30 Things That Everybody Should Do In The Morning

By Lauren Mccluskey 6 months ago

1. It's time to commit to spending your mornings more intentionally

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Like many people in the world, you're probably stuck in a bit of a rut when it comes to your morning routine.  Life is so busy and at times utterly exhausting so it's tempting to stay in bed a little longer each day, thinking that this is the rest you need, not really realizing that this sets you up for more stress in your day.

2. Avoid the snooze button at all costs

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One tempting action that probably hits hard universally is that toxic relationship with the snooze button.  You hit it for a little longer in bed because waking up early is hard.  But this doesn't serve you at all and actually starts your sleep cycle all over again, meaning that you just wake up more tired than you would've been if you'd just got up when you intended to.

3. Don't use your phone right away

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Using your phone first thing in the morning can be incredibly detrimental to your A.M. productivity as it just saps the life and the time out of your morning, leaving no room for any other tasks that will serve you and ensure that you'll have a wonderful day.  It also messes with your brain which means bad news for your brain function for the rest of the day.

4. Rehydrate

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Before you do anything else in the morning, you should pour yourself a nice cold glass of water and rehydrate.  Doing this is beneficial to your health in many ways and it can really give you a boost first thing.  Not only that but drinking water on an empty stomach has been proven to stimulate your immune system, making your body more effective at fighting off infections and disease.

5. Avoid the coffee straight away

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Instead of a cold glass of water, it might be habitual for you to reach for caffeinated beverages, like coffee or tea before you do anything.  But even though you might think it boosts your energy in the morning, you're more likely to crash earlier in the day.  By delaying it for at least an hour and 30 minutes, the caffeine will kick in later on so you can get through your day without that dreaded slump.

6. Drink a herbal tea

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An alternative to drinking your morning coffee is herbal tea.  Again, you should drink this after your water.  There are so many blends that can help you to energize in the morning with not only the stimulating herbs but also with their uplifting aromas.  For example, peppermint and lemongrass can really boost your energy.

7. Write down your intentions for the day

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A great morning habit to get into is to sit for a moment and write down your intentions for the day.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy or take a long time but mindfully setting out exactly what kind of things you want to make happen can really help with your productivity and well-being.  Just keep them brief but clear and try to not write down more than five points.

8. Stretch

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Stretching feels good for a reason, and these reasons are exactly why you should incorporate stretching into your daily morning routine.  Your body has been pretty still, or in stasis mode for the time that you've been asleep so intentionally stretching or practicing yoga first thing, alongside some cleansing deep breathing can help with your blood flow, digestion, calming your nervous system, as well as other benefits.

9. Get some morning sun

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If you're lucky enough to wake up to sunshine, it's a good idea to get out in it and feel it on your face.  You could even just open the window to get some fresh air.  Either way, it allows you to feel energized, as well as helping you to get your vitamin D quota for the day which is awesome for your health, immune system, and well-being.

10. Go for a walk or a run

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So people enjoy exercising in the morning, some later on at night.  But the benefits of getting your daily steps in, whether that is a run or a walk, first thing in the morning means that it's one less thing to do in the evening when you're tired after a long day at work.  Incorporate it into the morning and studies have shown that you're less likely to skip it.

11. Eat a balanced and healthy breakfast

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Eating a balanced and nutritious breakfast can really help you get your day off to a good start.  A healthy breakfast that is based on carbs can help you with your alertness throughout the day so opt for whole wheat bread and natural cereals.  Some ideas might include oatmeal with fruit and nuts or yogurt with berries and chia seeds.

12. Make some time for something you love

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Many people get up in the morning a little later than they should've and spend the little time they have scrambling around trying to not be late.  But scheduling some time to do something you love can really help you to start your day right.  You might read a chapter of a book, listen to a podcast, exercise, or call a loved one.

13. Learn something new

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To boost your well-being and self-confidence for the day, why not learn something new?  Perhaps you could learn some new choreography during exercise or learn some Italian on that language app you've been meaning to download.  Fitting this in can really boost your self-esteem for the day!

14. Take a cold shower

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It sounds quite extreme right now, but taking a cold shower in the morning can be really beneficial to your health.  Run it hot, get in, and then ease yourself into the cold water.  It's worth it as studies show that cold water can energize you as well as reduce insulin resistance, which has been found to protect you against obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

15. Make your bed

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It's important that you refresh your bed after you get out of it, making sure that it's ready for you to crash into in the evenings.  The reset is also said to improve your mindset for the day right from the get-go, knowing that it's waiting for you in the evening can be reassuring and comforting.

