Signs You Are No Longer In Your Youth

By Kirsty 1 year ago

1. When Staying In Instead Of Going Out Sounds Like Heaven

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Once upon a time, you'd only just get back from a big weekend away and already be planning the next one in your diary. Now? Staying in sounds like heaven to you - you can't imagine anywhere else you'd rather be. Get up, get dressed and make an effort? Urgh, no thanks.

2. When Watching Netflix Alone Is Better Than Meeting Up With Friends

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That isn't to say that you don't love your friends, but seeing them all the time takes that effort we just spoke about. Finding the next latest and greatest movie or TV show on Netflix is your go-to, and even better when you can do it alone hiding on the couch under your weighted blanket.

3. If Someone Tells You They Partied All Night, You Feel Sick

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If your friends tell you about this wild weekend they just had with non-stop drinking and one hour of sleep, you feel physically ill. Like violently sick. The thought of that just creates a visceral reaction in you, and you're so relieved you stayed at home instead of going with them.

4. All Of Your High School Friends Are Now Married

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A huge slap-in-the-face reminder of how old we're getting is when we realize our friends are getting old. That means we are too, right? Before you know it, your high school pals who you remember have sleepovers with in your pajamas are suddenly all married and you don't know where time went.

5. And They All Have Kids

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The same goes for having kids. You're still recovering from the years spent partying with your sorority sisters when suddenly they're all staying at home, too - but not to watch Netflix like you do, but care for their kids. It feels like you looked away for two seconds and now everyone has a baby.

6. When You Start Thinking You Should Probably Have A Savings Account

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This one's the big one. Suddenly money is for saving, not for spending. How can you justify a night out when you need to put an extra dollar in that savings account for retirement? As soon as the fleeting thought of a savings account enters your head, it's like a rite of passage for being an adult.

7. And Then You Actually Open One

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The next logical step - it's a bold move, and it's now living proof that you're old. Well, not that old, but you now... you're an older functioning adult. The savings account is open, the deed is done. And now the savings account is open that huge 'zero' is looking scary to you.

8. And Start Fretting About How Much Is In It Every. Single. Day.

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So now you need to put money into it. Not only do you make a regular bank transfer to start filling it up, but suddenly everything you do, buy or think about is related to that savings account. Will I have enough money to retire? Will I have enough money when I'm older? If I don't buy this takeout I could put 20 dollars more into my savings!

9. When The Hardest Life Decision You Make Is Whether To Order Pizza

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And, of course, this leads on to the internal battle of whether you deserve that takeout. And if you do, the hardest decision you have to make all week is which toppings of pizza to have to make it worth the money. Because now money is precious and you need to make sure your pizza isn't a disappointment. Otherwise you could've put the money in your savings after all.

10. Your Social Media Feeds Have Suddenly Become Serious Topics

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Have you noticed that your social media feeds are slowly changing? They used to be filled with drunken photos of you and your friends out on the town, or maybe the biggest celebs out at parties. You've started to hit the 'follow' on a whole different level of topic over time and now gradually you're seeing news, politics, how to save the planet and - of course - how to put more money in your savings account.

11. Or People Married With Babies

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But of course you still need to keep in contact and follow your high school friends on social media or they'll think you've fallen out. So your feed is also your friends - but of course, they're just pictures from their wedding, or something cute their new baby did.

12. You Make A 50 Point Plan For Not Getting Sick

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When you were a kid, playing outside and catching the flu from a neighbor kid wasn't the end of the world. It sucked, but you hauled up in bed and someone took care of you. Now, you cannot get sick. You're too busy to get sick. You have to work, you have to clean, you have to cook... you have to function. A pint of orange juice just won't cut it.

13. Alcohol Is Suddenly A Luxury Investment (That You're Willing To Pay)

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So getting older doesn't have to be about stopping drinking - but it's all about ditching that dollar store liquor and investing in some alcohol worth your time. Drinking is now a reward, an experience, not just a quick shot for raving with your pals. So you spend more money on better alcohol. And you savor it.

14. You Don't Have A Clue Who Any Of The People On The Radio Are

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You thought you were pretty much up to date with music, but every day that passes just proves that you're not. Whenever you switch on the radio you haven't a clue who's playing, or you switch it off because it just sounds like noise to you. Before putting up your 1970s classic playlist.

15. And You Don't Even Listen To The Radio Anymore

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It's got to the point where you don't even bother to try to listen anymore. Even if you did pay attention to who's who, chances are you won't like the 'current music' the kids are listening to these days. You'll stick to your carefully tailored Spotify playlists, thanks very much!

