1. They Curl Up In A Little Ball: They're Trying To Protect Their Organs (Yep)

image source: reddit.com
It may sound odd, but it makes sense when you think about it! How many times have you wrapped your arms around yourself in a protective way, especially to protect your stomach or torso? Doggies might do this if they want to tuck in tight to protect their organs!
2. They Might Be Cold!

image source: reddit.com
Another reason they might curl up in a tight ball is because they're feeling particularly cold and they're just trying to get warm, just like we would. It might be that it's a really cold season at the moment, but this can also be a sign of health issues if they're usually really warm - so speak to your vet if you need to!
3. They Might Not Feel Totally Safe

image source: reddit.com
Because tucking in tight is a defensive manoeuvre, it could also mean that they're feeling threatened in that moment. They might just be on edge or feeling particularly anxious without any obvious cause. You might find this with new dogs you've adopted who are still getting used to everything!
4. They Sleep On Their Back, Legs Akimbo: They're Relaxed

image source: reddit.com
If this isn't the epitome of 'relaxed', we don't know what is! If your dog sleeps on their back like this, with limbs stuck out every which way, it means they're feeling really relaxed. They don't feel the need to tuck themselves in defensively, and they don't worry about anything getting in the way of their limbs!
5. They Feel Completely At Ease With You

image source: reddit.com
Another reason they might do this is because they feel really at ease with you. They trust you completely, so if they're sleeping like this in the same room as you, it means they know you've got their back - even when they're led on it- and they don't need to worry about anything.
6. They're Really Playful!

image source: reddit.com
It's also a sign of a very playful personality! After all, this particular position does look very carefree and playful, doesn't it? They might be a very young dog who's just living their best life, stretching out and feeling cheeky with their limbs stuck everywhere! Dogs usually roll on their back when they're playing, too.
7. Or It Could Mean They're Actually Trying To Cool Down!

image source: reddit.com
One different reason could be that they're actually feeling really warm and they're trying to cool down. By lying on their back like this and opening up their limbs, their exposing their stomach and stretching themselves out to try and find a bit of cool air instead of being wrapped up like a heated ball!
8. The Superman: They're Waiting To Take Off!

image source: reddit.com
It always make us laugh when dogs lie like this - it can't be comfortable, surely? But it must be seeing as loads of dogs do it! But what does this Superman position mean? Well, it can mean they're ready and waiting to jump up at a moment's notice! Even if they're asleep, this position means they can jump up to attention easily.
9. This Position Is Most Common With Puppies

image source: reddit.com
You might have seen a lot of puppies sleeping or lying in this position, or noticed your new puppy doing it. That's because puppies are very energetic and playful, so when they lie like this, it gives them the chance to jump and play with bags of energy whenever they need to (so all the time!).
10. It Can Mean Your Pooch Is Strong And Healthy!

image source: reddit.com
It takes a healthy pooch to lie in that position anyway, without any joint issues or complaints about it being uncomfortable - so it's a huge sign they're fit, healthy and in flexible shape! The fact they're also lying like this because they're ready for the go-ahead to play means they're active and healthy, too!
11. Side-Sleeper: They're A Relaxed Kind Of Dog

image source: reddit.com
Side-sleeping is one of the most common positions - for dogs and humans alike! When dogs sleep like this, it's one of the most relaxed postures they can get into. This is because they're exposing themselves a little more openly, which means they feel at ease, and they're also facing outward to the room, so they don't think there are any threats.
12. It Lets Them Relax All Their Muscles

image source: reddit.com
This position is actually one of the best for letting a dog relax all their muscles, because they're not depending on any to hold themselves in a certain position as they sleep, like they would be on their back with their legs in the air, or with the Superman position propping themselves up. All their muscles are as relaxed as they are!
13. They Expose Their Stomach Because They Feel Safe With You!

