Things All Men Do After A Breakup

By Molly 7 months ago

Trying to Keep Busy

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After a breakup, it's common for men to try to keep themselves busy to distract from the pain and emotional turmoil. It can involve throwing themselves into work or picking up new hobbies. Staying active and engaged can be a way to regain control and purpose during this difficult time.

Social Media Detox

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Social media has become an integral part of our lives, but it can also be a double-edged sword regarding breakups. Many men take a break from social media, temporarily or permanently, to protect their well-being. This helps reduce the emotions they feel from breakup-related posts and photos.

Going Through Photos

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One of the most common post-breakup activities is looking through photos from the relationship. While this may seem counterintuitive, revisiting these memories can be a way to process the end of the relationship. It's a form of nostalgia, allowing men to come to terms with the past, acknowledge the good times, and ultimately move on from the heartbreak.

Reconnecting with Old Friends

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A breakup comes with a realization that some friendships may have been neglected during the relationship. To fill the void left by the breakup, many men turn to their old friends and reconnect. Rekindling these friendships provides much-needed emotional support and helps men rebuild their social network and sense of self outside of the relationship.

Venting to Close Friends

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It's essential to have a support system during difficult times, and many men turn to their closest friends to vent their feelings after a breakup. Sharing their thoughts and emotions can be cathartic and provide a sense of relief. Friends can offer advice, lend an empathetic ear, and remind men they are not alone in their struggles.

Deleting or Archiving Messages

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After a breakup, one common practice is going through the digital history with the ex-partner. It includes texts and photos shared during the relationship. Some men delete these digital remnants to create a fresh start, while others may prefer archiving them to preserve memories without constant reminders. The decision depends on individual preferences and emotional needs.

Unfollow or Block on Social Media

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Social media is vital in relationships today, and it's used as a platform for post-breakup communication. Many men stop following or blocking their ex on social media to take care of their feelings and heal. Doing this creates a more peaceful digital space and makes it less likely they'll see posts about their ex.

Going Out for a Night of Drinking

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A common reaction after a breakup is going out for some drinks. It's a way to briefly escape the emotional pain, relax, and release stress. It's essential not to go overboard and keep it in moderation, but these outings can give a short break from the sadness that often comes with a breakup.

Stalking the Ex on Social Media

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While many men choose to unfollow or block their ex-partner on social media, some may still engage in occasional "social media stalking." This involves checking their ex's profiles or posts to see what they're up to, even if it's not visible to them anymore. It's a way to satisfy curiosity about their ex's life post-breakup.

Exploring New Hobbies

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One of the most positive ways men handle breakups is by exploring new hobbies and interests. Diverting their energy into something new and exciting can be a constructive way to cope. It not only distracts them from the pain of the breakup but also promotes personal growth and self-discovery.

New Fitness Routine

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After a breakup, many men channel their emotions and energy into a new fitness routine. It can be a way to transform emotional pain into physical gains. Exercise helps us feel good to see our body get stronger and look better. Whether it's hitting the gym, running, or trying yoga, adopting a new fitness regimen can aid healing.

Update Their Look

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A change in appearance is a typical response to breakups. Men desire to refresh their look, whether through a new hairstyle, wardrobe, or grooming routine. This change can represent a fresh start, boost self-esteem, and signal the world that they are moving on.

Focusing on Career

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Redirecting one's energy and attention towards a career is another way to deal with a breakup. Men may work harder, set new professional goals, or pursue career advancements that they had previously postponed due to their relationship. The workplace can become a distraction during this challenging time, and achieving professional success can be a way to rebuild self-worth and self-confidence.

Experimenting with Dating Apps

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In the digital age, it's common for men to explore dating apps after a breakup. This may not necessarily be about seeking a new relationship immediately, but it can provide a sense of validation, excitement, and distraction from the emotional aftermath of the breakup. Engaging with potential new connections can help men regain their self-esteem.

Binge-Watching TV or Movies

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Another thing men do to deal with breakups is get deeply into entertainment. Watching lots of TV shows or movies lets them escape from real life and get a short break from feeling upset. It can be an excellent way to distract themselves and feel better. Remember that this should be a temporary way to cope, not a long-term fix for feeling better.

