1. Taking control of the remote

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Who cares if you were watching something? The remote tends to work as an extension of your man’s arm, and he has to have total control of the TV at all times. Which means you’ll probably end up watching something you don’t like, at an unreasonably loud volume, while he sits and stares at his phone.
2. Commenting on another woman's appearance (when we're stood right there)

(Image/ Source: themirror.co.uk)
We’re not sure why this keeps on happening, but a LOT of men seem to think it’s ok to stare and comment on women. Which is bad enough if they’re single, but when a girlfriend is present, it’s even worse. Commenting on a girl’s ‘fire’ body basically translates to ‘you need to start making some changes’ to your girl, which isn’t really ok.
3. Looking at their phones when you're talking to them

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
It gets pretty infuriating to have to repeat yourself solely because someone hasn’t been paying attention the first time around. But it gets all the more annoying when it’s because someone is too busy staring at their phone. This seems to happen a lot with modern-day boyfriends, who simply can’t detach themselves from their newsfeeds.
4. Man spreading

(Image/ Source: wikipedia.org)
Taking up all the space just isn’t attractive. Ever. Whether it’s your boyfriend or a random man on a plane, man spreading is not ok. It gives women hardly any space, which is even more annoying if you’re travelling a long way with tons of luggage. We hope this is a trend that comes to an end very soon.
5. Unexpectedly bringing your friends to one-on-one time

(Image/ Source: gq.com)
You’ve planned some cute one-on-one time together after you’ve been busy with other social plans. But this all goes out the window when your guy decides to show up with his friend, which kills the romantic vibes stone dead. This basically tells your other half that you don’t value your time with them.
6. Being stingy

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
We’re not saying that your man should be paying for everything – far from it. But the occasional treat really does go a long way. Even just something small and thoughtful shows that they value you. There’s nothing less attractive than a man who cringes while spending money and shows it too.
7. Not responding to texts

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
We’ve all had those times when a guy hasn’t texted us back. And we’ll naturally freak out about it to our friends – especially when it’s a guy you’ve been on a couple of dates with. But this gets tiring really quickly when the guy in question is your long-term boyfriend, who just can’t seem to find the time to respond to you.
8. Leaving the toilet seat up

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
This one is a classic. And it seems like no matter what, men and women just won’t see eye to eye on the great toilet seat debate. While some men might just apologize for leaving the toilet seat up and move on, others will defend themselves and prolong the drama by listing things that women do that annoy men. Not cool.
9. Never admitting they're wrong

(Image/ Source: metro.us)
Some men have a serious problem with admitting that they’re wrong. And this can cause major problems in relationships. Being able to acknowledge and accept your mistakes is part of being a bigger, more understanding person, but there are some men out there who just can’t get past their egos.
10. Passing gas in public

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Of all the embarrassing things a man can do in public, this is up there with some of the worst. It’s rude, disgusting, and a major turn-off – especially if they think it’s funny. While some women will scold their man for this (and rightly so), some fellas will just find it funnier when you tick them off about it…
11. Snoring

(Image/ Source: theobserver.ug)
This one can definitely be a two way street. Either way, it’s a super annoying habit that causes sleepless nights for your other half. While making an investment into some decent earplugs is a good idea, a simpler solution might be turfing the snorer out onto the couch for the night. You’ll thank us later.
12. Ordering your food for you

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
It’s really not cute to order a woman’s food for her. She has a choice, and if she needs help or assistance with the menu, she can ask a waiter. Ordering a woman’s food for her not only gives off serious control freak vibes, but also suggests that you’re wanting your girl to either put weight on or lose it.
13. Leaving you standing on your own at events with their friends or family

(Image/ Source: elitedaily.com)
You’ve decided to come along to that big family event that your guy wanted you at. But they’ve left you standing awkwardly on your own, or sitting with people you don’t know with no introductions made. Not only does it waste a girl’s time, but it also suggests that you’re not actually that bothered about making her feel settled.
14. Asking if women are on their period when they're angry

(Image/ Source: nationalworld.com)
Men out there, take note – this is a major red flag. A woman has a perfect right to be angry in the same way that you do. And asking them if they’re on their period when they’re mad is demeaning. If you do this to a woman, she really isn’t going to be pleased about it, and you’re actually going to make her much more angry.
15. Telling her she didn't tell you something

