Things We Should Never Do During A Full Moon

By Ella 6 months ago

1. Be the Centre of Conflict

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If you were thinking of telling someone what you really think of them, you better hold back during a full moon. The full moon can be a time of major emotional changes, so it's better to bite your tongue until it's over! It's worth the wait, we promise you!

2. Rush into Something New

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Just Relax! Now is not the time to be rushing into new hobbies and life plans. The full moon could lead to a lack of dedication as soon as it passes. Be patient and let the full moon pass before you decide you want to quit your job and join the circus.

3. Overreact

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Staying calm, cool and collected is very important during a full moon. The changes in the moon's cycle can make us overreact at things that usually don't bother us, so remember to take a deep breath before you react. It's all about remaining rational during this time!

4. Spend Time with Energy Vampires

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The full moon is the perfect time to replenish your energy, you need to take time to recharge and be surrounded by positivity. So you will definitely be wanting to avoid anyone who seems to suck the positive energy out of you, exactly like a vampire!

5. Don't Splash that Cash

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Put that wallet away! Hold back from making any huge financial investments during this period. Since a full moon can affect your emotions and make you lose focus, you don't want to make a spontaneous purchase that you and your bank will regret once it passes.

6. Stranger Danger

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The full moon may bring unexpected people into your life, but it is important to not avoid meeting them. Be open and willing to get to know new people during this time, you never know... they might have been brought into your life for a specific reason.

7. Begin or End Relationships

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Fluctuating emotions can significantly impact your perception on what is right for you during a full moon. It is best to refrain from ending an old or starting up a new relationship during this time. Wait until it passes before you commit to a decision you might soon regret.

8. Stick to the Light

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Full moons can often create a spooky and unsettling atmosphere. Choosing to walk alone in dark, isolated and unfamiliar places might heighten anxieties and fear. A good idea would be if you ask a friend to walk with you or order a taxi to get you home safe and sound.

9. Avoid Visiting Graves

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Visiting the graves of loved ones might be particularly hard during a full moon. You might find yourself more emotional and easily overwhelmed by your feelings. It is best to avoid anything that will cause any emotional distress until you have a clear head.

10. Avoid Procrastination

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Full moons are a great time for productivity and figuring out where you want life to take you next. This would be a good time to wash all those dishes that have been left out for a little too long. Use the energy of the full moon to your advantage and leave the procrastination for a rainy day.

11. Do Not Ignore Your Dreams

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Dreams can tell you what your subconscious is thinking, For example If you keep dreaming about being chased, you might need to think about what you are trying to run away from. If the full moon causes any memorable dreams, try to dig deep and think about what they are trying to tell you.

12. Don't Neglect Your Intuition

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You might be feeling deeply in tune with your gut instincts around a full moon and this is not something you want to be ignoring. If your body is telling you something when a full moon is in the sky, listen and follow wherever this instinct takes you.

13. Refrain from Dwelling on the Past

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This is a time to let go and move forward from past emotions. Allow yourself to leave the past in the past and focus on what is yet to come for you. It's best to not spend your time thinking about past events and feelings but rather focus on releasing them.

14. Neglect your Self-Care Routine

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Looking after yourself is important everyday but even more important when a full moon occurs. Skipping your self-care routine can lead to prolonged negative feelings and stress. So run yourself a nice bath, put on a face mask and cook your favorite then... relax.

15. Overconsumption of Food

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We all know overconsumption of anything is not too great for you and can leave you feeling bloated, but it is believed that a full moon can negatively affect your digestive system. It might be time to rethink that pint of ice cream in your freezer and save it for another day.

16. Wearing Dark Colors

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This is a time to rummage through your wardrobe for the brightest clothing you own. Forget that pair of black jeans that you always wear! A full moon is a time to create positive energy for yourself and nothing screams positivity like a brightly colored outfit.

17. Avoid Taking Big Risks

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Many believe that a full moon leads to more impulsivity, making people act in a way that they may not usually do. If you feel particularly reckless during a full moon, try your best to resist acting upon it. Think twice before you impulsively dye your hair blue.

18. Avoid Stressful Work Environments

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Work can be stressful enough at the best of times, but with everyone's emotions fluctuating it can begin to become overwhelming. Try to avoid work situations which will overwhelm you and increase anxieties. You might want to try and reschedule that important meeting to next week instead !

19. Do Not Neglect Your Sleep Schedule

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Sleep is extremely important for a happy, healthy life on any day, but it's especially important during a full moon. It is believed that the moon can affect your sleep schedule so better avoid staying up too late if you want to feel revitalized in the morning.

20. Experiment With Witchcraft

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Full moons are usually associated with supernatural and mystical beings. Some believe that witchcraft spells can be more powerful and effective during a full moon. If you are superstitious you might want to miss out on any potion brewing or spell chanting.

21. Overexerting Yourself Physically

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Don't push yourself too many new limits during a full moon, this is not the time to try to run a marathon! Use the full moon to catch a break from your busy lifestyle and relax. Take it slow and steady and you will see the benefits of the full moon energy.

22. Manifest For New Things

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Although you might believe this is the perfect time to manifest for things that you want, it is quite the opposite! Full moons are the best time to reflect on the past month and let go of any negativity, try not to focus on asking for something new but being grateful for what you have.

23. Cutting Back Those Carbs

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It is believed that the full moon can have an influence over your daily energy levels, so best not to start any crazy diets or fasts. A good idea would be to fuel your body during this period so you don't find yourself burning out before you've even got to lunch!

24. Overconsumption of Alcohol

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Mind altering substances can be known to change your perspectives and levels of control. Drinking an entire bottle of wine isn't the smartest decision while you are trying to stay level-headed. This is a time to be fully in control and identify what you need to realize.

25. Taking on Extra Responsibilities

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The emotional strain caused by the full moon might make it harder to handle additional tasks. Stick to your usual routine and try to avoid volunteering for any extra work. A full moon is the perfect excuse to tell your boss you can't stay late and help out.

26. Rush the Process

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The energy of a full moon can last up to two weeks, so no need to worry if you haven't figured out exactly what this full moon means for you. Take your time and be patient, what is meant for you will find you. Rushing the reflection process will only lead to confusion!

27. Overextend Yourself Socially

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We all love meeting up with friends and spending time with good company. However a full moon is the perfect time to give all your energy to yourself. Don't overwork yourself trying to be there for others , when you really need to be there for yourself.

28. The Big Chop

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Some superstitious people believe that a full moon can have a strange impact on your hair growth. It is believed that hair can grow back quicker and thicker if it is cut during a full moon. So if you are considering the big chop, try to avoid a full moon!

29. Night Swimming

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Going for a late night dip might sound fun, but during a full moon it could actually be rather dangerous. The moon is known to influence the tide, so changes in the sea could be more drastic during a full moon. It is best to be safe and take an early morning swim instead.

30. Sleeping with Your Curtains Open

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Sleeping with your curtains open might not be the smartest decision during a full moon. This is the night when the moon is brightest in the sky and can disrupt your sleep the most. So it's better to shut your curtains if you want a good night's sleep!

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