1. Get a humidifier

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By adding moisture to the air, these nifty little gadgets make sure that you're continuously getting the hydration you need for your skin. They are especially useful during the colder months when your skin is naturally a little drier, and can help with dry skin, nose irritation and cracked lips. Definitely worth investing in one of these bad boys!
2. Use a blanket, not a fireplace

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Though we're told that curling up in front of the fire is the best way to get comfy, it can also be one of the most harmful things for your skin. When out skin goes from cold to hot too quickly, it's all too easy for the skin to dry out. We're best gradually heating ourselves by using a blanket or an oodie instead.
3. Wear lip balm

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It might seem like a pretty obvious suggestion but lip balm should be your best friend in the winter months. Some claim that you don't need lip balm and you only start needing it when you start using it - ridiculous! It was invented for this purpose so make sure it's a yummy scent and have at it!
4. Don't scratch

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One of the most common reasons as to why some have such an issue in the fall is because they don't know how to treat their skin properly. Once you start scratching, you are continuously irritating the area and getting bacteria from your nails into your skin. Grab some aloe vera and stop scratching!
5. Drink lots of water

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There are varying theories when it comes to whether drinking water has any benefits for your skin. If we look at the science, water does not directly contribute, but fizzy and sugary drinks do and can lead to breakouts and impact acne. So, as a matter of best practice, make sure to swap out those sugary drinks for water!
6. Shea butter is your new best friend

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Shea butter comes from the nut of the African shea treat. It is often described as a 'fat'. This means shea butter is a fabulous way of trapping all the moisture in your skin and stopping your skin from drying out. Everybody could do with a tub at your disposal, especially if you have dry skin on your feet.
7. Use hypoallergenic detergent

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You may or my not know this but if you find your skin is redder, drier and all-in-all scalier after wearing fresh clothes, it is likely your detergent that is the culprit. Make sure you're using hypo-allergenic laundry detergent; it is softer, kinder and more sensitive to skin of all types.
8. Make sure to use an oil

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Yes, even if you have oily skin. Oil can help to balance the PH of your skin, reinvigorate any sadder, more tired looking skin, and is excellent for trapping moisture. We're often told that if we have oily skin, we should refrain from using oil. Don't believe everything you read.
9. Use a hand cream after washing your hands

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It's an extra step when you go to the bathroom or do your dishes, but it will help you off considerably in the long run. Regular soaps or dish soap can often have abrasive properties and naturally dry out the skin. Make sure you're using a hand cream immediately after to lock the moisture in (and it can make your hands smell lovely!).
10. Eat a balanced diet

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Just like water, what we put in our insides can help with our outsides. If you eat lots of fatty foods, you're going to affect your skin. If you only eat salads, you're going to affect your skin. The best thing you can do is make sure you're getting all the nutrients you can, especially vitamin C, to give yourself the brightest glow.
11. Always remove your makeup

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We've all been there: you get back late from a dinner or you've been up partying and you truly cannot be bothered to take all your makeup off. Before you turn out the light, remember: your skin will not thank you for this in the morning. No matter how tired you are, take it off!
12. Wear cotton under wool

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Wool jumpers in the fall are dreamy. We all love to be comfy and cozy on our walks or just cuddling under a blanket at home. Though it may look lovely, it's important to bear in mind that wool can agitate and dry out your skin, so make sure you have cotton (or silk) on underneath.
13. Protect your face and your body

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I think because there can be so much more fun in doing your nightly facial routine, it's easy to forget about the rest of us, especially because it often doesn't show as clearly when we look after the skin on our bodies. But believe me, it is important! Make sure to pay attention to all areas, not just your face.
14. Turn the water temperature down

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I wholeheartedly love a long, hot shower, especially when the chill starts to set in my bones. But do not keep the water hot! It should be warm, not scolding, not freezing, a nice middle ground. When our skin goes from hot to cold too quickly, it immediately dries it out so make sure you're not going too hot in the shower or bath.
15. Use a sleep mask as much as you can

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The downside? It might feel quite cold and sticky on a long fall evening. The benefit? You will wake up feeling soft and silky, having had the moisturising treatment settle into your skin all night long. Every couple of days, grab a face mask and watch it work wonders.
16. SPF should be used everyday

