13 Ways The World Could End Tomorrow

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

An Asteroid Lands On Earth

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This is going to happen at some point, there's no doubt about that. In fact it has happened many times before, we're just fortunate they haven't been big enough to destroy our planet. It is believed that asteroids are what caused dinosaurs to become extinct and asteroids are zooming past us all the time! NASA are on the lookout.

A Gamma-Ray Burst Striking The Planet

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This sounds very sci-fi and I suppose it is, but it isn't impossible and we'd never be able to see it coming. This occurs in distant galaxies when two collapsed stars merge; the burst would travel to us over 1,000 light years and destroy our Ozone layer. This would ultimately mean sun rays would hit us at full force, increase the temperatures and lower the oxygen levels.

Our Vacuum Collapses

Image Source: Big Think
Apparently, it is possible that a more stable vacuum than the one we already know about exists, and if this variety were to become the majority style, the laws of physics would change and so the Earth itself would be forced to change how it works, and who knows how that could turn out for us!

We Get Sucked In To A Rogue Black Hole

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There are suggestions that there are over 10,000,000 black holes in the Milky Way, and if we were in the path of one we'd likely only know within a few decades of a close encounter. Scarily, we wouldn't even have to come that close to the black hole to be sucked in, and if we did, it's unlikely anyone would survive.

The Sun Superflares And Melts The Ozone

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Every now and then, the sun emits a solar flare which is negated by Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field. However, some scientists believe there is a more extreme version of these called Superflares. And within hours, this event could lead to the melting of our ozone layer and fry Earth.

Our Magnetic Field Is Reversed

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Scientists believe that every few hundred thousand years our magnetic field dwindles and then flips our poles. The problem with this would be that for 100 years in between we would have no magnetic field an so no protection against particle storms and cosmic rays like the solar flares.

Flood Basalt Volcanoes

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We all know that volcanoes can be extremely dangerous to human life. A 1783 eruption in Iceland caused three cubic miles of lava to flow and floods, ash and fumes killed 9000 people whilst also causing temperatures to drop all the way in the US. And this has happened on a much wider scale, 100,000 times larger over 60 million years ago that would wipe out civilization.

We All Catch A Disease

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Yes, we do have to watch out for more than just the earth itself killing us, but also all of the germs found on the surface. The problem is that infectious diseases are always evolving, making it much harder to control. A well known example of this would be the Black Plague that killed a quarter of Europeans during the 14th century.

Global Warming Heats The Earth Too Much

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It's hard to avoid Global Warming talk these days, and it could cause many problems for us. Possible problems include the increased water evaporation that could lead to carbon dioxide being released from the rocks which would then cause the temperature to further increase. Warmer temperatures are also more suitable climates for parasites!

We Destroy The Ecosystem

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Biodiversity is essential to the way our world works, and crazily 30,000 species are believed to vanish every year as a result of human activity. By removing just one species from an area, we could be affecting how the temperatures are changing or how the quality of air may be in an area. Who knows how wide-scale a problem like this could be.

Genetic Engineering Disaster

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Not only are we removing species, we are also creating new ones, new crops we think are better than their traditional counterparts. There are signs though that these new genes we are developing could leak and find their way into other species. And if this technology falls into the wrong hands we could be looking at a weapon no one would expect.

A Particle Accelerator Black Hole

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There are a number of particle accelerators on earth, over 30,000 actually. Supposedly, they could create a subatomic black hole that could slowly eat the earth away although scientists have said that this is pretty much impossible. Pretty much isn't 100% impossible though so let's hope they're being careful.

We Ruin The Earth With Toxins

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As the earth develops, from the industrial revolution to now, we have been polluting our planet and our atmosphere. In major cities the pollution can be that bad its visible in the air such as the problems in China! We also have to consider how fertilisers and pesticides can affect fetal development!

Nanotechnology Going Too Far

Image Source: European Parliament
This might seem a little far-fetched but it is realistic! Nanotechnology continues to increase as an industry over the years, it is hoped that nanotechnology will go as far as being small microscopic robots that can perform surgery or explore the universe. Very Sci-fi, but if tech like this came this far then it could be used by the wrong people for the wrong reason.

We All Kill Each Other With Nuclear Weapons

Image Source: Smithsonian Magazine
War, what is it good for? There's always some people, some ruler that just can't be happy with what they have. We've already had wars where millions have died and with the newer technology and weapons available now it could only get worse. Nuclear warfare could lead to the end of civilization as we know it.

