1. Stay hydrated
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Staying hydrated is crucial for so many different aspects of our health. But it's super easy to overlook the need to drink a glass of water unless we get ourselves into a habit of doing so. It's important for preventing infections, maintaining good organ function, lubricating our joints and so much more.
2. Eat colorful meals

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Eating the rainbow is something we should all try to do more. Having a diet with lots of natural, different colors is a sign that you have a nutritious and healthy diet. If your diet lacks color or seems to feature a lot of 'beige food' then you're probably lacking vital vitamins!
3. Move your body more

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Unless you have a physical job, the majority of the time when we're working, we are sat still. Then, after a day sitting at the office, we felt like sitting down on the couch. This is why it's so important to move your body more. Stand up and walk around for 5 minutes between work emails or make yourself have the yoga session before winding down for the night.
4. Get enough sleep

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Sleep is a key component of a lifestyle that will provide you wellness and it could be life-changing. Not only is sleep the time our body physically repairs itself but sleep is also so necessary for maintaining our mood and our mental health. Make sure you get 7 or 8 quality hours of sleep.
5. Take time over your meals

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Another wellness habit that will change your life is taking time over your meals. Meals are not just meant to nourish us, they are meant to be enjoyed., Take the time to appreciate your food and what you are eating and you will feel more satiated physically but also much more mentally satisfied too.
6. Skip the late-night snacks

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If you're a night owl you probably have your dinner and then find that a few hours later you're craving something else...probably sweet! But late-night eating cannot be properly digested and the food will be stored as fat as our body is not utilizing it for energy as it would do in the daytime.
7. Make quality time for loved ones each week

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Making quality time for loved ones each week is a truly life-changing wellness habit. It's not that 'we don't have time', it's that we're not making time for what's important and prioritizing what really matters, like your family. Schedule in the time and you can guarantee you'll feel so much happier and more fulfilled.
8. Have regular health checkups

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Just because you feel fine doesn't mean that you shouldn't check in from now and then to get your health checked. We don't really know what's going on inside our bodies so it's important to get the regular health checks you are offered. It's a habit we all need to get into to keep us well!
9. Get outside more

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One major wellness habit that we all need to start doing more is getting outside in nature. Scientifically nature has SO many health benefits for us, both physically and mentally (it releases oxytocin and reduces cortisol levels). Spending more time outside will make you feel so much happier and healthier...and it massively reduces stress.
10. Limit your screen time

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Why are we all so caught up on our phones? Why do we know the in-depth details of a celebrity's life and what a random person we have never met is eating for dinner? It may attract us to invest our time in it, but we will all find ourselves much happier if we spend less time on screens and more time in the real world.
11. Be kind to yourself

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We all need to be kinder to ourselves. We're all doing our best, and we definitely don't deserve to berate ourselves for not being good enough as it will take a major toll on your self-esteem. The wellness habit we DO need to be building ourselves up and praising our achievements.
12. Declutter your home

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Clutter can really get you down. And while it may not be the top of your priority list to declutter your home, actually it will change your life if you have a major declutter and leave your space more clear and tidy. Seeing a clean space helps our mind feel clearer and more positive.
13. Prepare your meals at home

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Another wellness habit we need to try more is cooking our own meals. Ordering a takeout as a one-off treat is by no means a bad thing. But reaching for the Uber Eats app instead of cooking every night will make you feel bad because the most nutritious way to fuel yourself is by eating your own home-cooked meals, knowing exactly what is inside of them.
14. Get rid of distractions in your bedroom

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Quality sleep is important, not just how long you sleep. Having too much blue light in your bedroom and too many distractions can affect your sleep. Minimize these and take away your TV and have a cut-off point on your phone so that you don't stay awake till 3 AM mindlessly scrolling on Facebook or TikTok.
15. Try intermittent fasting

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Intermittent fasting is the new wellness trend that's circulating a lot at the moment. It's where you do not eat for a long period so for example, you may consume no calories (just water or clear liquids e.g tea) before noon and after 8 pm perhaps, and then within this window, you eat meals and have drinks. It's supposed to detox your body!
16. Take the junk food out of the house