image source: reddit.com
When your dog exposes their stomach to you, it's not just a not-so-subtle demand of belly rubs - it's actually one of the ultimate signs of trust. Because dogs are very protective over their bellies, with all their organs being their and everything, it means they feel relaxed with you if they expose it.
14. It's Also The Most Common Position For A Deep Sleep

image source: reddit.com
You might have noticed that your dog is most likely to make its little dreamy woof noises and move its little legs when it's sleeping on its side. That's because side-sleeping is the most common position for deep sleep, like when they're tucking in for the night or a long afternoon nap!
15. They Spread Out As Much As Possible: They Feel At Home

image source: reddit.com
In the same way we'd have to feel comfortable to put our feet up and spread out, a dog truly feels at home when they spread out completely. This is most likely to happen with you, in your own home, where they feel completely safe. They feel comfortable in moving out their limbs as much as possible!
16. They Cuddle Up To You: They Want Your Warmth

image source: reddit.com
In the same way we appreciate our dogs weight on us when we're feeling cold, they're just using us for our body heat, too! If they want to cuddle up to you, of course it's because they love you, but it's also probably because they want to use your extra warmth for nap-time!
17. Or They Just Use You To Cover Any Potential Threats!

image source: reddit.com
While it's always good to think the pooch you got as a guard dog is watching out for threats for you, they could actually be using you to watch out for potential threats, too! When they cuddle up against you, they're pressing their vulnerable sides into you - like their belly - to feel safe from any external 'threats'.
18. They Take Over Your Bed: Because They Want To

image source: apartmenttherapy.com
While you might want to think that your dog is always sleeping in your bed - and completely taking over it, spread out and head on pillow - because it smells like you and they want to be close to you, the real reason could actually just be because they want to sleep in your comfy bed. Because why wouldn't they?
19. They Press Against You: They Respect Your Authority

image source: memeburn.com
When a dog presses itself against you to sleep, whether to full on spoon you or just pressing itself against one area of your body while it's curled, it could be reinforcing that you're the authority figure in their life. You're in charge, so they feel like the best place to sleep would be against you.
20. They Sleep With Their Backside Towards You! They're Watching Out For You

image source: reddit.com
It's easy to feel offended when our dogs do this, because why are they facing away from us as though they're sulking or in a mood? But if a dog is sleeping backside-first in your face, it's actually because they're facing the opposite way to watch out for threats for you!
21. They Sleep In The Same Room As You: Protection And Security

image source: reddit.com
Sleep is a vulnerable time for all of us, dogs and humans alike, so if a dog is choosing to sleep in the bedroom with you when it's 'officially' lights out, this is a sign of protection and security. They want to be close to you to protect you, but also want you close so they feel secure. It works both ways!
22. They Sleep In The Other Room At Night Instead: It's Their Favorite Spot

image source: reddit.com
It can be truly upsetting when your dog wanders out the bedroom and goes to sleep in the living room instead - charming! But don't worry, they still love you - it can simply be because they're favorite spot on the couch is just that - they're favorite, and it's much better when they have all the space for a change!
23. They Sleep At Your Feet: It's A Defense Strategy

image source: reddit.com
Sleeping at your feet - like at the end of the bed, or on the floor at the base of the bed - is a way for dog's to set themselves up in a defensive position. When they're cuddling up to you or actually in the bed, they're going to feel too tangled or slow at reacting to any sort of danger - so positioning themselves at your feet means they can better be on alert.
24. They Curl Up On You And Not Your Partner! They Prefer Your Energy

image source: reddit.com
This has to be one of the most awkward things as a couple, when your dog just seems to gravitate towards one of you and maybe not the other when they go to sleep. Your dog still loves both of you, of course, but choosing one of you to sleep on could be because of many things, including that you might be the one who spends more time with them (work from home versus partner going out to work), your body language might be preferable to them or your 'vibe' is just preferred!
25. They Sleep Between Your Legs: Hiding Any Exposure

image source: reddit.com
If there's ever a spot that seems to be a perfect slot for a dog it's between your legs like a jigsaw piece! When they take advantage of the space between your legs, it means that they're snuggling in to feel fully protected on every side - tummy, both sides and back!
26. The Sleep Right Under The Blanket: They Feel More Secure In Covered Spaces

image source: reddit.com
A lot of dogs burrow and like to be wrapped up like a burrito for the same reason that weighted blankets can help us feel more at ease! Some dogs might just feel more safe and secure when their heads are completely covered as well as they're whole body, so under a blanket is perfect for that.
27. On Your Neck Or Face: Puppies Don't Know Any Better!

