1. You'll Be Super, Duper Hydrated
image source: reddit.com
It's always important to eat fruit and veg with high water content, and watermelon contains around 90% water. This means it's also the perfect snack for those hot summer days, so eating this will certainly make sure you're kept hydrated when you need it! Great news.
2. Your Blood Pressure Might Be Lowered
image source: reddit.com
There have also been studied to suggest that eating watermelon regularly can help to reduce blood pressure. This is because watermelon contains potassium, which is a key player in reducing the effects of sodium on blood pressure. It can also help the nervous system function, too.
3. You May Lose Weight (If You're Trying To)
image source: reddit.com
So watermelon isn't something that guarantees you lose weight just by sitting there and eating it, but it is a great weight loss aid if you're already trying to lose weight, and your lifestyle reflects that. This is because watermelon is low in calories, so it's the perfect snack while you're on a diet!
4. Meeting Your Daily Fruit & Veg Needs Will Be A Breeze
image source: reddit.com
Did you know that watermelon is actually considered both a fruit and a vegetable? So if you're trying to eat those all-important 5 fruit and veg a day, watermelon has your back. So if you're eating this every single day, you're upping that healthy daily intake of fruit and veg.
5. You May Spend More Time In The Bedroom (And Not To Sleep!)
image source: reddit.com
So, interesting fact - you may also find that watermelon helps with your libido! A healthy blood flow is critical for feeling in the mood for any gender, and watermelon is known for helping with healthy blood flow because of the phyto-nutrient citrulline, which watermelon has tons of!
6. Your Bathroom Routine Will Run Like Clockwork
image source: reddit.com
So a healthy digestion flow is associated with foods high in fiber to keep things moving - watermelon doesn't really have much fiber in it, but because it has such high water content, it's going to be great at keeping everything flushed through and also having you go to the bathroom regularly.
7. ... But You May Have Gas Or Diarrhea
image source: reddit.com
The problem with watermelon though is that keeping everything running like clockwork doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a great gut. While it might help you not to be all blocked up with constipation, unfortunately you might find the opposite happens. This is because it's high in fructose, which can cause gas - and if you're usually susceptible to gas, it'll make it worse!
8. Your Cholesterol Might Be Reduced
image source: reddit.com
There's a compound in watermelon that's also thought to help reduce levels of cholesterol in the body - and this is great news for your heart health in particular. Eating watermelon might help reduce the clogging plaque that can make for unhealthy arteries and heart problems.
9. Your Sugar Consumption May Be Cut Down
image source: reddit.com
The thing about watermelon is that it's a great, refreshing flavor - and so many sugary snacks have replicated it, like watermelon candies, freeze pops or desserts. Because watermelon tastes exactly like - well, watermelon - if you snack on the actual fruit instead of a sugary snack, you'll be getting the same great taste without the high sugar.
10. But It Might Raise Your Blood Sugar!
image source: reddit.com
Okay, it might sound like we're contradicting ourselves here, but watermelon does come with pros and cons in terms of sugar. Yes, it's a great low-sugar alternative to bad snacks - but the reason watermelon is sweet is because it contains fructose, which could raise blood sugar, and especially in people with diabetes.
11. Your Vitamin C Intake Will Be Increased
image source: reddit.com
Watermelon is very high in that essential vitamin, vitamin C. So if you're lacking in that vitamin at the moment but you're bored of the same ol' advice about drinking more orange juice or taking vitamin C supplements, then watermelon could be a tasty solution.
12. And This Might Also Help If You Have Asthma
image source: reddit.com
Some experts believe that certain inflammatory free radicals can actually trigger an onset of asthma, or the development of this condition. Watermelon, along with any other fruit that's high in vitamin C, could actually fight these free radicals that would trigger asthma.
13. You'll Soothe Those Sore Muscles
image source: reddit.com
If you're planning to work very hard at the gym (good on you) or you're an athlete training for their next big competition, watermelon can help you through it. Plan ahead and drink or eat watermelon before a workout. This could actually help your muscles to feel less sore the next day.
14. You'll Be Full Of Lycopene - Which Is Good News
image source: reddit.com
While this might sound like something to do with werewolves, lycopene is an organic compound which gives things their bright red color, like tomatoes and the red you find in watermelon. It's an important anti-oxidant that spells good news for your health and boost processes in different ways.
15. It Could Help Support Your Vision
image source: reddit.com
So there's something else that lycopene is good at, too! It's believed it helps to prevent against macular degeneration in the eyes, which is when the retina is worn down over time (the most common cause of vision loss in older people). So watermelon provides plenty of good stuff for your vision.
