Signs You Are Two Faced

By Kirsty 2 years ago

No Pinky Promises!

Image Source / RedditYou might make promises, sure - and you might even mean them when you make them - but if you're always breaking them, it means you don't care enough to follow through with them. This means you like to put a façade on in the first place as someone looking to help, but then you're quick to change your mind.

And You're A Natural Liar

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If you're going to be two-faced, then you need to be good at lying, as well as being comfortable with it. You might find lying easy - and you may even find you do it automatically without meaning to, because it comes naturally to you! You might lie mainly when giving excuses, promising to do something or telling someone, 'No, of course I won't tell anyone you told me that'.

You Have A List Of Excuses At The Ready

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You're used to making excuses and saying one thing to one person, and something different to another, so it makes sense why you'd have a list of excuses on standby. You may have go-to excuses or change your excuses based on who you're talking to, depending on what you think they'd most be willing to hear.

You're A Natural Manipulator...

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When you're a manipulator, it means you usually have to change your face (figuratively, of course) to something that you know will work best on the person in question. If you constantly find that you're manipulating people to do what you want, it means you're not being genuine. They're all just puppets and you're the master.

Not The Empathic Type

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Some people struggle with empathy, through no fault of their own, but two-faced people can often have a lack of empathy, too. You'd need to have a lack of it to easily be able to be fake with people without guilt. You might find it very difficult to read the room and interpret other people's feelings.

You Pull Faces Behind Someone's Back

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If you're having a conversation with someone, you might start pulling faces at someone else in the room, like rolling your eyes, faking a yawn or shaking your head, without the person seeing. You might do this all while smiling at them, nodding and pretending you're interested, without them being any the wiser.

There's A Time And A Place!

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You may also be the first to tell inappropriate stories or comments at the worst times without considering people's feelings. This is even worse if someone has told you something in confidence and you promised to keep their secret, only to then go and tell everybody at the first available opportunity.

And You Make Them Feel Bad

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You might also make them feel bad, whether this is just a guilt-trip plot or just making them feel negative for being around you. You might have an aura that comes across as negative or pessimistic so that it rubs off on people - or you might go out of your way to make people feel bad if you think they deserve it.

You Always Agree With Everything Someone Says

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If you come across as a people pleaser, it's a sign of manipulation. Some people can want to people-please out of insecurity, but for a two-faced person it's more a manipulation tactic so you'll seem like a nice, agreeable person and then they'd never suspect you when you go on to gossip, or insult the same person behind their back.

But You Don't React Well If Someone Disagrees With You

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When you're trying so hard to agree with others, it can feel like a personal insult if someone disagrees with you. It makes you feel like your efforts to be a likeable person haven't worked and that they might be onto you, which can make you feel on the defensive or even angry.

Or, You're Only Nice To Get What You Want

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Again, a clear manipulation tactic, if you're only ever nice when you're after something. You might find it easy to take advantage of people, and find yourself doing it often. You might be the sweetest person on the planet to the person you need to ask for help from, or get something from.

And Then You Switch Back

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You don't even have the energy to continue to be nice (or at least pretend to be) after you've got what you want out of someone. The minute the goal is achieved, you could easily cut that person off completely, ignore then, give them a dirty look or tell them to stop bothering you.

You Tend To Drain People

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Someone may have straight out told you that your energy drains them, or maybe you can just tell based on conversations or body language if they look fed up, disinterested or exhausted just listening to what you have to say. It might be because people have cottoned on to your manipulating ways or broken promises and don't have the energy for you anymore!

You Love To Gossip!

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Two-faced people absolutely thrive on gossip, as they easily slip into a different mask to talk about someone they'd previously been nice to. You love the drama of gossip and you can always be found in the thick of it, whether you're just listening to the gossip on the sidelines, or leading the conversation.

And You'd Be The First To Spread A Rumor

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If there's no gossip around, you make sure to go out of your way to start some. If you've heard something on the grapevine, the first thing you want to do is tell new people about it and encourage people to chat about it. Your opening line might be, 'Did you hear the news about...'.

And You'd Never Reciprocate, Either

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When you're manipulating other people for a favor, you never, ever reciprocate either. You never offer to do anything in return for anyone else if they do what you want - you just use your manipulation to get your way without having to tell the person that you'll return the favor.

