Signs That Someone You Know Worships The Occult

By Kirsty 1 year ago

1. They Wear Strange Symbols Around Their Neck

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You may have noticed them wearing all manner of interesting necklaces - or maybe just one in particular that they never take off. There are many signs and symbols relating to the occult, and a lot of them can easily be worn around the neck as a statement piece. You might want to do a little Google Image digging!

2. Their Book Collection Is A Little... Different

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Sure, they may have Harry Potter or Fifty Shades of Grey on their bookshelf, but do they mostly have a lot of interesting occult-type books? Maybe things on spirituality, the paranormal, leather-bound old looking books or a straight up 'A Guide To The Occult'?

3. They Use Tarot Cards

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Tarot cards can be used by people with a strong connection to the energies of the universe and the spiritual side of things, so it makes sense why someone connected to the occult would pick them up to ask the big questions or to meditate with on a regular basis!

4. And Crystals

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And crystals usually go hand-in-hand with tarot practice, or a spiritual viewpoint. They might wear crystals openly, like as a bracelet or necklace, or they may have a big stack of them at home that you've noticed. They're usually collected on a shelf or even an altar table.

5. They Don't Follow Mainstream Religion

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To worship the occult, it's likely that this person won't be religious, or follow mainstream religion, like Christianity or Catholicism. People who follow the occult instead can have different views on life, death and everything in between - so the occult can rub religious people up the wrong way a lot of the time.

6. They Believe In The Supernatural

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Someone following the occult likely believes in anything supernatural or paranormal, and this could include spirits, ghosties and ghoulies. They might have an avid interest in the paranormal through the TV shows or movies they want, or make a hobby out of it, even visiting 'haunted' sites.

7. And They Believe They Have Powers

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Do they also believe they have some kind of 'power'? People who worship the occult might believe that their strong faith in it gives them a 'higher' connection or they might think they can successfully perform rituals, or influence the universe in certain ways.

8. They Practice Magic

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And one of the most obvious ways to do this can be to actually practice witchcraft, spells or magic. One of the most well-known modern day witchcraft religions is Wicca, so it may be they're a self-professed Wiccan or they make their own way with spells and rituals.

9. They're Interested In Alchemy

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Considered a medieval version of chemistry, alchemy is something that has been associated with the occult throughout history, so they may have taken an interest in this too. Even if they don't actively practice, they might have done a lot of reading or research into it.

10. They're Very Connected To Nature

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People who are very spiritual will likely also have a huge connection with nature - and occultists can put a big focus on it. They might need nature for their spells, like plants or herbs, or they might perform rituals or spells outside, like in the woods or under a full moon.

11. And They Believe Natural Things Have Meaning

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They might also believe that every living thing has meaning, and that it should be respected. They might find meaning in flowers, plants, wild things they find, even down to the wood of a tree. They will probably show a huge affinity with it and a 'connection' they don't get from humans.

12. They Follow Star Signs

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Occultists can also believe very strongly in star signs. They might put huge focus on personality or meaning relating to a person's star sign, or they might work to understand the movement of the stars. They might use star signs to track spellwork or other rituals.

13. And They're Very Clued Up On Astrology

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It's important for those following the occult to also stay clued up on the planets and celestial bodies, because a lot of the time this is important for their spellwork, practices or beliefs. Moon phases, sun position and changes of weather and seasons can all play a part in this.

14. They Spend A Lot Of Time 'Reading' The Skies

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Because of their connection to nature and to celestial bodies, including the stars, this person might also put a lot of focus on sensing things from the sky. They might need to be close to the sky (such as needing to sleep near a window or be outside a lot) to feel connected to what's going on.

15. They Shop At Independent Occult Stores Rather Than Amazon

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We all know Amazon is the go-to for, well, anything - but when it comes to the occult, it can often be difficult or maybe unreliable to find what you need from an online giant. It's likely this person will find their niche occult things from an independent occult or witchcraft store.

