I Eat Dead People
Image source: reddit.com
Okay, we don't actually mean some sort of necro-related cannibalistic practice... But some people can get addicted to eating the ashes of the recently deceased. Or, more specifically, licking the ashes off their fingers as though the urn is a big pot of peanut butter.
Sniffing And Chewing On Dirty Diapers
Image source: reddit.com
That's right, we said dirty diapers. Ones that have been used and are heavy with baby pee. Apparently baby pee gives them a nice fragrance that makes people with this addiction even happier. Most people would hate the smell of dirty diapers in their home, so we guess this is a silver lining if you're actually addicted to it.
I Vant To Suck Your Blood
Image source: reddit.com
The addiction of... drinking human blood. Yes, actual human blood, making you a human vampire with non of the downsides of having to stay inside when it's daytime. One particular woman with this addiction from the US, drank human blood for 30 years. She even charged people who wanted her to sink her teeth into them.
I'll Have A Pumpkin Spice Latte - Through My B*tt, Please
Image source: sciencebasedmedicine.org
Most of us relate very, very hard to the addiction of caffeine and that daily cup o' Joe. But some people are addicted to consuming coffee in an entirely different way... through an enema. Having caffeine injected directly into your body from the - er- back passage means it can be absorbed quicker, and some people get addicted to this.
Are You Bee-ing Serious?
Image source: reddit.com
Another strange addiction out there is being stung by bees. And we're not talking simply loving the feel when you accidentally get caught by one in the summer - some people actively seek out bees and place them all over their body so they'll get stung. This one is actually cruel seeing as bees die when they sting you!
Fancy A Bleach Bubble Bath?
Image source: reddit.com
You might think this addiction could relate to people who are completely germaphobic and just want to coat their body in bleach - but this addiction can actually have nothing to do with that. Some people just... like bleach. They like the feel of it on their skin, and the smell of it.
Large Glass Of Paint With Dinner, Anyone?
Image source: reddit.com
We're all so focused on drinking enough water in a day, but there are people out there addicted to drinking... paint. Yes, the stuff that makes your head feel fuzzy when you can smell it from the other room because of the chemicals. The thick paint you slap on your walls for 2-3 coats - that stuff. Apparently it's like drinking 'warm milk'.
Eating Your Own House
Image source: reddit.com
This one's really a shame, because you've invested all that money in your dream home and now you're slowly going to snack on it until there's nothing left. But yep, apparently some people are addicted to eating their own house - and by that we mean drywall, piece by piece.
Well, That's One Way To Clean Up Your Cat's Furballs!
Image source: reddit.com
All cat and dog owners will know how annoying pet hair can be. But instead of investing in a good vacuum cleaner, how about just... eating it? Some people are addicted to eating their pet's hair - apparently cat hair in particular feels as soft as cotton candy. We think we'd rather have cotton candy, thanks.
Homemade Breath Mint: Air Freshener!
Image source: reddit.com
Why waste money on mint chewing gum or mouth spray when you can use air freshener from your kitchen cupboard instead! With so many different smells and flavors to choose from, why wouldn't you? But it gets weirder: some people are addicted to
drinking it, not just spraying it in their mouths.
Midnight Snack? Plastic Bags
Image source: reddit.com
Recycle? Nah. Why not eat instead? To be fair, this addiction at least gives the planet a helping hand - because more plastic bags in the stomach means less plastic bags in the ocean, right? Plastic bags do have that sort of satisfying stretch to them when you pull them, so we can kind of understand why someone might want to rip that off with their teeth... maybe?
In A Relationship... With Inflatable Animals
Image source: reddit.com
Maybe you've been in a relationship before where you've been bought an inflatable animal. All fun and games, right? Until you get addicted to inflatable animals... and then decide you want to date them instead. Have dinner with them, drive with them and give them a bath.. it's all a real addiction. One guy out there is in a relationship with
How About A Sprinkle Of Sand For Seasoning?
Image source: reddit.com
Salt, pepper, herbs, spices... and sand? Yep, some people are addicted to eating sand. You know the stuff that none of us can stand getting between our toes, nevermind our actual mouths. Apparently a lot of the appeal is the particular crunch that sand has - making it a great seasoning.
Drinking Animal Blood
Image source: pinterest.com
This one might sound like a disturbing cult ritual or something, but some people out there can just be addicted to drinking it in the same way they'd sit down with a nice glass of wine or a morning cup of coffee. We guess it's a good thing they're not addicted to drinking human blood... Edward Cullen, is that you?
Carrying Around A Doll's Head
Image source: reddit.com
That's right. Just the head. Not even the body. Seeing someone carrying around a doll 24/7 would be weird, but it'd be passable. Seeing them carry around just the head? Not so much. We're talking addicted to holding it, spooning it, having it in the passenger seat of the car... How would you even put a seatbelt on that thing?
