1. Your relationship with alcohol
image source: reddit.com
Whether you were a big drinker or not before pregnancy, you're likely going to have a different reaction to alcohol after giving birth. You might no longer be able to get through a full glass of wine, and may find your body rejects it more easily, or becomes more sensitive to it.
2. Your breast size
image source: reddit.com
Did you know your breast size can actually change permanently after giving birth? After the initial increase in size during pregnancy and breastfeeding, your breasts may actually end up a smaller cup size than they were before pregnancy when they eventually shrink back down and go back to normal.
3. How much your body aches
image source: reddit.com
If you were thinking the aches and pains would go away after pregnancy, think again! For starters, your uterus is going to be contracting back to its normal size, and that's going to cause aches and cramps. The rest of your body is likely to feel very tired and achy for a while.
4. How flexible your fingers are
image source: reddit.com
It may sound very random, but you may find it easier to play the piano after you've given birth! Your flexible fingers might be a result of having a baby, as finger joints can actually change during pregnancy. The weakened connective tissue can result in feeling more free with your fingers after having a baby!
5. Your shoe size
image source: reddit.com
You may also have a permanent change in your shoe size and feet structure after giving birth (which isn't good news for your savings account if you need to replace all your shoes!). During pregnancy, it's normal for the length of your foot to increase and the arch to change. Sometimes, this will go back to normal after giving birth - but for some people, it can stay like that permanently!
6. The state of your hair
image source: reddit.com
It's completely normal for you to lose hair during pregnancy, or to find that the shedding is still happening even after you've given birth. But in some people, the change in texture and state of hair can actually be very different from before, and it can even change in color, too - though this is rare.
7. Your hips
image source: reddit.com
The hips don't lie, as they say, and they might be in a new state permanently after giving birth. When the hips widen during pregnancy and birth to be able to comfortably push the baby out, it's usually followed by an adjustment back to normal - but in some people, their hips can remain at this new width.
8. The dark line on your belly
image source: reddit.com
Officially known as the linea nigra, which is the dark line running down your belly during pregnancy, this is something that often goes away after childbirth for most people. But there is the possibility that the visible dark line will be a permanent fixture even after you've had the baby!
9. Your periods
image source: reddit.com
Your menstrual cycle can completely change after you've given birth, meaning you might have different periods than you used to from now on. Your periods might be a lot heavier than they used to be, you might react more sluggishly or cramp levels might be different than what you were used to.
10. Your s*x life
image source: reddit.com
After having a baby, inevitably your s*x life is never going to be the same again - and mainly because you're going to have a child making you exhausted, interrupting or making it hard to feel comfortable taking time away for yourselves in the privacy of your bedroom!
11. And your body's physical reaction to s*x
image source: reddit.com
And, of course, how s*x feels is going to change for a while too. It may even be that you have no interest in s*x at all for a while after giving birth. How s*x feels will change for both you and your partner, and it's likely intimacy is going to need to be worked on again for a while.
12. The amount of discharge
image source: reddit.com
After childbirth, you also need to be prepared for a change when it comes to v*ginal discharge, because it's likely there'll still be a lot of it for a while - meaning your routine with underwear and bathroom habits will change, too. Postpartum discharge like this is known as lochia.
13. How swollen you feel
image source: reddit.com
It's not just swollen feet and breasts you can expect during (and after) pregnancy, but you can also have a body that feels more swollen in general. In places like the neck, ankles, hands and even the face, it's common to have more swelling so they might feel bigger than they were before childbirth.
14. How your belly looks and feels
image source: todaysparent.com
Your belly is one of the biggest changes after pregnancy, understandably, and its long-term look (and feel) is within your power to change. Ultimately, it's going to look different because of the excess skin and 'pouch', which you can work out over time through exercise, or accept it and love it for the new way it looks!
15. Your skin
image source: reddit.com
Your skin is likely never going to be the same again after childbirth, and you might even have a new appreciation for it, too! Permanent stretch marks are very likely, so your skin is going to look different, and you may have different patches of excess skin or have skin in certain areas feel different.
16. How your veins look
image source: reddit.com
We're talking predominantly in your legs, as varicose veins are very common in pregnant people carrying extra weight. Your veins might become more visible during pregnancy, and even after childbirth they can still have your legs looking a little different than they did before you had a child!
17. Your relationship with your back
image source: reddit.com
You'll likely have a newfound appreciation for back care and the strength of your core muscles after pregnancy! It's very common to get bad back pain even after you've given birth, because your core muscles are still weak and are putting extra strain on your back. You'll likely think differently about taking care of your back, and good posture, going forward!
18. Your pee schedule!
image source: reddit.com
It's common for pregnant people to go to the toilet more with the baby putting strain on the bladder, but did you know it's also common for leaks to still happen after giving birth? You may find you have a completely different routine when it comes to toilet habits after having a child, even if you were able to hold it in a lot better before!
19. Your upper body strength

