30 Unwritten Laws That We All Follow

By Molly 7 months ago

1. Queueing Up

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Queueing, which means forming lines orderly, is something we do in places like stores, post offices, or crowded areas like theme parks. It's important to wait your turn patiently. Cutting in line makes people unhappy. Queuing teaches us to be patient and to respect other people's time.

2. Covering Your Mouth When You Cough or Sneeze

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Covering one's mouth when coughing or sneezing is a simple act of being clean and polite. We often do it without thinking, even when we're kids. We know that tiny drops of water come out when we cough or sneeze, and they might have germs. By covering our mouths, we stop these germs from spreading, which keeps everyone healthier. It shows we care about the people near us.

3. Holding the Door Open

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Holding a door open for someone is like a friendly handshake of politeness. It could be someone at a store or a coworker at the office. By holding the door open, you're saying, "I notice you, and I'm here to help." It shows that you are kind and respectful to others.

4. Respecting Personal Space

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Respecting personal space is like an unspoken rule we all follow. It means giving people room and not getting too close. We understand that everyone has their invisible bubble of comfort, and we should respect that. Whether on a crowded bus or waiting in line, we know not to invade someone's personal space.

5. Not Using Speakerphone in Public

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Using speakerphone in public is another unwritten law. It's about keeping our personal business confidential from everyone around us. So, in public places like cafes or buses, we use our regular phone mode to talk, not speakerphone. It's a way of being considerate to others and not disturbing their peace.

6. Covering Your Nose and Mouth When Yawning

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Yawning is a natural reaction when we're tired or bored. However, it can quickly spread to others. That's why there's an unwritten law to cover your mouth and nose when you yawn. It's a way to stop yawns from spreading to others. While it might not stop yawning completely, it's a polite way to show you care about those nearby.

7. Saying "Please" and "Thank You"

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These two simple words, "please" and "thank you," are like magic words that can make interactions smoother and more pleasant. We instinctively use them as a way of showing politeness and appreciation. Whether it's asking for a favor or receiving help, these words go a long way in making our social interactions more harmonious.

8. Covering Your Mouth When Laughing

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Laughter is a wonderful thing, but it's important to keep it contained. When we laugh loudly and openly, it can disrupt the peace around us. So, we follow the unwritten law of covering our mouths when we burst into loud laughter, especially in official meetings. It's a way of enjoying the moment while being mindful of others.

9. Not Talking with Your Mouth Full

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Eating is a delightful experience, but it's best enjoyed without a side of conversation. We all understand the importance of not talking with our mouths full. It's about showing respect for the people we're dining with. Chewing with your mouth closed is a sign of good manners.

10. Not Texting While Driving

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One of the most critical unwritten laws we all follow is refraining from texting while driving. Texting can be a dangerous distraction, taking our eyes off the road and our hands off the wheel. We should make a conscious effort to keep our phones away and our focus on the road.

11. Not Speaking During a Movie

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Have you ever been to a movie theater and had someone sitting nearby engage in a loud conversation during the film? It can be incredibly frustrating. That's why one of the unwritten laws we adhere to is not speaking during a movie. Whether in a cinema or at home, we should let others enjoy the film without unnecessary disruptions.

12. Waiting for Everyone to Be Served Before Eating

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At the dining table, an unwritten law we follow is waiting for everyone to be served before we start eating. By waiting for all the diners to have their food in front of them, we ensure that nobody feels left out or rushed. It's a small gesture that promotes a sense of togetherness during mealtime.

13. Respecting Elders

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Respecting our elders is a fundamental value that many societies hold dear. While it might not always be explicitly stated, it's an unwritten law we all understand. Elders are seen as a source of wisdom, and showing them respect is a way of acknowledging their contributions to our communities and families.

14. Not Touching Artwork in Museums

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When visiting museums or art galleries, we all abide by the unwritten law of not touching the artwork or exhibits. This rule is in place to protect these valuable pieces from damage caused by oils, dirt, and even well-intentioned hands. We should appreciate art with our eyes, not our hands, to help preserve these treasures for future generations.

15. Giving Up Your Seat for the Elderly, Pregnant, or Disabled

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One of the unwritten laws that we all follow is the act of giving up our seats to those who need it more. Whether on public transport, in waiting rooms, or at public gatherings, we understand the importance of offering our seats to the elderly, pregnant women, or individuals with disabilities. It's a small act of kindness that can make a big difference in someone's day.

