1. Make Sure To Exercise And Stay In Shape

Image Source / Vision RCLThere really are no limits to the good that a healthy workout can do. Maintaining a healthy weight and working out regularly not only means that you keep your waistline in check, but your eyesight, too. Being overweight puts you at risk of diabetes, which in turn can damage the blood vessels in the eyes.
2. Make Sure To Get All Your Vitamins And Minerals

Image Source / Business Insider
There are of course many health benefits of getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals, and these include for eye health, too. Vitamins such as A, C and E, as well as zinc, contain antioxidants that help to fight against eye vision deterioration. There's a reason people have always said carrots help you to see in the dark!
3. Remember To Take Your Carotenoids, Too

Image Source / The Woks of Life
Carotenoids are other nutrients which are helpful for eye health and a good diet. Carotenoids are found in the retina of the eye and help to protect it. You can find these key carotenoids either in supplement form, or in leafy green veg. Always eat your vegetables, people!
4. Use Protective Eyewear Whenever You Need

Image Source / ManoMano
Your eyes are exposed to damage every single day, but the risk increases when you're considering sharp objects or a badly-placed elbow or two - it's about protective eye gear for those times when your eyes may be exposed to physical damage. You should wear protective eyewear for high-contact sports or for any hobbies like woodworking.
5. Always Remember To Wear Sunglasses

Image Source / The Cut
All right, so these are technically 'glasses' but we don't mean the prescription kind. Wearing sunglasses is one of the best natural ways you can protect your eyes. They're about more than looking cool - they're about preventing harmful UV rays getting into your eyes, as well as actually improving what you can see when out and about without squinting.
6. Or Wear A Sun Hat!

Image Source / Outdoor Gear Lab
You don't have to wear sunglasses if they're not your thing, but protecting your eyes and improving your vision is still important. A sun hat with a wide brim can do the same job in protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays. In comparison to sunglasses, however, a hat may not be as effective as protecting from things actually getting into or damaging your eye (like objects or dust).
7. Get Chronic Conditions Under Control

Image Source / Wikipedia
Lots of chronic conditions - in addition to diabetes - can affect your vision. Improving your vision naturally could mean getting any chronic conditions under control - or, at the very least, not ignoring them. High blood pressure, for instance, can affect your eyesight negatively, and as always a healthy lifestyle is key.
8. Embrace The 20-20-20 Rule

Image Source / Business Insider
So much of life these days is staring at a screen - and it's worse for those who work at a computer for a living. Your eyesight is bound to suffer for it. That's why the 20-20-20 rule is a great natural way to combat this. Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
9. Keep Your Hands Clean

Image Source / NHS
It's amazing how much you can touch your eyes throughout the day without even realising. You might rub them when you wake, touch them whilst applying eye make up, or scratch them when your hay fever gets too problematic. Your hands are exposed to so many germs during the day, and all of that can be transferred to your eye. So keep your hands clean and wash them before touching your eyes and face!
10. Try Natural Skincare

Image Source / Pinterest
If you're scrubbing away at your face and eyes with harsh chemicals - or maybe harsh shampoos that get in your eyes - you're putting your vision at risk with stinging chemicals and blurry vision. If you go for softer, more natural skincare items - especially for eye removal makeup - this is gentler on your eyes.
11. Keep Up With Regular Eye Doctor Appointments

Image Source / Walsh Opticians
This doesn't have anything to do with glasses, as you should always get a eye health check regardless of whether you need glasses. Having an eye test means your eyes can be checked for health conditions and you can also receive tips from your eye doctor about how to improve your vision.
12. Get Enough Sleep

Image Source / Pinterest
Sleep is imperative for the body's recovery, and that includes eye health, too. But getting enough sleep also means you'll actually be able to see clearly throughout the day with eyes that look alert and healthy rather than bleary, blood-shot vision and dark circles!
13. Quit Those Cigarettes