16. You'll Be Less Likely To Eat Unhealthy Snacks
image source: reddit.com
As well as watermelon being a tasty snack in itself, its high water content means it's a very filling snack - so there's less of a risk of your still feeling hungry and then returning to the snack cupboard! This is also helpful for people actually trying to diet and resist the temptation.
17. You Might Actually Feel Sick
image source: reddit.com
This one depends on how much watermelon you're eating. Some could say that watermelon every single day is too much, but risks are higher when you're gouging on watermelon throughout the day. The high lycopene count could end up making you feel nauseous with a sore tummy!
18. And Suffer From Indigestion And Bloating
image source: reddit.com
In the same way, you could also end up with bad ingestion and bloating - especially if you're already prone to things like heartburn and ingestion. We already mentioned watermelon can risk in having gas, and the same applies for feeling like all that gas is stuck in your body!
19. You Might Have An Irregular Heartbeat
image source: reddit.com
Over-consumption of watermelon (if you're eating A LOT of it) is not going to result in being really healthy - too much of a good thing, and all that. The potassium content in watermelon means you'll be taking a lot of potassium in if you eat too much, and this could result in an irregular heartbeat.
20. It's Possible You Could OVER Hydrate Yourself!
image source: reddit.com
We know how important water is, and to get enough of it every single day, but did you know you can actually have
too much water? It's actually possible to suffer from water intoxication if you put too much in your body. And because watermelon has an extremely high water content, this is a risk if you're eating too much of it!
21. But It'll Help You To Feel More Full
image source: reddit.com
If you're someone who just never feels full no matter what they do, you might want to give watermelon a go (and maybe speak to your doctor because there might be something else going on there!). Vegetarians in particular can struggle from being more hungry if they've dropped meat, so watermelon is a good snack for feeling more full while you get your overall diet in order!
22. And You Can Benefit From Anti-Cancer Effects
image source: reddit.com
There are several plant compounds that are found in watermelon, and these compounds are believed to possibly have anti-cancer effects. These compounds include the lycopene we mentioned, but also cucurbitacin E. These may help to combat cancer of the prostate or colon, as well as possibly prevent tumor growth.
23. Your Body Could Have Lowered Inflammation
image source: reddit.com
Inflammation wreaks havoc on the body, and it's actually a huge factor in a lot of chronic diseases. The antioxidants which are found in watermelon could actually help to reduce inflammation and oxidative damage in the body.
24. Your Skin Health Will Get A Huge Boost
image source: pinterest.com
So firstly, the high water content is going to help the hydration of your skin as well as your body - no surprise there! More water is always great news for your skin. But the vitamin content in watermelons can also help with skin health, as vitamins A and C are important for the skin.
25. Your Digestion Might Be Improved
image source: reddit.com
This is the thing with watermelon - it can risk gas one minute, but the next actually help to improve your digestion! While watermelon is very low in fiber, it still has a small fiber content, which is never going to be a bad thing for your digestion when combined with the high water content!
26. Your Circulation Will Have A Helping Hand
image source: reddit.com
Watermelon has a high citrulline content - and remember how we said this would help with blood flow for your libido? The same applies to your overall blood flow and circulation! This high citrulline content will help your body to circulate blood more effectively.
27. Don't Neglect The Seeds!
image source: reddit.com
A lot of people don't realise this, but you can - and should - eat the seeds of a watermelon too. Eating any sort of seed of a fruit can be weird (because we all think we're going to sprout a fruit tree in our stomachs) but watermelon seeds are likened to pumpkin seeds, a healthy snack full of protein!
28. You'll Get A Ton Of Key Nutrients
image source: reddit.com
Tracking and planning to get key vitamins and minerals in your body through food can be stressful - there are so many letters and numbers and it can be hard to keep track. Well, you're safe with watermelon if you eat in moderation - it's packed with key nutrients like magnesium, vitamin A, C and potassium.
29. Could It Reduce Your Risk Of Alzheimer's?
image source: reddit.com
More research is needed on the relationship between watermelon and Alzheimer's, but there have been studies into this. It's believed that the antioxidant lycopene that's present in watermelon could in fact help to at least delay the onset of Alzheimer's, and the development of it.
30. You Might Find Going To The Gym A Little Easier
image source: reddit.com
We mentioned about eating or drinking watermelon before a workout to reduce muscle stiffness later - but some studies suggest watermelon could take it one step further than that by actually helping your athletic performance! The citrulline content could see you more energized for high-intensity exercising, like cycling.