1. Leave your jewelry to soak in beer - it will make it GLEAM!
Image source: Reddit
Who would've thought that you could use a spare beer can to clean up your much-loved jewelry and make them gleam again? Just pop your jewelry in a bowl with a little bit of beer, leave them to soak for a few minutes so that the carbonation and mild acidity can lift the dirt, and then scrub and rinse!
2. Add a crushed aspirin to the laundry to rid stubborn stains!

Image source: Reddit
Aspirin isn't a food - but it's a common thing we have in a medical cabinet that we consume when we're sick. But not just that! Try crushing an aspirin tablet and adding it to your laundry to give a little extra oomph. It will break down stubborn sweat stains to leave your clothes looking that bit fresher.
3. Pour soy sauce on burnt pots and pans - a quick solution!

Image source: Reddit
Another cupboard condiment we all have is soy sauce. And you probably notice that when you burn the bottom of the pan (a very frequent occurrence in my case) it takes a LOT of scrubbing, soap, and soaking to make it budge. The better solution, pour some soy sauce on and it will help lift it off without needing so much elbow grease.
4. Wipe a layer of mayo on your wooden furniture - believe us... it will help!

Image source: Reddit
Wiping a layer of mayonnaise over your wooden furniture probably sounds so wrong on so many levels. Yet it can actually do your furniture the world of good. It adds a protective layer of oils and replenishes dry wood which will leave it looking in better condition than before, even though you're wiping food all over it.
5. Sprinkle salt on your oven to remove rust!

Image source: Reddit
Salt is no longer just for flavor in our dishes. Try sprinkling it on your rusty oven or stove and then start to scrub it after allowing it to sit for some time. It's naturally abrasive and helps to tackle the stains and grease that are notoriously difficult to remove!
6. Remove crayon marks using coconut oil

Image source: Reddit
If the kids have let themselves loose on your walls with a crayon, you're probably now living with colorful scribbles everywhere. It's actually a lot easier to remove the marks than we thought using some coconut oil to wipe it off. The oil combats the oil in the crayons!
7. Drop a seltzer tablet into your toilet bowl

Image source: Reddit
Dropping a drinking seltzer into your toilet bowl was probably the last thing on your mind. But the fizzing carbonated tablet will make your bowl much cleaner than many other products. And, you're not putting any harmful products into the water system!
8. Put a pot of coffee beans in your fridge

Image source: Reddit
Coffee beans not only give your fridge a yummy coffee smell rather than the funky smell they all get after some time, but they actually absorb the bad smells. So it's not just masking one scent with a more pleasant smell, they will suck out the bad food smells from your fridge!
9. Scrub stainless steel with olive oil

Image source: Reddit
Olive oil is one of those natural food products that help us in so many other areas rather than just dressing our salad. And more unusually, it can be used to clean stainless steel. You'll find with many other products, that steel gets ugly streaks when you try and clean it, but olive oil leaves a streak-free shine.
10. Club soda can get tough stains out
Image source: Reddit
Another unexpected cleaning solution comes in the shape of club soda! Apparently, the drink mixer isn't just for drinking, you can use it to get out all of the stains that other remedies just don't seem to shift: red wine, tomato sauce, curry... you name it!
11. Polish your shoes with toothpaste

Image source: Reddit
Toothpaste can make more than your teeth pearly white! Using non-gel, non-whitening toothpaste can work miracles on your shoes that are looking past their best. Instead of throwing them out, try and scrub some toothpaste into them before washing them off.
12. Scrub your pans with a slice of spud

Image source: Reddit
The humble potato is also a natural cleaning food! Potatoes are naturally abrasive and they can actually help you to scrub away rust or stuck-on food. Grab a potato, cut it down the middle, and then sprinkle some salt on one side before scrubbing at your dirty pots.
13. Remove sticky labels with a bit of peanut butter

Image source: Reddit
When you grab a bargain and intend to give it as a gift, you need to remove the sticker as evidence that the gift you just bought for someone was really half-price! But will the label come off? Nope...stuck steadfast. And even if it does, it leaves a sticky residue behind. Now we have the most perfect simple solution of all...a little bit of peanut butter!
14. Clean your delicate materials with olive oil

Image source: Reddit
Olive oil is so much more delicate than our usual shampoos or body soaps because it's natural and creates an oil barrier rather than removing oils! So when you have a garment with very fine or delicate material you don't want to risk normal soap, try a little bit of oil instead.
15. Soak your silverware in tomato sauce