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You might think it's not worth it if the sun isn't out and I understand: it can take a while and it's not the kindest thing on the bank account. But if there is light, there is UV, and we have to make sure we protect our skin against all the elements, not just the sun out in the open.
17. Wear gloves

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As I've mentioned, the cold has a dreary way of drawing out the moisture from our skin and leaving us more than a little dry. The best option is to throw on some hand cream and then get those hands in a pair of nice, warm cotton gloves. They'll retain the moisture and you're retain your heat!
18. Don't have as many baths or showers

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A warm bath or shower can feel great at the time, but when we exit them and start drying ourselves, it can draw out even more moisture from our skin. We are best, when it gets a little chillier, relying on the wonders of dry shampoo and deodorant to avoid super dry skin.
19. Avoid smoking

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Apologies if you don't smoke, but for those that do, I won't go on about the other health risks. Just focussing on our skin, if you consider what I've mentioned about fire, think about what that hot smoke is going to do to your skin: it will dry it out immediately. If you can, grab a patch and stay away from the cigarettes.
20. Use fragrance-free products

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Though we might want our skin to smell delicious, it's important to bear in the mind that where there is fragrance, there is most likely alcohol. And what does alcohol do? It dries our skin out! Opt for an ointment or cream that is fragrance free and you'll see a world of difference.
21. Apply products on damp skin

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It sounds counter-intuitive but trust me: your skin and its pores are more open straight after a shower or bath. They will absorb products quicker and easier than if you had put them on dry skin. For that reason, you should make sure that whatever product you're putting on, your skin should be, not wet, but damp.
22. Use ointment or cream, not lotion

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Is there a difference? Absolutely! An ointment is a concentrated solution to a problem. A cream is still concentrated, but dialled down slightly for ease and for milder issues. A lotion is that cream plus a lot of water. Water dries out your skin and you get far worse results. Use ointments for specific issues, otherwise a cream is your best way to go.
23. Use serums

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There's so many! They are phenomenal at targeting specific areas you might be struggling with. My favourites are the vitamin D, lactic acid and salicylic acid serums; they tone down redness, moisturise skin and brighten your skin's appearance. Make sure to use them before your moisturiser.
24. Cut out any skin products with alcohol in them

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As I said, alcohol is an absolute no. When you pick up a product in store, you should always look to see whether there are any alcoholic substances in them. Now, if they're fatty and you can see that there is glycerin in the ingredients, you can be forgiven! But if not, away with the alcohol.
25. Develop a skincare routine

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Before we discuss your skin, it's important to develop a skin care routine for your mental health. It puts you in focus, it calms you down and it can get you ready for bed. For your skin, by developing your routine, you can better utilize the benefits of each product. The above diagram is a great example.
26. Apply moisturiser immediately after washing

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It's not just because your skin is wet, but because of the heat of the water. If your body temperature is warmer, your pores open up, allowing the product to be absorbed much quickly and more efficiently than if you left it on cooler skin. It additionally adds an extra layer of cleanliness and routine!
27. Make sure to exfoliate

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If we put products on unexfoliated skin, the dead skin cells, bacteria and other debris just moves around with whatever product. However, by exfoliating, we are lifting that debris, clearing out our pores and providing a healthy base for us to lay down the groundwork for healthier skin.
28. Don't spend too long in the bath or shower

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We've learnt so far that you shouldn't be taking too many baths/showers, and that the temperature should be kept warm. Now, it's important to remember that you shouldn't spend too long in that shower or bath either. The more water you expose your skin to, the quicker it will dry out.
29. Use a hydrating toner

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After your pores have been opened and treated, you then need to close them back up. A toner is the best way to do this. It is important to bear in mind too that toner can dry out your skin so make sure there is no alcohol in the ingredients and so it's kinder to skin. Then those pores will be nice and tight after you've hydrated them.
30. Use a gentle cleanser

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After we've exfoliated, we have to cleanse in order to remove all the dirt and grime that the exfoliator has dredged up. However, if used too frequently, cleansers can be harmful to skin. Make sure you pick out a product that is specifically targeted for a gentler effect and you'll be sure to have a glowing, moisturised complexion.