16. They Believe In Reincarnation

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Because most occultists believe in spirits, or some connection to the spiritual realm, it's also likely they might believe in reincarnation - because they believe the spirit or soul lives on after death, they might also follow the cycle of rebirth and think that humans can come back as different things.

17. Or Other Spiritual Beliefs Of What Happens After Death

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Of course, reincarnation isn't the only belief of what happens after death! And people who follow the occult can have any spiritual belief they think works for them, or they believe is true. They might not think that death is the end, and that the spirit lives on - but outside the idea of 'heaven and hell'.

18. They Think They Might Be Psychic

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This person might actively practice with a crystal ball, believing they can predict the future or use signs to understand situations better. Or, they might simply say/think they're psychic and they 'just know' things - without a tool like a crystal ball or other conduit.

19. Or That They Can Talk To The Dead

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They may also actively practice with a Ouija board, which is an occult tool claimed to allow dead people to communicate. The Ouija board can often be seen as a 'fun toy' for friends messing around - or the worst nightmares of people in horror movies - but for people of the occult, they are taken seriously.

20. Or, They Visit People Who Can

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This person might not actually want to use a Ouija board themselves - maybe they feel weird about it - or claim to be able to 'speak' to the deceased. But that doesn't mean they don't take an interest in it, and they may instead visit a person who claims to have a connection with the other side!

21. They Get Tarot Readings If They Can't Practice Themselves

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Tarot reading is an art form that many people learn to do readings for themselves, but a more traditional route can be to visit a tarot expert to give you a reading if you don't know the cards yourself. This person might be an avid visitor to tarot readings to gain insight about their life.

22. They're Always Talking About 'Energies'

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Because people who follow the occult believe they have a higher connection to the world, the spiritual energies of it and nature, they may constantly be talking about the energies of a person, space or even themselves. This could be positive, negative or more serious evil energies they sense.

23. And Know How To Cleanse A Space

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And with energy deduction comes cleansing! This person might have some on-hand ways of cleansing a space they think is carrying very bad energy, or they may practice positive smoke cleansing in their home or rooms to clear out old energy and start with a positive new one!

24. They Seem To Have Knowledge With No Explanation

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Does this person carry a lot of strange knowledge without any explanation of how they know these things? They might actually be psychic, or find their knowledge in other ways, but if there's one thing that can be said of people who follow the occult, it's knowledge is power.

25. They Claim To Talk To Deceased Loved Ones

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They might say that they actively make efforts to connect with the deceased, or maybe they just say they can constantly hear those who have passed on like they're talking to them. People who follow the occult with spiritual connection and practice might search for a guardian spirit or a connection to the other side.

26. They've Been To A Séance

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And with this comes a heavy interest in other people trying to commune with the dead - and seances specifically. They might make it a regular hobby to find seances they can be a part of because they're interested in that sort of thing, or maybe they've even wanted to lead one because they feel 'connected' to the dead.

27. They Seem To Relate To Everything In Supernatural Horror Movies!

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Have you been watching a ghost movie with them and they seem to nod along like they understand? Or maybe they've made comments about why characters 'shouldn't do that' when messing with a demon or the other side. They seem to have a higher level of understanding for this genre!

28. They've Offered To Do Spells For You

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Spells can be good and bad - that's where white and dark magic comes in, and the occult isn't necessarily all evil black magic. So this person may practice positive spells - like good luck spells, love related spells or money spells. They might have offered to do a spell for you to try for a positive outcome.

29. Or They Create Certain 'Charms'

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They might also create certain charms to manifest certain things. They might make you a good luck charm for a job interview, or use crystals and other materials to make something with a certain intention - an object you can carry around in your pocket, or put close to you.

30. They Have A 'Bond' With Animals

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It's often believed that people with a connection to the spiritual or occult will have a certain relationship with animals - this could be a witch's familiar, animals that take more notice of them or maybe even animals appearing as symbols or signs. Whatever it is, you've noticed they've got something going on with animals.

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