12+ Signs That Someone Has Found True Happiness

By Kirsty 1 year ago

1. You try to learn something new every day

image source: reddit.com
A big sign that you're feeling happy can actually be your willingness to learn, or try, something new. When you're down in the dumps, the last thing you have energy for is something new that takes brain power. When you're happy, you're curious and feel energized by new skills.

2. You look at hard times as positives rather than negatives

image source: reddit.com
If hard times are still getting you down, barring your happiness, you're not going to reflect on them with a positive mind. But when you've reached a place of happy contentment, you look back on difficulties in your life with a sense of what you learned from them, and that they were a positive experience because they turned you into the person you are now.

3. You're accepting and satisfied with what you have

image source: reddit.com
A lot of people think that happiness needs to be this huge barrel of enthusiasm where you're bouncing off the walls every day, but actually being happy can be as simple as just accepting what you have. Most people feel unhappy because they're thinking about the things they don't have.

4. You always make time for things that make you happy

image source: reddit.com
This is a double whammy on the positivity side of things, because not only do you know 100% what makes you happy (which is a struggle a lot of people can have) but you then make the time to do them. If you're finding it easy to make time for hobbies that bring a smile to your face, you're doing it right.

5. You have a sense of purpose

image source: reddit.com
Most people would agree that they need a sense of purpose in their life, and this is often what can bring people down if they feel like they're just moving aimlessly. If you have a sense of purpose - no matter how big or small - it gives you something to focus on, and results in happiness.

6. You only have healthy relationships in your life

image source: reddit.com
The relationships in our lives can truly affect our happiness, so if you've got to a point where you've eliminated all toxic people from your life and you're only surrounded by people who love and support you, you're in a very lucky (and happy) position indeed!

7. You have wisdom and advice to share

image source: reddit.com
To be in a position where you have a lot of good wisdom and advice to share is a good one, because it means you've overcome obstacles and can take pleasure from knowing you can impart wisdom onto other people who need it. It's very gratifying to know you can help people with your advice.

8. You spend a lot of time helping other people

image source: reddit.com
Speaking of - helping other people is one of the best ways to feel happy with your life. It feels extremely rewarding to know you've helped other people rather than focusing on yourself all the time, as oftentimes it can help you to feel more grateful by spending time working on others in need.

9. You willingly solo travel

image source: reddit.com
It takes someone truly content and happy in their own company to comfortably solo travel. A lot of people who aren't happy will not want to spend extra time alone mulling over their thoughts. Solo travel is one of the best experiences you can have in terms of finding inner peace and happiness.

10. You're not waiting for the next big thing to look forward to

image source: dailymail.co.uk
Happiness shouldn't be about experiencing huge moments and then wishing away the hours before the next big thing - it should be about enjoying every minute. So if you go through every day being at peace and being mindful instead of wishing it was the weekend at 9am on a Monday, it's a sign you're content.

11. You understand happiness is a choice

image source: reddit.com
What many people don't realize is that happiness can - and should - be a choice. If you have a lot of things to be grateful for, and the pros outweigh the cons, you can choose to be happy with what you have, or choose to be unhappy because of one small thing you don't have.

12. You spend a lot of time outdoors

image source: reddit.com
Being outdoors as much as possible and bonding with nature can have a very positive effect on your mood, so if you make a lot of time in your routine to spend time with nature, it's much more likely you're happier than someone who only ever stays indoors.

13. You have a great relationship with your body image

image source: reddit.com
One of life's great stresses can be negative thoughts you have about your body image - and we mainly have unrealistic social media to thank for that - so if you've gotten to a place where you're completely happy when you look in the mirror, it's a sign of gratitude and peace!

14. And a great relationship with your body itself!

image source: reddit.com
You can also feel a lot happier in yourself when you're taking care of your body by eating well and exercising. A lot of negative thoughts and feelings come from feeling like a bloated lump when you're eating too much junk food! So if you find it easy to exercise and eat well because it feels good, you're likely a happy person!

15. You make time for cooking or baking

image source: reddit.com
When you've had a bad day, the last thing you can be bothered to do is cook (which is why most reach for the take out menu). It's interesting how easily you can tell how happy someone is based on their excitement for cooking or even baking sweet treats like cupcakes!