Another Chernobyl Disaster

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Chernobyl was a terrible incident and one that has caused problems for the area and the people within it still to this day. Now, if a nuclear disaster like this was to happen again on a much larger scale then we could see whole countries wiped out and who knows how wide scale the problems could be.

We Become Too Reliant On Technology

Image Source: Vox
Let's be honest, we are all reliant on technology now. But what if we took it to the next level, people are already exploring the possibility of implanting microchips in our heads. That is crazy, but the further we push technology the more likely tech and AI is to become intelligent or maybe even conscious?

An Alien Invasion?

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Right, its obscure but, can we really rule out alien existence? Surely, with the universe being as big as it is, we can't be the only things out there! This isn't to say that extra-terrestrial life is going to drop by and eliminate civilisation but I suppose there's no way to prove that this could or couldn't happen.

Biowarfare Without Thought

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Biowarfare has been experimented with since WW2 when the Japanese were using chlorine gas and again during the Cold War between the US and the USSR. However, if biowarfare where to get out of control then the released diseases or gases could cause widespread death, panic and elimination. Anthrax, if weaponised as an aerosol could kill 90% of the population.

A Volcanic Super Eruption

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Yellowstone is due an eruption, something scientists have been worried about for years, and it was the subject (although exaggerated) for the film 2012. They have recently discovered that an eruption wouldn't be quite as bad as originally expected but it still wouldn't be great. Potentially releasing around 2200 cubic kilometers, only eh?

Being Engulfed By The Sun

Image Source: NASA
This seems like a scary way to go! It is possible that the Earth could be swallowed by the sun as it transforms into a 'red giant' star. Essentially, the sun's mass would deplete meaning Earth's orbit would expand forcing us closer and closer to the sun eventually resulting in us being vaporised.

Earth Could Be Hit By A Rogue Planet

Image Source: Scientific American
Drifting planets do exist, in fact, our Earth and our moon were formed as a result of two planets crashing in to one another. The entirety of earth would be destroyed, melting whilst a seperate new planet would reform as Earth did Billions of years ago. It might not be habitable though.

An Alien Plague

Image Source: Daily Star
This is actually quite terrifying, but also unlikely. Though not unlikely enough that NASA don't have a contingency plan. If there is any chance that any microbial life could find its way to earth it could have some horrible effects. Just like explorers bring disease to the Native Americans all those years ago.

We Run Out Of Food

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If for some reason our soil becomes infertile then we could begin to struggle, likewise if a pandemic began wiping out animals. We have began genetically engineering food but if things like this were to happen on a rapid scale then this would have to be stepped up tenfold.

We Overpopulate The Planet

Image Source: The Guardian
The world is continuing to grow, some people believe that its growing too fast and so we are continuing to expand our hold in the green parts of the earth. We have to be careful to not increase too much that there isn't enough space, enough food and enough nature for us to survive comfortably.

Too Much Methane?

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Not from cows, I promise cows are not going to end the earth as we know it. Some scientists believe that a very very long time ago, over 200 million years in fact that the microbe that produces methane grew in the oceans, heating the climate and acidifying the seas causing a massive percentage of life on earth and under water to die.

We Get Overthrown By Robots

Image Source: Sky News
We are constantly developing more and more ways for our technology to improve and this has involved the creation of robots that were beyond our wildest dreams decades ago. It's not completely obscure to say that if we were to create AI life with greater knowledge and capabilities we could have a real life sci-fi thriller on our hands.

Nuclear Warfare Destroys The Planet

Image Source: Smithsonian Magazine
Not only could nuclear warfare cause millions if not billions of deaths as a direct result of the bombings; it could also ruin the planet and people's lives for thousands of years after. It would cool the earth, leave half the world uninhabitable and ruin the earth used to grow our foods.

Cyber Crimes Leading To Shutdowns

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Technology is quite the problem isn't it! Cyber warfare however is a huge problem, and hackers are becoming more and more common. All it would take was an elite hacker to be brought in to a terrorist organisation which could lead to industrial systems and banks to be brought to a standstill.

Electromagnetic Pulses Turning Off Systems

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Technology is already something we rely on too much, if we were to lose access to many of these things we would be lost. Now, electromagnetic pulses, if strong enough, could cause all of our equipment to turn off, in turn sending our world into collapse. Unfortunately, there would be very little for us to do in this situation.

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