Critical Signs Your Dog Is Begging For Help

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

Not Eating Properly

Image Source: Reader's Digest
If your dog is avoiding eating their food when it comes to feeding time then you may want to get them checked out! We all know how excited our four legged friends get when it comes to breakfast and dinner time so you if they're leaving their bowl full it could be the sign of a problem.

Eating Too Much

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Yes, eating too much might also be the sign of a problem with your dog! Now, you will probably be aware of your dog's eating habits so it will probably be obvious to you if they're trying to eat more than they usually do. Don't be too alarmed though, it could be that they've just been exercising more than usual and so they need more food!

If They're Limping Around

Image Source: Whole Dog Journal
If your dog is experiencing pain in one or more of their limbs then you're going to see them limping around. This is no different to us when we hurt ourselves! But, obviously, the language barrier between us and our pets means they can't explain themselves. So it could be something like a broken nail, or it could be something more serious. Get it checked if it lasts too long!

They're Trembling More Than Usual

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A trembling dog can be a sign of many things. Typically, a dog will tremble when they're anxious; things that can trigger anxiety in a dog include: separation from you, loud unusual noises (think fireworks or thunderstorms) or meeting new people that they haven't met yet. They're more like us than we sometimes think.

Whimpering Around The House

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Whimpering is another common sound to come from our dogs; it can also be a sign of the anxiety mentioned when they tremble, think of it like they're crying for help. It can also be a sign that they're suffering with some sort of illness or pain. If the whimpers come with a limp or they're lying down it might be a sign of a more troublesome problem.

Whimpering And Staring At One Spot

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I think all of us dog owners have had this moment before, maybe they're staring at the sofa whimpering, this might be a sign they've lost their favourite ball or toy! Or if they're staring at your door they might be implying that they want to go for a walk or get outside so they can go to the toilet.

If They Pass Stool Or Urinate In The House

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This isn't always the dogs fault, and an accident in the house isn't always them being naughty, and it might not be a sign of an illness. If they're well trained and don't usually do this in the house but start, then it could be the sign of a minor illness like a stomach bug or a urinary tract infection.

Changing Their Activity Levels

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Sometimes your dog wants to go crazy and run around like a maniac outside and other times it may want to lie in bed and sleep the day away. You'll know what your dogs habits are so if they suddenly want to run around more or sleep more for a prolonged period of time then you may want to get them checked out.

If They Keep Licking Their Paws

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If you see your dog constantly licking their paws for a long period of time then it might be a sign that they could be dealing with some allergies. Licking their feet is something they do in order to soothe the itchiness, kind of like how some people may use a cold compress on areas of their body that are causing an issue.

Constantly Scratching Themselves

Image Source: American Kennel Club
A scratching dog can be a sign of many things, they may be feeling way too hot, they might be suffering from an infection of sorts or they could have a flea infestation. The best thing to do would be to investigate the area, if there is a specific area that they're targeting. You;ll know if its something your dog will need help with, especially if they whimper with the scratches.

Walking Without Bending Their Legs

Image Source: K9 Carts
If your dog is walking stiffly it might be because they have some swelling or inflammation in their joints. This could be a sign of old age or it could be that they suffering from  tick bite that has caused them to contract Lyme disease. If you think this is possible you must get them checked out straight away!

Eating Your Sofa (Or Other Possessions)

Image Source: The Sun
I'm sure we've all seen instances where our dogs are eating something they shouldn't be. This doesn't mean they're being naughty (even though it might seem like it) they might just be bored and for them this is entertaining. Make sure they have enough toys or invest in some pet-friendly repellent that'll keep them away from specific items.

Barking (Obviously)

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This is an obvious one. It's also a very natural thing for dogs to do and it can differ depending on the breed of your dog. But again you'll know how often they tend to bark so when their behaviour changes it should be visible. A higher bark is usually stress whilst a lower bark may be boredom. They may also bark to get your attention (to go outside etc).

Not Wanting To Cuddle

Image Source: AnimalWised
We all love to have a cuddle with our favourite four-legged friends and most of the time they tend to feel the same way. They might be suffering with an illness or lack of exercise or maybe even they haven't had enough food. Try all these things out first and if this behaviour persists then head to the vets.

Trying To Cuddle You More Than Usual

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This can go both ways. Maybe your dog is now being even more affectionate than usual and it would be easy to assume that your dog is just showing you the loyalty and love that we've come to expect from our friends This could again be they've had some anxiety due to separation or they're feeling ill.

