Signs Someone Needs An Intervention

By Anna Collins 6 months ago

1. You don't even recognize their personality anymore

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When someone needs an intervention they won't be acting like themselves. You'll barely recognize who they even are anymore. When you confront them with how much they've changed they may even try and put on a facade to pretend to be back to their usual self.

2. They're making BAD decisions

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When someone keeps making bad decisions after bad decisions it's time to step in and help them. Sometimes people need an intervention when they keep choosing the wrong path. One bad decision is totally normal. But multiple can lead to a scary place and you need to step in.

3. They smell like alcohol

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Smelling like alcohol every time you see them is a sign that they're in serious need of an intervention. They are clearly seeking escapism through substance abuse and trying to drown their sorrows or deal with whatever situation they are going through, in a dangerous way.

4. They're avoiding everybody

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Struggling in life and talking to people about it and leaning on loved ones is something that most people go through. But when someone tries to shut everyone out and avoid people this is when it becomes really concerning and it's a clear sign they need an intervention.

5. They've hit the self-destruct button

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When someone starts to self-destruct they begin to ruin one aspect of their life, then another, and another. They start to destroy what they have and before they manage to do this they need someone to call for an intervention because self-destructing can lead to a seriously slippery slope.

6. They've lost a lot of weight

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When someone starts to lose weight for no particular reason or they start to lose weight in an unhealthy way it can be concerning. Particularly if they are also showing signs of stress or trouble in their life. It may be a sign that they aren't looking after themselves anymore!

7. You think that they may be a danger to themselves

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As soon as you believe that someone is a danger to themselves, it's time to intervene. We cannot stand by and do nothing whilst someone we know or love becomes a danger to themselves. They are clearly going through something that they cannot deal with on their own.

8. They're lying about what they're doing

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Lies are intended to cover up something because that person feels guilty or because they know they shouldn't be doing it. So lying is always a cause for concern. And if this person keeps on lying about what they're doing then it's super alarming because it's a sign that they're really in trouble.

9. They physically look like a different person

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It's not time to intervene when someone has a revamp and they dye their hair and try out a new style. It's time to intervene when this person doesn't look like themselves because they're looking hollow and uncared for and physically exhausted. This is NOT a good sign.

10. They're saying they are 'fine' when you know they're not

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We all have a tendency to say 'I'm fine', even when deep down we're not. That's why you have to press a little bit harder to help people open up and understand that you want to be there for them when they're not okay. If someone keeps trying to hide that they're struggling it suggests they aren't dealing with something very well.

11. They're not even turning up for work

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Not turning up to work is often a really worrying sign because it's usually the thing that we don't skip unless we really have to. To start skipping work for no 'apparent' reason could mean that this person may be in a dark place and that they need an intervention.

12. Nobody has seen them in a while

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If you and the people in their lives who usually see them stop seeing them... it's time to check-in. And maybe even more than that, it could be time to intervene. Maybe they're hiding away because they're really struggling behind closed doors and can't face the world right now.

13. They seem to be spiraling out of control

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As soon as someone starts to spiral out of control, it's super hard to stop. Sometimes we can't stop ourselves, sometimes we really need the help and support of someone else. No matter what aspect of their life it is that's spiraling, it could take someone else to help stop them and pick them up.

14. You think that they have addiction issues

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When someone is showing signs of addiction it's a worrying time for those around them. At first, it may not be so noticeable. It's actually better to pick up these more subtle signs than it is to notice them when this person is deeply in the midst of addiction., So sometimes intervening sooner rather than later is best.

15. They're putting other people in danger

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Putting people in danger is never okay. And if there's even a remote chance that they are a danger to somebody else, it's time to act. This person cannot be left to their own devices when they are potentially dangerous - even if it's the last thing that they intend to be!

16. They're pale and shaky

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Looking pallid and shaky is a sign that this person is unwell. But if this person is displaying concerning signs as well as looking like this - then maybe they need an intervention because if there's no illness or medical reason it suggests that their lifestyle is leading to their own ill health!

17. You suspect that they're being controlled by someone else

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There are SO many reasons why someone may need an intervention. It could be to protect someone from themselves or to protect someone from another person. If you think that someone's in a controlling relationship it can be hard to step in but an intervention could help them!

18. Their mood bounces from one extreme to another

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Mood swings can be normal, but on a day-to-day basis showing complete extremes is not. And it may mean that someone needs help for whatever reason. If they're overly happy/hyper one moment, angry the next second, and then flooded with tears, it's time to intervene!

19. They're becoming super manipulative

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Anybody who is manipulative has ulterior motives that aren't good. And somebody's manipulation can end up harming another person. Plus, they may be doing it to convince people that they do not need an intervention when in fact, that's exactly what they need!

20. They've totally neglected their responsibilities

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Children. Work. Family. Bills. We all have different responsibilities, but we all have them. And although paying our tax bill may not be much fun, it's a responsibility we all have to do. If someone is continually neglecting their responsibilities then something is definitely up with them!

21. They're not trying to help themselves

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At the end of the day, other people can only help us so much before we need to decide to help ourselves too. But if someone isn't trying to help themselves, even in bad situations then at this point they need someone to take the first step in trying to help them.

22. Or they're trying but they KEEP on failing to save themselves

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It's very much a two-way street. While you've got to want to help yourself, sometimes you can't do things alone. And this person may be trying to help themselves but they may not be able to do it without someone else stepping in to provide them an intervention.

23. They're not even doing the basics for themselves like showering

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They're starting to appear very grubby, they smell funky and you're sure they've not cooked themselves a decent meal in weeks. This isn't normal behavior. If you notice this, it's definitely not something to ignore. Try and get to the bottom of it, you may have to intervene.

24. They're totally unpredictable

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Unpredictable behaviour can be scary because you never know what they are going to do next which can make helping someone very hard. After all, you do not know the next step. But acting unpredictably is a sign that someone is heading down the wrong path.

25. They disappear for periods

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Disappearing is by no means a normal thing to do. Someone in a good headspace will not disappear for any amount of time without letting somebody know where they are or when they will be back. As soon as someone disappears with no communication, it's definitely time!

26. They are displaying signs of depression or extreme thoughts

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Both of these things are immediate signs of intervention. In fact, there's no need to watch around to see if this person starts to feel better, it's always better to act and help this person out. They clearly need help and they most likely will not tell you OR ask for it!

27. They're fighting with everyone

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Some people are naturally more aggressive and always seem to be in the middle of the drama. Then there are those who avoid confrontation at all costs, and you've got those in the middle ground between both ends of the spectrum. But nobody who is happy should be fighting with everyone!

28. They're trying to keep everyone out

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What are we all told from being a very young age? That 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. While it may not halve our problem, it definitely lightens the load - there really is truth in that. So shutting everyone out is the worst thing someone can do for themselves.

29. Their kids are being treated differently

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Children are super precious and need non-stop care and love. If children are being treated differently by a parent then this parent needs intervention because the last thing that they would do if they didn't need help, would be to act in any way differently toward their kids.

30. They're making up stories and events

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Lies, lies, and more lies. Fabricating stories and events usually are more of an issue than someone just telling white lies. They are trying to present an entirely false narrative, and although you may not know the reason for this, it's most probably not for a good reason!

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