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Have you noticed that the more junk food you have in your house, the more you eat? Yet, when it's not in the house you don't crave it as much because you know it's not there. Nobody can resist a bag of Reese's Pieces so it's better not to stock up on the unhealthy treats in the first place.
17. Be kind to other people

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Being kind to other people usually comes more naturally to people who are happier within themselves. But also, being kind can make you a happier person. Your bonds with people will strengthen and you will feel more fulfilled in your life. And the kinder you are to others, the kinder they start to be to you too!
18. Take time for self-care

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Another wellness habit that will have a life-changing impact on us is making time for self-care. It's not selfish to prioritize you and your own needs, as if we don't look after ourselves then the rest of our lives around us suffer too. Self-care looks different for all of us it could be playing a round of golf or having a bubble bath.
19. Eat your meals slowly

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Eating slowly is so much better for the health of your gut as it has more time for the enzymes to be released. It's also so much more satisfying. When you have to rush a meal you feel as though you haven't enjoyed your meal and you still feel hungry because mentally you don't have time to savor it at all.
20. Make a gratitude list

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Another wellness habit we can all try is creating a list of everything we are grateful for, or simply saying it in our head on a regular basis. Sometimes it's easy to lose track of just how lucky we are and what we have. Reminding ourselves and keeping ourselves grounded will help us stay happier!
21. Set yourself small goals

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Don't try and set yourself an ultra-unrealistic or high goal. Of course, aiming high is good. But we also need to set ourselves small and achievable goals. It will help you to keep feeling on track with your life and give you the dopamine burst of having accomplished something!
22. Take time to do the things you love

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Sometimes life can feel like a daily grind and we can feel like we have no time to do anything other than do jobs. But making time for the things you love is a life-changing wellness habit. Put time aside every week for what you love. Life isn't all about the chores and daily grind after all.
23. Take regular relaxation

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Relaxation is what we all need to be doing regularly. It is a chance for our minds to rest. And, it's also so important for our physical health. Relaxation can help us to reduce our stress levels (cortisol) and boost our happy hormones, such as oxytocin.
24. Cut down on the alcohol

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Indulging in the occasional beverage is fine. But there should be a few consecutive days per week where you are not consuming any alcohol so that your liver and body can fully detox and repair. Alcohol should be something we have as a treat, and definitely not as a form of escapism!
25. Maintain your oral hygiene

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Oral hygiene makes our teeth look better so that we can enjoy smiling. But much more importantly than that, maintaining oral hygiene is good for feeling healthy as our teeth have an impact on our entire body. Bad oral hygiene takes its toll and can leave you feeling like you have no energy.
26. Wear SPF every day

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In the daytime the sun is always present and affecting our skin. It doesn't matter if it's overcast, we should all wear SPF daily. This is an easy wellness habit that we can all start doing every day but it will have a huge impact on the health of our skin...and we can look younger for longer!
27. Challenge your mind

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Often doing the same job every day can be slightly robotic. There are times when we do not push our minds. But our brains love to be worked, so it's important to keep them healthy and alert. So start a daily puzzle as a part of your new wellness habits.
28. Find a passion

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Having a passion in life is important to feeling fulfilled. Our passions can definitely change throughout our lives and if you feel like you don't currently have a passion then find one. It's good to have a separate aspect of our life that isn't focused on the daily grind.
29. Repeat your positive affirmations daily

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Our minds are so powerful that even if we do not feel positive, over time if we make positive affirmations a habit we will start to feel more positive. So your mental well-being will be boosted, but our mind also has a huge impact on the health and well-being of our physical body too!
30. Try and limit your stress

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Stress produces a hormone called cortisol and it can also produce inflammation in our body which can lead to many diseases. Stress has a truly detrimental effect on our bodies. So if there's a life-changing habit we should all do for our wellness, it's trying to reduce our stress as much as possible.