30 Foods Which Last Longer Than Their Expiry Dates

By Abigail 6 months ago

1. Honey

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Theoretically, honey actually has an unlimited shelf life. That's practically been proven by archaeologists who, in 1922, actually found a jar of honey inside King Tutankhamun’s tomb! Apparently, its low pH levels and lack of water meant that this honey never spoiled - so you could leave yours for 3,000 years if you wanted to.

2. Olive oil

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Are you someone who keeps your olive oil next to your stovetop for quick drizzling? Then you could be compromising its shelf life. Kept in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and temperature changes, a bottle of olive oil can actually last close to two years. So, take a bit of care, purchase the good stuff, and watch it go further.

3. Heavy cream

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Now, dairy would usually be a total no-no for keeping for long periods. Nobody wants mouldy cream in their fridge. However, if you've got an unopened jar or bottle of heavy cream in the back of your fridge, and it's a few weeks past the expiry date, you don't actually need to throw it out. Opened, that's another story.

4. Cheese

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An unopened block of hard cheese (like cheddar) can last up to six months in the fridge - so you don't necessarily need to rush to eat that block that you bought on a whim. Some cheeses, like hard parmesan, will last a long time even opened up - parmesan will go as long as six weeks.

5. Dried pasta

image source: reddit.com
Dried pasta is one of those things that you should always have on-hand. Stored in a clean and dry environment, there's no reason why a bag of dried penne won't last as long as two years or more in your cupboard. Longer, and it might still be fine, if a little flavorless. As long as you don't see mould, it's probably good!

6. Vinegar

image source: reddit.com
It's not a surprise that vinegar can keep for a lot longer than the expiry date might reveal. The acidity of the vinegar will keep it fine for ages, so don't be worried about using vinegar that's two to five years old. And if it does start to go bad (you can tell by the smell), remember you can use vinegar to clean jewellery or as a sink cleaner!

7. Ketchup

image source: reddit.com
Ketchup is such a regular item in the kitchen that it's unlikely that you'll even get close to the expiry date on a bottle. However, we've all been there - you reach into the very back of your fridge for something and suddenly find a forgotten-about bottle. Well, don't fear, as ketchup can safely be eaten for up to 12 months after opening.

8. Herbs and spices

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Herbs and spices are an absolute pantry staple, but what happens when you leave them too long? Well, you don't have to be worried about getting sick from expired spices - the worst that will happen is that they just won't taste as good as when fresh. Theoretically, your spices will keep for at least a couple of years somewhere dry.

9. Eggs

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Where do you store your eggs? There are people who will tell you that a dark cupboard is the best place, and others who will recommend the fridge. Well, the latter would be right, as keeping your eggs in the fridge can keep them good for up to five weeks, and that'll be far longer than the expiry date recommends.

10. Yoghurt

image source: reddit.com
Opened yoghurt is a common candidate for true expiry-date horror. Nobody wants to see off yoghurt. But as long as your yoghurt doesn't smell or look bad, you're probably okay to eat it after its expiry date, especially if it's been kept at a stable, cold temperature for the entire time it's been opened.

11. Chia seeds

image source: reddit.com
Chia seeds can be a great addition to your pantry if you're looking for a nutrient-rich food to add to smoothies, porridge, or even desserts. And you don't need to be too fussy about the expiry date on chia seeds, as they will happily keep for about 18 months without any problems.

12. Canned vegetables

image source: reddit.com
Canned food is everyone's food of choice for a potential future zombie-apocalypse/nuclear disaster. And that's because canned food will last an incredible amount of time - sometimes indefinitely. If the can is in good condition (there's no rust) you shouldn't worry about eaten past-expiry canned veg.

13. Mustard

image source: reddit.com
Mustard is another acidic foodstuff that will last for much longer than you think thanks to its natural preservation qualities. In fact, an unopened jar of mustard will last for about two or three years long than the expiry date when kept in a dark, dry area. Once opened, though, mustard will last for up to a year in the fridge.

14. Soy sauce

image source: reddit.com
Ever bought a bottle of soy sauce for a recipe and completely forgotten about it? Don't be afraid to fetch it out of the depths of your cupboard, as soy sauce can last indefinitely if unopened. Once you've opened it, pop it in the fridge and it'll last for a further two or three years just fine.

15. Canned coconut milk

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There's quite a big difference between an opened and an unopened can of coconut milk. If you bought one to make a Thai curry and forgot about it, then you're fine - canned coconut milk will last a good few years in your cupboard. One opened though, if you have any leftover you should keep it in the fridge and use within a few days.