16. Comfy Trousers Are Looking Real Good Right Now

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There seems to have been a transition that happened at some point when you weren't paying attention - when your stomach was suddenly saying no to a tight waistline, and saying yes to that elastic cotton waist that looks so inviting. Comfort over style any day!

17. You've Already Donated Your Skinny Jeans To Goodwill

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And skinny jeans in particular are just something you can't cope with anymore. Even just the idea of trying to peel yourself out of those things is enough to set you spiralling. You've already donated all your tight pants to charity, so make room for the loungewear you're going to order, of course.

18. When You Spend More Money On Skincare Than You Do Makeup

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Back in the day, most of your cosmetics budget would go on the latest and greatest makeup, to accent your face and experiment with new looks. These days? You're more concerned with caring for your skin underneath than spending money on covering things up.

19. With A Focus On Anti-Aging Serums

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And why do you suddenly feel the need to take better care of your skin? Because those fine lines and wrinkles are starting to look a little bit closer than they did before! Your skincare focus is probably focused on taking care on 'aging' skin rather than the makeup styles of youth.

20. You Dress Based On Whether You Think Your Clothes Are Appropriate

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This isn't to say that you can't wear fun and 'young' styles when you're getting older - but it's more about your thought process. Once upon a time, you wouldn't have thought about certain styles, or showing off your legs. Now, you're wondering whether a skirt is too short, or whether certain styles are 'professional' enough for your workplace.

21. There's More Green On Your Plate

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You've started to ease in more and more vegetables into your meals - something our younger selves would have screamed about or not even had to worry about. Now, at least one portion of leafy green veg is a must for whatever thing you're cooking at home - and you feel guilty without it.

22. And You Actually Put It There - Purposefully - Because You Wanted It

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The thing about getting older, too, is that you actually start to enjoy these things. You put spinach on your plate because you actually like the taste of it. Suddenly salads are more appetising, especially in summer, and you love the crunch of a good carrot or lettuce leaf.

23. You're Not Prepared To Wait For That Restaurant Table

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When you were younger, did you eagerly wait for a table at the hottest, newest restaurant in town? Did you and your mates have to go on the waiting list for month's to get a table at a fancy new eatery? These days, you're not prepared to wait even five minutes for a table. You'll just eat at home, thanks.

24. New Bar Opening? Don't Care

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The same goes for the new, trendy bar scene. You used to be willing to try out new places - in fact, it would be an evening wasted if you hadn't hit every bar and club on the row - but now, once you've seen one bar, you've seen them all. You're not going to pay hefty entrance fees for 'just another bar'.

25. You've Broken Up With Social Media

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You used to love posting selfies, group shots from your vacay with your friends or what you had for lunch. Now? You don't want anyone else to know what you had for lunch. You just want to eat it. Selfies take effort, and you probably haven't any recent photos of you with your friends because you live in the moment rather than getting out your phone every two seconds.

26. The Only Two Categories In Your Closet Are Work Versus Lounge

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In your youth, your closet might have been overflowing with clothes, piles of skirts, tops, dresses, trousers, jackets... one for every season. Now? It's carefully arranged into what you wear for work, and what you wear any other time. Which is 99.9% comfy loungewear, of course.

27. Health Insurance Is Top Priority

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Health is important as you get older. Health insurance? Even more so. You're suddenly scouting for the best deals and monthly payments for health insurance you know you can depend on if one of a million things happened. Health insurance is an outgoing you're not going to skimp on.

28. You Need At Least 8 Hours Sleep To Function

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Remember when you used to roll in at 5am after a night out and then get up an hour later for work still wearing last night's makeup? Now all you can do is marvel at how you even managed to do that. Now, you can't function in the slightest unless you've had at least 8 hours sleep.

29. And Suddenly Your Bed Is Heaven To You

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When we were younger, it began with not wanting to go to bed at all. In our teenage years, our beds were for climbing into fully clothed after a night out, or a lie in at the weekend. Now, your bed is the biggest investment - you happily spend money on the best mattress, the best pillows, anything to support good posture and your aching, aging back.

30. Hangovers Last At Least 2 Days

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Drinking isn't even worth it anymore. Why? Because your hangover comes with a vengeance and lasts at least 2 days. You used to be able to drag yourself into work with a raging hangover - or still drunk - and somehow still function, but now, you can't justify wasting 2 full days like that with your head in the toilet bowl.

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