How To Rodent Proof The Home!

By Dylan 7 months ago

Why bother rodent proofing your home?

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Rodent infestations, which can be caused by mice and rats, pose a potential threat to your health. These pests have the potential to transmit diseases, contaminate food, and cause harm to your home! The good news is that you may be able to prevent rat infestations in your home by essentially rodent-proofing it!

Firstly, inspect your home thoroughly

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The first (and most important) thing that has to be done in order to rodent-proof your home is an in-depth inspection of it. Investigate all cracks and openings that you can see, including the basement, the walls, the windows, and the doors. Also, make sure you look for any nibbles in wiring.

Seal any gaps and cracks

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If you can see any cracks or openings anywhere in your house, you should get that sealed up. Caulk, steel wool, or weatherstripping can be useful ways of sealing off these pesky entrances. You really shouldn't skip this step, even if you think a rat couldn’t slip through the tight crevice.

Make sure to sweep your doors

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Rats and mice usually get in from the outside, and it’s a matter of eliminating any way they can get in the home. If you live in an area prone to rodents, door sweeps are essential and should be fitted on every outdoor door. They are small appliances that you can fit to the bottom of your door.

Fixing up doorway and window meshes

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It’s easy for meshes on windows and doorways to get damaged, either by weather or by cheeky little rodents nibbling through that. Have a thorough check that all of the screens are in good condition. Repairing any tears or holes right away will make it much harder for rats to come in.

Tending to your garden

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It might seem unlikely, but rats and mice can easily climb up trees and get into your home through overhanging branches. You should make sure you cut back any branches and shrubs that could allow rodents an easy passage into your home. Once they’re in, it’s hard to get them out!

Get rid of any clutter

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Listen, this is one for you hoarders. Rodents find shelter and food more easily in cluttered areas because there are more places for them to hide. People find it more difficult to tend to their rodent infestation if their house has too much stuff in it. Make sure to regularly get rid of any belongings you don’t need.

Think about where you’re putting your trash

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Think about the placement of your trash cans. Make sure to put your trash cans somewhere that is not close to your home, and make sure they have secure lids too! Rats won't be able to find food in your waste if you do this, which might just keep the rodents at bay.

Store food with clips or in Tupperware

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Put away all of your food, and that also includes any bird seed, in containers that can't be opened easily. If it’s not possible, try using clips to close off your food too. Mice and rats will congregate in areas where there is some nice dry food available to them.

Clean up your crumbs!

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We can all be a bit lazy when it comes to clearing up crumbs after ourselves. But, you should be careful to quickly clean up any food crumbs or spills that may have happened in the kitchen dining room. If not, it can be a lovely meeting ground for various different types of rodents.

Put away your pet food

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It’s not just human food that rodents will go after; they’re also lovers of pet food too, so you should keep that in mind! Never leave your pet's food out overnight where they can get to it. When you aren’t using it, store it in a container that can be sealed to prevent pests.

Never skip your spring cleaning

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Keeping your home tidy and free of clutter is one of the most effective measures you can take to get rid of rodents. Not only does it disallow them to hide between any old belongings you might have, but it can also encourage you to look for signs that you’ve got rodents living alongside you.

Fix your plumbing quickly

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Sometimes, water leaks happen; it’s inevitable. But did you know that water leaks could mean that rodents could get into your home? You should address any plumbing issues quickly, as it will decrease the likelihood that rodents will get in through any burst pipes.

A chimney cap

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I mean, who actually uses their chimney these days? If not, you should consider getting a chimney cap, which should help ward off any unwanted rodents that are making their way into your home. All it takes is purchasing a cover for your chimney! Problem solved.

Store your logs wisely

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Rats will find just about anywhere to settle down, and they love places that have lumber in them. A lot of people keep wooden logs in their home for burning fires, and this could potentially lead to a rat infestation. Make sure to keep them sealed off completely to avoid the issue.

Keep your items off the floor

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Rodents are great at hiding; if they don’t want to be seen, they make sure they’re not! When you're in the basement or the garage, be sure to keep items off the floor. If you do this, there will be fewer locations where rats and other rodents can try to hide themselves.

Install motion-detector lights

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This one might seem a bit of an odd one at first but, trust me, you’ll be thankful! If you install lights with motion detectors in the yard as well as inside the home, you’ll be able to see when rodents are most active in your yard and act accordingly!

If you have fruit trees, tend to them

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A lot of people seem to forget that rodents come from the outside, so will look for anything outside before they venture in. Often, fruit can drop from fruit trees and start to rot, which is not only disgusting, but attracts lots of different types of rodents. Tend to these trees regularly!

Make sure your gutters are kept clean

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Gutters are a great way for rodents to be able to enter your home from the roof, especially if they are backed up with leaves and debris. You should make sure to clean out your gutters as often as you can in order to keep any rodents from hiding in there and making their way into your house.

Keep your attic clean and tidy

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While many rodents will want to get in from the ground, it’s not unusual for them to scale up your house and get into your attic or loft. You should make regular inspections of your home's crawl space and attic for rodents. If you see any issues, don’t be too hesitant getting them sorted!

Take care of your lawn

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Rats and mice will absolutely LOVE an overgrown garden, and you should be aware of the dangers that an overgrown garden poses. Make sure you’re regularly cutting down on the overgrowth of grass and weeds in your yard to remove any potential hiding places for rats.

Rat traps are your new best friend

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Set up traps at the doorways and other openings where you suspect rats might be able to break into the home. Always make sure to check and reset as necessary as part of your weekly or daily cleaning routines, as that way you’ll be able to keep an eye out for a potential presence of rats.

If it gets out of hand, call the professionals

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If you have a persistent problem with rodents, you should probably seek assistance from trained professionals. They are able to provide comprehensive examinations in addition to effective treatment options if you need them. While it might be a little expensive, it will save you a lot of hassle.

Consider rodent-proof storage options

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When keeping items underground or in a garage, be sure to choose containers that are rodent-proof. If not, you’ll find that the next time you come to getting these belongings they’ve been nibbled at by a clan of rats or mice, which obviously won’t be nice!

Keep external doors shut if not in use

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To avoid having rats enter your home, make sure that any doors that go outdoors are shut while they are not being used. Obviously, this might be a little difficult during the summer months, when the temperature is high. You should definitely weigh up whether it’s worth a possible rodent infestation.

Make sure any ventilation systems are covered up

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If you’ve got A/C ventilation systems in your home, then you should make sure to tend to them properly. Cover the ventilation openings with fine mesh vent covers to prevent rats from entering via the openings. You won’t regret taking this step, trust me!

Do a deep clean of your kitchen every so often

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To keep food from going bad under any counter tops where it might have dropped, you should definitely schedule in a deep clean of your kitchen from time to time. During your clean, you should take appliances like your stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher out of the kitchen and clean the area below them.

Keep your family aware of the potential rat infestation

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Sometimes, teenage kids won’t take the idea of a rodent infestation seriously enough, which can lead to a build up of moldy pots in their bedrooms, which is like holy land to rodents. It’s important to consistently remind them of the dangers and consequences of allowing rodents in the home.

Make sure you keep on top of it all!

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Try to incorporate the tasks of controlling rodents as part of your weekly cleaning responsibilities. You should be performing most of these steps on a regular basis if you don’t want your home to succumb to a rodent infestation. Take note of that, for sure.

Finally, keep your eyes peeled

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If you take all of these preventative measures, there is a much better chance that your home will not get infested with rodents. Do keep in mind, though, that preventing rodent infestations early on is the most effective strategy to try and dispel them from settling inside your house!

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