16. You're always seeking out things that scare you

image source: reddit.com
That isn't to say that you're constantly looking for your next big thrill, but people who push themselves to step out of their comfort zone tend to be happier due to the results, after learning more about themselves, feeling brave and also having that adrenaline rush!

17. You understand it's the little things that count

image source: reddit.com
Happiness can easily come from the perfect cup of coffee in the morning as much as it can from a dream vacation - it's all about you choosing to be happy with the little things that make up your day. So if you find happiness in the small moments then you're doing it right!

18. You have at least one passion

image source: reddit.com
You really do need at least one passion in life to give you something to focus on, take pleasure out of and put time and energy into in a rewarding way. So if you have either one big passion you focus on, or a few different passions, that you always make time for, you're doing it right!

19. You're learning a new language

image source: reddit.com
You might think that learning a new language is very random when it comes to things that make you happy, but the way the brain works when it's taking in a new language and new information can result in feeling good, as well as the satisfaction of exploring new words and likely traveling to a new place to test out those language skills!

20. You know just which songs to listen to

image source: reddit.com
Music really does have the power to change emotions, and if you're someone who connects with music on a deep level, it's likely you're a happy person. You know which songs are going to make you feel immediately better and perk up your mood, and you likely have carefully curated playlists!

21. You feel life's purpose is beyond your own happiness

image source: reddit.com
Most people want to seek happiness for themselves, but it can be surprising how much happiness can come from helping other people, or things, along the way. A lot of people can find happiness by focusing their energy outward, like making time for environmental causes or things that will benefit the world, and the people in it.

22. You actually want to talk to people

image source: reddit.com
Wanting to avoid people altogether or looking forward to your next social opportunity are actually big indicators of how positive you're feeling. Most people who are happy and satisfied with everyone won't balk away from the opportunity of sharing that with others.

23. You don't feel guilty for laughing or smiling

image source: reddit.com
When you're struggling with something in your life or feeling a little low, you can easily avoid things you know will make you feel better - like watching a comedy movie when you're down - because you have this strange sense of guilt over doing something that doesn't match your mood!

24. When all your life's crises are minor

image source: reddit.com
You might think that if you have a regular series of little problems, you can't be completely happy, but that's not the case. Happiness doesn't mean you never have a single problem, it just means that, overall, you really don't have any major crises going on in your life.

25. You find it easy to say sorry/forgive and move on

image source: reddit.com
There comes a point when you're completely at peace with yourself and your view on life, that you just don't have the time or energy for holding grudges - because this means holding on to unhappiness. So if you find it very easy to just apologize, or forgive, and move on, it's because you acknowledge there are more important things.

26. You don't have a problem getting a good night's sleep

image source: reddit.com
How you sleep can be a huge indicator for the way your mind is working at the moment. People who are unhappy or worried tend to toss and turn, suffer from insomnia or always feel tired. If you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow and you always feel well-rested? You're happy.

27. You wake up with at least one exciting thing planned

image source: reddit.com
This doesn't mean you fill every single day with some big event - it just means that there's always something you look forward to, no matter how small. You make time for a healthy home-cooked lunch, you look forward to watching an episode of your favorite TV show every evening, or you know you've bought some extra special dessert!

28. You feel like you have what you always wanted

image source: reddit.com
When you look back at what you always wanted as a kid - such as your own home, a cute pet or a best friend you could tell anything to - you know now that you have a lot of things that you always wanted. So it doesn't matter what else is going on, because you know that 99% of what you have is exactly what you always wanted!

29. You want to change things to do better

image source: reddit.com
When you want to change things or do things in a better way, it doesn't mean that you're unhappy. If you were unhappy and didn't care about your life, you wouldn't be trying to find ways to change it. So it's a good sign you're happy and grateful for your life through the very act of always trying to do better!

30. You can spend money without the guilt

image source: reddit.com
You've got to a point where you're happy with the money you're making, and you're happy to spend it... on things that make you happy! We don't mean being materialistic, we just mean you never have a 'oh I shouldn't be buying this' moment, because you recognize that you deserve a treat, everything in your life is as it should be and paid for, so shopping definitely doesn't equal guilt!

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