Secrets From Inside Bohemian Grove

By Juliet Smith 2 years ago

It Takes Place Every July

Image Source / The New York Public LibraryThe gathering of some of the most richest and powerful people in the world isn't just a once in a blue moon type of mysterious meet up - it's an annual vacation every July for those who can get in! The fact that these power-driven meet ups are still happening religiously every single year is quite something.

It Involves Druid Worship And Rituals

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So much stuff goes down during this two-week meet up in the exclusive campground, including lots of drinking and super-secret gossiping - but one thing they also do is a form of druid worshipping when it comes to nature. The group itself has insisted that they're just 'revering the Redwoods', though.

It's A 2,700 Acre Campground

Image Source / Vanity Fair
The Bohemian Grove covers a whopping 2,700 acres of firs and redwoods, around 75 miles north of San Francisco. The site includes around 118 camps, and in the centre is a man-made lake with a large owl shrine watching over it. This is also the location of the 'Cremation of Care' ceremony.

The Creation Of Care Ceremony

Image Source / Who Rules America
This ritual is written, produced and performed by members of the club, and for members of the club. It's performed on the very first night of the annual festivities, and it's supposed to be a representation of 'salvation of the trees' by the members of the club, as well as banishing any 'wordly cares'.

And One Of These Creation Of Care Ceremonies Was Caught On Tape

Image Source / Xtra Magazine
Naturally, some people have tried - and succeeded - to infiltrate the campground over the years. In 2000, filmmaker Alex Jones went in with a hidden camera and filmed the ceremony. It revealed that members wore costumes whilst burning a coffin effigy (which they named 'Care') infront of the Redwoods and that 40-foot-owl statue we spoke about before.

The Members Wear Red Robes For The Ceremony

Image Source / Who Rules America
At the beginning of this ceremony, the music has also been described as a sort of mournful funeral march while the initiators come through dressed in red pointed hoods and long red flowing robes. They're also carrying torches and the effigy that they'll soon light on fire.

A Tree Spirit Then Comes Out To Sing

Image Source / National Park Service
A tree spirit - also known as a hamadryad - emerges from the Redwood tree by the owl effigy. It sings to all those watching, telling the ritual members to 'burn away the sorrows of yesterday' before it returns to the tree and the burning ceremony can then begin.

The Club Has Been Infiltrated More Than Once

Image Source / Los Angeles Times
And it's not only been infiltrated by Jones, either. Before Jones, writer Philip Weiss posed as a guest back in 1989. His write-up about his experience included descriptions about woodland trails, piano music, men urinating in bushes and - of course - the Redwoods.

And The Owl Actually Speaks

Image Source / Sophia Smith
The huge 40ft concrete owl which is stationed in the camp and a key part of the Creation of Care Ceremonies actually speaks - but no, it's not some druid magic, it's given a voice through hidden speakers where recorded dialogue is played. This dialogue was at one point recorded by newsreader (and member of the Grove) Walter Cronkite.

The Waiting List Is Ridiculously Long

Image Source / Who Rules America
You can actually be put on a waiting list to be a member of this exclusive club, but you might be waiting a while. Back in 1989, for instance, when Weiss infiltrated the camp, the waiting list was 33 years long - so you can't blame him for not wanting to wait!

It's All-Male Membership

Image Source / Encyclopedia Britannica
Sorry ladies - once again this is something those 'very powerful and important men' have decided they want all to themselves. The exclusive club sees only male members gathering for this annual celebration, for the ultimate 'gentleman's club' tucked away in the woods.

Former US Presidents Have Been On The Guest List

Image Source / Business Insider
When we say 'all-powerful male members' we mean the cream of the crop, and that includes Presidents of the United States. US Presidents who have attended the Grove at one time or another include President Nixon, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Eisenhower and Roosevelt.

And The Aim Is To Avoid 'The Common Man'

Image Source / Sustainable Play
The purpose of these big and important men meeting up is to avoid any uncivilised interests or cultures of 'the common man'. This would explain why only the biggest people, like US presidents or industry barons, are allowed to attend. None of those 'everyday problems', thanks.

One Meet-Up Led To The Creation Of The Atom Bomb

Image Source / History of goverment
The idea of the Bohemian Grove get togethers is to leave business at the door - so even though it's a gathering of very important people, like presidents and oil barons, it's not a place for business deals. However, this doesn't always work out - one time in 1942, planning for the Manhattan Project took place at the Grove which led to the creation of the atom bomb.

Activities At The Grove Include Plays Where Men Portray Female Characters

Image Source / Who Rules America
Just like in the days of Shakespeare, if there's a play to put on at the Grove then the all-men gathering has to have males playing the female roles. Some of the activities at the grove include comedy shows, plays and 'public interest talks' which is where the more 'high-ranking' members talk about something important.

