1. The Queen is the longest-reigning monarch

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Queen Elizabeth was officially Britain's longest-serving monarch ever. She reigned for 70 years, making her the second longest-reigning monarch EVER, second only to Louis XIV of France. She became Queen at 27 years old and served the country until her death at 96 years old - something no one else can compete with!
2. The Queen was a global figurehead

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The Queen was more than any other monarch, she was a figurehead. She was a symbol for the entire world. The Queen became the kind of icon that nobody could live up to. And so when she died, the figurehead of the monarchy died with her whether there was a next in line to the throne or not.
3. The whole world loved her

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There have been no other monarchies that have gained such monumental popularity, not only within the United Kingdom but within the world. She was loved more than any other and now that King Charles has stepped up to the throne, that kind of love isn't so strong anymore.
4. She was the only member who wasn't involved in controversy

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She's also the only (or at least one of few) members of the royal family who has not been embroiled in controversy. Andrew brought shame to the royals, tainted by his friendship with Epstein and the unknown aspects of his involvement. Charles then became tainted by the same scandal and yet the Queen stood above it all.
5. She was there throughout people's hardest times

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When such a prominent figure has been there throughout the hardest of times, both on a personal level and the countries as a whole, it creates something that cannot be replaced. The Queen was present at times of such hardship, that the royal family will never have the same kind of prominence again.
6. She was a female role model

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The Queen became a symbol for all females, of strength and resilience, and for paving the idea that women can rule in a very male-dominated world. She took to the throne at 27 years old in a generation where women had little power, and she became a massive role model!
7. People were massively emotionally attached to the Queen and her journey

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When people become emotionally attached to someone in such a strong way, things will never be the same when they are gone. Because the Queen's journey was such a lengthy one, people felt as though they knew her, and this attachment could never be found again.
8. The Queen was the symbol of the Royal Family

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When we think of the royal family in the United Kingdom, we think of the Queen. Even now she has passed, we still see her as the symbol of the royal family. How can such an iconic symbol ever be seen in the same again without the Queen, or sight someone else?
9. She became people's 'constant' reassurance

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Even when the country or the world faced a time of massive uncertainty, many people found huge amounts of courage in the fact that Queen Elizabeth remained. She could be seen when nothing else was certain, and so she became the constant in everyone's lives.
10. The Queen had the most experience

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As the longest reigning monarch, she had the most experience under her belt. Nobody ever questioned whether the Queen would know how to handle a situation, whether she would show up for her country, or whether the people's needs would be addressed. But with her death, the assurance of experience died too.
11. She unified the nations

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Not only was she respected by her country but she was a respected monarch by all nations. She unified nations in a way that hadn't been done before. Now, we will never be able to guarantee that we have such strong ties and unity between nations as we once did.
12. She was held to a standard that nobody else could live up to!

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The Queen was held in such high esteem, that she was put on a pedestal quite literally, not just as the head of the royal family and the Queen of England but as somebody who could attain standards that nobody else could. And after the Queen is no longer with us, the public doesn't feel that anybody else can reach her standards.
13. She was the contact point for other Royal families across the world

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The King or Queen is always the contact point for other members of royalty across the globe. Yet this was a role that she fulfilled to the best of her ability throughout her reign. She had worked so hard to retain relationships over the globe that some of these relationships are bound to fail now she has gone.
14. The Queen's speech was one of the most popular things on TV

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The Queen was so loved that every Christmas day, her speech became one of the most watched things on TV. Millions and millions of people every year would tune in on Christmas day to listen to the BBC broadcast where the Queen addressed the nation. It's just not the same now.
15. She represents the monarchy as a whole

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The monarchy is a huge establishment, for example, there are princes, princesses, and dukes...but the only figure that has TRULY represented the monarchy is the Queen. The Queen was the uniting symbol of the monarchy and people questioned whether the family would fall apart without her.
16. She's achieved so much for the country

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She achieved so much during her 70 years as Queen that her legacy will override monarchs to come. The Queen prioritized the commonwealth and she also made huge progress in the decolonization of many countries during her reign. She also worked towards helping children's education to name but a few of her monumental achievements!
17. She brought in billions of tourists every year

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The British royal family has fascinated countries all over the world for centuries. Billions of visitors flock to England every year to witness Buckingham Palace. But the truth is that the majority of these visitors are so keen to visit because they have a keen interest in the Queen. These figures could drop after her death.
18. People trusted her to use her power for good

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One of the main reasons that the Queen's reign was so powerful was that the people truly trusted her. People put their trust in the fact that the Queen would act in the best interest of the nation. Sadly, the public trust has waned massively after her death and people do not share the same feelings for the new King.
19. Her reign bridged the generational gap

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The Queen managed to do something that not many other people have managed to do: unite the different generations together. Both young and old could agree on one thing - they believed the Queen was the best thing for the country. Yet now, there is no more generational bridge and the cracks are beginning to show.
20. She hit major milestones that may never be made again

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The Queen's milestones will likely never be hit again, and most certainly not in our lifetime. But it could take centuries before any monarch manages to achieve such milestones. In fact, perhaps by this point, the monarchy will cease to exist altogether!
21. She upheld morals

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When we look at a lot of world leaders one thing we can all agree on is that they do not uphold the morals and values of the country or the world. But, the Queen always managed to do this. Most humans make decisions that make people question their morals, yet the Queen didn't shake our confidence!
22. People found it easy to look up to her

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This is one of the reasons why she was a role model who everybody loved to look up to! She was easy to look up to because she never gave her people a reason to doubt her or to question her intentions. Even her family did: Andrew, Harry, Charles...but the Queen? Never.
23. She became a figure in history

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It's a hard concept to grasp that the Queen we all knew in our lifetime is the Queen that is going to be talked about throughout the remainder of history. She will always be one of the most prominent royal figures in history, and no other royal from the royal family will have the same impact.
24. She upheld the nation's spiritual heritage too

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The Queen also upheld the religious element of The Church of England. However, she managed to do it in a very divisive way. She was a silent believer, never pushing her beliefs onto non-believers, but satisfying believers of her faith which is a very hard balance to strike.
25. Once she passed, people questioned the relevancy of the monarchy

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Never before has the monarchy faced such a threat where the people of the United Kingdom have questioned its relevancy so much. But after the Queen passed, the era of the monarchy died. People no longer see a need for the royal family, especially now that their icon has died.
26. We associate historical moments with the Queen

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The Queen saw the nation through a world war, a global pandemic, the moment that the Olympics came to London...you name it, it probably happened during the Queen's reign. And these are all things that we associate with the Queen and no other royal member of the family.
27. She was the guardian of tradition

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The Queen managed to hold on to tradition in a way that didn't feel out of date. She did it with ease, retaining our old ways whilst allowing us to blend with the modern world. But when she died people suddenly felt that the monarchy had been left in the past.
28. Nostalgia is often more powerful in people's hearts than the present

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Nostalgia is a massively powerful emotion. It's natural to look back on 'the good old days' and think about the past with rose-tinted glasses. Memories can be twisted in our brains to have no faults, so no matter what anybody does now, it will never live up to how we perceive the Queen.
29. Without her, people have lost confidence in the monarchy

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Public opinion has taken a massive shift from feeling fully confident in the Queen, to feeling extremely hesitant and anxious about the future of the monarchy. Confidence in a leader is one of the most important elements, but the monarchy may never be able to get this back.
30. She's all anyone remembers

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No matter how old you are, the only leading monarch of England that you will remember is the Queen. People love familiarity and they cling to what they know. The fact that she has been all that anybody knows is a very powerful thing and something that can't be redone.