Indulge in Comfort Food

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Comfort food is a go-to for many people after a breakup, and men are no exception. The emotional distress can lead to cravings for familiar and soothing dishes that bring nostalgia. It's a way to temporarily ease the pain and find solace in the familiar tastes of favorite treats.

Self-Care Routine

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Taking care of oneself is a crucial part of the healing process, and many men focus on self-care routines after a breakup. It may involve treating themselves to spa days, relaxation techniques, or simply dedicating time to unwind. Self-care can soothe the emotional turmoil, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem.

Give or Throw Away Gifts

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Items from the relationship can carry emotional weight, and men choose to give away or dispose of these reminders. This can include gifts, souvenirs, or personal items that hold sentimental value. Letting go can be liberating and a symbol of moving forward. It's a way to create space for new beginnings.

Writing a Closure Letter

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Writing can be therapeutic; many men find solace in putting their feelings and thoughts on paper. This may be a closure letter to their ex-partner, even if it's never actually sent. Writing allows men to express their emotions, reflect on the relationship, and release pent-up feelings. The act of writing can offer a sense of closure and clarity.

Contemplating Revenge

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While not all men engage in this behavior, some may contemplate seeking revenge on their ex-partner, especially when the breakup is excruciating. These thoughts may involve various forms of retaliation, whether through public humiliation, spreading rumors, or other actions intended to hurt their former partner. It's vital to note that pursuing revenge rarely brings satisfaction or closure.

Crying and Emotional Outbursts

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Another way men deal with breakups is by allowing themselves to express their emotions. This includes crying and experiencing emotional outbursts. While there may be societal expectations around men being stoic, it's vital to remember that it's entirely natural to grieve the end of a significant relationship. Allowing these emotions to flow is a healthy way to process the loss and begin healing.

Avoiding Places Linked to the Relationship

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To avoid painful memories and triggers, men often choose to stay away from places linked to the relationship. Whether it's a favorite restaurant, a park where they used to spend time together, or even their shared home, avoiding these locations can help reduce the emotional turmoil and promote healing.

Create a Post-Breakup Playlist

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Music has a unique way of evoking emotions, and many men create a post-breakup playlist to help them cope. The playlist includes songs that resonate with their feelings, whether it's about heartbreak, moving on, or finding strength. Music can be a comforting companion, offering solace during this challenging time.

Redecorate Their Space

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Changing your surroundings can help you start anew after a breakup. Many men decide to redecorate their living space to make it feel fresh and better. This can mean moving furniture around, painting the walls a different color, or getting new decorations. The changes in their living space can show the changes happening in their emotions, giving them a feeling of a fresh start.

Comparing Themselves to the Ex's New Partner

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It's natural to be curious about the person your ex-partner moves on with. Many men find themselves comparing themselves to the new partner. It can lead to self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. It's vital to remember that everyone is unique, and these comparisons may not accurately reflect your worth or the dynamics of your previous relationship.

Rebound Relationships

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Some men may choose to jump into rebound relationships shortly after a breakup. These relationships can serve as distractions. However, it's essential to be cautious, as rebound relationships may not offer the depth and stability of more mature connections. Assess whether you're genuinely ready for a new relationship or if it's a way to cope with the emotional turmoil.

Taking a Trip or Vacation

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A change of scenery can work wonders for the soul. Many men decide to take a trip or vacation to escape the reminders of the past relationship. Traveling offers a chance to explore new places, cultures, and activities, which can provide a welcome break from the emotional distress of a breakup.

Reconnecting with Family

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Breakups lead to a reevaluation of priorities, and many men choose to reconnect with their families during this time. Spending quality time with family members can offer emotional support. It can remind them of the strong support network they have and help ease the loneliness that can follow a breakup.

Educational Pursuits

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In the quest for personal growth and self-improvement, many men decide to pursue educational opportunities after a breakup. It can involve enrolling in courses, workshops, or online classes to acquire new skills and knowledge. Educational pursuits offer a fresh focus for one's energy and attention.

Forgive and Let Go

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After a breakup, men need to find a way to forgive and let go. This process is about coming to terms with the end of the relationship and allowing oneself to move forward. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, but it's a way to release the emotional burden, free oneself from resentment, and open the door to new possibilities.

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