1. Playing cards - you never know when they could come in handy...

image source: reddit.com
It might sound strange, but actually a pack of cards is exact thing you need in your emergency pack at home. If a natural disaster or other disaster were to occur, a pack of cards can keep groups of people, including children, entertained, enabling everyone to take their minds off the disaster itself.
2. Duct tape - it's not just for serial killers!

image source: reddit.com
More commonly associated with serial killers, duct tape is actually a vital object for in your garage. Not only can it be used to mend tools or clothing, it can also even work as a first-aid tool in a pinch - for example, to set a broken limb. It's not what everyone would use, but in an emergency, you'll be glad to have it to hand.
3. Treats - because we all deserve them sometimes, right?

image source: reddit.com
Now, everyone needs some comfort in a difficult time. And when you're rushing out of your house because of a flood, or packing stuff into the car to move away from an environmental disaster, you'll be glad to have some of your favorite comfort treats squirreled away in your pack.
4. Notepad and pencils - survival could be one note away

image source: reddit.com
Many of us might think that with our phones on hand, we won't necessarily need any writing materials. But what if you phone goes dead? Or signal is cut off? Then, you'll be pleased to have a way to write to others and to jot important information down that you might learn from other people.
5. A written plan - because panicking doesn't help anyone

image source: reddit.com
Prepping for a disaster is usually the last thing on our minds. But if you're going to start putting away emergency items in your garage, why not write down a plan as well? Your plan might include addresses of important places in the vicinity, such as community centres that you might be directed to, or include info on where else you've stored important emergency objects.
6. Local maps - do you know where you're going without Google?

image source: reddit.com
Again, with our phones in our hands almost 24/7, we usually never think to carry around physical maps. In an emergency, though, it can be handy to keep some on hand, especially of your local area. You could even use these to trace an evacuation route from your town, or highlight important areas.
7. A shovel - not for burying bodies, we assure you...

image source: reddit.com
Please ignore some of the more morbid connotations of carrying a shovel around - this isn't for digging graves or to be used as a weapon! If you're forced out of your house for any reason and have to resort to sleeping outside, a shovel can be used to help you do your business in nature and bury it.
8. EMP protection - because phones are your lifeline in an emergency

image source: reddit.com
An EMP is an electromagnetic pulse, a high-power burst of radiation that can cause electronics to fail. There are some people who suggest that EMPs could be a common weapon in the near future, and if that's the case, it'll be really important to protect your electronics from it. You can buy things called Faraday bags that will protect your phone and any other electronics from EMPS.
9. Can opener - you'd be mad if you forgot this!

image source: reddit.com
Canned food is an emergency staple because of its long shelf life. But it's completely pointless hanging onto tinned food if you don't also have a can opener. You definitely don't want to pack your emergency bag and then realize you can't get into any of your food!
10. Plastic storage bags - you never know when these will be useful

image source: reddit.com
Again, this probably isn't an item you'll first think of when it comes to emergency items. But plastic bags are a really handy item to have lying around in your garage because of their versatility. These can be used to keep important items waterproof in dangerous weather, be used for hygiene reasons, or even be used to create waterproof shelters.
11. Your favorite book - everyone needs multiple copies!

image source: reddit.com
For some people, books are certainly survival items. When you're in the midst of an emergency, you'll probably want to seek out comfort and enjoyment wherever you can find it - and that's why storing a copy of your favorite book in your emergency stash can be so valuable.
12. A whistle - for when you need help, now

image source: reddit.com
It's a staple of survival kits worldwide, and for good reason. Whistles are vital for drawing attention, especially in bad weather or at night when you might not have any light. Because they don't require much effort to blow, they're more useful than other noise-making instruments if you're injured.
13. A tent - nobody wants to sleep on the bare ground

image source: reddit.com
You probably already have a tent or two gathering dust in your garage, but if not, it's always useful to have one on-hand. Tents will help if you have to evacuate your home on short notice and haven't arranged any alternative accommodation yet - especially if you can't rely on your car for shelter.
14. Spare glasses or contact lenses - going blind in an emergency is a big no-no

image source: reddit.com
There's nothing like forgetting your contact lenses and then being completely blind. Now just think how detrimental that could be in the midst of a disaster! Likewise, if you're wearing your glasses while evacuating but break them shortly later, a spare pair will ensure you're not flying blind.
15. Water - it's your number-one life-saver

image source: reddit.com
It's an obvious one, but important to reiterate. Water is a key survival item, and you'd be dead without it. So, always keep some large bottles of water in your garage for any survival event - whether that's just a drought, the water being shut off, or an event where you have to drive hours to safety.
16. Extra batteries or power bank - because dead phones = low survival