Coughing Frequently

Image Source: Leo's Pet Care
If your dog is coughing or breathing heavily then it may be a sign that they're suffering from an issue affecting there respiratory system. They may also be coughing as they've inhaled or ingested something that could trigger the coughing reflex. This may happen after a walk as dogs often ingest grass.

They Roll On Their Back

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Thankfully, dogs don't only try and communicate with us for negative reasons, sometimes they also just want to have fun or play with you. Rolling on their back is likely a sign that they want to have their belly rubbed and it also shows that they trust you (and they want some real affection.

They Hide Away From People

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Just like us humans, dogs can be quite socially anxious and sometimes they don't want to be around specific or new people, especially children that can be quite loud. If they hide away it might mean they're showing you that they're anxious and would like to be left alone for a little while.

Barking At The Mailman

Image Source: Happily News
The stereotype that dogs hate the mailman isn't necessarily true (maybe your dog does have an agenda). It's actually more likely that your dog would bark at anyone they don't know standing at your window or door and posting stuff. They don't know what's coming through the door and they just want to protect you.

They Bite or Nip You

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This is another playful thing that a dog will do with someone that they love, for them its a form of entertainment and they aren't trying to hurt you. Typically, they just want your attention and they know that this form of play will get them some attention. However, you might want to NIP this in the bud before they become fully grown.

Begging At The Table

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Dogs are very opportunistic when it comes to getting themselves some food. This becomes even more evident if they aren't trained to stay away from the table. This situation can get even worse if that you are the sort of person that does share their food with your dog as it might become common behaviour.

Rolling In Poo Or Other Smelly Scents

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Now we all think that the rolling around in poo at the park or anything they can get there body in is disgusting, however they way they smell and the way we smell are completely different! They actually believe that this smell is an attractive smell and think we might also feel the same way.

Sniffing Your Genitals

Source: Quora
It isn't uncommon for dogs to go around sniffing other dogs behinds, but it can be quite uncomfortable for this to happen to us. However, this isn't inappropriate behaviour and its actually a polite way in the dog world for dogs to get to know each other. So it's likely that they're just trying to say hello.

Being Aggressive Towards Other Dogs

Image Source: CBC
Just as with hiding away from humans, dogs might want to avoid being around other dogs in and out of your house. If they're growling or being aggressive then it might be that they're feeling anxious and would prefer if they could be further away from the other dogs and they might even be trying to defend you.

Licking Your Face Or Anywhere

Image Source: Bangor Daily News
This is another way for dogs to show you some affection, especially if they're licking your face. Licking the mouth is a typical way for dogs to say hello and explain to you that they aren't any danger towards you. They are also using this as a way to smell you and get to know you.

Scooting Around On Their Behind

Image Source: Walkerville Vet
This is something that us as humans tend to find quite humorous, however it probably isn't that way for dogs. It is actually more likely that they are trying to inform you that they're ill and they probably have an issue with their digestive system, more likely infected anal glands.

Placing Their Paws On You

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Dogs aren't particularly huggers, but they do like affection and they especially like the physical contact they can receive. Them placing their paws on you is actually very similar to holding hands, they might even do it in order to get you to play or keep petting them after you've stopped.

Meeting You At The Front Door

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This is usually just pure excitement, particularly if you've been out of the house for a long period of the day. Dogs are naturally always going to come to the door to investigate the sounds that are coming from the door and its likely that they'll be hoping/expecting its you coming from the other side.

Wagging Their Tails

Image Source: Firstpost
This one we all know about! A wag of the tail can signify both something good or something negative. Some researchers even believe that a tail wags direction can mean something different to the other. Usually though, its known that a tail wag is them showing you that they're happy to be where they are.

Jumping Up At You

Image Source: Pet Keen
It always comes across that your dog is excited to see you when they're jumping up at you, and that's because they actually are. They are likely trying to jump at you to show affection whilst also trying to be as close to your face as they can possibly get, you may notice this is where they tend to go first!

Signs your dog might be depressed: they're sleeping more

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It can be really hard to judge sleeping patterns a lot of the time with dogs because they love napping and getting a long rest, especially if they've had lots of exercise. But you'll usually be able to tell if your dog is sleeping more, like times when they're usually up and about and ready to play such as their dinner time, and they refuse to come out of their bed instead.

Or they're sleeping less

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But a change in sleeping patterns due to unhappiness isn't just about them wanting to sleep more. They could also be sleeping less, because they might be feeling so anxious or sad that they can't comfortably rest. You might notice them waking up a million times during the night.

They won't touch their food

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While not having an appetite can be a sign of a health problem with your dog, like a stomach bug, it can also be a sign they're feeling pretty miserable. Dogs can get depressed and sad like the rest of us, and this could lead them to take no interest in their food.

