20 Positive Ways We Can Channel Our Anger

By Kirsty 1 year ago

1. Unload your feelings in a journal

image source: reddit.com
The best way to deal with anger can be to let it out instead of trying to stay pent up, but you need to let it out in a healthy way. Journaling means you can write down exactly what you're angry about and rant about it as much as you like, so that you can release it all without actually hurting or upsetting anybody!

2. Go for a walk or run when you're feeling pent up

image source: reddit.com
Physically moving about is one of the best things you can do to shake off some of that pent up annoyance, and going for a long walk or even a run when you start to feel like you're a little worked up can work wonders for letting out that excess energy and channelling it into physical exercise.

3. Yoga and meditation aren't just a cliché!

image source: reddit.com
When you speak to anyone with anger or mental health issues these days, one of the top pieces of advice is to try meditation and yoga - to the point where some people might roll their eyes at it. But hang on! The reason it's so well suggested is because it works for a lot of people, and helps with mindfulness which can stop your mind wandering to overthinking/angry thoughts!

4. Do some good in your spare time: volunteer

image source: reddit.com
If you're feeling angry a lot of the time, it can help to not only focus your mind on something else, but on something that's going to make you feel fulfilled in doing something to help others. It can help to calm you down and remind you of what's important.

5. Do something fulfilling with your education or qualifications

image source: reddit.com
A lot of anger can come from feeling frustrated with your job, lack of opportunities or stressed with your career. If this is the case, you can try to improve your situation by taking a new course or class, learning a new qualification or degree or getting experience in a different career area that will bring you more fulfilment.

6. Don't be afraid to cut certain people out of your life

image source: reddit.com
If your anger is coming from certain people in your life that you just can't stand and always make you feel stressed, there's no reason they should be in your life at all. If you can sever ties with them, it's going to be the best thing you can do to cut out that toxicity.

7. Hit the gym (or hit something at the gym)

image source: reddit.com
Exercise is one of the best methods to channel excess energy and anger, and you should do so regularly, which is why a gym membership will likely help you out! And if you really do need to hit something because you're so angry, opt for a punching bag in a workout environment!

8. Focus on everything you have to be happy about

image source: reddit.com
We know it can be difficult when you're feeling so angry and negative, but it can help if you take the time to sit down and write out a list of all the things you have to be thankful and happy about. This might help to see how pointless your anger is when, in the grand scheme of things, you have enough to be happy.

9. Make sure you're getting enough sleep

image source: reddit.com
It's amazing how much of a difference sleep can make on your anger issues, and how easily you can snap at people! Making sure you're getting enough sleep is key to having your brain feel clearer, your patience in a better state and your general mood improved!

10. Imagine a protective aura

image source: reddit.com
This may sound silly, but if you're feeling overwhelmed by things or people around you that make you feel vulnerable or angry, picture your own 'shield' of sorts, like a circle of light, around you. Focusing on that and breathing can help to ground yourself and make you feel a little more calm, like nobody can get past that 'shield' if you don't let them.

11. Do something to keep your hands busy

image source: reddit.com
If squeezing a stress ball is going to help you every time anger surfaces, then do it! Doing something with your hands is actually a great way to tackle that anger itch when it happens, so you might also want to try a handsy hobby, like playing an instrument or crocheting.

12. Perform an anger-release ritual

image source: reddit.com
Whatever this means to you, or whatever way you'd like to release that anger - there's no right or wrong. You could write down on slips of paper all the things that are angering you, and then burn them with a candle to release the anger. Anything that makes you feel like you've physically 'released' what's ailing you!

13. Travel to get away from everything for a while

image source: reddit.com
This isn't a long-term solution, of course, in running away from all your problems, but most of the time all it needs is a change of scenery and a break from what's making you angry to make you see things in a different way and be able to return to the situation with a clear head.

14. Speak to someone - a professional, a friend, anyone!

image source: reddit.com
If your anger issues are very disruptive, speaking to a professional like a therapist or support group is the best way to go, because loved ones aren't qualified to help you deal with serious issues. But if sometimes all you need is a little rant to feel better, lean on a loved one to hear you out!

15. Research the negative health aspects of anger

image source: reddit.com
In the moment, when you're angry, the last thing you're thinking of is what it could be doing to your body or the health repercussions. Take some time to research the long-term effects of anger and stress (like high blood pressure) so you're reminded that it's important to take care of yourself.