image source: reddit.com
It's not just an EMP that could destroy your phone or other electronics. Something as simple as not having 100% battery when you leave your home can be a disaster. So, always keep a (fully-charged) power bank in your emergency kit, as well as extra batteries for things like a radio.
17. Personal hygiene products - you don't want to miss these in an emergency

image source: reddit.com
Personal hygiene might not necessarily be top of your mind when you're being told you need to evacuate your home. And they won't be necessary for a disaster that keeps you inside your home, like a power cut or bad weather. But keeping some spare hygiene products - like tampons and soap - will save you stress in a severe evacuation event in the future.
18. A face mask - smoke can kill

image source: reddit.com
We don't mean the beauty kind of face mask - though that might also be a source of comfort and self-care in a difficult situation. A face mask, particularly one that protects against noxious gases and pollution, may save your life in the event of a nuclear disaster or other environmental event.
19. A radio - it's for more than listening to tunes

image source: reddit.com
We've all seen movies where survivors tune into the radio to learn news of the disaster if they don't have access to the internet. In reality, a radio is actually one of the most useful pieces of tech to have in your garage for an emergency. It'll help you pass the time and tune into to important messages from local agencies.
20. A flashlight - a staple of every survival expert

image source: reddit.com
The dark can be a scary place, whether you're enduring an emergency event or not. A battery-operated flashlight will ensure you can still find your way around your property even if the electricity is blown. The higher-strength torch, the better, especially if you end up sheltering with others.
21. List of useful phone numbers - that includes local shelters

image source: reddit.com
You can't always rely on your phone, as we've discovered in the case of an EMP. For this reason, creating a list of useful phone numbers and storing them in your garage can be really useful for an emergency scenario. Include details of emergency numbers, family doctors, friends, family, and charities.
22. First aid kit - getting caught without this would be deadly

image source: reddit.com
Now, you really should have a first-aid kit on-hand at all times in your home. But one isn't always enough. You should also keep an extra emergency kit with the rest of your survival items in a safe place like your garage. Your emergency first-aid-kit should be easy to carry and contain important items like dressings, medication, and even items for dental emergencies.
23. Candles and matches - no power, no problem!

image source: reddit.com
Some readers might have memories of enduring power cuts, where gathering around candles seemed like a cozy novelty. But candles and matches will be the first thing you'll reach for in an emergency, and you should always have a stock in your garage. Fire-starters could also come in handy.
24. Hand sanitizer - hygiene comes first in an emergency...

image source: reddit.com
Hygiene shouldn't be neglected, even in an emergency. In fact, environmental emergencies are when viruses and diseases can ravage a population, mainly because you may have lots of people sheltering in places with limited facilities. Hand sanitizer might not prevent all viruses, but it'll give some assurance if you can't wash your hands.
25. Spare keys - when the order comes to leave, you need to hurry

image source: reddit.com
You're just about to leave the house in a rush and you realize you can't find your car keys. It's a nightmare scenario at the best of times, but imagine you're in an emergency and don't have the time to sit and dig through all of your pants pockets or coats. Keeping a spare copy of your car and house keys (as well as safe keys if you have one) can spare you some stress.
26. Extra baby or pet supplies - don't forget the most vulnerable

image source: reddit.com
Babies and pets are the most vulnerable in an emergency, and need to be cared for. If you have a young child or pets, then storing some additional nappies, dog or cat food, and litter bags in your garage can be a help if you suddenly can't leave your house for a particular reason.
27. Multi-tool - it's got everything you could ever need

image source: reddit.com
A multi-tool is every survivor's item of choice for an emergency event. These objects can include a wide range of clever functions, including wire cutters, a saw, pliers, scissors and a file. You might not initially understand where or how you might use each of these tools, but we guarantee you'll be happy to have one around.
28. Ready-to-eat food - plain sweetcorn might taste good in an emergency...

image source: reddit.com
It's always a good idea to have extra food supplies in your house, for the event that you have to shelter in place or there are food shortages in your local supermarkets. Easy storage food is ideal, like tinned food, or you could gather packeted food that never expires. But don't take a chance with foods you're not familiar with - you don't want to get hit with stomach troubles when you can't get to a doctor easily.
29. Blankets - this could really save your life

image source: reddit.com
In the dead of winter, you'll naturally be glad to have extra blankets on hand in case your heating fails or you suffer through a particularly bad storm. Survival blankets are also useful if you find you need to evacuate at the drop of a hat and find your car is your primary shelter for a couple of days.
30. Cash - it's back to basics for survival

image source: reddit.com
In these days of phone and even watch payments, cash is less and less of a necessity, especially if you live in a city. But carrying some cash on you will be a big help in the case of an EMP that blows out payment machines. Either way, you'll feel better off with some dollars stored away for a rainy day, or worse.