10 Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Both Mom And Baby

By Anna Collins 7 months ago

1. It's easier to digest and causes less digestive issues

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Babies who breastfeed have a much easier time digesting their milk. Because the milk is naturally made to fit the baby's needs perfectly, they can easily digest it. Even formula that has been made scientifically has not yet the ability to be so easily digested. Statistically breastfed babies are much less likely to suffer from acid reflux or gastro problems.

2. Reduced risk of post-partum depression

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Post-partum depression is sadly a very common experience for mums. However, statistics and studies show that there is a link between breastfeeding and lower levels of post-partum depression. One of the reasons could be because of the hormones it releases such as oxytocin which can lower stress levels.

3. It provides the best nutrition

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Nutritionally, breastfeeding is the best option out there. Formulas have been created to provide a baby with everything it needs, but breastfeeding is still classed as nutritionally superior for your baby because it doesn't just provide sustenance, but so many vitamins and minerals.

4. It reduces the risk of SIDS

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SIDS stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Breastfeeding actually lowers the risk of SIDS by a significant amount. For the first two months of breastfeeding, it lowers the risk by HALF. And, it is thought that the longer you continue, the more protection you are providing.

5. It boosts a baby's immune system

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One of the reasons that breastmilk is so good is because it shares the mother's antibodies with her baby. And so all of a mother's antibodies will be shared with her baby to help protect them from all kinds of illnesses. This cannot be replicated in any formula, it's one of the very clever functions of breast milk.

6. Mom and baby create a strong bond

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Many mothers have spoken about their experiences with breastfeeding their baby, and the immense bond that it created between mother and child. It helps secure the emotional and physical bond between them which some mothers have reported not experiencing the same feeling whilst feeding a baby a bottle.

7. It gets the uterus back into shape faster

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Another significant benefit of breastfeeding for the mother is that the oxytocin released in breastfeeding can trigger contractions in the uterus. While this may not sound pleasant, these contractions mean that your uterus can shrink back to its original size pre-pregnancy.

8. Babies have a lower likelihood of developing allergies

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Because of the many antibodies and resistances that are transferred through a mother's breast milk to her baby, it means that the baby is less likely to develop allergies as he/she grows up. It has been shown through studies to help prevent food allergies, asthma, or eczema for example.

9. It helps women get back into shape quicker

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Breastfeeding can help a mother lose weight. If she is breastfeeding, she can expect to lose more weight due to her providing for her baby and using her body to create milk. Mothers who breastfeed exclusively anytime between 0-6 months, will use around 600 calories a day!

10. It helps a baby's brain develop more

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Breast milk is super important not only for food but also for the nutrients it contains. Breastmilk contains so many vitamins and nutrients that are important for your baby's brain development. Breastmilk is much better absorbed and used by their bodies, meaning it helps their brain and nervous system grow.

11. It's always available

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Another benefit that you cannot ignore as a mother is that breast milk is always readily available. You don't have to worry about sterilizing bottles or packing bottles and formula everywhere you go. It's a lot easier because you have a supply on you at all times, ready for your baby!

12. It may lower the mother's risk of cancer

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Another massive benefit for breastfeeding mothers is that it is associated with hugely reducing the risk of breast cancer. This is especially true for mothers who breastfeed for an extended amount of time. It is also thought that it could lower the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer.

13. It promotes oral health in babies

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Another benefit for the baby is that breast milk can help lead to better oral health. It leads to better development of teeth and the jaw as the baby has to latch onto the breast and work to get the milk. And, it also lowers the risk of baby bottle tooth decay due to the sugars it contains.

14. Baby and mom feel emotionally connected

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One of the biggest emotional benefits is that it will make a mother and baby feel super connected. There's no other bonding experience like breastfeeding to establish the bond between the two of you and make you both feel connected in an entirely new way.

15. It delays menstruation

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Because of the hormones involved with breastfeeding, it delays menstruation for the majority of women for the first few months whilst a woman is breastfeeding. This can be a break for the mother in having some time off her cycle while she adjusts to being a mom.