I'm In Love With My Car
Image source: ladbible.com
Sure, all the motorheads can probably relate to this - but we're talking actually being in a committed relationship with your car. Actually kissing it, saying good morning and - dare we say it? - have sex with it. This type of addiction actually exists in other objects too - some people are in love with fences, abandoned fairground rides.. anything you can think of, really. Though it's probably best not to.
Stop Acting Like A Baby!
Image source: themirror.com
As adults, we've been told this at least once in our lives when we're having a strop, but how about an adult addicted to actually
being a baby? We're talking dressing in baby onesies, sleeping in a crib and sucking on a pacifier - making baby sounds and everything. It's a lifestyle choice.
Eating Snacks On The Couch? Why Not Eat The Couch Instead?
Image source: reddit.com
The addiction to eating couch cushions is a real thing - cushion cover optional. This addiction can see people opening the cover and eating the filling inside. As far as addictions go, this has to be one of the most expensive - imagine how many couches you'd have to replace! And then eat...
Snorting White Powder - Baby Powder, That Is
Image source: reddit.com
Well.. we guess it's better than the white powder alternative, but still. Baby powder is there to absorb skin moisture and keep skin comfortable - but it apparently also doubles as something you can snort. That must be very itchy and uncomfortable, surely? You do you.
Drinking Nail Polish
Image source: reddit.com
Most of us would lament how expensive nail polish is anyway when using for our nails - but imagine going through a million bottles of the stuff because you're chugging it every day? Apparently polish can taste different, too, depending on the color and whether it has glitter in it!
Sniffing The Heads Of Baby Dolls
Image source: opr.dr.mustafa.com
So anyone broody and wanting children will know all about this 'baby head smell'. There's nothing weird about smelling the head of a newborn when you're giving it a cuddle, because they do have that new baby smell. But sniffing the heads of plastic dolls is a weird addiction - and more so because it's specifically only the head of the doll, body optional.
Eating Glass (No, It's Not A Party Trick)
Image source: reddit.com
You see stage performers putting a lot of crazy stuff in their mouths - fire eating, sword swallowing... you know. But how about being addicted to actually eating glass? Biting into it, chewing it up and swallowing? We don't even understand how this one would work in terms of surviving to tell the tale with your insides intact!
Living Your Best Ken Doll Life
Image source: reddit.com
People being addicted to cosmetic procedures is nothing new, but some people out there have serious addiction that leads to 100s of cosmetic procedures. But not only that - some people are addicted to procedures with the goal of looking like an actual human doll, the likes of which Ken would be proud.
I Want To Be Where The Mermaids Are
Image source: reddit.com
Some of us will have grown up loving mermaids, getting excited at the aquarium and having a general love of the ocean or water. Yet some people out there can take that interest a little too seriously - so seriously that living life as a mermaid and being obsessed with anything mermaid is an addiction.
How About A Hard Stick Of... Rock
Image source: reddit.com
Apart from the fact that this makes our teeth hurt just thinking about, imagine where those rocks have been! Has a dog peed on it? Has it been lying in the street for people to stand on or wipe their shoes on? But eating rocks is a real addiction, no matter the size or texture.
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome: Drink Your Pee!
Image source: reddit.com
Sure, this is a great move if you're stuck in the wilderness and have no other choice. But how about being addicted to drinking your own pee every day? Filling up a glass in the morning, as an afternoon refresh or a nightcap before bed... and it's warm, too, obviously.
Eating Toilet Paper (Choose Your Preferred Ply)
Image source: reddit.com
Err... isn't this supposed to go the other end? At the very least please tell me it's
unused toilet paper. Apparently this an addiction for some in that a roll of toilet paper is the perfect snack. Even to take to the movies or out in a handbag to munch on when you're walking around..
Life With A Living Doll: Because They Won't Cheat
Image source: dailystar.com
We've had someone addicted to carrying around a doll's head, and others in committed relationships with inflatable animals... so now how about being in love with a doll? Some people carry around human-like dolls as though they're their partners - eating dinner with them, sitting on the couch with them, talking to them and sleeping with them.
Eating Soap
Image source: reddit.com
Some of us may have heard the phrase 'wash your mouth out with soap' when we use bad language - but some people take that quite literally. Being addicted to eating soap, including laundry detergent, is a thing. And, you guessed it, you can die from eating laundry detergent.
This One Will Come Down On You Like A Ton Of Bricks
Image source: reddit.com
Some people are addicted to bricks - but wait, there's more. They're addicted to
eating them! This is more hardcore than simple pebbles off the street. Bricks, as we know, are hard, thick and durable. We hope people with this addiction don't have a job in construction.