Image source: Reddit
Don't let your silverware stay tarnished and dull. You can revive it in the most easy way by using a food we ALL have in our cupboard...tomato sauce! The natural acidity in the tomato sauce helps to remove the dirt and tarnish from your silverware by just leaving it on the surface for a few minutes.
16. Smash avocados on your chopping board

Image source: Reddit
Chopping boards get used multiple times a day and they collect all different kinds of dirt and stains from the foods we chop and prepare. It seems counterproductive to clean it by adding MORE food, but cleaning it with avocado adds natural oils which can help protect your chopping board from damage.
17. Put orange peel in your trash can

Image source: Reddit
There's no way to make a trash can smell GOOD. But we can make it more bearable surely. And nobody is going to spray their trash can with perfume or add air freshener...that would be extremely excessive. All you need to do is add some citrus peel instead!
18. Use a lemon to wipe out your microwave

Image source: Reddit
Microwaves are another household appliance that starts to smell bad and no amount of cleaning seems to shift the smell. But slicing a lemon in half and leaving it in a bowl of water before heating it up massively helps. Plus, the steam will not only smell fresh, but it will loosen the hardened stains.
19. Sprinkle baking soda on your stovetops

Image source: Reddit
Baking soda has been used as a tried and tested cleaning tool for a long time now. Layer a generous amount of baking soda onto your stovetop and add a little bit of water to create a paste. Leave it for around an hour before removing it and watch all the dirt lift away!
20. Use white vinegar to wash your windows

Image source: Reddit
Window solution can often contain harsh chemicals and it's actually better to opt for natural ingredients as far as possible. White vinegar has the same effect as any other window cleaner. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle before spraying it onto your window.
21. Clean your coffee grinder with rice

Image source: Reddit
So often people don't clean out their coffee grinders or manual machines with soap because it can affect the taste of the coffee. Instead, you can fill the grinder with rice to soak up the residual coffee granules and dirt to clean it naturally with nothing to affect the taste.
22. Polish up your leather with cucumber

Image source: Reddit
Leather and chemicals do not bode well, in fact, if you use anything too harsh to clean your leather you can damage it for good, or weaken the barrier of the leather. Cucumber adds the moisture to clean and contains natural oils to work as a gentle cleaner.
23. Squirt ketchup on your copper pots and pans

Image source: Reddit
Grab the ketchup if you want to give your pots and pans some love. Squirt it all over the metal and start scrubbing to help remove the discoloration. Wash it off and you'll notice that no matter how old, or battered they were they'll look like brand new again (okay, almost brand new again).
24. Chop an onion in half and wipe it over a rusty grill

Image source: Reddit
Everybody has rusty grill grates - it's absolutely inevitable. But sometimes they do get to a point where there's such a build-up of grime that we can't see any of the metal underneath. At this point, we need to grab an onion and start wiping it down!
25. Dust your houseplants with banana leaves

Image source: Reddit
Houseplants gather so much dust on their leaves - and no it's not a reflection of the cleanliness of your home, it just happens! But spraying them with cleaner could kill your plants, whereas banana leaves are gentle and work more effectively than water!
26. Use cornstarch to make your mirrors sparkle

Image source: Reddit
Corn starch works miracles for our mirrors. Create a paste by mixing cornstarch with a few drops of water. Paste it onto your mirror (which will feel like you're making it SO much dirtier) but trust the process and wipe it off after half an hour for the result!
27. Grapefruit can freshen up your bathtub

Image source: Reddit
Cleaning a bathtub can take a lot of time and effort, especially if you're one of those people who love a luxurious bath product. Cut a grapefruit in half and scrub down the whole of your bathtub before rinsing it off and it should remove all of the tough grime!
28. Use bread to pick up broken glass

Image source: Reddit
In everyday life, we do drop things. Glasses get smashed and the tiny little shards and glass particles can be impossible to see and collect all of them - even with a hoover. Get a piece of bread to squish on the floor and safely pick up the small shards without hurting yourself.
29. Wipe your windows streak-free with tea bags

Image source: Reddit
If you've got a pile of used tea bags that are destined for the bin, hold onto them for a second longer and try them out on your windows first. They should clean your windows and effectively remove dirt and most importantly, not leave any tell-tale marks!
30. Almond oil can make your appliances shine

Image source: Reddit
Almond oil is a natural and moisturizing and super gentle and it can lift off the old tarnishes from your household products. Instead of spraying cleaning products which can be harmful when ingested, clean with almond oil for a similar effect more naturally and healthily.