If Someone Tells You Something, It's Easy Gossip

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You're not very good at keeping secrets because why would you do that when it's so fun to gossip about it? If someone has told you something in confidence and asked you to please don't tell anyone, you'll agree to their face and tell them that you'd never do that - and then go and tell the next available person.

If Someone Tells You They Have A Crush, You'll Go After Them

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Even if you're not interested in the person they have a crush on, you might find it fun to still try and flirt with the crush because you feel power in the knowledge that the other person likes them. You might assure the person you won't tell anyone about the crush but then suddenly give the crush-in-question your undivided attention.

Doing Anything For Attention

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If you thrive on attention and you're constantly seeking it out, it's likely that you'll be changing your face to suit circumstances to make sure you get the most attention. If you don't get the most attention being nice, you might do the opposite. If you don't get the most attention being yourself, you might ask different.

You'll Do Anything For Praise

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And it's not just about attention, either - you want praise specifically. You want to get as many compliments or a-job-well-done as possible, which means it's likely you often switch into someone who is likely to get a pat on the head. This could result in you being two-faced with friends, family or colleagues in order to get the most praise.

You Have A Huge Ego

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If you're constantly going round acting differently with different people, or betraying people's trust behind their back, it might be a sign that you need to get your ego in check. You might think you're entitled to act like this, or that you're better than most people, which is why you choose to talk about them.

You're Disrespectful To Other People's Opinions

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This could be to their face, or behind their back - but mostly likely behind their back. If someone has a vastly different opinion to you, instead of respecting it, you might go and complain about them to others and gossip about the things that person believes in, trying to get a shock-factor out of others.

And You're Disrespectful To Their Feelings

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Not only do you not pay much attention to other people's feelings during your two-faced ways, you might also have complete disrespect for how they feel. Even if they explain outright how they're feeling and how you might have upset them, you might have a huge lack of respect for anything they're saying, or feeling.

Your Excuses Can Be Really Selfish And Shallow

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This is more likely if you're actually being truthful, too. You might say no to helping a friend in serious need and give an excuse like 'because I want to have a relaxing bath' or 'because I want to go shopping instead'. Anything self-indulgent, even if you're being completely honest.

You're Usually Friends With The Enemies Of Your Other Friends

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It's not necessarily a bad thing to be friends with different people, even if some of your friends don't like the people you're friends with. Not everybody can get along and you're entitled to have your own different friends outside of the main group. But if you're besties with someone who you know one of your closest friends hates or has been really hurt by, it might be an indication over your loyalties!

You Lose Track Of What You've Said To Certain People

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It can be very hard to keep up with lies, especially a long time after that fact. In this case, you might not even have lied, but you might have lost track of what piece of gossip you've said to what person, or whose trust you've betrayed. This might come back to bite you if you can't remember how much tea you've spilled, and to whom.

You Can Go A Long Time Without Speaking To People

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Your interactions with loved ones might be based on how much you need from them. If you spam a friend with a million messages over a few days, asking them how they are, what they've been up to, and then ask for a big favor - only to then not speak to them at all for three months because you've got what you wanted, it's a sign.

You Might Sabotage Your Loved Ones' Happiness (If It Benefits You)

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If your friend tells you about this amazing job opportunity they've found that they're going to apply for, you might tell them to go for it - whilst then submitting your own application that same day, because you want the job, too. Maybe a loved one confides in you an amazing new opportunity, and you wish them luck to their face while intending to seek out the opportunity yourself!

You're Nice Only To Certain People

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Genuinely nice people who are being themselves will be nice to everybody - it's just the way it is. You can't be mean if you're not naturally a mean person. But if you're nice to only a select few people, like best friends, but then very mean to people you don't like, or even innocent bystanders like waiters or retail workers, it's a sign you have more than one face you like to show.

Beware: You're Probably On The Defense

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But, of course, you don't want anyone to know that you're a regular at breaking promises. If somebody calls you out for it, you'll likely use manipulation tactics (again) to explain away why you're not in the wrong and why you needed to break the promise - which you'll naturally not be at fault for, because you don't take responsibility.

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