic connection with a partner who sees, accepts, and cherishes you for who you truly are, without judgment or reservation.  That's everything you could ever want.

What holds the spirits back from sending you your soul mate? -
Unresolved past trauma

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Past traumas, unresolved emotional wounds, and negative experiences from previous relationships can create energetic blocks that hinder the arrival of your soulmate. Healing from past hurts is essential to open yourself up to new love.  Don't let the past stand in your way.

You haven't learned to love yourself

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A lack of self-love and self-worth can create barriers to attracting your soulmate. If you don't believe you deserve love, the universe may hold back from sending your soulmate until you cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and acceptance.  Work on yourself because you're worth it.

You have a fear of vulnerability

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Fear of vulnerability and intimacy can sabotage your ability to connect with your soulmate. You may be afraid of being hurt or of being rejected so you may unknowingly repel potential partners and hinder the manifestation of your soulmate relationship.

You're holding on to expectations

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Holding on to very rigid expectations and ideals about how your soulmate should look, behave, or appear can limit the universe's ability to send the right partner your way. Work on trying to stay open to the unexpected and have trust in divine timing.

There's a lack of alignment

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Your current life circumstances, goals, and priorities may not be aligned with what the universe may have in store for you. If you're focused on pursuits that don't resonate with your soul's path, you may miss opportunities to connect with your soulmate.

You're resistant to change

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Resistance to change or a reluctance to step out of your comfort zone can impede the arrival of your soulmate. Embracing growth and embracing new experiences are essential for inviting love and expansion into your life.  It may be a confidence issue so work on yourself.

Karmic lessons haven't been fulfilled

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Sometimes, karmic lessons or soul contracts need to be fulfilled before you can fully align with your soulmate. These lessons may involve personal growth, forgiveness, or closure from past relationships that must be addressed before you can welcome new love.

You suffer with a lack of trust

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Doubt and mistrust in the universe's ability to deliver your soulmate can create energetic barriers that prevent the manifestation of your desires. Trusting in divine timing and surrendering control are crucial steps in allowing love to flow right into your life.

Your life path isn't filled with purpose

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If your current life path diverges from your soul's purpose, the universe may withhold your soulmate until you realign with your true calling. Reconnecting with your passions and authentic self can help create space for love to enter - stay positive and never give up.

Unconscious patterns from childhood

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Unconscious patterns, beliefs, and behaviors inherited from childhood or past experiences may subconsciously block the arrival of your soulmate. Bringing awareness to these patterns and working to release them is essential for clearing the path to love.

Spiritual signs have drawn you both together.  How do you know it's meant to be? - Profound connection

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This deep connection goes far beyond physical attraction. It's a feeling of resonance and understanding that you share with your partner on a soul level. You may feel like you've known each other for lifetimes and that your souls are deeply intertwined.

Not wanting to change each other

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Your partner accepts you for who you are, without trying to change you. They embrace your strengths and weaknesses, quirks and imperfections, and love you unconditionally, just as you are.  Whether you're make up free in your track suit or "dolled up to the eye balls", the love's the same.

Having shared values

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Shared values form the backbone of your relationship. You both prioritize similar principles, beliefs, and life goals, which creates a strong foundation for your partnership and ensures that you are moving in the same direction.  This makes you realise you've found your soul mate.

Mutual respect for one another

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Respect is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. You and your partner treat each other with kindness, empathy, and consideration. There's a deep mutual respect for each other's thoughts, feelings, and boundaries.  You always have each other's backs and that's so reassuring.

Vulnerability in emotional intimacy

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Emotional intimacy is the ability to be vulnerable and open with your partner. You feel safe sharing your deepest thoughts, fears, and dreams with them, knowing that they will hold space for you with love and compassion.  You never feel you will be mocked for saying something in particular.

It's a supportive partnership

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Your partner is your biggest cheerleader and supports you in pursuing your dreams and aspirations. They encourage your personal growth and celebrate your achievements, standing by your side through thick and thin.  Even if it's not their thing, they will go along with your ambitions.