People Organize Protests Against The Grove Almost Every Year

Image Source / FoundSF
It's inevitable that this kind of exclusive club, and especially when it pertains to nature and Redwoods, is going to see a fair few protests. Apparently protests take place every year - no doubt to disrupt every annual celebration - and are organised by social activist groups.

There Have Been Conflicting Ideas Of What It Really Is: From Conspiracy Theories To Just Plain Fun

Image Source / Wikipedia
Something like this is bound to have conspiracy theorists in a twist, and some believe that the campground is the site of right-wing New World Order scheming. On the opposite side of things, a former attendee Richard Nixon called it 'the most f**gy god*mned thing you could ever imagine'.

There Is Apparently
A Lot
Of Urination

Image Source / Vanity Fair
You'd think for such an important gathering and with people who clearly have a lot of money, they would have organised a proper toilet system, but apparently it's just an outside-urination free for all. A lot of reports describe outdoor urination being a common pastime at these events.

There's Quite A Hefty Initiation Fee

Image Source / Swann Galleries
It makes sense seeing as it's so elite and mysterious and powerful and all that. It's obviously going to cost a lot to get in, on top of the extensive waiting list. You can even get invited in by other members. But any method you use to get in still results in a large initiation fee of $25,000.

Being 'Republican And White' Helps You Get In

Image Source / YouTube
As you might expect for this kind of elite gentleman's club that's seen presidents and celebrities on the guest list, it works in your favour if you're trying to become a member - and willing to wait as well as pay the fee - if you're an aristocrat, Republican and white.

There Have Been Some Big Names In Attendance

Image Source / Vanity Fair
It's not just US presidents that have been in attendance over the many years it's been going on, either. Some of the huge names in attendance include: Dick Cheney, Calvin Coolidge, Walter Cronkite, James A. Baker III, Bing Crosby, Clint Eastwood and Mark Twain. So as you can see: actors, writers, singers, secretaries of state and the like.

There Are Rumours Of Logging The Redwoods

Image Source / Olema House
A lot of the controversy for the Bohemian Grove, and indeed fuel for protests, is the rumour that the Redwoods have actually been chopped down as part of the ceremonies. If it wasn't insult enough that guests are urinating against them, a former member apparently reported that they may have logged Redwoods in the past, too.

It's Been Charged With Discrimination

Image Source / History Channel
If it wasn't already obvious by now, this exclusive club does discriminate against women - it was actually charged after its refusal to hire female employees. The decision was apparently supported by a judge who remarked that the fact the men pee freely everywhere means the presence of 'females' would alter the club's behaviour. The judge's decision was overruled and the club had to hire women as employees after that.

The Dining Circle

Image Source / Who Rules America
The Grove features a 'dining circle' area, which is a clearing featuring long, round tables with everyone seated together to feast and make merry. The long table setups are reminiscent of Great Hall dining, but under the shade of the trees and set up in a curved circle arrangement.

The Bohemian Club Originally Moved From Place To Place

Image Source / The Vintage News
The exclusive Bohemian Club itself wasn't always stationed at the Bohemian Grove. Originally, the club had to move around, and gather at, a variety of temporary locations, and didn't establish its permanent headquarters until the 1930s - namely, in San Francisco.

There Are Around 2,500 Members

Image Source / Who Rules America
Yep, there are that many rich old men to say the least. Over the passing of years, the membership number for the Club and the Grove has only increased, and is now looking at around 2,500 members made up of US presidents, politicians, military personnel... you get the idea.

There Is A Variety Of Activities

Image Source / Messy Nessy Chic
This place is definitely a summer camp if the activities are anything to go by. The various things these rich men get up to include skinny dipping, clay pigeon shooting and even marshmallow toasting, no doubt by a lovely campfire or two.

And Members Refer To Activities As 'Jinks'

Image Source / Pinterest
The variety of shows, exhibits and planned entertainment on offer for the members all have an official name - they're called Jinks, and are specifically categorised into either High Jinks or Low Jinks. This is all continued by the traditions of the Grove, to refer to any planned entertainment as Jinks.

There's A River That Helps To Keep Unwanted Guests Out

Image Source / Russian River Confluence
The Grove's difficult-to-get-to location is no accident, and on the outskirts of the campgrounds is the Russian River flowing through Northern California which would deter anyone trying to sneak through on foot (unless they fancied a swim). The huge Redwoods make it even more impenetrable.

The Locals Dismiss The Scene As 'Just Fat White Men'

Image Source / Wikipedia
There's so much mystery, alongside conspiracy theories, for people who live far away from where the Grove is based, but it's a different vibe for the people who actually live nearby. For the locals in Monte Rio, it's just a lot of limos turning up and 'fat white men who go and camp for two weeks'.

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