They used to want to play - now they don't

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Just like us humans can lose enjoyment in the things we once loved when we're feeling low, dogs can too. You might have thought they suddenly didn't like that specific toy and went to buy them a bunch of new ones, only for them not to touch those ones either. It could be a sign their low mood is making them not feel playful.

They've started hiding from you

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Unless your dog is actually being playful and playing hide and seek with you, this can be a bad sign. Some adopted pets or young pups might hide if they're still building confidence, but if your dog was always out in the open and is now taking to hiding, it could be a sign something has changed in their mood. They might want to hide from you because they're feeling sad.

They're chewing their paws

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We all know that chewing our fingernails can be a nervous habit in people, but how about in dogs? Dogs might chew their paws (gently, not aggressively) if they're feeling low mood because it can be a way to soothe themselves or deal with their feelings. They might also both chew and lick their paws.

They're purposefully peeing indoors

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While accidents in the home by a well trained dog can be a sign that health problems might be going on, where they can't control their bowel or bladder movements, purposefully peeing indoors could be their way of saying they're not feeling great. They know they shouldn't but they're choosing to go to the bathroom indoors because of their change in mood and mentality.

They're ignoring basic commands

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They're trained, and they definitely heard you say 'sit', 'stay' or even just call their name - and they're choosing to ignore you. It might be because they can't summon the energy to obey you right now or even listen because they've zoned out. Depression can easily show in dogs as them being a bit rebellious.

And they're suddenly being very naughty

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If this depression, low mood or anxiety goes on long enough without help from a vet, it might be that your dog started simply ignoring commands but now they've gone on to full on disobedience where they are purposefully acting out and not only ignoring you but being very naughty.

They don't want your affection

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It might be surprising to think there would be a time when your pet doesn't want belly rubs, pets or cuddles, but it's true - they might actually run away if you reach out to pet them. They're just not in the mood for that attention right now. Think how little you'd want someone fawning over you if you were in a low mood!

They're making a whole load of new noises

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It's not just about your dog barking all the time, though that of course can be a sign they're trying to tell you something wrong. You might have also noticed your dog making noises non-stop, like soft whines, loud whines, yappy noises or any other noise that you don't usually hear them make.

They've suddenly gotten really clingy

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You might not at first realize this for what it is because you might think your dog is telling you they love you more and more at the minute so you may think "Aww!" rather than something being wrong! But your dog being extremely clingy all of a sudden might be them telling you they're feeling low.

They're only really making noises at you

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If your dog is vocal no matter what - in the house, out on walks and with other dogs - this can just be their normal behavior, and you'll know your own pup better than anyone! But have you noticed they only bark, growl or whine in the house at you, and not at other dogs? It could be a sign they're trying to tell you (specifically) something!

They whine even when they're led down resting

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You can usually tell why your dog is whining if they're standing in front of you, acting alert, whining at the window or at the food bowl, for instance. But have you noticed that even late at night when they're tired, curled up on the sofa, they're letting off a soft whine still?

They're not drinking any water

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It's so vital for your dog to drink water as dehydration can be a serious issue, so this is one you need to speak to your vet about no matter what. They might be feeling so low and anxious that they're not interested in drinking, ignoring their thirst or maybe can't even be bothered getting up to make their way to the water bowl.

They have way less tolerance

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People always know their own pets well enough to know how far they can push them when playing or jokingly winding them up. But your dog may have started showing signs of less tolerance for things you do, like warning growling if you go too close, or becoming bored or uninterested very quickly.

Their weight is changing

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There are many different reasons for weight change in dogs, like physical health issues, but mental health issues can also affect weight changes too. This could be a direct affect of them not eating properly or taking less of an interest in walks. They may also not be moving or playing as much which can all add up to weight loss.

They don't want to go out

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You should usually find it difficult to stop your dog getting excited about a walk or zooming out of the door, so it can be a huge indicator when they don't show any signs of wanting to go out. They might even show disinterest at the garden back door or when you grab their leash.

They're panting a lot

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We know that panting is a clear sign your dog is trying to cool down, but if you've noticed they're panting at a time when they probably shouldn't be (when they haven't been out on a walk or it's not especially warm) this could be a sign of mental discomfort or distress.

They're pacing a lot, too

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Pacing is also a huge indicator that something is wrong in dogs, and while it can indicate health issues if they're feeling physical pain, it could also be a sign that they're feeling low and are struggling to get settled, feel content or feel happy. They might not know what to do with themselves. Be sure to speak to a vet about any of these issues.

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