1. You are processing your grief

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Grief is the most difficult emotion to contend with. It can last a lifetime and it can feel impossible. If you are processing your grief you may see your loved one in your dream as a way for your brain to help you through the process, to allow you to see them again in a way that allows you what feels like a real experience.
2. They are sending you a message

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They could also be sending you a message through your dream. Some people believe that dreams allow visitors from beyond Earth to pass us messages. Pay attention to what they say or how you feel in the dream as this could be the message from your loved one.
3. Your memories are resurfacing

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Sometimes we have dreams that feel new because they are old memories resurfacing that we had forgotten and didn't even remember existed. It can also be a memory or multiple memories that have been mixed up or distorted into an amalgamation so that it feels like new.
4. It's a coping mechanism

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Our brain intends to protect us from trauma. Hence, why it blocks out certain experiences so that we don't remember them. When we dream about our deceased loved ones it can be a coping mechanism, a way to help us deal with the loss so that we have time to deal with our emotions as we sleep.
5. Your subconscious has been thinking about them

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You may think about your deceased loved one from time to time, they're never far away from your thoughts. So it means that your deceased loved one is often in your subconscious thoughts and subconscious thoughts and emotions often come out in your dreams which is why you see your deceased loved ones when you sleep.
6. There's unfinished business

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Whenever we lose someone it always feels too soon, like we should have had more time together. Some things go unsaid, conversations you wished you had had, important topics to discuss, emotions you wish you'd expressed to them. It leaves you feeling as though there's unfinished business which may be why they appear in your dream.
7. You long for them

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It's totally normal to long for your loved one when they pass away, even for some time after you will experience periods where you long for them. This is one of the reasons you may see your deceased loved one in your dream because you are longing to see them, and your brain conjures up a dream about them.
8. They are watching over you

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We all want to think that the loved ones we lose are watching over us. And they are! Dreams are a way of letting us know this. If you've seen your deceased loved one in your dream they are letting you know and reassuring you that they're there watching out for you.
9. Love transcends boundaries

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One thing that dreams of our deceased loved ones really do show us is that love transcends the realm of the physical world and beyond. Just because someone is gone in the physical sense, doesn't mean that they are no longer loved by us, dreams prove this!
10. You are seeking closure

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The feeling of closure can be an important part of the healing process which comes after the grieving stage. Closure can help us to come to terms with what has happened, but it can be hard to find. So sometimes we can get this through our dreams when we see our deceased loved ones and can gain some kind of closure.
11. You are seeking guidance

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When you are seeking guidance you may subconsciously be looking for someone to tell you the right thing to do. Seeing your deceased loved one in a dream can help provide you with this guidance, they may be the presence you feel you need to know what you should do.
12. There are unsaid feelings

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It's super normal for a loved one to pass away and to feel as though there was so much you wished you said to them. In everyday life, we rarely say the extent of our true emotion to that person, and then sometimes the time comes when it is too late. Seeing them in your dream can be a chance to say what you want to say to them.
13. A symbol that the connection between the both of you remains

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If you are seeing your deceased loved one in a dream then it means that the connection between you two is still there. It's reminding you that this love and bond will always be there, no matter if they are here or not. A dream can help us to reaffirm this and help us feel more present.
14. You are seeking peace

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If you feel as though your life is turbulent or you are at some kind of crossroads then you probably feel like you need some peace in your life. Perhaps your deceased loved one was that peaceful presence in your life and when they are present in your dream they are offering you that same sense of peace.
15. You long for familiarity

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Our loved ones bring us that sense of stability that we all crave, a sense of love and homeliness. So when one of our loved ones passes away, it can feel as though everything we know has been turned upside down. Seeing them in your dream can give you the sense of familiarity that you need.
16. You're facing turbulence in your life

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When we face something difficult in our life it's often the moments that we miss our deceased loved ones more, which may be why they appear in our dreams. When we subconsciously feel the need for their assistance, they may be there in our dreams to help us through the turbulent times.
17. Your brain is trying to process everything

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While we sleep our brains undergo super important processes where they try and work through life events and come to terms with major upheavals and emotions. So when we dream of our deceased loved one it can mean that our brain is processing our loss as we sleep.
18. You are struggling to move past it

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It's normal to struggle to past a death that has brought upheaval to your life. It's the biggest thing we can come to terms with and it's difficult. Maybe when we see our deceased loved one in our dreams, it shows us that we are struggling and we might need to seek help.
19. It's time to move on

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It can also show us that it's time to move on. This doesn't mean forgetting, but rather moving past the trauma of the death and moving on with our life whilst cherishing their memory. Our dreams might be telling us that we need to work on moving past what has happened so that we can move on.
20. To enjoy reliving moments with them

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One of the best things about seeing our deceased loved ones in our dreams is that we get to relive moments with them. Or, we get to experience new moments with them in our dreams. It allows us to spend time with our loved ones when this is no longer possible.
21. You've experienced a major change in your life

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Seeing our deceased loved one in our dreams may also signify that we are going through a major change in our lives. Perhaps we are seeing them as a reminder of the past, and for a feeling of comfort and love whilst we face another huge battle to overcome. It also reminds us that we can get through tough times!
22. You are seeking an emotional relief

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Seeing your deceased loved one in your dream can feel like an emotional relief because in our dreams we really do experience emotions and feel them as though they are real. The reason we may see them is that we were in need of some relief, to be able to see them again!
23. Their influence still has a big impact on your life

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It also means that this person still has a big influence on your life, whether you realize it or not. They are clearly present in your mind and therefore, in your life and so they appear in your dreams as you sleep, continuing their legacy and impact on your life.
24. It's coming up to an important anniversary

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When it comes around to our deceased loved ones' birthdays, or the date of their death, or any particular occasion the sadness can feel so much worse. It's a time when we remember them and this is shown in our dreams, they may appear in our sleep at important times of the year.
25. You have regrets

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Regret is something that can consume you if you do not forgive yourself. If you feel regret toward your deceased loved one it is likely you will see them in a dream because your brain is so filled with guilt that you are conjuring up scenarios in your brain, perhaps negative ones.
26. You have strong emotions

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After our loved ones pass away our emotions are so strong, so it is especially likely that they will appear in our dreams because our emotions are still very much heightened. But, even after a lot of time has passed, we may still see them because we still have such strong emotions toward them.
27. They are sharing wisdom with you

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Deceased loved ones have wisdom that they can share with us, they have the ultimate life and death experiences that nobody on earth has the knowledge of. Perhaps your deceased loved one is featured in your dream because they are there to share some wisdom with you.
28. It's a reminder of your past self

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When you lose your deceased love it can feel as though you lost a piece of yourself with them. And grief can change us in many different ways, so seeing our past self with our deceased loved one in our dream is a little reminder of what we were once and how far we have come!
29. You have unresolved issues with someone

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Unresolved issues often come out of our dreams, no matter if this person is alive or gone. So if you have unresolved issues with a deceased loved one they may be present in your dreams as a kind of way to allow you to resolve this issue or to feel comfortable with letting it go.
30. A symbol of hope that there's an afterlife
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Seeing our loved ones in our dreams can truly feel like a glimmer of hope that perhaps they aren't gone after all. Maybe they're out there, somewhere in a realm beyond the physical world. It could be a sign of hope that there really is something after we die, an afterlife of some kind.