image source: reddit.com
It's very likely for your upper body muscles to feel completely different after childbirth, and for it to be that way on a permanent basis! This is because during pregnancy, upper body muscles like arms and shoulders don't usually get a workout, and then can be worked out too much when lifting and supporting your baby all the time after birth.
20. How your legs, thighs and bum look

image source: reddit.com
It's inevitable that all these areas are going to look different after giving birth, and it's likely they're never going to look the same as they did before you had a child. These are common areas for new mothers to put on weight after having a baby, and are likely to need more direct attention after childbirth in terms of exercise!
21. Your relationship with sleep
image source: reddit.com
Only after having a child will you realize how much you took for granted getting a full, uninterrupted night's sleep! Until your child is all grown up and moving out of the house, it's likely your relationship with sleep - and sleep quality - is never going to be the same again!
22. You might even get night sweats
image source: reddit.com
Even if you didn't struggle with night sweats before having a child, it's common for new parents to suffer from night sweats after giving birth, as this is your body's hormones adjusting back to normal and producing more fluid as a result. Having lighter sheets and pajamas will make all the difference!
23. Comfortable bowel movements
image source: reddit.com
No, it's not glamorous, but that's the reality of having a child! After childbirth, you can say goodbye to any healthy and comfortable bowel movements you used to have. It's likely you'll be constipated for a while after childbirth, and also more at risk of suffering from hemorrhoids.
24. Your skincare routine
image source: reddit.com
It's also likely you'll have to completely change your skincare routine after giving birth, as you're more at risk of discolored skin, dry skin and even dark patches of color in certain places. While the skin on your body is likely to change, few don't realize how the skin on your face can be impacted, too.
25. You might even get acne
image source: reddit.com
One thing you might not be expecting as an adult who never had to worry about spots out of high school is a bout of acne after childbirth! Due to hormonal changes, a lot of parents can suddenly have an acne battle on their hands and even be more prone to spots in the long-run.
26. Needless to say - your energy levels!

image source: reddit.com
Gone are the days pre-baby when you could easily get out of bed and feel energized for the day. You're likely going to feel tired on a permanent basis after childbirth, and a lot of that will be down to the amount of sleep you're definitely not getting! Even down the line when babies have grown up, the reality of being a parent is definitely going to zap your energy no matter what!
27. Your anxiety levels
image source: reddit.com
The amount of anxiety you feel after having a baby can change permanently, even if you never struggled with anxiety before. Right after childbirth, anxiety levels can be high due to hormone changes and conditions like postpartum anxiety or depression - but in the long run, you might be more prone to anxiety and nightmares as a parent.
28. Your instincts
image source: reddit.com
Your instincts and gut feelings are going to change permanently after giving birth - they say about a parental instinct, after all! You're going to feel more in tune with your child, even bordering on psychic sometimes, and you're going to have a different relationship with your gut feeling!
29. The way you view the world
image source: reddit.com
There's no doubt that the way you view the world is going to change completely after becoming a parent, and it's never going to go back to the way it was. Now, you're a parent, you're a protector and everything you do is for your child. You view the world through the eyes of a parent, and see things differently.
30. You're more comfortable with 'immodest' situations than you used to be
image source: reddit.com
Once upon a time, you might have balked about taking clothes off for a doctor's appointment or getting your pap smear done - now you've been through childbirth, things like that don't phase you anymore, and it would take a lot to make you feel awkward or embarrassed about natural bodily things!