Image Source / BBC
Smoking is bad for pretty much anything when it comes to the body - lungs, heart, skin and teeth to name a few - but it's also bad for your eyes. Smoking increases the risk of developing macular degeneration or cataracts. So if you want naturally healthy eyesight, ditch those cigarettes!
14. Increase Natural Light Intake

Image Source / Albion Windows
A room flooded with natural light is essential for good vision and eye health, and especially when you're working in an office at a computer. Improving natural light is an easy, natural way to help your vision improve - so try to sit closer to a window or switch rooms if you can.
15. Take A Look At Your Family's Eye Health History

Image Source / Mabel + Moxie
Some eye conditions can be passed down through generations, so getting a good understanding of any hereditary eye conditions in your own family can help you be prepared. Hereditary conditions can include retinal degeneration and glaucoma.
16. Take Better Care With Your Diet

Image Source / Bright Side
To promote that healthy lifestyle and make sure you're getting all those key vitamins and minerals for your eye health, meal planning or more care with your diet may be in order. This can help you to ensure you're getting exactly what you need to take care of your eyesight.
17. Pay Attention To What Your Eyes Are Telling You

Image Source / LinkedIn
You can usually tell when your eyes are tired, itchy, blurry or any other vision problems, because they'll make sure you know about it. To ensure the healthiest, natural vision, it's important to never ignore what's going on with your eyes so that you can take the right steps to avoid anything getting any worse.
18. Take A Screen Break

Image Source / Treehugger
Screen breaks are important even when you don't work at a screen. If you're constantly staring down at your phone, playing games, scrolling social media or staring at the TV, your eyes are going to need regular breaks to keep your vision healthy and rested.
19. Reduce Blue Light Exposure

Image Source / Halton
Blue light is about more than just having you feel more stimulated and awake. Some research also suggests that blue light could increase the risk of macular degeneration. To combat this, switch your devices to warm display instead of blue light, or take a complete screen break altogether.
20. Be Careful With Eye Makeup

Image Source / Pinterest
We've all stabbed ourselves in the eye with a mascara wand at one time or another. It hurts. But if you're sloppy with your eye makeup application, you could risk damaging your eye if you scrape the mascara wand or eyeliner pen against your eye hard enough. So be careful! Or go makeup free and natural and ditch the risk altogether.
21. Increase Your Spinach Intake

Image Source / Gardening Know How
Popeye knew what he was talking about, and it's about more than big muscles. Lutein is a pigment which helps the health of the retina of the eye - and spinach happens to be chock full of lutein, so you'll be helping your eyes - as well as your general health - if you eat more of the green stuff.
22. Eye Exercises May Help, Too

Image Source / NHS
Your eyes need a healthy workout sometimes, too! When your eyes are in one position all day long - usually staring at a screen - then a healthy workout could help your vision to feel a little bit better. Move your eyes up, down, left, right and roll them about - probably not in public, though!
23. Try Taking A Walk Every Day

Image Source / Verywell Fit
A daily walk is a great benefit for your overall health, but the improved circulation that comes from a brisk walk can help to improve eye health, too. With blood pumping more around the body, this includes the blood vessels of the eyes.
24. Rest Your Eyes

Image Source / Strand Life Sciences
You can rest your eyes without it having to be a nap or full-on sleep. If you're not a nap person especially, you can still rest your eyes by simply closing them without actually going to sleep. Meditation could be helpful for this, as it gives you the opportunity to close your eyes and rest for ten minutes or so.
25. Take Care In Public Pools

When you're exposed to chlorine in public pools, this can be a serious irritant to your vision and eye health. If you're a regular swimmer, investing in a good pair of eye protection like goggles will be a plus. Or, just take more care to avoid submerging your face.
26. Set Up A Reading Light