image source: reddit.com
Having your pup sleep on your neck or face is very common behavior for puppies - and obviously puppies are the only dogs small enough to sleep right on your face, apart from smell breeds like chihuahuas! This is because puppies don't yet know what's a threat or what isn't, so your face seems like fair game.
28. Curled Up On Your Pillow: It Has Your Scent

image source: reddit.com
If your dog is specifically curling up on your bed pillow, or the pillow you use all the time on the couch, instead of across the entire bed, it's because it has a lot of your scent on it. They'll want to be close to you, as well as thinking that 'oh if they choose this pillow all the time, I trust them, so it must be safe!'.
29. Their Sleeping Position Has Suddenly Changed

image source: reddit.com
If you have a pup that has always slept on their back the entire time you've had them, only to be suddenly sleeping in a different or odd position, this could be a sign of discomfort or something going on health wise, so any sudden changes like this should be checked out by a vet!
30. They Sleep In All Kinds Of Positions!

image source: reddit.com
So is your dog just a pup-of-all-trades and sleeps in every position known to man? This can just mean they're a fun-loving pooch who sometimes feels more safe in one position, sometimes feels warmer in another and just generally sleeps however they feel comfortable in the moment!
31. And Now: What Your Dog's Behavior Says About Them! Tilting Its Head To The Side

image source: reddit.com
We all know this is one of the cutest things a dog can do! When they do it, they look like the most inquisitive pups on the planet. But what does it actually mean? When they tilt their head, they're uncertain about something but they're really interested to know. It can also mean they're listening for a sound, or waiting for an instruction!
32. They're Shaking Their Head

image source: hillcrestanimals.com
We don't mean side to side like saying no, though that would be pretty impressive - we mean when they do that thing where they shake their head and slobber usually goes everywhere! If they do this, they're actually relieving tension. It could be they were waiting for you to come back, so shake their head when they see you, or they shake it after a moment of stress when they're feeling calm again!
33. They're Yawning

image source: reddit.com
We know what you're thinking: they're just tired, right? Bit of a no brainer. But actually, there are quite a few reasons a dog could be yawning, and being tired is just one of them. They might yawn if they're feeling stressed or threatened, as their way of trying to release the stress.
34. A Closed Mouth That's Pulled Back

image source: reddit.com
If your dog just has their mouth closed, this is all normal and means they're relaxed and happy. What's important to notice is whether they have their mouth closed, but it's pulled back a little at the jaw. This could mean they're stressed or frightened, or even that they're in pain.
35. They're Licking Their Lips Nonstop

image source: reddit.com
Every dog owner knows the struggle of the lick-smacking sound from their dog at 2 in the morning that makes you want to hurl a pillow at them, as much as you love them, but why do they actually do it? If a dog is licking their lips it can actually mean they're stressed, unsure about something or in need of some water. In worse cases, it can mean they're going to be sick!
36. They're Showing You Their Teeth

image source: reddit.com
This isn't your dog trying to show off his nice Colgate smile to you, as cute as it is. Showing teeth is actually a sign of aggression or dominance in dogs, which is all the more obvious if they're growling at the same time, but sometimes they might just pull their lips back.
37. The Pattern Of Their Barks And Yelps

image source: reddit.com
This is a key one into what your furry best friend might be feeling! A gentle, quick bark can be a playful one, and they may do this when they're waiting for you to play fetch. A series of loud, rapid barks means they're aggravated about something. A sudden yelp is a sound of pain.
38. Knowing Their Growls

image source: reddit.com
When you think of a dog growling, your first thought is probably aggression or even danger if they're suddenly growling. But a soft growl can actually mean they're happy or playful - such as when they're growling if you pull their tug toy with them - but very low growls without a bark can be a sign of aggression or being territorial.
39. What Do Their Howls Mean?

