30 Laws That Only Exist In The USA

By Paula Tudoran 1 year ago

No Ice Cream on Sundays in Kansas

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In Kansas, serving cherry pie with ice cream on Sundays is illegal. This peculiar law, reminiscent of a bygone era, leaves Kansans without the sweet combination of pie à la mode to end their weekends. So, if you find yourself in the Sunflower State on a Sunday, you might have to settle for just pie or ice cream, but not both!

No Whistling Underwater in Vermont

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Vermonters are banned from whistling underwater. While it might seem like an unusual restriction, it's probably for the best. Whistling underwater is no easy feat, and this law ensures that no one gets into any deep, sonorous trouble while taking a dip in the Green Mountain State's lakes and rivers.

No Tying Elephants to Parking Meters in Florida

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Florida, known for its unique blend of wildlife and urban environments, has a surprising law on the books: you can't tie your elephant to a parking meter. It's as if the state wants to keep the streets clear of pachyderms casually hanging out while their owners run errands. Time to park your elephant elsewhere!

No Moose Photos from an Airplane in Alaska

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In Alaska, the land of rugged wilderness and breathtaking landscapes, you'd think that capturing moose from above would be a popular pastime. However, this quirky law forbids taking photos of moose from airplanes. It seems that even majestic moose deserve their privacy, even if they're grazing beneath the wings of an aircraft.

No Selling Hollow Logs in Tennessee

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Tennessee's laws have their share of oddities, including one that outlaws selling hollow logs. So, if you were planning to make a quick buck by peddling hollowness, think again! Whether it's a quirky relic from the past or a nod to environmental preservation, this law ensures that hollow logs remain out of the marketplace and, presumably, in the forest where they belong.

No Pink Cars on Sundays in Denver

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Denver is quite the stickler when it comes to car colors on Sundays — pink cars are a no-go. Whether it's to preserve the tranquility of the Sabbath or just a quirky local tradition, you won't find many bubblegum-colored vehicles cruising the Mile-High City streets on Sundays. Who knew car color could be so time-sensitive?

No Wearing a Fake Mustache in Church That Causes Laughter in Alabama

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In Alabama, humor is best left outside the church doors, and wearing a fake mustache that induces laughter during the service is a definite no-no. If you were planning a hilarious disguise for Sunday mass, think again. Keep your church attire serious, and save the laughter for the post-service brunch!

No Bathing in Minnetonka Without a License

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In Minnetonka, Minnesota, personal hygiene comes with red tape — you need a license to take a bath. Perhaps it's a nod to maintaining the pristine lakes that Minnesota is famous for, but cleanliness here comes with a price and paperwork. So, before you dip into the tub, make sure you're properly permitted!

No Keeping Ice Cream in Your Back Pocket in Kentucky

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Kentucky residents are forbidden from stashing ice cream in their back pockets. While the reasons behind this law remain a mystery, it seems to be a preventative measure against pocket-sized sundaes. Next time you're tempted to sneak a scoop in your rear pocket, remember: it's a no-go in the Bluegrass State!

No Waking a Sleeping Bear for a Photo in North Carolina

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North Carolina prioritizes safety, even when it comes to your Instagram feed. The state wisely prohibits waking a sleeping bear to snap a photo, reminding us all that bears, even if they're photogenic, are best observed from a safe distance. So, if you spot a snoozing bear, resist the urge to disturb their beauty rest!

No Driving Blindfolded in Alabama

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In Alabama, the law is clear: no blindfolded driving. It's a rule that should be self-explanatory, but evidently, someone thought it was necessary to spell it out. For everyone's sake, keep those blindfolds away from the driver's seat. It's hard to argue with a law that ensures we all keep our eyes on the road!

No Frowning at Police Officers in New Jersey

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In the Garden State, frowning at police officers is a legal no-no. New Jersey encourages a friendly atmosphere, so remember to smile when you see the men and women in uniform. It's a law that promotes positivity, ensuring that interactions with law enforcement start on a bright note.

No Fortune Telling in Maryland Without a License

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Maryland believes that fortune-telling should be a regulated art; you'll need a proper license to gaze into the future or read tarot cards! This law ensures that those who claim to predict destiny do so with a dash of legitimacy, so if you're seeking a glimpse into the unknown, make sure your psychic is properly credentialed!

No Shark Riding in California

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California, known for its surfer culture, has a clear message: no riding on the back of sharks. Even the most adventurous surfers need to draw the line somewhere. This law ensures that both humans and sharks can enjoy the waves without any unexpected riders.

No Singing Off-Key in North Carolina

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In North Carolina, singing off-key in public is a no-go. It's a law that may have been enacted to protect the eardrums of unsuspecting listeners. So, if you're planning a public performance, you better fine-tune those vocal cords and hit the right notes to stay on the right side of the law!

