You cancel plans with friends to spend time with your pet

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Your pet is the be all and end all of your plans. You find it difficult to leave the house when you know that your little fur ball is going to be sat in the house by themselves. You'll happily call your friends and explain that you cannot make your plans tonight, and decide to curl up on the sofa instead.
You cannot be without your pet

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It's not just going out on the town that is difficult without your pet. You find even thinking of their death sets you on a path of sadness and tears (and of course, lots of snuggles). Anytime anyone even mentions it, you shut it down. You simply cannot think of being without them.
Your house is full of their toys

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Spoiling your pet is your all-time favourite thing to do, especially when it comes to toys. You research trends, check and write reviews, desperate to find a toy that will make your pet happy. Big ones, small ones, rubber or fluffy, you're willing to break the bank if it means their collection makes them smile.
Your social media is chock-full of their face

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You find everything your pet does so incredibly cute, that you can't help but post their little face all over your Instagram and Facebook. Isn't that what social media was built for?! You want to share your little furry friend's face with everyone which means 100s of pictures, all of the time.
You can't go on holiday without them

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Holiday is not holiday without your pet. They are an invaluable travel companion and you refuse to go abroad without them. You will book special accommodation, transport, whatever you need to make sure they're comfortable, because if you leave them at home, you will not be going. They make you so happy!
You share food

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Watching them eat is so precious. You find that if they beg at the table, or even when you're having a snack, it would cause you great stress to forbid them from sharing. You even make a bigger portion for you so you know that your pet can have some too.
They're like your baby

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It's almost like you are their parent and they are your little, tiny baby. You want to protect them at all costs and cannot even consider the thought that anything would do them harm. You coddle, snuggle and check on them constantly. You sometimes even hold them in your arms like a newborn.
You have so many photos of your pet

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You have 100s of photos of your pet on social media, but you have 1000s of photos on your phone to choose from. You even invested in a better camera so you could have professionally shot photos of them. They decorate your walls in your home, because their lovely face is what makes your day better.
You don't mind cleaning up after them

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Ask anybody who doesn't have a pet to pick up poop and they'll gag, but ask a devoted owner and they will be more than happy to. Even when they run muddy footprints all over the house after you've just mopped, it's more important to you that they had a good time than you had a clean home.
Their wish is your command

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Whatever your pet wants, they will get. It doesn't matter that they can't talk; the two of you speak your own language and you know what they want even before they do. If they want to come up on the couch or eat some of your chicken or go for a walk at 3 in the morning, it's your pleasure.
Your pet's birthday is a family occasion

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How could you not celebrate the greatest day of all: the day they came into your life? You practically throw a party to show that your pet is appreciated. It's necessary. The balloons, the countless decorations, the presents, the cake: you'll do whatever you have to to let them know they're special.
You love them more than most other people

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People tend to get their joy from other people, but not you. You would choose the company of your pet over most people anyday. They are the light of your life, they don't interrupt and you would rather sit in silence with them than have to spend time with the majority of people you know.
Their schedule is your schedule

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Your day is built around their day. If they have a puppy manicure or a playdate, it will become the priority for the day, your plans be damned. You will organise your entire day to making sure your pet is taken care of, consistently has company and feels appreciated.
You can never have too many pets

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Your life has become your pet, so why not add more into the mix? You have found that it doesn't matter how many pets you have, as long as you can keep them happy, that's what makes you happy. They could be cats, dogs, snakes, guinea pigs: you just want to take care of them.
A day isn't complete without a cuddle

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You cannot think of a day passing without holding onto your pet. Their cuddles are the impetus to get out of bed in the morning, and why you're looking forward to getting back into bed at night. You love to snuggle them, run your fingers through their fur and let them know you love them.
You sleep in the same bed

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If it's what your pet wants, it's what your pet will get. It doesn't matter if your significant other is disgusted at the prospect of sleeping in the same bed with an animal, you want your pet to feel happy and loved, which in turn makes you feel content, so into the bed they go.
You are constantly covered in their hair

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Whether it's because of all the snuggling, or because you love to brush and pamper them, their fur is all over your clothes, your shoes and the furniture. It doesn't matter how much vacuuming you do, you cannot escape the never ending hair all over the house, and you don't mind it.
You sign cards from your pet too

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It would be like signing a card without putting your child's name in it! You also love how it looks to have your pet's name along with everyone else's and it makes them feel like a true part of the family. It also allows you to draw a little picture or paw print and that is a benefit in itself.
Your pet has a whole wardrobe

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You wear the same five outfits on repeat, but your pet is decked out in the plushest, most fancy threads regardless. You have created a whole wardrobe for them dependant on weather, time of year, or even the theme of the day. Is it really Halloween or Christmas if you don't dress up your pet?
You think your pet is better than all other pets

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You love all creatures, regardless of breed or owner, but you know your pet is ultimately the best one. You hear other owners in the park calling their pets the best boy, but you know yours is the true champion. You support them and believe that they are perfect in every way.
You talk to your pet

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Why wouldn't you? They're just like any other person. You find that your day doesn't feel real if you don't tell them all about it, or ask for their opinions. You love to try and find hidden meanings in their facial movements, and imagine they're talking back to you.
You can't remember a time without them

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You remember the day they were brought home and not a moment before. If you can, you tend to superimpose your pet into that time too. It would be too painful to imagine a time when they weren't involved in your day to do, so you're happy to make believe that you've always been a part of each other's lives.
You've learnt how to give a pet massage

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You read something about the benefits of massaging your pet and that was enough for you. You want to do anything you can to make your pet even happier than they already are, especially if that means you get some extra quality time between the two of you.
They have their own social media page

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It's not just your social media that they're the star of! You have even gone so far as to build their own social media page, posting from the account as though it was their voice. For a perfect example, have a look at Giggy's old account, courtesy of Lisa Vanderpump. That was true love.
You've learnt how to bake their treats

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You are not typically one to spend time in the kitchen and your treats for your kids don't tend to work out quite right, but your pet's stash is perfected. You wanted to make sure that your pet is looked after, their dietary requirements taken into consideration, so you were happy to get cooking.
You can't talk to someone who hates animals

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It's one of your first questions when you meet someone: do you have any pets? It's not just that you find happiness in spending time with your pet, it's that you love to talk about your pet too, and you don't want to spend time with someone who doesn't share your passion for animals.
Their grooming is more important than your own

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Your last haircut was 10 months ago, $60 and you left feeling the same way as when you walked in. Your pet's last haircut was $100, 2 weeks ago and you felt such a high after you got them back from the groomer's. The time away was hard, but it was worth it for all the new photos.
They occupy 99% of your headspace

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You have managed to find a fairly good work-life balance and it's not that anything is being neglected. It's more that the majority of your time is spent thinking about your pet and how you can make them happy, because that makes you happy. They bring you joy, even if you're not in the same room as them.
Their face is your phone's background

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If you have to suffer a 9-to-5 without being in their presence (though you are trying to work from home), you're going to make sure that you have quick access to seeing their little face on your phone screen. Their presence makes you happy, even if it is on your phone.
Your pet is your best friend

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They are your bestie, because you make each other so happy. You cannot think of anyone or anything you would rather spend time with. You know them, they know you and you feel you are at home when you are in each other's presence. You will stick with them until the end of time.