1. Pee standing up
Image source: Reddit
Women have the ability to stand up and pee, OR sit down if they prefer. If a woman tries the same thing...it really wouldn't be a very good idea. This is one of those things that only men can do and women sometimes wonder - what is it actually like to pee whilst standing up?
2. Go topless in public
Image source: Reddit
Men can go topless in public and it's deemed totally socially acceptable in most places. It could be the beach, or even just around town on a sunny day (although not in all places). For women, it's not seen as acceptable unless it is a specifically designated beach area!
3. Change their mind... without judgment
Image source: Reddit
Men can change their minds however many times they want, and people will just think that they are putting serious thought into their decision so good on them! Whereas, when a woman changes their mind too many times she's deemed all kinds of negative labels such as 'scatty' or 'irrational'.
4. Wake up and be ready
Image source: Reddit
Ah, to wake up and roll out of bed and call yourself luxury. This is something a man can do, and sadly a woman can't. Men can take 10 minutes to dress and wash their face and this is considered a full get-ready routine. For a woman, a full-blown get-ready could take anywhere up to a few hours!
5. Bring more men into the world
Image source: Reddit
So women have the XX chromosome, meaning that they cannot create a boy, The man, with the X and Y chromosome has the ability to create a boy. So only a man has the potential to bring another boy into this world as well as a girl. Women only have the potential to create other women.
6. Not think about their outfit
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If you've ever seen a guy decide what to wear, you may have at some point witnessed him grabbing the closest thing to him and checking it's clean before putting it on and calling himself dressed. Jeans, a tee, a tracksuit...it really is easy for them to choose an outfit with very little or no thought.
7. Pee wherever they like
Image source: Reddit
We're not saying a man can pee WHEREVER he likes. But if he's out and out in the wild countryside and needs a pee it's really not a big deal. Anywhere will do when you're a man because it's so simple. For a woman, the whole squatting-in-nature scenario isn't so easy at all.
8. Let their body hair grow with no one judging
Image source: Reddit
If you see a super hairy man you wouldn't think anything of it, and you certainly wouldn't make a comment. But for some reason, society has a huge opinion when it comes to hair women. If they decide to leave their body hair and not shave it they are ridiculed for it!
9. Say what they want!
Image source: Reddit
If you hear a man speaking freely and being super opinionated, you may get backlash on the comments he makes, but not on the fact that he's airing his opinion. For a woman who speaks openly and is outspoken about certain topics, she may face personal insults or doing so!
10. Grow a beard
Image source: Reddit
Facial hair, and growing a beard or a mustache is also something that a man can do that a woman can't (aside from a few exceptions). They can decide on freshly shaven, stubble, a goatee, you name it. A woman doesn't have as much facial hair because of the difference in testosterone levels.
11. Have rights without a fight
Image source: Reddit
Men (in general) are born into a very privileged position in that they have their rights as men, and they always have. A man doesn't have to fight for his rights, unlike a woman. Women born in any generation have to face gender inequality and fight for their rights!
12. Climb to the top of the career ladder easier
Image source: Reddit
We're not saying that men can instantly rise to the top of a career ladder, but men start in a potion where they can progress easily if they have the skills or talent. They do not have to contend with gender inequality like women do, facing phenomena such as the glass ceiling!
13. Go grey and be praised
Image source: Reddit
When a man turns grey he's praised for embracing his natural beauty and he's automatically deemed a 'silver fox'. Compare this to the societal view on women who allow themselves to turn fully grey without dyeing their hair. Do they get a similar response? Not at all!
14. Pursue whatever lifestyle they choose
Image source: Reddit
Men can pretty much go down any lifestyle path they choose. If they love gaming they can do so judgement-free. If he loves to sit inside watching soccer and drinking beer he's called a 'bachelor'. Women can't make these kinds of choices without facing intense backlash.
15. Have whatever body shape they like
Image source: Reddit
Men do face body insecurities and pressure, especially since social media has become so huge. But a man can embrace whatever body type he has. For example, what is affectionately deemed a 'dad bod' for a man is seen as attractive. Yet a woman has to align with a very particular body type to be seen (in society's eyes) as attractive.