No Pretending to Practice Witchcraft in Massachusetts

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Massachusetts doesn't tolerate pretend witchcraft. The state insists that the mystical arts be practiced with authenticity. While it might sound like something from a Salem witch trial, this law ensures that those who dabble in the occult do so responsibly. Beware of casting fake spells; Massachusetts takes its witches seriously!

No Using X-rays for Shoe-Fitting in Nevada

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Nevada ensures that your feet remain radiation-free by prohibiting the use of X-rays for shoe-fitting purposes. It's a law that reflects changing times and concerns about unnecessary exposure to radiation. Your shoe size can be determined without a trip to the radiology department, ensuring both proper fit and good health for your feet.

No Scaring Pigeons in Minnesota

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Minnesota's pigeons have their own law: You can't scare them! These urban avian residents deserve a little peace in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, so if you're feeling mischievous, kindly redirect your pranks elsewhere and let the pigeons enjoy their day in the sun without any unnecessary frights.

No Eating Fried Chicken with Your Hands in Georgia

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In Gainesville, Georgia, fried chicken etiquette reigns supreme — you can't eat it with your hands. It's a law that calls for knife and fork finesse when indulging in this Southern delicacy. So, next time you savor a crispy drumstick, be prepared to wield utensils and maintain the proper culinary decorum.

No Wearing Sagging Pants in Louisiana

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Louisiana has a message for sagging pants aficionados: Pull 'em up! The state discourages the fashion faux pas with fines for those who don't comply. Whether it's a matter of public decency or style, Louisiana insists on keeping trousers at waist level. Remember to keep your pants up and avoid any fashion-related penalties.

No Sleeping in a Cheese Factory in South Dakota

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In South Dakota, cheese factories are no place for a snooze. The state ensures that cheese production remains uninterrupted by outlawing naps within these dairy havens. So, if you're feeling sleepy, it's best to seek out a more appropriate spot for your cheese-induced dreams and let the cheese wheels turn in peace.

No Selling Dyed Chicks in Ohio

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Ohio takes Easter traditions seriously by prohibiting the sale of dyed chicks. While colored chicks may seem like a cute addition to the holiday, this law ensures that the ethical treatment of animals is upheld. If you're looking to celebrate Easter with baby birds, opt for the natural-colored ones and let dyed chicks stay in the realm of imagination.

No Playing Bingo While Drunk in North Carolina

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In North Carolina, you're not allowed to play bingo while under the influence. It's a law that takes the social aspect of bingo seriously, recognizing that the bingo hall might not be the best place for intoxicated dabbers. If you want to yell "bingo," make sure your bingo card is as sober as you are!

No Throwing Snowballs in Topeka, Kansas

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Topeka, Kansas, takes a unique stance by banning snowball fights. While snow can be fun, apparently, Topeka believes it's better suited for snowmen than aerial bombardments. So, if you're in the Sunflower State and feel the urge to hurl snowballs, be ready to duck the legal snowstorm.

No Bullying Bigfoot in Washington

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In Washington, it's important to respect even the most elusive creatures. The state makes it illegal to harass or bully Bigfoot, emphasizing that cryptid rights are a serious matter. If you ever encounter the mythical beast, remember to treat Bigfoot with the kindness and dignity that all creatures deserve.

No Selling Hollow Teeth in Delaware

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Delaware has a curious law that outlaws selling hollow teeth. It's a regulation that leaves us wondering why anyone would want to trade in such unusual merchandise in the first place. Regardless of the reason, this law ensures that hollow teeth remain an uncommon item in the marketplace.

No Bringing Lions to the Movies in Baltimore

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Baltimore takes a stand against unconventional moviegoers by prohibiting the presence of lions in theaters. If you were planning a movie night with Nala and Simba, you'll have to change your plans. Perhaps they can enjoy The Lion King in the comfort of their own den, far from the silver screen.

No Eating Cucumbers in a Cemetery in Mississippi

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Mississippi doesn't appreciate cucumber snacking in its cemeteries. This law adds a touch of mystique to the afterlife by discouraging cucumber consumption within cemetery walls. Whether it's to maintain the tranquility of the resting souls or just a nod to tradition, one thing is clear: cucumbers and tombstones don't mix in the Magnolia State!

No Keeping Pet Elephants in Missouri

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Missouri's pet policy might be larger than life, but it firmly states: no pet elephants allowed! This Show-Me State prioritizes space and care for other creatures. While having an elephant as a companion would be unforgettable, you'll have to explore other, more elephant-friendly states for that dream pet.

No Snoring with Windows Open in Massachusetts

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Massachusetts insists on peaceful slumbers by outlawing open-window snoring at night. Even the gentlest of snores can disturb the peace, it seems. Whether it's to keep the neighbors happy or the night breeze quiet, this law encourages residents to keep their windows tightly sealed during bedtime.

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