16. Rice

image source: reddit.com
If you're careful about how you keep your rice (an airtight jar is the best solution), then white rice can last for many years just fine - and some would say up to 30 years! However, brown rice has a higher oil content than white rice, which means it'll spoil sooner, so be careful about leaving brown rice for too long.

17. Jerky

image source: reddit.com
Jerky was a staple of indigenous diets in the Americas for years, precisely because it can keep so well for long periods of time. But just how long is that? Well, as long as you're storing it somewhere dry and cool, jerky can theoretically last indefinitely, but almost definitely at least a year after the expiry date. But it might not taste as good as fresh jerky!

18. Pickles

image source: reddit.com
That jar of pickles that's been sitting in the pantry waiting to be opened? If the expiry date is within two years of today, then they're still good to open! Once opened, as long as they're in an airtight container in the fridge, they could be fine for another two years.

19. Canned pumpkin

image source: reddit.com
Like other canned foods, canned pumpkin is a great pantry staple to have on hand whenever you get a craving for pumpkin pie (or even a pumpkin spice latte!) But if you bought one last fall and never used it, should you be worried? Nope - canned pumpkin puree will last at least two - and up to five - years in the pantry unopened.

20. Dried beans

image source: reddit.com
While most of us have probably bought a can of lentils or garbanzo beans before, dried beans can be an even better purchase, and that's because they last just as long. Dried beans, kept somewhere cool and dry, can technically last forever because they don't go bad, though they will lose nutritional value after a while.

21. Canned tuna

image source: reddit.com
Another great zombie-apocalypse/panic bunker purchase is canned tuna. This will last from two to five years unopened, so it's really handy to keep some in the house for whenever you need it. Be careful if the can has been damaged, though - that can seriously affect the quality of the tuna.

22. Dried fruit

image source: reddit.com
Dried fruit deserves to be a pantry staple as much as your canned goods and rice. And that's because, if kept properly in an airtight container, dried fruit can last for up to a year after their expiry dates. Dried banana, apricots, prunes - they're great for baking and snacking!

23. All-purpose flour

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The actual expiry date of flour will depend on the type that you buy, however, all-purpose will generally last longer than others. Once you've bought it, you'll have about a year to use it, but you can extend that for another year if you move your flour to the fridge! Be wary that bread flour and self-raising flour won't last as long.

24. Potatoes

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How many times have you opened a cupboard to find your potatoes have sprouted some horrifying looking roots while you've been away? Theoretically, as long as the potatoes aren't going soft and still smell okay, you're able to cut these roots off and eat the rest of the potato. In general, potatoes will last for a few months somewhere dry and cool.

25. Bouillon cubes

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Bouillon cubes are a staple in the winter, when soups and stews come back onto the menu. Well, you don't have to be worried about using bouillon cubes from last year, as they will generally stay good for up to two years past their expiry dates. Expired cubes are more likely to lose their potency, though, so for a quality meal, always buy fresh.

26. Dark chocolate

image source: reddit.com
If you always find your milk chocolate going a bit funny before you've managed to eat it - well, first, who are you, managing to keep chocolate for any longer than a few days uneaten? Secondly, you might consider switching to dark chocolate, which can last for around three years after its expiry date thanks to a low milk content!

27. Raisins

image source: reddit.com
Like other dried fruit, dried raisins will last for months longer than the expiry date specified on the label. Once you've opened a packet, transfer them to an airtight container and keep them somewhere dry and cool to further lengthen their life. Raisins that have been kept for a long time might be dry and a little tasteless, but they'll still be edible.

28. Jam

image source: reddit.com
With the amount of sugar that goes into creating a jar of jam, it's no surprise that it can last for a very long time. So, you shouldn't be worried about an unopened jar that's been sitting for up to two years. The biggest problem after opening will come from contamination from dirty knives or spoons - so to keep your jam longer, always dip clean cutlery into the jar! Sugar-free jam, meanwhile, will have a shorter shelf life.

29. Maple syrup

image source: reddit.com
Freshly jarred maple syrup will theoretically last forever - unless you break the seal and open it. After that, if you keep it in the fridge, it'll stay fresh for up to six months, but if you're an infrequent eater and make sure it stays cold, it could last even longer. Another option is to transfer it to your freezer, where it could last practically forever!

30. Popcorn

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It's always great to have a bag of popcorn on hand for impromptu movie nights at home. But what about if it's been a while since your last sleepover and you're worried about the bag at the back of your pantry? Well, as long as it was kept in an airtight container, they will still be good to eat for about a year after the sell-by date. If you're worried, try popping a small amount first. If they don't pop, then they've probably gone off and you should get a fresh bag.

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