16. Read some non-fiction books about anger control

image source: reddit.com
You might need some advice about dealing with anger, or want to hear other people's stories on how they dealt with it - so the best place for that can be self-help guides for anger issues, or any non-fiction book about controlling negative feelings and how to relax more. Reading in itself is a relaxing pastime to distract from the anger, too!

17. Take the time to understand why you're angry

image source: reddit.com
Are you inexplicably angry in general, or is there something very specific causing your anger? If the latter, then you need to focus on what you can do to stop that situation, or person, making you angry. Once you've identified what's causing it, you can work on dealing with it!

18. Express your anger through creative writing

image source: reddit.com
You might want to channel your anger into a creative piece of writing, like a poem about your anger, a short story, a journal account or even a whole book! If you've always found creative writing relaxing, then this could be a therapeutic experience that can also help you to better understand how you're feeling.

19. Or channel it into artwork

image source: reddit.com
A lot of painters express raw emotion through their artwork, including anger, and there's a reason for that - because art can be one of the best ways to channel your energy. Turn your anger into an art piece, even if it's a huge splat on a canvas that makes you feel satisfied!

20. Write a letter to the person who makes you angry

image source: reddit.com
This isn't with the intention of posting it to them (unless you really want to, but it's probably not advised!) but more just to write a letter so that you can say everything you'd really like to say to them. It can help if someone is really making you angry but you feel like you can't say to their face everything you hate about them!

21. Make yourself an 'anger jar'

image source: reddit.com
We all know the deal with a 'swear jar', so this is also a bonus if you're trying to save up for something! Make a physical anger jar so that you can pop a dollar into it anytime you say or feel something angry. It can also help to put things in perspective when you see how full the jar is - are you ridiculously angry, so that it's a wake up call? Or are you not as angry as you thought?

22. Or a positivity jar instead

image source: metro.co.uk
If you'd rather use a physical jar for something more positive, you could make a jar filled with slips of paper that you write positive things on - like reminders of things you have to be grateful for, or positive affirmations. Every time you feel yourself getting angry, you can pick a piece of paper out of the jar.

23. Consider getting a pet

image source: reddit.com
This should only be an option if you can comfortably have/afford a pet, of course, but pets have been known for improving people's mood and making you feel more calm. Who can feel angry when they have unconditional love from their furry best friend? Bonus: if you have a dog, you'll be able to take daily walks to curb your anger, too!

24. Take up a sport or physical hobby

image source: reddit.com
Taking up a new sport is also a great way to channel anger, as you can get the workout/exercise side of things while also developing a new passion. You might also want a contact sport so you can quite literally work out those anger kinks on the field, or on the court!

25. Try to train yourself to let things go

image source: reddit.com
This can be very, very difficult to do, but sometimes, you need to be the bigger person and realize when it's just not worth it. If you're getting angry about small things that aren't worth your time, and that you can't change, you need to try and re-program your mind to react less angrily, and let it go.

26. Avoid any situation which is going to trigger you

image source: reddit.com
If you've worked out the situations, places or people that make you angry or trigger negative thoughts, there's no reason to put yourself in those situations if you can help it. If you've noticed you get angry going to the grocery store at peak time on a weekend because it's so busy, then go another time when it's quieter!

27. Completely fix whatever it is making you angry

image source: reddit.com
Take the time to understand what's making you angry, and spend your time doing whatever you can to fix it so that you can move on with your life! It might not happen overnight, but it's worth it. If your job is making you angry, then it's time to look for a new one.

28. Spend more time watching comedies or doing light-hearted things

image source: reddit.com
When you're feeling on edge, angry and down in the dumps, force yourself to watch a comedy film you know always makes you laugh - even if you don't feel like it right now - or light-hearted things, like guilty pleasures, that chill you out and don't take much effort.

29. Put everything into perspective

image source: reddit.com
You need to understand whether your anger issues are worth the negative impact on your physical and mental health. Take the time to put everything in perspective - is being angry pointless? Do you have a million things to be happy and excited about, and only one tiny thing to be angry about?

30. Is the anger going to change anything?

image source: reddit.com
Is feeling angry going to change anything at all? What difference would it make if you reacted indifferently instead of angrily? If you being angry really isn't going to change a single thing, it's not worth the toll on your health. Even if you feel justified in being angry, if it won't change anything for the better, try to channel that negative energy into something else.

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