image source: reddit.com
Hearing your dog howl can be heartbreaking, but it might not always be something to feel sad about! A very long, loud howl is often a sign of loneliness and your dog might do this when you leave the house or when they miss you. But a short howl can actually be a sign of happiness and excitement.
40. He Shows The Whites Of His Eyes

image source: reddit.com
We've all had that moment where we watch our pup staring across the room in their own little world and think 'ah how cute!'. But different stares can mean different things. If your dog is staring very intently, with wide eyes where you can see the whites, it means it feels threatened and might attack if provoked.
41. What Are Their Ears Doing?

image source: reddit.com
The movement of your pooch's ears can say a lot about their mood, too. If your dogs ears are directly pointed up, or pointed forwards, they're alert, excited, waiting for something and ready to play. If the ears are led flat, it can be a sign your dog is scared, and if they're up but drooping apart, they could be sad.
42. They're Wrinkling Their Muzzle

image source: pinterest.com
While most humans will look cute when they're wrinkling their nose, this is a different thing altogether in dogs. If your dog is wrinkling up its muzzle, it can be a sign they're not very happy. This can get worse if you don't leave them be, if they wrinkle their muzzle then show their teeth and start to growl - it's all a warning!
43. Sniffing The Air

image source: reddit.com
Your dog has a very strong sense of smell, after all, but if they're sticking their nose right up in the air and sniffing at seemingly nothing, what exactly are they doing? If your dog is doing this, they may have sensed danger. They do this as a silent alternative to barking or growling, so that they won't alert the threat by making noise!
44. Raising Its Paws

image source: buzzfeed.com
We all love it when our dogs raise their paws for a high five! If your dog does this - raising its paw and touching you - it's a sign it loves you very much! They usually want something when they raise a paw, or trying to get attention. This stems from when puppies would raise a paw to touch their mom to get milk.
45. They're Having A Good Dig!

image source: reddit.com
You shouldn't be worried if your dog is having a good dig somewhere - it's harmless behavior, unless you're worried about a gardening bill! Dogs will usually dig to either bury something, or retrieve something, both of which will be something they care about, like a favorite toy!
46. They're Crouching Down

image source: reddit.com
If your dog crouches, it can mean a couple of different things, depending on what else is going on! If you have their toy out, they can crouch if they're ready to play. If they've spotted something in the distance, they can crouch and move slowly in preparation to crouch. Otherwise, it can also mean they're scared.
47. Mounting And Humping

image source: reddit.com
This is probably one of the most awkward red-faced moments for a dog owner if their dog does this in public - and you might also wonder why your dog might mount you in the privacy of your own home! A lot of the time, it can be a sign of asserting dominance, whether they're mounting you or another dog! Humping, despite what you might think, could also be a sign of stress!
48. Bowing (Front Paws Down, Butt In The Air!)

image source: mentalfloss.com
This is one of the most playful moves a dog can do - it means they're ready to play, and they might even wag their tail and rear end excitedly from side to side when they're really happy. They might do this when waiting for you to throw their favorite toy for them!
49. They Stretch A Lot

image source: reddit.com
For us, we know a good stretch is called for when we're feeling achy, just waking up or spent too long in that office chair - for a dog, it doesn't mean the same thing! If a dog stretches, it's very much a sign that they're relaxed and happy! And don't forget to say "big stretch!".
50. Walking In A Circle Before Lying Down

image source: reddit.com
This can be quite fun to watch as you wonder why your dog has been walking in a circle on the couch for ten minutes only to flop down in the same position he was before! But if a dog does this, it's a sign they're looking for the most comfortable position. In some cases, it might also be a sign they're in pain or uncomfortable and trying to work out how to lie down without hurting themselves more.