Ranked: The Most Annoying Things Women Can Possibly Do In A Relationship

By Lauren Mccluskey 6 months ago

30. "It doesn't matter"

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To be quite honest, a lot of these annoying habits can apply to anyone in a relationship, and can probably be recognized by many as sources of hilarity and huge frustration.  One of the habits that make the cut is definitely that sentence "it doesn't matter".  Especially when you've just not heard what they've said.  It's so infuriating trying to work out the mystery of their utterance rather than them just repeating it.  WHY is it so hard?!

29. Recounting dreams in the most vivid detail

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Perhaps one of the most uninteresting things you could do in a relationship is make your partner listen to you recounting last night's dreams in vivid detail.  This is especially true when you perhaps ask them to work out what it all means with you...  It might not be at the top of their to-do list today...

28. Hair in the drain

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Hair in the drain... Need we elaborate?  It's that annoying that we're gonna!  You see, hair doesn't just disappear once it leaves your scalp.  The drain doesn't just eat it up and dissolve it.  You have to make the effort to remove it too, and not by leaving the slimy mass to block the drain for someone else to sort.

27. Having the last word

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Why do people always need to speak last in an argument?  Even if they've got nothing interesting, useful, or relevant to say, it seems to be this huge urge.  Otherwise, you're going to feel like you've not won in that particular conflict.  Or maybe the better thing is to just walk away, then would you win?  Who knows.

26. Frequent, dramatic sighing

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What about that frequent and very dramatic sighing?  Yep, that sighing that is just so unnatural it sounds quite ridiculous.  Like, why not just say what's in your head instead of being all cryptic and making them guess... And then getting even more annoyed when they don't work it out?!

25. "Just one more episode"

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So, picture this, it's 2 a.m. and you've been binge-watching TV. There are still episodes left but you've both got to be up for work early in the morning.  But rather than not giving into temptation, you're always the one that suggests "one more episode", planting the seed in your partner's head and tempting them to have an even later night.

24. Rubbing their proactivity in your face

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So your partner is in bed scrolling through social media, and you're on Duolingo learning Spanish... Then in the morning, you wake, put a wash on, do 50 press-ups, shower, and get dressed before they've even had their morning coffee.  You can almost feel that eye-roll from them!

23. Suggesting takeout when it's their turn to cook

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There's also that temptation of takeout, pretty much all the time.  But you might notice that when it's their turn to cook, they ALWAYS suggest takeout.  It's hard to say no, but it's a little unfair as you've cooked this week and held up your end of the deal.  But the takeout is so tempting.  Once they've planted the seed, there's no going back.

22. Owning a floordrobe

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Floordrobes are so common there's even a word that's been coined for the concept.  But this doesn't make them any less annoying.  Like, how much effort is really involved in putting your clothes on a hanger, really?  You can't even see your floor or remember what your carpet looks like.

21. Being besties with the snooze button

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There's one thing that's worse than waking up super early in the morning, and that's hearing that alarm.  But what's more infuriating is when you have to hear that alarm at least 17 times before they actually get up.  JUST SET THE ALARM FOR A LATER TIME, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS PURE!!!

20. Practising Tsundoku

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Even if you're unfamiliar with this Japanese noun, tsundoku, you're probably going to be familiar with the concept that it refers to.  And that's collecting reading materials without actually reading them.  It's this tendency to fill the house with books and magazines that might not ever get read.  Just why?

19. Not making the morning coffee

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You need a coffee in the morning, right?  A little pick-me-up to start the day.  But perhaps you find that you're ALWAYS the one making it. This is another thing that might fuel your rage in the morning, always being the only one to make that well-needed and forever-craved morning coffee.

18. Leaving wet towels on your side of the bed

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You get into bed at night and you notice that it's damp and uncomfortable.  Then you notice the damp towel.  Why is it ALWAYS only on your side of the bed?  In fairness, they're probably not thinking about where they fling it, especially if they own a floordrobe too, but you might wonder whether it's done out of spite!

17. Becoming the grammar police

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No one needs the grammar police.  So turning into an officer of the grammar is just annoying.  You understood what they said, right?  You managed to work out the meaning and respond appropriately, did you not?  So what's the actual point in making snide comments on the use of grammar?!  Unnecessary...

