What A Child’s Body Language Says About The Parenting

By Lauren Mccluskey 7 months ago

1. What can we learn from a person's body language?

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A person's body language can reveal a treasure trove of information about their thoughts, feelings, and intentions.  By observing and interpreting body language cues, you can gain insights into a person's emotions, interest and engagement, honesty, confidence, trust, discomfort, stress, and more.  And they don't even have to speak for you to be able to extract this information.

2. Why is it a good idea to be conscious of a child's body language?

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Interpreting body language isn't an exact science, but being conscious of a child's body language is essential as it can play a crucial role in understanding their needs, emotions, and well-being.  Younger children are likely to communicate using their body language and paying attention to this can help parents understand them, their emotions, and what they are trying to express.

3. Differing Parenting Styles

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Parenting styles can differ from family to family and even vary across different stages of a child's development.  Ideally, parents tend to adapt their parenting style to meet the unique needs and personalities of their children within a safe and nurturing environment.

4. Does their body language really give us an insight into how they're parented?

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Paying attention to a child's body language certainly gives us an insight into their emotions, confidence, well-being, and more.  So it's only natural to wonder whether the non-verbal aspects of their communication could shine a light on how they are parented.

5. Eye Contact

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If a child maintains eye contact with their parent, it might signify that they have a secure and connected relationship.  Eye contact is an important social-emotional skill.  It can help us bond and communicate.  Avoiding eye contact might be a sign that someone is uncomfortable, but if you notice this is babies and young children, this could be a sign of other issues.

6. Smiles

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A child who frequently smiles and laughs around their parent might mean that they're experiencing many positive interactions at home.  It might also mean that they're experiencing joy in life, and could indicate that this is a priority in the parenting style.

7. Relaxed Posture

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If a child has a relaxed posture, meaning that they perhaps have open body language without tension, this might signify their feelings of safety and security.  They might feel incredibly comfortable too, and less affected by stress in that situation.

8. Hugs & Physical Affection

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Children who initiate or readily accepts hugs from their parent might signify their strong connection.  This might also be a sign of their common and frequent experiences of warmth, love, and a strong emotional connection.  It could also indicate that the child feels comfortable in seeking comfort from their parent when they need it.

9. Openness & Expressiveness

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When a child engages in open and expressive communication with their parent, whether that's verbal or non-verbal through their body language, this might indicate that the child feels encouraged to share their own thoughts and feelings, which in turn fosters a sense of trust and emotional support.

10. Active Participation

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If you find that the child is actively participating in family activities and conversations, it might mean that they feel included and valued by their parents.  They're confident to actively join in and are encouraged to do so, giving them an important sense of belonging within their family unit.

11. Playfulness

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If there is a sense of playfulness within a family, not only from the children but from the grown-ups as well, this might suggest that the child is being brought up in a nurturing and enjoyable environment.  In an environment like this, the child might feel safe enough to explore, learn, and have fun.

12. Engagement

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You can also tell a lot from how engaged the child appears to be.  You see, when engaged listening is modeled by a parent, they're showing that they're really actively listening to their child and therefore demonstrating that the child's feelings and thoughts are valid and important.  This can show a sense of trust within the relationship.

13. Autonomy & Independence

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Open and confident body language might signal that the child's autonomy and independence are nurtured.  This is because encouraging a child's independence, by giving them age-appropriate tasks and allowing them to make decisions within appropriate boundaries can help them to develop this confidence and autonomy.

14. Confidence

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A confident posture and demeanor in a child might indicate that they feel supported and encouraged by their parents.  They're able to make decisions and speak up for themselves.  Not only this, but it could mean that they feel empowered due to their parent's guidance, support, and validation.

15. Boundaries

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A child who can respect healthy boundaries, as well as set their own, might show that they have been taught about boundaries.  As a parent, teaching and respecting boundaries helps the child develop their sense of safety, autonomy, and a clear understanding of their own needs and limitations.

16. Empathy

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If a child shows empathy through their body language, such as subtle mirroring of another person, then it might show that their parents model empathy and compassion.  In doing this, they teach their child the value of kindness, understanding, and genuine emotional connections with others.

17. Mimicking

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If a child mimics their parent's behavior, this might mean that they look up to them as a role model.  Many children mimic their parent's behavior as well as their peers and other adults as a way to learn.  And interestingly, imitation is a stepping-stone to independence.

18. Mirroring

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As well as mimicking, children also learn from their parents and carers through mirroring.  This is probably one of the biggest challenges for parents as they try to nurture their kids' development because they essentially mirror you back to them in their attitudes and behavior.  And this can reveal their parenting.

19. Eye-rolling

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We all know that feeling when our kids roll their eyes at us.  It can be frustrating and difficult to not become incredibly irritated by this body language.  However, some experts believe that this form of non-verbal communication could indicate frustration or a need for more open communication.

20. Tense Posture

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Sometimes, a child's body language could indicate that there is something amiss.  If you can see tension in a child's body language, this might suggest fear, unease, or even stress.  This could be down to their relationships at home, or other environmental factors!

21. Clinginess

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When a child becomes clingy, this might indicate that they're feeling quite insecure within the parent-child relationship.  Perhaps there have been big changes recently or something else.  Either way, clinginess might indicate that the child is feeling anxious and might therefore need reassurance and comfort.

22. Avoidance

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Avoiding a parent, like if they don't want to go home or spend time in another room from them, might suggest that they're feeling some discomfort or fear within aspects of their life.  It might indicate that there is a definite need for trust-building and improved communication.

23. Aggression

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Aggressive or angry behavior might indicate that the child has some unmet emotional needs.  They might be dealing with frustration, or might not have coping skills to be able to deal with uncomfortable emotions.  This highlights the importance of addressing underlying emotional issues in children.

24. Rebellion

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Rebellious behavior might emerge when a child feels like they're being controlled rather than supported and guided through life.  They might feel misunderstood or might feel like their needs for autonomy are being adequately respected by their parents or carers.

25. Isolation

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Sometimes, a child may use their body language to isolate themselves from others.  They might use closed body language or even take themselves out of situations away from people altogether.  This might communicate social challenges, emotional distress, or even the need for guidance and emotional support.

26. Fidgeting

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Children fidget.  That's just a well-known fact.  But it's when their fidgeting becomes excessive is when it might be a cause for concern.  This kind of body language might reflect anxiety, discomfort, or even restlessness.  So, again, noticing this highlights the importance of how body language can help parents address emotional well-being and triggers.

27. Excessive Compliance

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Whilst compliance is often a positive thing when it comes to nurturing a child's development, there is a time when it can become excessive and perhaps a cause of concern.  Excessive compliance might indicate the child's fear of asserting themselves leading to a lack of independence.  Perhaps their self-confidence needs to be fostered.

28. Regression

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Sometimes, children will regress and perhaps revert back to previous behaviors.  These might be due to stress or emotional upheaval in the child's life.  Perhaps there has been a big change or loss that has caused regressions like thumb sucking or bed wetting.

29. Attention Seeking

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Sometimes, children might seek attention and that's completely normal as they assert their place in the world.  However, if this behavior becomes excessive and constant, it could indicate that they're seeking validation, connection, or emotional support from their parent.

30. What if you have concerns?

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It's important for parents to be attuned to their children's body language and behavior so they are able to meet their needs, make strong connections, and provide the appropriate emotional support and guidance as needed.  Reading their cues can help you to pinpoint any concerns so you can adequately support your child and meet their various needs.

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