Ranked: The Most Annoying Things Men Can Possibly Do In A Relationship

By Dylan 6 months ago

30. Bumping into someone and they don't introduce you

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To kick-start this list, we have an absolute classic. Has your boyfriend ever bumped into an old friend while you're out and about and fails to introduce you both to each other? This is definitely one of the most annoying things a guy can do when you're in a relationship.

29. Liking other girl's photos on Instagram

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This one is an absolute no-brainer. Unless it's his sister, or a very good friend, your boyfriend should not be liking other girl's bikini pics on Instagram. What makes this situation more annoying is that when you bring it up with them, they don't see the issue!

28. Getting mad when they have to come off a video game

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This is some childish behavior if you ask me. One of the most annoying (and icky) things a guy can do is get super mad when you ask them to come off their video game, whether it be for dinner or just for bed. Some guys will even go as far as breaking their TV!

27. Asks you to be honest, then doesn't like the honesty

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Guys LOVE to do this one. They go on about honesty and openness until it actually comes to it. You might have been in a situation where you partner has asked you to be open with them, and when you bring up something you don't like, they get super defensive about it.

26. Watching sports at a dinner table

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Listen, I don't care what anybody says, dinner table time is family time, and that means talking to the person sat opposite you. If your boyfriend proceeds to put sports on his phone while at the dinner table, it's not only annoying, but very rude too. Especially if it's around friends and family.

25. Thinking he can get there without a map

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Men LOVE to think that they can do things without the need for proper tools, and they also love to think they've got the map of everything written in their head. What's more annoying, though, is them saying they don't need a map, then proceed to drive around in circles trying to find the destination.

24. Not noticing your recent haircut

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If there's one thing that men do that's really annoying, it's definitely this. You can spend over $150 on a new haircut for them to not even notice that it's been changed. You could have literally gone out, dyed it a completely random color, and they still wouldn't see how it's been changed.

23. Asking you to put his things in your purse

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Listen, the reason you take your purse out with you is to put your things in there, not somebody else's. That's why it so bloody annoying when your boyfriend will ask you to put his card wallet, eye-glasses, water bottle, car keys, cap and lotion in your purse. No!

22. Not having polite manners

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Manners are a big thing when it comes to a relationship and the worst thing is when somebody doesn't have any. Not only is it just plain rude, it's so annoying! Manners could come down to take up spaces on a train, not saying please and thank you to a server or talking with your mouth full.

21. Leaving their socks on during intimate time

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Listen, when it gets down to intimate time, we want to feel seduced and in love with the guy we're sleeping with. Sometimes, though, men will just keep their socks on during the entire thing, and that really is the biggest turn off ever, and so downright annoying.

20. Doesn't tell you about a spontaneous plan

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Have you ever come home to see your boyfriend packing for a trip away with the boys, that you knew nothing about before? Yep, that's pretty annoying, especially given they gave you no heads-up about the trip, and don't see what's wrong with that! Communication is key, guys.

19. Forces you to wander around the men's section, but never comes to the women's

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Men will always complain about being made to go around the women's section in department stores. They'll act all awkward when coming round to the lingerie bit too! But it's fine for the women to have to wander round the endless racks of the same t-shirts in different fonts? Okay.

18. Forgetting your anniversary

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If there's one thing you can confirm when you're in a relationship, it's that the man is definitely going to be forgetful. Men. Forget. Everything. And that's even the case when it comes to as something as important as an anniversary, so it's always the most annoying thing when they pick you up the cheapest flowers Walmart had left.

17. Being indecisive about EVERYTHING

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While men will complain that women are the most indecisive, we all know that there's some indecisive boyfriends out there too, and it is the most annoying thing a boyfriend can be. Whether it's indecisiveness towards what to wear, what to eat, or what you should do for the evening, it's all equally annoying.

16. Saying "I'll be back by ten."

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You always know that as soon as your boyfriend says "I'll be back by ten" it's game over. A night with the boys never (and I mean NEVER) finishes at ten o'clock, and it's always so annoying when he comes home drunk at 1am waking up the house with his drunken ruckus.