16. It can reduce stress in the mother and baby

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There are so many hormones released in breast milk. One of the most powerful is oxytocin and the fact that breastfeeding can also induce serotonin. Both of these can make mom and baby feel relaxed and happy which will reduce the stress off both of you.

17. Breast milk changes to suit your baby's needs

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Breast milk is extremely clever, so it changes and adapts according to your baby's growth. Breastmilk when your baby is a newborn is different to 6 months, or one year down the line. It adapts to best suit your baby's needs so that you can be sure they are getting what they need.

18. It benefits a baby's gut health

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The composition of breast milk means that it is packed full of nutrients, beneficial microorganisms as well and prebiotics - all things that massively help the gut microbiome! It also contains a compound which is a non-digestible carbohydrate that benefits the gut!

19. It lowers a baby's risk of obesity

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Breast milk is made up of fat cells (brown fat cells) that are structures different from the ones recreated in the formula. It is this, as well as breastmilk promoting a healthy gut microbiome, that could help explain why breastfeeding has been shown to massively reduce the risk of childhood obesity.

20. It's better for the environment

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Breastfeeding saves on SO much plastic and waste. A baby has to be fed every day, multiple times a day, which requires a lot of formula! All of this contributes a lot of plastic waste which harms the environment... which is also both the mother and baby's future.

21. It helps a baby sleep better

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Breastfeeding can help a baby, and in many cases, a mother, sleep better! This is because of the hormones serotonin and melatonin which are involved in the sleep cycle. These are produced from something called tryptophan which is something that breastmilk contains!

22. It stimulates a mother's natural instincts

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Breastfeeding is natural, and so when a mother breastfeeds it accentuates her her natural instinct. For example, her responses and ability to sense the baby are heightened. For example, breastfeeding mothers have been shown to naturally wake up as soon as their baby needs them, much faster than mothers who do not.

23. Save money

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At the end of the day, (some) women have been given the natural ability to feed their babies, meaning that there's no monetary cost involved. Formula milk as well as bottles and sterilisation equipment can cost a lot of money. So on the practical side, you're saving money!

24. Your baby is less likely to get ear problems

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Breastfed babies are also less likely to suffer from ear problems such as infections. One of the reasons is that when a baby drinks breastmilk the exposure to harmful microorganisms is reduced because of the natural defensive system that has been shared from mother to baby!

25. The baby can fight off infection better

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With all the immunity and benefits that breast milk offers, it means that the baby is less likely to get seriously sick. Even if they get ill, statistically they may be able to fight it off faster and recover quicker in comparison to a baby who has been fed formula milk.

26. It reduces a mother's risk of osteoporosis

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Not only does breastfeeding have countless benefits to the baby, but there are also so many for the mom too. It is believed that it can contribute to bone healing and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. But, it's super important for a mother to maintain a healthy diet whilst she breastfeeds to replenish her minerals and vitamins.

27. It lowers the risk of diabetes for the baby

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Breastfeeding has been linked to reducing the risk of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Multiple studies have been carried out which show the link between breastfed babies and lower risks of diabetes. The full reason behind this is not even yet fully understood.

28. Help protect your baby against future chronic illnesses

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The powers of breastfeeding are immense, and it can even help to prevent your baby from growing up to develop a chronic illness. It may reduce the likelihood of it happening, for example, a breastfed baby may have better cardiovascular health long term which could reduce the risk of heart disease in later life.

29. It stops postpartum bleeding faster

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Another benefit for a breastfeeding mom is that it could help stop the postpartum bleeding. It can help to reduce the lochia flow and speed up the process of healing the uterine lining which can help a mom feel back to normal a lot faster than perhaps without breastfeeding.

30. It can help stabilize a mother's post-partum hormones

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Breastfeeding can also have stabilizing effects on women's hormones during the postpartum period when you can feel like your emotions and hormones are taking a toll. Again, part of the reason for this is the release of oxytocin, the 'love hormone' which can help a woman feel more relaxed.

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