1. Speaking in tongues
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Everyone in the pet possession community will tell you that if your pet is speaking in tongues, this is a dead giveaway that they're under the influence of some sort of malevolent force. Sure, they might be just trying to communicate with you in their unique way, but let's face it, if they're speaking in tongues, something evil this way comes!
2. Red eyes
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Have you noticed your pet sporting some devilish blood-red eyes recently? Or perhaps they've turned fully black... well we hate to break it to you but you're probably going to need to call in your local exorcist because red eyes are a sure sign of possession... or they might just have some sort of infection, in which case, call your vet instead...
3. Raw meat diet
Image Source / Dogsfirst.ie
If you notice your beloved pet turning its nose up at its usual source of sustenance and growling for raw red meat, it's likely that you're going to need to call in the Ghostbusters... Who knows, perhaps your furry friend has been possessed by a caveman!
4. Levitation
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Pets aren't exactly known for their levitation skills and, oh boy, if you've caught your pet pal in the air like a furry airplane, you might want to call in the paranormal investigators as it's likely that they're possessed by a supernatural force. Or at least keep the windows closed!
5. Superhuman strength
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Some pets are strong, but possessed pets are noticeably stronger. And trust us, you're not going to want to be faced by a possessed pet with an absolutely ridiculous amount of strength they didn't have before. Perhaps it's time to call in a priest, or at the very least, work on building some muscle so you stand a slight chance!
6. An aversion to religious symbols
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If your furry friend starts hissing at crucifixes or darting away from holy water you know that there's something wicked on the horizon. Or perhaps their aversion to religious symbols is more like an allergic reaction than a clear aversion, and you might've noticed them producing steam when they're in the presence of anything with a link to religion.
7. Howling at the moon
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You're beloved furry BFF might be possessed by an ancient werewolf when they start howling at the moon. And you'll probably notice that this gets more frequent and more piercing during the full moon cycle! You might even find your pet escaping to run through the woods!
8. Telekinetic abilities
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Depending on your pet, they're probably rather skils at fetching, rolling over, and playing dead (these talents are specifically dog oriented - a cat will just ignore you...). But if they start moving things with their minds, and you notice that your furniture is regularly moving around, that's a whole new ballgame...
9. Psychic abilities
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Most pets are awesome at sensing our moods, aren't they? That's one of the reasons we are in awe of them. But if they're suddenly predicting your future or the stock market, or even begin to channel the spirit of Nostradamus, you know you've got a problem!
10. Wait... is that Grandma?
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You might even recognize your pet... but not as your pet - as someone, probably a dearly departed relative or friend. Maybe they're displaying clear traits of your creepy Aunt Bertha or even your quirky cousin, Barney. One thing's for sure - they're definitely possessed by some sort of ancestral curse.
11. Human-like behaviors
Image Source / Boredpanda.com
It's so cute when our pets start to imitate our human behaviors, but if they suddenly start using utensils at dinner time, or start raiding your wardrobe for some new threads to wear, you'd better call in the experts because you've definitely got a possession on your hands!
12. Foaming at the mouth
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Some pets are great at drooling and slobbering, but if your furry friend loses their cute and fluffy personality and starts foaming at the mouth, then you probably know something is off about them. And let's face it, nobody wants their beloved pets doing their best Cujo impression. No, thank you!
13. Violence & aggression
Image Source / Animalwised.com
Pets can be great at playing rough and tumble, and this can sometimes just be for fun! But if your furry pal starts to bite, scratch, and attack anything that moves, and has a look of pure hatred and thirst for blood, then it's possible that they've been possessed by a spirit who is full of malice.
14. Scratching walls
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If your pet is suddenly scratching the walls like they're trying to escape imprisonment, it's possible that they're possessed by something truly evil. We mean, yeah, pets do scratch, and they do ruin a good wall from time to time but those scratches might be higher up than you believe your pet can reach and could be a sign of them literally climbing the walls!
15. Mind readers
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If your pet starts staring into your soul, they're probably reading your mind to find out your deepest, darkest secrets. And they might even begin to anticipate what you are going to say and finish your sentences!! If this is the case, you're probably going to need the Ghostbusters again! Or at least make yourself a tinfoil hat!
