17+ Ways To Energise Your Body Without Coffee

By Ange Arnal 2 years ago

1. Work out at midday

40 Celebrity Workouts to Try Yourselfimagesource/womenshealthWhen you're sat at work and that mid afternoon energy slump hits, hit the gym! Instead of snacking, studies show that it can actually increase productivity and you will go back into work feeling more energised. Plus your daily gym sesh will be out of the way then, you have your evening to yourself!

2. Chocolate...preferably the dark kind!

Lindt Lindt Swiss Classic Dark chocolate Reviews | abillionimagesource/abillion
Yes, chocolate isn't the most amazing thing for you, but it does have great benefits and it offers your a quick pick me up. Flavonoids found in cocoa have been shown to boost cognitive skills and improve mood, because what else puts you in a better mood than a chunk of chocolate?

3. Power naps can really help boost your energy

Mastering the Art of the Power Nap: 3 Go-To Tips & Health Benefitsimagesource/sleepcycle
Napping isn't just for kids and sneaking in a power nap can make all the difference in the world. Research shows that napping improves memory, alertness and overall energy, so for an immediate natural energy boost, take a 10-30 minute nap which will ensure you won't wake up feeling groggy.

4. Exercise

How Often You Should Work Out According to Experts – Cleveland Clinicimagesource/clevelandclinic
When you leave work feeling exhausted after a long day sat at your desk, it may feel tempting to skip your gym session, but if you're neglecting exercise regularly, you're probably making the problem work. Exercising is great for your mental and physical health, leaving you with a lot more energy.

5. Complex carb it up

All About Complex Carbohydrates | Clean Food Crushimagesource/cleanfoodcrush
Complex carbs like whole grains are a a good bet, they serve as food for your brain and studies have found a meal of complex carbs make people feel more energised. Low carb dieters tend to be moodier and more forgetful than those who do eat carbs.

6. Opt for sugar-free drinks

Red Bull Energy Drink Sugarfree, 250ml, Pack of 12 : Amazon.co.uk: Groceryimagesource/amazonuk
Sugary energy drinks tend to leave people with a quick high and a big crash just an hour later, leaving them feeling worse than before they had any caffeine. Caffeine free energy drinks can cause a crash too but not as bad!

7. Make sure you make time for a bit of laughter in your day

5 Times Barack Obama Lost His Sh*t in Public | GQimagesource/GQ
Studies have shown that laughter is a proven stress-buster, laughing can boost energy levels and generally just make a person happier. So make sure to have a little break throughout your day, have a laugh with your friends or watch something funny on your phone whilst you're on your way to the gym?

8. Stretching

The 21 Best Stretching Exercises for Better Flexibility | SELFimagesource/self.com
Sitting at a desk can leave you feeling quite stiff and tired, but just a few stretches at your desk throughout the day can be enough. Studies have suggested that yoga could fight depression and anxiety or other stress-related disorders.

9. Don't let environmental cues play a huge role in your energy grooves

How do I know if I have seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? | Livi UKimagesource/livi
A lot of people find their energy levels take a dip throughout the winter months. Sunlight plays a huge role in alleviating Seasonal Affective Disorder, but if you live in a country where in the winter months you get a lot less sunlight, then you may want to invest in a light therapy box and make sure to sit by a window during your work hours.

10. Eat some gum

Sugar-free Gum and Candies - Gastrointestinal Societyimagesource/badgut
Instead of nodding off during a boring meeting, eat a smell piece of candy or gum, studies have shown that chewing gum can increase alertness and improve mood. So when you begin to feel sluggish during the day, rather than fill yourself up or drink a coffee, chewing gum is the answer.

11. Think fast, keep moving!

Thinking Fast and Slow : 5 Things You Need to Know About Your Mindimagesource/greatperformers
When those eyelids start drooping, try to stop your brain from doing what it wants and drifting off. Think faster, (ie by reading faster, brainstorming in a group or learning and new concept) but whatever you do, don't give in to your brain telling you that it wants to go into snooze mode.

12. Take a cold shower

What Happens after 14 Days of Cold Showers (Part 1) - YouTubeimagesource/youtube
You may have heard of the Wim Hof method and it's basically the polar bear swim. Researchers have found the  3 minute long cold shower could be enough to counteract the effects of chronic fatigue. Now it's not completely proven, so it may work for you, it may not, but it might be worth a try.

13. Meditate & take some deep breaths

Meditation: A Guide on How to Meditate for Stress Reduction and More | Everyday Healthimagesource/everydayhealth
Deep breathing will not only help you resist the urge to scream, but deep yoga breathing from the diaphragm gets blood pumping, which also boosts energy all day long. Meditation isn't for everyone, but giving a go might be the difference between living a life of fatigue and living a more energised life.

14. House plants can help filter out pollutants

16 Best Indoor Plants For Air Purification And More, Per Expertsimagesource/womenshealth
Houseplants can help filter out pollutants like volatile organic compounds and ozone, those chemicals have both long and short-term effects on your health, including energy draining allergies. Add a plant in your home and it could diminish those headaches that you keep on getting.

15. Drink plenty of water throughout the day

Evian Natural Mineral Water 1L | Sainsbury'simagesource/sainsburys
If you're finding yourself feeling sluggish and tired throughout the day, you're maybe not drinking enough water. A study found that dehydration caused healthy individuals to feel less alert, more tired and unable to concentrate. For optimal energy, its recommended that women drink a minimum of 11.5 cups a day and men about 15.