There's mutual and shared growth

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Your relationship serves as a catalyst for personal and mutual growth. Together, you inspire each other to step out of your comfort zones, overcome challenges, and become the best versions of yourselves.  Your partner makes you feel you can conquer the world!

It's always an honest communication

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Healthy communication is key to a successful relationship. You and your partner communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully, resolving conflicts constructively and actively listening to each other's perspectives.  You never go to sleep on an argument!

It's based on balance and harmony

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Your relationship feels balanced and harmonious, with both partners contributing equally to the partnership. You support each other's individual goals and interests while nurturing your bond as a couple.  If they are happy, you are happy and vice versa.

Spiritual alignment for your future love journey

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There's a spiritual connection between you and your partner that goes beyond the physical realm. You share similar spiritual beliefs, practices, or philosophies, which deepen your connection and enrich your spiritual journey together.  It feels almost too good to be true.

You can envisage your life together

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You and your partner share a vision for the future that entirely includes each other. You envision building a life together filled with love and you're committed to supporting each other's dreams and aspirations.  In fact, their happiness is more important to you than your own.

Your relationship brings so much happiness

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Being with your partner brings you genuine happiness and fulfilment. Their presence uplifts your spirits, and you feel a deep sense of contentment and peace when you're together.  Without them, you feel like half of the puzzle, half of you, has gone missing.

There's a natural compatibility

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You and your partner share a natural compatibility that makes being together feel effortless. You understand each other's needs and preferences, and you navigate life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.  Even when you're not speaking, they know what you're thinking.

.......and a deep trust

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Trust forms the bedrock of your relationship. You trust your partner implicitly and feel secure in the knowledge that they have your back no matter what. Your trust in each other deepens over time as you continue to build a strong bond of mutual respect and honesty.

All in all, it's a pure love

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Above all else, you and your partner share a deep and unconditional love for each other. It's a love that transcends boundaries, challenges, and imperfections—a love that is pure, unwavering, and eternal.  Every day is worth waking up to, just to be next to the love of your life.

Your partner motivates you

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When your partner empowers and motivates you to reach your full potential, it's a rare and wonderful trait.  They believe in your abilities and encourage you to pursue your passions and dreams, providing unwavering support each and every step of the way.

You both value authenticity and transparency

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You and your partner value authenticity and transparency in your relationship. You feel comfortable being completely transparent with each other, sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of judgment or rejection.  You can say anything without being judged.

Tough resilience in adversity

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Your relationship demonstrates resilience and strength in the face of challenges and adversity. You and your partner navigate difficult times with grace and compassion, emerging from hardships stronger and more united than ever before.  It's these testing times that show it all.

A shared sense of humor

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Laughter is an integral part of your relationship. You and your partner share a similar sense of humor and find joy and amusement in each other's company, even during times of stress or difficulty.  It's also important to laugh at yourself an there's no issue there!

There's a sense of emotional security

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Your relationship provides a sense of emotional security and stability. You feel deeply connected to your partner and trust that they will always be there for you, offering comfort, reassurance, and unwavering love.  You never doubt them and the same goes for their feelings towards you.

You WANT to put them before yourself

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Your love for each other extends way beyond your own needs and desires. You and your partner prioritize each other's well-being and happiness, selflessly supporting and caring for one another with compassion and empathy.  This solidifies the relationship.

Your life paths are aligned

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Your life paths align in meaningful ways, allowing you to walk hand in hand toward a shared vision of the future. You support each other's individual journeys while also nurturing your collective goals and aspirations.  This all happens without even trying hard.

A harmonious flow of energy

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There is a harmonious flow of energy between you and your partner. You give and receive love freely, without expectation or reservation, creating a reciprocal exchange of positive energy that nourishes and sustains your relationship.  You feel so safe when you're with them.

There's a deep emotional resonance

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You share a deep emotional resonance with your partner that transcends words. You intuitively understand each other's feelings and emotions, offering comfort, solace, and empathy during times of joy and sorrow.  It's about the good times as well as the bad.

It's a sacred union

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Your relationship is a sacred union of souls, rooted in love, respect, and reverence. You recognize the divine essence within each other and honor the sacred connection that binds you together, celebrating the sacredness of your union with gratitude and humility.

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