Medium Reveals How Someone Can Learn To Communicate With The Dead

By Lauren Mccluskey 7 months ago

1. Communicating with the dead

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Communicating with the dead is a topic often associated with paranormal beliefs, spirituality, and rituals.  People with strong spiritual or religious beliefs regarding the afterlife have a variety of different methods and rituals that aim to build rapport and contact with the deceased.

2. Mediumship

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Some individuals claim to have the ability to communicate with the deceased and offer up their abilities for people wishing to make contact.  These are called Mediums and they often use seances or private sessions where they convey messages from the spirit world to living individuals who have sought their expertise.

3. Religious & Cultural Practices

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In a variety of religious and cultural traditions around the world, prayers, rituals, and other ceremonies are performed in order to honor, as well as communicate with people's ancestors or other spirits.  This might be done by individuals or religious or spiritual leaders as guides.

4. The Spiritualism Movement

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The Spiritualism Movement, which gained popularity back in the 19th century, with traditions continuing to this day, involved seances, spirit photography, and table turning as their various methods for the living to communicate with the dead.

5. Seances

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Seances are gatherings where groups of people get together and attempt to communicate with spirits or the deceased.  Usually, they are led by mediums, psychics, or other spiritual people or leaders and done through various paranormal rituals and methods.

6. Psychics & Tarot Readings

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Psychic mediums and tarot card readers often claim to have the rare ability to be able to connect and communicate with the deceased.  They often offer insights into the afterlife to those who have sought their help during their readings. You could be 1 tarot card away from connecting to the other side!

7. Automatic Writing

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When some people wish to make contact and communicate with the dead, they practice a ritual known as automatic writing.  This is where they claim to allow spirits to guide their hand in writing messages or drawing images.  Sometimes, this is done through mediums or other spiritual individuals.

8. Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)

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Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is a paranormal belief that electronic recording devices, like audio recorders or even smartphones, can capture the voices of spirits during recordings.  Those within the field of ghost hunting and parapsychology research have claimed that they have captured the voices of spirits on audio recordings.

9. Near Death Experiences

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There have also been many reports of encounters with spirits and the deceased from people who have had near-death experiences.  Some people have claimed that they saw deceased loved ones or even had a journey into the afterlife.  Sometimes, these unusual experiences have been incredibly therapeutic, but others have claimed that they were deeply distressing.

10. Dream Visitations

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There have also been reports of people having dream visitations.  This is where deceased loved ones visit people in their dreams, usually with a message from beyond the grave.  These have been claimed to be so vivid that they have felt real to the point where normal people genuinely believed that they communicated with the dead.

11. Religious Practices

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There are many religious practices in diverse religions that honor the deceased, and spirits and believe strongly in the afterlife.  In religious traditions, they might use prayers, rituals, and other specific ceremonies to communicate with ancestors, spirits, and deceased loved ones.

12. Meditation & Mindfulness

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In order to connect with the spirit world, or communicate with loved ones who have passed away, some individuals might practice meditation and mindfulness techniques to feel closer to the deceased.  This is generally done with the intention of receiving messages or signs from the deceased.

13. Photography

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There is a such role as a psychic photographer too.  These individuals use their psychic abilities through their photography work, claiming that they are able to and have captured images of spirits or deceased individuals in photographs.  These might present as orbs, shadows, or light and are interpreted as spirits.

14. Ouija Boards

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As photography, another tool that mediums and other individuals might use to communicate with the dead is Ouija Boards.  These are boards that use the movement of a planchette over a board of letters and symbols.  These are said to be used to help spirits get the message across to the living from the afterlife.

15. Artistic Expression

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Some people choose to use their own artistic creations as a way of communicating with the deceased.  Many report that this is a form of art therapy, used as a tool to help them through their grief.  They might engage in paintings, music, or writing as a form of communication with those who are beyond the grave.

16. Survival of Consciousness Research

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There are some researchers and institutions around the world dedicated to studies surrounding the world of the afterlife.  These individual researchers and organizations, such as The Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, challenge mainstream views by suggesting that consciousness survives physical death.

17. Psychic Fairs & Expos

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There are also numerous events around the world such as psychic fairs and expos that offer opportunities for people to attend with the purpose of connecting with various psychics and mediums who claim to facilitate that desired communication with the dead.

18. TV Psychic Mediums

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You might have seen television programs, like Netflix's Life After Death with Tyler Henry, that are presented by mediums and dedicated to communicating with the deceased.  People reach out to appear on these TV shows to be helped by the mediums to gain closure after their loss.

19. Channeling

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Many mediums claim to be able to channel spirits, where their body is taken over by the spirit for the purpose of communication and relaying messages from the spirit world.  This claim and practice has been around for millennia and experienced mediums claim to be able to become receptive to dead souls, channeling voices or writing automatically.

20. Spiritual Guides

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Some people believe in spiritual guides and they often claim to see them as certain entities.  These entities sometimes appear as deceased loved ones or other spirits who may provide guidance, support, and protection to them during their time in the living world.

21. Ghost Hunters

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Paranormal investigators and ghost hunters can also be hired, and they can also be seen on television in various reality and documentary-style shows.  They use tools and different techniques to detect and communicate with spirits, believing that spirits may leave behind traces of their presence.  They also believe that they can be engaged.

22. Past-Life Regression

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Some people believe in and engage in past-life regression therapy.  This involved individuals exploring past lives with someone who is experienced as a guide.  They might interact with spirits from the past in order to help them heal and gain insights into their own life and the paths it has taken.

23. Deathbed Visions

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There have also been many unexplained accounts of deathbed visions that have involved individuals reporting that they have seen apparitions of deceased loved ones or heavenly spirits as they approach the end of their lives.  They have been reported as comforting and is as if they appear to escort them to the other side.

24. Death Cafes

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Death Cafe gatherings are essentially discussion or support groups where people come together to share their experiences with death.  These platforms offer a no-judgment space for people to discuss topics like death, as well as the afterlife and communication with the deceased.

25. Retreats

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Spiritual retreats are another way that people attempt to make connections with the deceased.  These retreats aim to facilitate this as well as give people the opportunity to explore the concept of the afterlife with other like-minded people within a safe space.  They might engage in various rituals and practices in order to deepen their connection with the afterlife.

26. Symbolism in Nature

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Nature is also a great comfort to people seeking some connection with the deceased and many people find symbolism within the natural world.  For example, the appearance of certain birds or white feathers at significant moments, have been interpreted as comforting messages or signs from the dead.

27. Afterlife Research Institutes

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There are many organizations across the world that dedicate research specifically to the afterlife and communication with the deceased.  They often conduct experiments and studies into many aspects of death and emerged out of the 'death awareness movement' that started in the fifties.

28. Thanatology

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The research previously mentioned is a scientific discipline called Thanatology.  This subject examines and researches death from a number of perspectives, including spiritual, ethical, physical, sociological, psychological, and medical.  It aims to gain a better understanding of death, dying, grief, loss, and bereavement.

29. Historical Accounts

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Looking back through historical records and accounts, there are many various forms of spirit communication documented.  These include mediumship and Victorian-era seances.  Some people have looked back at these methods in order to gain insights and a better understanding of their beliefs and practices.

30. Personal Beliefs & Practices

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Overall, beliefs and practices related to communication with the dead vary widely across cultures, religions, and even at an individual level.  Some view this topic with skepticism while others find comfort through their various experiences and practices as they attempt to connect with the spirit world.

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