16. Age without the scrutiny of others
Image source: Reddit
It also seems to be the view that men age much more gracefully and especially better than women do. Men can embrace their age without facing pressure to make changes to look younger. Women are scrutinized in the media for fine lines or any signs of natural aging!
17. Sit alone at a bar
Image source: Reddit
Men can go out alone and sit at a bar and, generally speaking, they can enjoy a peaceful night. For a woman to sit alone at a bar she may have many people coming up to her, or she might even face questions in regards to what she is doing out alone and why is she there!
18. Brag about romantic encounters
Image source: Reddit
Men can brag about their romantic encounters to impress their friends, knowing that they get kudos for telling people about their endeavors. A woman cannot do this without being called all kinds of degrading names and being labeled in seriously negative ways!
19. Get angry
Image source: Reddit
A man is totally free to express when he's angry, as aggression is generally associated with being a masculine trait rather than a feminine one. But if a woman is angry and wants to stand for a cause, she is called 'over emotional' and her capabilities are questioned!
20. Shave their head
Image source: Reddit
Men look great with shaved heads and if a man decides to shave his head, it's not really considered a big deal. Hair or no hair, it's totally acceptable. Whereas when a woman shaves her head the media has a field day and her mental health will be questioned as a result!
21. Walk someone down the aisle
Image source: Reddit
A man's role is to walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. And that's something that a woman (usually) doesn't get to do. He gets to proudly walk the bride down the aisle to 'give her away' to the husband. And this is a father's moment alongside the bride!
22. Have easier access to STEM subjects
Image source: Reddit
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subjects are still heavily male-dominated and men are usually associated with males. So they get a lot of opportunities coming their way, which women do not. In fact, over 90% of engineers are men...even today!
23. Have better natural spacial awareness
Image source: Reddit
Men scientifically have been studied as having naturally better spatial awareness. Men have a great sense of location and they can tell how far things are apart from one another, naturally more easily than a woman can. So as a man, you are blessed with the spatial instincts that women are not.
24. Use a urinal
Image source: Reddit
Men, whether they choose to or not, have the option of going to the toilet in a urinal...something that women cannot do! Men can gather together in the urinals to have a public pee, whilst chatting away. Yet another thing that women don't get to experience.
25. Lift heavy
Image source: Reddit
Men are naturally bigger and physically stronger than women so they can lift objects that are a lot heavier than a woman. The majority of men can lift things that are much heavier than a woman could. That being said, there are of course exceptions to the rule!
26. Choose to be single
Image source: Reddit
A man choosing to be single is dubbed the 'bachelor', rather than a woman who gets some not-so-pleasant terms. A man can freely choose to be single without facing any backlash or constantly hearing 'when will you get married' or 'when will you have children'.
27. Be allowed to be messy
Image source: Reddit
A messy man is often seen as a 'mother's boy' or in need of someone to look after him. It's not his fault, he lives alone...why wouldn't he be messy? But, for a woman they'd be seen as disgusting, lazy, or 'unladylike; if they were to allow their home to become a mess!
28. Have their name passed down generations
Image source: Reddit
A man is able to have his last name passed down from generation after generation. He is able to search his family tree and see directly where he has descended from, who his father was and his grandfather etc. A woman cannot do that, although she can keep her own name now, she can't follow her own family name hundreds of years back.
29. Fart and burp freely
Image source: Reddit
Nobody's saying that it's a good thing for a man to fart and burp freely. But imagine a man burping out loud in comparison to a woman. Men are essentially allowed to act a little bit grosser, and have it accepted or even laughed at as though it's something funny!
30. Propose
Image source: Reddit
A woman has the choice to propose if and when she wants. But generally speaking, it is tradition for a man to propose, and even today, it is still super uncommon for a woman to propose to a man. So, a man gets the pleasure of securing the right ring and preparing his proposal speech.