16. Not Pointing

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Pointing fingers at others, literally and figuratively, is generally seen as impolite and disrespectful. Whether discussing a mistake or attributing blame, we adhere to the unwritten law of not pointing. Instead, we use more considerate communication methods, such as addressing issues directly or discussing concerns without singling out individuals.

17. Not Interrupting Others

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In conversations, we follow the unwritten law of not interrupting others. It's a sign of respect and active listening. We demonstrate our interest in their thoughts and opinions by patiently waiting for someone to finish speaking before we chime in. Interrupting can be rude, so we engage in meaningful and considerate dialogue.

18. Returning Borrowed Items in good condition

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Borrowing items from friends, family, or colleagues is common, but an unspoken rule accompanies it: returning borrowed items in good condition. Whether it's a book, a kitchen appliance, or a piece of clothing, we know the importance of taking care of borrowed possessions. It's a way of showing appreciation for our trust and ensuring that lending remains a positive experience for everyone involved.

19. Respecting Library Quietness

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Libraries are places of quiet contemplation and focused study. Thus, one of the unwritten laws we all follow is to respect library quiet. This means speaking softly, turning off cell phones, and refraining from disruptive behavior. Adhering to this unspoken rule allows others to immerse themselves in books, research, or study without distractions.

20. No Talking in Elevators

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In elevators, we stand close to strangers for a short time. To make it less awkward, we have an unwritten rule: don't talk unless you have to. It's okay to say a quick hello or nod at someone, but we usually don't have long chats. This helps everyone feel more comfortable and keeps our personal space respected.

21. Respecting No-Smoking Areas

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In our society, we know smoking is bad for health, both for the person smoking and those nearby. So, we follow an unwritten rule: we respect places where smoking is not allowed. These areas, usually marked with signs, are meant for people to be free from smoke. When we don't smoke in these places, we're being kind to others' health.

22. No Littering

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Throwing trash around is something we avoid as a society. Instead, we follow an unwritten rule: we don't litter. We put our garbage where it belongs, whether it's a candy wrapper or an empty drink container, using the proper bins or containers. It helps maintain the cleanliness of our public spaces.

23. Respecting Crosswalks

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Crosswalks exist to keep people safe while crossing streets. To make sure everyone stays safe, we follow an unwritten rule: we respect crosswalks. This means we stop our vehicles at crosswalks to let people walk across the street safely. It's a straightforward but vital practice that helps prevent accidents and shows we care about others' well-being.

24. No Double-Dipping

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When we're sharing food with others, we follow a rule: no double-dipping. Double-dipping means putting a piece of food that you've already taken a bite from back into the sauce. Most people see this as unclean and not polite. By not double-dipping, we show that we care about our dining partners' health and comfort.

25. Saying "Bless You" After a Sneeze

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When someone sneezes, we often say "Bless you" without thinking. This old tradition is a way to show we care about the person who sneezed. It has different stories about why we do it. However, what matters most is that it's a small, kind thing we do to be polite and show we care.

26. Respecting Dress Codes

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Dress codes are rules about what to wear in different places, like work or parties. We follow them to show respect for where we are and the people there. For example, we wear fancy clothes for weddings and professional clothes for job interviews. Dressing the right way is a way of being polite and fitting in.

27. Not Cutting Through Someone's Yard

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We all know that people have their things and spaces. To keep things respectful, we only walk through someone's yard or go on their land after asking. This is an unwritten rule that shows we care about their privacy. It's about being considerate of others and their property.

28. Taking Your Shoes Off When Entering Someone's Home (in some cultures)

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In lots of places, it's common to take off your shoes before going inside someone's home. This might seem strange, but it's a way to show respect. It helps keep the house clean by not bringing in dirt from outside. It also means you're ready to relax and enjoy the host's hospitality.

29. Not Chewing Gum in Formal Settings

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In formal settings, like business meetings or fancy dinners, chewing gum is a no-no. It can be distracting. Imagine someone in a tuxedo or an elegant dress chomping on gum—it doesn't quite match. This unwritten rule tells us that gum chewing is better saved for relaxed or private moments. In formal situations, it's vital to keep things serious and show respect.

30. Saying "Excuse Me" When Passing Through Crowds

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Getting through a crowded place can be tricky, especially in busy cities or events. That's where the silent rule of saying "excuse me" becomes handy. It's a straightforward yet effective phrase telling others you must pass. Without it, things could get messy and irritating.

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