16. An obsession with fire
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If your pet is suddenly fascinated by fire and develops an obsession with it, they're likely to be possessed by a mischievous demon who just loves watching things burn. And nothing's safe from being set ablaze. So you might want to invest in some fire extinguishers!
17. Human voices
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Pets with human-like voices are pretty unnerving and completely terrifying. And they're
certainly not normal... In fact, if your pet starts wishing you a good morning when you wake up, or giving you life advice, then they've probably been possessed by something.
18. Ancient languages
Image Source / Britishmuseum.org
If your pet starts speaking in a language unknown to you and that sounds pretty ancient, then their body is undoubtedly being used as a vessel by a primordial spirit who lived many many years ago. You might adore learning a
new to you language, and it might be difficult to work out their intentions, to begin with!
19. They stink
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"Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?" Yes - your pet might've always smelled a bit ripe, but you might notice their stench becoming unbearably intense. You'll definitely want to break out the air freshener, but we advise that you contact Men in Black to rid your pet of this smelly entity!
20. Shape-shifting
Image Source / Buzzfeed.com
Shape-shifting is a clear sign to
run as your pet is in no doubt possessed by something ancient and evil that wants to break free. And the more terrifying and weird the forms become, the closer to freedom this malevolent spirit is. You definitely don't want to stick around to see what happens next!
21. Agitation
Image Source: Reddit.com
Does your pet seem agitated and restless all the time? If so, we're not saying that this is a sure sign of possession, but you might want to pay close attention to how their agitation develops. It could be a sign that they're being completely terrorized by a restless spirit who is making your furry friend's life a living hell.
22. Heightened-senses
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Animals have better senses than us. That's just a well-known fact like - did you know that a group of flamingoes is actually called a
flamboyance? - But if your pet suddenly has incredible hearing or super strength, it might just be time to hire your local exorcist!
23. Demonic growling sounds
Image Source / Reddit.com
You might want to start reciting some prayers if you hear your pet making demonic growling sounds. We mean, it's likely to be a bad case of indigestion, but if there's the tiniest chance that your fluffy pal could be possessed, wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?
24. You regret touching their possessions!
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Every pet has a favorite toy, don't they? But if they're fiercely protective of everything they own, including their food, toys, or bed, it might be a sign that they're possessed by a troubled demon who does
not like to share one bit! They might hoard their belongings and violently attack anyone who comes close!
25. Performing advanced mathematics
Image Source / Reddit.com
If your pet becomes a bit of a maths whizz and begins to scratch super-advanced mathematical formulas into the ground, they could very well be possessed by a celestial being who has come to earth purely to solve the world's most impossible math problems.
26. Temperature changes
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When your pet enters the room, you might notice that there's a sudden chill in the room. And depending on the spirit that has inhabited your beloved pet friend, you might find yourself shivering in the freezing cold in the height of summer, or sweating your socks off in the depths of winter!
27. Moving through solid objects
Image Source / Reddit.com
Perhaps your pet has been possessed by a naughty spirit who loves to play pranks on human beings. They might start to phase through closed doors and furniture like ghosts which are undoubtedly terrifying. But if you embrace their newfound skill, you might just find that it's such a useful skill to have!
28. Insane knowledge of geography
Image Source / Reddit.com
Maybe there's an ancient scholar who has come to live with you. And if your pet begins to show off its advanced knowledge of geography, this might just be the case and the spirit has risen again to impart their ancient wisdom. It might be a good thing too - they might even solve the mysteries surrounding the Bermuda Triangle!
29. Musical talents
Image Source / Reddit.com
If your pet suddenly starts shredding on the electric guitar, your dog begins to howl out high notes, and your pet hamster starts laying down sick beats, it's probably time to call your friendly local Ghostbusters team as there's no doubt that long-gone legendary rockstars have come to live with you.
30. The full moon
Image Source / Reddit.com
Does your pet suddenly become more active during a full moon? We all know the effects the full moon can have on supernatural beings so you might just notice that your furry friend starts scratching at the walls more frantically and begins howling loudly, or even grows an extra sharp set of fangs. So instead of your pet wreaking havoc on the world, maybe you need to lock them up until the next lunar cycle passes!