16. Meditate

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Taking a short amount of time out to meditate can really help your cognitive abilities during the day, including your memory, attention, and mood.  You could download some guided meditations to listen to whilst you're intentionally making your breakfast or you could sit quietly after your morning stretch.

17. Ground yourself

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Stand still for a moment and be mindful of your body and which parts are grounding you, in contact with the earth.  You could do this whilst completing another task too, like your morning exercise or whilst you're pouring yourself a cold glass of water.  Feeling grounded can give you more confidence and stability to take into the rest of your day.

18. Listen to your body

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Completing a full body scan can be beneficial too, making sure you actually listen to what your body is trying to tell you.  Perhaps you could incorporate this whilst you're grounding or stretching, or even making your breakfast.  How do you feel?  What does your body need today?

19. Write down or say your affirmations for the day

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Positive affirmations can help you to start your day well.  You could either write them down or speak them out loud, either way, they help you to understand that you've got this, whatever it is you plan to do with your day.  With these, too, you've got some mindful intentions that you can roll with to help boost your confidence and self-esteem.

20. Write a to-do list

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In order to get organized, knowing exactly what you're going to do with your day can help it pan out in the way that you want it to.  It's a good idea to make a to-do list, categorizing your tasks and making sure that they're realistic and achievable.  This might just help with your productivity.

21. Journal

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Keeping a journal can help you get all of your thoughts, reflections, intentions, and even affirmations down in one place.  You can be creative with it if that's something you love to do, but the intention is that you use it for your well-being, mindfulness, and awareness of your mood, thoughts, and plans.

22. Reflect

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It's important to reflect upon your mornings in order to improve them.  You could quietly take some time to think about them, or even use your journal to help you to reflect upon how you think they're going, and what you might need to do to improve them.  This improvement could then be added to your daily intentions.

23. Listen to a podcast...

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Podcasts can be an amazing source of information, motivation, education, and inspiration.  It might be a good idea to listen to one on a subject that you resonate with or you know is going to motivate you for the day.  You could even do this on your morning walk or even your commute to work.

24. ...or some music

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The same goes for music.  It can really boost your mood, especially if you choose your playlist carefully and allow it to suit your morning.  This can be played in the background as you sip your herbal tea or take part in your morning exercise routine to help motivate you.

25. Give your loved ones a hug...

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If you live with other people, like friends or family members, greeting them good morning and giving them a hug before you head out for the day can really boost your mood as it helps you to release that oxytocin, the love and connection hormone.  It can really bring some happiness.

26. ...and don't leave out your furry pals

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Don't leave out your beloved pets either!  Say good morning to them, give them a stroke, if they're that kind of creature who enjoys that.  Also, take notice of how they wake up in the morning.  For example, your cat, depending on its temperament might come to greet you for a stroke, meow at you, eat, meet their basic needs, and have the biggest, most satisfying-looking stretch and yawn ever!  We can learn a lot from our pets!

27. Set a timer and reset your living area

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You don't really want to be spending a lot of time tidying up your home first thing in the morning, but intentionally resetting your living area, just as you would with making your bed, can help you feel organized and like you're making a fresh start with a new day.  Set a timer for 10 minutes and do as much as you are able to.

28. Indulge in a luxurious skincare routine

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Take care of your skin in the morning too.  A little self-care in that department goes a long way and can really help you to boost your mood.  The scent of the oils you might use, the boost of the blood flow from a Gua Sha massage, the cleansing face wash, and the invigorating exfoliator.  Sounds delectable, right?  And it can really go a long way to help with your well-being.

29. Use a habit tracker

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So, there's a lot going on here, but if you break it down, schedule the tasks, and stick to the routine, it'll just become second nature.  To help you at the beginning of your journey to a better morning, be sure to download a habit tracker to organize your activities and keep you accountable.

30. Pair it with a good nighttime routine

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When you take away all of these ideas, the real key to succeeding with your morning routine is to actually have a good nighttime routine to pair it with.  A good nighttime routine will ensure that you are able to get enough good quality sleep that will allow you to wake up and be productive in the morning.  Good luck - you've got this!

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