16. Lateness

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You're both always late.  But is it ever your fault?  Perhaps.  But it's still infuriating when it's clearly not your fault and only the fault of your partner.  In fact, you're known as the couple as the ones who are always UNFASHIONABLY late.  You don't even get the title of fashionably late anymore.

15. Living in the bathroom

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And whilst we're on the subject of lateness, why does one person in the relationship seem to live in the bathroom?  In truth, it's probably both of you, but when you're not in there yourself, it feels like they're the ones that just hog it all the time.

14. Talking to your hamster like it's a human baby

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Now this doesn't really have to be limited to hamsters, but don't you just hate it when your partner talks to your pet like they're a human baby?  Like they're truly believing that they love it.  Maybe a pup would, but your cat is just going to stare at them like they're insane...

13. Being a "Fur Mommy"

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And isn't it just SO cringy when they call your pet their "furbaby" or themselves a "fur mommy"?  Just stop it.  They're your pet and you love them, but they're not a human baby.  You might get it if they're a dog and seem to understand it, but if they're a gerbil, what's going on there?

12. Hoarding empty containers or boxes... Just in case

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Everyone's got a cupboard full of lidless Tupperware, right?  Or a room full of empty Amazon boxes?  And because everyone's got something like this in their home, we think it's normal.  But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why these are being hoarded?  Just why?

11. Poking fun at YOUR snoring habits

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When you're asleep, you just can't help what you do.  You just can't.  It's not like you choose to snore because it's so comforting, so how are you expected to change this?  So when they poke fun at you or scold you for it, there's not really anything you can do.  Unless of course you get checked out and treated for a health condition that causes it.

10. Not replacing the empty toilet paper

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You go to anyone's house and you'll probably find a mountain of empty toilet paper tubes.  Are they saving them to make binoculars?  Not likely, it's probably because the couple is trapped in a perpetual fight about who is going to put them in the trash next.  And no one is backing down.

9. Hogging the blanket

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If you're at that stage of your relationship where you're getting in a furious rage about them stealing and hogging the blanket when you're relaxing in front of the TV or trying to sleep, then it's probably time to actually buy yourself your own blanket.  But wait... They'll probably hog that too!

8. Leaving the toilet seat down or up

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When you're annoyed about having to lift or put down the toilet seat, which, admittedly is a rather annoying task to have to do, then you probably need to just let a few things go.  Especially the petty stuff like this.  What's adjusting the toilet seat going to take away from your life?  Seconds?  Don't let it take your sanity.

7. Binge a show without you

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Understandably, you're going to be furious when you log into Netflix and find that the show you started together is now on an episode so far into the future, you don't feel like you can catch up.  The betrayal of watching the show without your partner is just too much to handle.

6. Forgetting anniversaries

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So you put all of this effort in each year to try to remember your anniversary of when you first met, got together, kissed, ate McDonald's together... But they just forget it all.  They don't even remember the first time you watched Friends as a couple.  How dare they!

5. Indecisiveness

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Each night, you come together to watch a bit of TV and relax after your hectic days, but unfortunately, there is never any relaxation.  All the choices on your streaming subscriptions are just a curse to your relationship as you sit scrolling through them, disagreeing on every single suggestion you each put forward.

4. Double Standards

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So you spill your expansive frappe every time you treat yourself to one, but you're known for it.  It's one of your quirks.  But no one else is allowed to do it, it's your thing, they're just clumsy.  Yep, double standards are nothing else but just incredibly annoying.  And unfair!

3. Starfishing

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Sometimes separate beds are the answer - there's nothing wrong with that, depending on how you look at it.  At least they'll save the arguments after you flip your partner out of bed for starfishing and forcing you to squash yourself into the tiniest corner.

2. The inability to listen

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Relationships thrive on open communication and active listening, but when one partner lives their life in complete ignorance of the other, then you've got a problem.  Being completely incapable of listening actively spells certain doom for any relationship.  Not to mention how irritating it is not to feel heard.

1. Texting "I'm fine"

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Expecting you to read their mind is flattering, knowing that they seem to truly believe that you have this superhuman ability, but just annoying when you just know that they're being cryptic.  They're not fine at all, that phrase is totally loaded, and all you have to do is decode it.  Are you up to that task?

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