30 Reasons Why Everybody Should Buy A House

By Molly 7 months ago

1. It's A Wise Investment

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Buying a house allows you to invest some extra cash that you may have. The real estate market bubbles with demand, and it is not very risky to pump your money into the sector. Moreover, houses accumulate value over time and prices rise after several years. You are guaranteed to reap huge returns.

2. Low-Interest rates

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Currently, financial institutions have low-interest rates, which you can take advantage of. Buying a home right now enables you to access cheaper loans. Furthermore, you can get a mortgage that works well for your finances. Such a phenomenon may not be the case in the future, why don’t you buy a house now?

3. Sell it at your pleasure

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When the need arises, we are forced to sell off some of our assets to cover emergencies. When you buy a house, that is an additional asset that you can utilize under these grim circumstances. No one can stop you from selling property you own whenever you want. You are free to set the prices and the conditions for sale.

4. Serve your preferences

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Buying a house allows you to dictate how it should look. You can choose how the rooms would look like, the color of paint you can coat on your walls, and even decide how the windows and ceilings would look. Such an advantage is impossible in a rented house because it is not your property.

5. Relative calm

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Buying a house can solve the unnecessary hassle of renting an apartment. Landlords are always ringing our phones, rent payment delays, and frequent rent hikes. However, buying a house eliminates one of our modern problems. You don’t have to contend with anyone to rest easy in your home.

6. A Source of Pride

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Very few people own homes in this century. And let’s face it! Houses are expensive, and only the resilient and the most diligent can achieve this dream. When buying a house, it reveals something about your character. You are a visionary. When you gaze at your home, relief swarms over you. You have made it!

7. Friends, Family, and Pets

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Some rented apartments have strict and even petty conditions. Instructions like “Pets are not allowed!” or “No friends at this time!”. While these may piss us off, we have little choice but to rebel against them. Owning your own house gives you the freedom to invite friends and have them for as long as you wish. Also, you can own as many pets as you want.

8. Making the best choice

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Renting a house limits us within the range of income we earn, or the availability of houses we can find. For this reason, we are likely to settle for the dullest houses around. When buying a house, all your priorities are set towards getting the best product in the market. You can consult with the experts and get a marvelous deal.

9. Retirement plan

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Growing old demands that you have a home that can afford you the serenity you need to rest. A time will come when you shall not be working anymore, but you will need a place to stay. Renting cannot be an option because where will you get employment to cover the costs? Buying a house keeps you secure in old age; thus, you will not be homeless.

10. Long-term costs

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Houses can be costly, but if you are wise and persistent in the plan, you can solve your housing problem for good. After buying a house, you will not accrue any rental costs for the rest of your life. Renting can be cumulatively more costly because every month for as long as you stay at an apartment, demands a fat share of your wages.

11. Earn extra income

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Perhaps you don’t have to stay at the house you have just bought? You could just rent it out for some extra cash. Individuals interested in staying there can pay you every month or even weekly. Some people don’t need permanent residence, and moving into your house at a fee may just be what they need.

12. Saving your wage

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Most of your wages go to paying monthly rent or furnishing your mortgage. Shelter is a basic need, and certain luxuries must be set aside to pay rent comfortably. However, owning a house excludes you from rent payments, and your wages can be used to cover additional life benefits.

13. Solid Community

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Buying a house gives you a permanent neighborhood. When staring at a particular place with other homeowners, your families are bound to remain united after interacting together for many years. It is safer to share ideas, come through for each other, and even foster prosperous ambitions together.

14. Need for Space

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If you desire to extricate yourself from cramped spaces, buying a house would serve you well. Tired of squabbling with your neighbors over limited parking space? Narrow hallways? Small balconies? Owning your house could save you this distress. You can even own a garden or construct anything in your yard. It’s all yours!