16. Singing helps believe it or not

And Here Are the 'Beyoncé Was Singing' Theoriesimagesource/vulture
Singing requires breathing control, so if you belt out a full on ballad you're left with plenty of extra oxygen pumping, leaving you feeling more energised, not to mention all of the adrenaline rushing around your body. One study showed that singing significantly increased energy levels among college students.

17. Keeping the lights on

Flickering Lights in Your Home: This is When it's a Big Problemimagesource/sunriseelectric
Circadian rhythms can have a big impact on the way we feel and one study found that feeling more awake throughout the day can be as easy as switching on some lights. When you get up in the morning during winter, your apartment/house can feel a little dark, get up, do your bed, get a cold shower & make sure you have plenty of light coming through your workspace.

18. As you probably guessed, socialising helps...a lot

A Simple Tip for Socialising while Travelling Solo (or How to Have Mind Blowing Nights Out when you're on your Own) | ALimagesource/abstractliving
Some people have a lot less time or energy to socialise, even with their very best friends. Studies have found that people who are less social are generally less happy and don't sleep as well. And people with sedentary or quiet office jobs, tend to feel happier when there's a bit of office chitter chatter during the work day.

19. Turn up the volume

Apple AirPods Pro 2nd Gen: 6 tips and tricks to get the most out of Apple's newest wireless earbuds | ZDNETimagesource/ZDNET
Don't just sit and listen to Taylor Swift all day, yes, chill out tunes can be great and for some people it works for them. But all day everyday, chill out tunes have been found to make people less productive. Turn the volume up, tap your feet to the beat and get some upbeat music going in your Airpods. You'll notice a change in your alertness.

20. Change the temperature

How to bleed your radiators as heating expert issues step-by-step guide - Daily Recordimagesource/dailyrecord
Being too cold can cause your body's temperature to drop, which tells your body to go into sleep mode. And that is what you do NOT want, especially when you're having a busy day or have a lot to do. Throw on a nice cosy sweater, turn up the heating and get moving a little bit, that will stop you from feeling drowsy.

21. Choose a seat by the window

20 Cozy Window Seat Ideas - How to Design a Window Reading Nookimagesource/housebeautiful
Constantly find yourself falling asleep through meetings? Well, move closer to the window. The daylight, fresh air and even the natural view of the outside can help boost your alertness, however a bust street view can make it harder to focus...so maybe look up at the sky.

22. Smell a lemon

Weight Loss: Smelling Lemon Alone May Help You Feel Thinner And Lighter - NDTV Foodimagesource/NDTV
Sniffing certain scents is supposed to have different kinds of mood benefits, and lemon oil is one of the essential oils that has been proven to support a positive mood. Lemon is a stimulating scene and studies have shown it to have improved subject's moods.

23. Surround yourself with red

File:Solid red.svg - Wikimedia Commonsimagesource/wikimediacommons
Now, most of us know that colours can affect the way we feel, yellow can make us happy, green can make us feel calm, well, Red has been found to be associated with winning and self-confidence. So looking at some red and violet hues all day, or wearing them, can make you feel more alert and awake.

24. Make sure your posture is upright and straight

Good Posture in 30 Days: Exercises, Calendar Plan, and Moreimagesource/healthline
Its easy, especially when you're sat at a desk every day, working 9-5, for you to slouch. But slouching over your computer can cause fatigue earlier in the day. Sit straight up, shoulders back and eyes ahead with your lower back slightly arched. This will make your feel more energized and boost your self confidence.

25. Do something interesting - keep your brain active

Why is it Important to Keep the Brain Active ? - Health Beatimagesource/flushinghospital
Sitting at a desk all day can be very boring, yes, we've all been there. So try to plan something a little engaging or interesting during your sleepiest time of the day (which is usually 3pm). Doing an interesting task has been proven to help people stay more alert and feel less sleepy.

26. Leave your desk, at least a few times throughout the day

5 things you need to know about working in an officeimagesource/siliconrepublic
Munching away at your desk is an easy way to kill two birds with one stone but it can also lead to overeating. Getting away from your desk at lunchtime can help you feel reenergized and more focused, whether you take a quick walk to get your lunch or go out to eat your lunch, it's better than sitting at the computer all day and feeling sluggish, tired and miserable.

27. Supplements - Nicotinamide Riboside to be exact

Nutritional supplements are not really about science | Life Examinedimagesource/KCRW
Always consult your doctor before you try any form of medicine or supplements, but when it comes to energy levels, you may want to supplement nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide which promotes cellular energy which in turn will trigger the formation of new mitochondria.

28. Eating small but frequent meals

I've Changed my Eating: My Perspective on Small Frequent Meals Vs A Few Larger Meals – Osinga Nutrition | Registered Dietitian in the Durham Regionimagesource/osinganutrition
When you're eating, make sure you're not over eating and if you skip your breakfast, don't sabotage your afternoon productivity by over eating at lunch because anytime you over eat, you are naturally left feeling sluggish. Opt for several small meals with snacks in between, by eating in this manner, you ensure that your body is consistently supplied with fuel throughout the day.

29. Eat an energy boosting diet...

21 foods that boost energy and will keep you going | GoodToimagesource/goodto
I think this ones quite an obvious one, but many people don't actually realise how much their diet affects every part of their life. Avoid sugary, processed foods as they may give you short bursts of energy but in the long run will leave you sluggish and feeling more tired. Whole grains and proteins with fill your diet leaving you with more energy.

30. Putting this to the test...

Fall Asleep Faster: 10 Proven Ways | Blog | Sleep Health Solutionsimagesource/sleephealthsolutions
Everybody is different, some things work for some that won't work for others, but it's a case of trial and error and more often than not, issues like feeling sleepy throughout the day can be avoided by slight changes in your life, like your diet and the way you're living your day to day life.

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