15. Doesn't want to hold hands in public

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This one is a red flag, an ick and downright annoying altogether. A man should be happy to show affection to his girlfriend in public, even if it's just as casual as holding hands. It's so annoying though when you try to hold his hand and all he does is pull away.

14. Saying you look "nice"

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We've all been there. You've spent two hours getting ready, half a day deliberating over your outfit, and even started over three times, just for you to ask your man how you look and he comes back with "nice." Where's the synonyms, where's the compliments? Sometimes, men just don't get it.

13. Leaving the toilet seat up!

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The most annoying pet peeve that everyone has had a run in with. Listen, boyfriends, if you go to the toilet and lift the toilet seat up, be sure to pop that toilet seat back the way you found it! That way, your girlfriends won't be mad when they pop to the toilet at 3am and get a shock when they touch the cold porcelain.

12. Saying "It was only a joke."

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Everyone loves a bit of banter, and it's especially healthy when there's a bit of banter in a relationship, but what's not cool is taking it that step too far then saying "it was only a joke." The worst part is that if you're willing to go that far to make some upset just for a laugh, then that's a red flag.

11. Pulling faces when you talk about all your male friends

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This whole "girls should have only girl mates" ideology is beyond archaic and needs to be scrapped. We're living in the 21st century and it's only natural for girls to be mates with boys. But you better believe that it's the most annoying thing when your boyfriend pulls THAT face when you mention Mark from work.

10. Buying you expensive gifts without a thought in the world

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Listen, it's a nice gesture when a guy buys you a gift, there's no doubt about it. But what the most annoying thing is when the guy buys you an expensive gift even though just a few days before you had a conversation about how he is meant to be saving money!

9. Asking about your every move

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It's so annoying that your boyfriend will consistently ask you what you're doing and where you're going pretty much all the time. It's kinda annoying when you literally just get up off the sofa and he's asking where you're going, but it's weird if he's constantly texting you too.

8. Compares your dress sense to other women

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One of the WORST things a man can do is compare your dress sense to other women, pretty much like "Why don't you wear something like Lisa did the other day?" First of all, have they heard themselves? Second of all, I am my own person! I shouldn't have to wear what somebody else does.

7. Sending one-word replies

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Let's just all take a collective moment to fully understand how annoying it is when you spend all day writing a massive paragraph to your boyfriend and he replies with ONE WORD. There's no reason for it, just put a little bit more effort in boys please!

6. Checking out other women in front of you

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As the list draws to a close, we get into the top six most annoying things men can do, and this one is pretty much infuriating. It's when you catch your boyfriend checking out a girl in the middle of the street RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE. It's bang out of order!

5. Not noticing how much you do around the house

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If cleaning up after your boyfriend (and potentially kids and pets too) wasn't annoying enough, what's even more annoying is that your boyfriend doesn't appreciate or even notice the differences you've made around the house. Instead, he acts like it wasn't even that bad before.

4. Poor personal hygiene practice!

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This one is both annoying AND disgusting. When you're first with a man, you might not realize how much they neglect their personal hygiene. It's not for a little while that you begin to realize they hardly EVER brush their teeth or only shower once a week.

3. Pretending to listen!

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Here we are, the top three most annoying things a boyfriend can do. At number three, we have pretending to listen. This specifically goes for the times that they lie their making little filler sounds while you're trying to explain a situation or your feelings. So annoying!

2. Always being late

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At number two, we had to have their punctuality. Not all boyfriends are like it, but a lot are. If the lateness wasn't annoying enough, the excuses are definitely worse. "My mum put dinner on the table" or "I was in a game with my mates" or "I fell asleep."

1. Asking "Are you on your period?"

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And... number ONE just had to be the age old "Are you on your period?". They'll pull this out as soon as you start being open and stern with them about something that's annoyed you or made you feel upset. This one question can be the difference between a good day, and a full-on bad one.

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