15. Gaining experience

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Having your own house allows you to exercise various skills to make it habitable. In a rented apartment, the landlord will certainly take care of repairs or renovations. In your own house, that responsibility lies on you. You can learn how to do carpentry, masonry, or paintwork. These skills are fun and beneficial in the long run.

16. Suitable for a family

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Planning to start a family? Buying a house will grant you the benefits you need to raise a functional one. Statistics suggest that children born into a family that owns a house grow up to become more stable and confident. And why not? A house allows your children to feel confident about the future.

17. Security for loan access

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A house is one of the assets that can help you secure a loan. When creditors realize that you own a house, they are impressed because it shows some level of economic soundness on your part. Moreover, your house can be listed as security when applying for a loan because it reveals you are creditworthy.

18. Maintenance costs

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Taking care of your house becomes a priority because you will be the one to cover the costs of repairing it. Compared to a rented place, you do not have to pay your landlord for repairs. You can also do it yourself or get someone who can do it for a cheaper cost.

19. Supporting the economy

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The real estate market is an essential feature of the modern economy. It has helped employ millions of people, influenced the growth of other industries like manufacturing and service industries, and provided the government with revenue. Investing in the sector by buying a house enables you to participate in your nation's economic growth.

20. Cutting down moving costs

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Occasional movement can be stressful. And expensive too! Sometimes, we accumulate a lot of stuff in our rented houses, and the idea of moving becomes a burden. But we are forced to move for different reasons. So, how do you pack everything and rearrange them elsewhere? Hectic!

21. Tax reduction

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Tax agencies are sympathetic to homeowners. Even applying for a mortgage can help you to receive tax breaks. Every working individual has a taxable income that the state deducts taxes from. Owning your house can earn you a chance to get your taxable income reduced.

22. The voice of the community

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Rarely can someone who rents an apartment influence key decisions about a locality. City authorities respect homeowners because they have a good reason to feel deeply affected by certain policies. If you protest against certain changes in your area, your case will be taken seriously and promptly.

23. Healthy conditions

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Apartments are creeping with mildew and other parasites that could endanger your health. No matter how clean you are, your neighbor could be different. Rats could move from one house to another. Owning a home ensures that you can maintain sanitary conditions without getting compromised by others.

24. Saving energy

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Living in someone’s apartment could consign you to high electricity bills, which you must pay. You have no option but to use the energy mode provided in the apartment, and you cannot modify anything to suit your preferences. Buying your own house allows you to choose your preferred energy source.

25. Security

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Rented areas are not safe for you and your family. You probably share the same apartment with individuals with questionable character. Who knows if your neighbor will storm into your house and stab you? Buying your house allows you to pitch a fence and other security systems to alert you when danger strikes.

26. Privacy

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We all have activities we wish we could perform ourselves without any intrusion, such as gardening, playing music, or painting. Living in a rented place will not give you the privilege to do what you want without constant meddling from others who want to know what you are doing behind your door.

27. Controlling debt

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Buying a house allows you to regulate the amount of debt you accrue. The process of buying a house demands unmatched responsibility. It is a worthwhile dream that keeps you on your toes with regard to balancing your financial acumen. You’re wary of unnecessary loans.

28. A worthwhile legacy

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Our children and grandchildren compel us to work hard so that we can leave something behind for them to remain comfortable with. Buying a house helps you to maintain a solid legacy that will not be forgotten by those who come after you. Your house can be passed down the generations through inheritance.

29. Humanitarian assistance

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Disaster strikes us all the time. Hurricanes and tornadoes destroy property, and houses are not spared. When you own a house, it is easy to seek assistance from the state when destruction hits you. As they say, “Those with assets are worthy of assistance.” Moreover, when relief agencies provide restoration work, you have a good claim to receive help.

30. The early bird catches the worm

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There is a population explosion. The housing market is under intense pressure. With many people entering the adult spectrum, house demand is high. The pressure will increase in the coming years, and good houses will probably become expensive or unavailable.

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