Image Source / AliExpress
Eye strain from reading in poor light can cause a lot of problems over time, so if you're an avid reader, make sure you always have a good source of light ready for when you want to read. A reading lamp beside you, or even a book light you can attach to the page, can all help to avoid eye strain.
27. Make Sure Your Screens Are At The Correct Distance

Image Source / Polygon
Your screens should always be set up at the optimum position for eye health, so that you're not straining your eyes or not sitting too close to a screen. Your TV distance should be set up based on the size of the screen, so a quick Google will help you to know how far away to sit based on yours.
28. Improve Your Working Conditions

Image Source / Funnyjunk
Your workplace has a duty to create a safe and healthy environment for you, and when it comes to eye health, artificial fluorescent lights and dim offices can all compromise your vision. You have a right to raise any eye health issues with your manager, so make sure to mention any improvements which need to be made.
29. Don't Share Eye Makeup With Other People

Image Source / The Sun
Borrowing a friend's or partner's makeup item might seem easy, especially for a quick fix, but you should never use someone else's eye makeup, even if they're you're nearest and dearest. Sharing items like mascara or eyeliner can increase the risk of spreading germs and eye infections.
30. Keep Track Of The Use-By Date On Eye Makeup

Image Source / Insider
You might not know this, but all makeup items carry an advisable use-by date. This is usually shown in months, with a small icon displaying '3 months', '6 months' or '12 months' for example. For eye makeup, it's usually advised to dispose after 3 months. Using seriously out of date eye makeup could increase the risk of eye infections.
31. Have days of 0-little screen time

Image Source / The Verge
Sometimes it is not always possible to avoid screens in the week because most of us now rely on screens for our work. But, when you are off work try and step away from all of the screens around you - it might help improve the vision in your eyes in the long run.
32. Increase Your Antioxidants

Image Source / Insider
Another thing that studies have implied is that antioxidants may be very important for our health and well being. Lutein in particular is an antioxidant that has been associated with eye health and increasing your intake may improve the health of your eyes.
33. Take Omega 3

Image Source / Medical News Today
Taking Omega 3 has been considered by many as beneficial to our health for years now. So try increasing your intake, either because you consume a lot of Omega 3 in your diet or because you take it as a supplement in a capsule and you might see better results.
34. Avoid excessive sugar

Image Source / Harvard University
Some studies have suggested that an important role in eye health is maintaining blood sugar levels, which your body usually does naturally (unless you suffer with diabetes). But, it is also good to regulate you own intake and not have an excessive amount of sugar in your diet as it may help your eyes.
35. Test yourself

Image Source / NC Sate University
When you are outside in the natural light, have a go at looking at different objects a varying degree of distances away from you. See how well you can see them and if by following these steps over time you can see any improvement in your eyes, it may help.
36. Avoid too much alcohol

Image Source / Wikipedia
Drinking is thought to damage the optic nerve which your brain relies on to transmit images to your brain. And so if you are looking to improve your eye health and you drink an excess amount of alcohol then this may be a good place to start to see after a while if it helps improve.
37. Take time to relax

Image Source / American Heart Association
It is very important to take time to relax - both your body and your mind. Not only may it help your vision but it might also be better for you overall. By relaxing your mind and body regularly for periods of time, you may notice your eye health starting to improve.
38. Avoid too much mental stress

Image Source / Gulf Today
Some studies suggest that mental stress can be linked to a loss of vision or eye health problems. Of course this is not the case for everyone but some people have claimed that their mental health affects their eye health. So, try avoiding too much mental stress.
39. Don't stare into bright lights

Image Source / FDL Reporter
It has long been thought that staring into bright lights may affect your vision - this includes not only the sun but also artificial lights that are too bright also. So if you want to try and improve your eyes, this may be something to try and see if it helps.
40. Take care of your overall health

Image Source / Masterfile
Basically, eye health and overall health are thought to be very much intertwined with one another. And so, it is unlikely that you can look after just one part of yourself in isolation and expect a difference. It is suggested by studies that looking after our overall health is the best way.