(Image/ Source: wikipedia.org)
If a woman ends a sentence with "remember?" the only acceptable answers are "No, I forgot" or "No, I wasn't listening” if you can’t remember what she’s talking about. It's never a good idea to tell a woman that she didn't tell you something that she knows she did. That's just playing the blame game, which won’t work out well for you.
16. Calling women "females"

(Image/ Source: GQ)
If you’re coming out with the word “females”, are you referring to, you know, human women, or any animal with the right chromosomal makeup? While a lot of men won’t see this as offensive, it’s actually pretty sexist and dehumanising to refer to women as “females”, so it’s really not recommended.
17. Starting a conversation and then drifting off

(Image/ Source: reddit)
It’s not advisable to hit up a woman for a chat only to drift off when she replies. She chose to respond and wants to talk, so don't annoy her by going AWOL after the initial pleasantries. If you were wondering whether or not she has time for that, rest assured, she does not! If you want to talk to her properly, call her.
18. Unsolicited nude pictures

(Image/ Source: menshealth.com)
Some men seem to think that unsolicited nude pictures are what women want. We’re not sure why, because if you've never slept with her and you decide to send her a picture of your penis that she didn't ask for, you look creepy as hell. And even if you haven’t slept with her, it doesn’t mean to say she’s going to enjoy seeing your pictures.
19. No eye contact

(Image/ Source: reddit)
Looking at someone when they’re talking to you is an absolute basic. We’d do this easily in a workplace setting, so why can’t it be done in your relationship? If you’re not holding eye contact when a woman talks to you, it’s pretty clear you’re not listening. Be present and be polite, as you would with anyone else.
20. A grab around the waist at a club

(Image/ Source: glamour.co.uk)
A crowded club or party isn't an excuse to touch a woman inappropriately. It’s much easier to just say “excuse me” instead of a grab around the waist, as this is disrespectful to a woman’s body and boundaries. Plus, it’s really really annoying. Despite the close quarters in the club, everyone still has the right to personal space.
21. One word texts

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
A lot of women will have written the equivalent of an entire thesis in a text, just to be met with a one-word response. And it causes a LOT of frustration. It’s not hard to at least write a full sentence, as it shows that you’re actually interested in keeping the conversation going. It’s better to have something to say than nothing at all.
22. Too much cologne

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Women definitely like a man to smell good. But there is a limit. If you smell like a 16-year-old who’s about to pick up his prom date, you might want to rein things in a bit. Stick to a subtle signature scent that isn’t going to set off any allergies, and use just one or two sprays. Any more is too much.
23. Looking at boobs instead of faces

(Image/ Source: quora.com)
You would have thought we’d progressed past this, but no. When women are talking, it’s really easy to just focus on their faces. Nowhere else. Not their boobs. And trust us – we’ll be able to spot when those eyes are darting downwards. It’s disrespectful enough to your girlfriend, let alone anyone else.
24. Playing with the new hair do

(Image/ Source: reddit)
Let’s get one thing straight – trips to the hairdresser cost a lot of money. Who would want their new hairdo being pawed at when you’ve paid all that money for it? After going through hours of painstaking work with foils, dyes and blow dries, you don’t want people playing with it. Look and compliment, but don’t touch.
25. No help with housework

(Image/ Source: reddit)
In all fairness, there are tons of men out there that pull their weight with chores. They actively work in partnership with their other half to share the tasks, which is much more common nowadays. But unfortunately, there are still a fair few that think the house magically cleans itself. And this really isn’t ok.
26. Talk of exs

(Image/ Source: bonobology.com)
Women really don’t want to hear about a man’s exes. Ever. If you’re bringing them up, it suggests that you’re not fully over them, which will cause a lot of anxiety. This is a two-way street – if a woman starts talking about her ex a lot, it would be a red flag for a guy, so be sure to bear this in mind.
27. Reasserting their masculinity

(Image/ Source: pinterest.com)
Men seem to have a tendency to act more ridiculous when they’re coupled up. They can show off and reassert their masculinity at any given opportunity. This is a bit of a turn-off for women; they want a sensitive, thoughtful guy who’s kind to them, not an ego-driven alpha male. Time to leave some of that testosterone at the door.
28. Calling women clingy

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Many men seem to want it both ways – to have someone by their side and also to be free to do whatever the hell they want, when they want. And this isn’t fair. Women quickly get labelled as “clingy” for simply wanting to spend time and talk to their other half, and it gets annoying to hear this after a while.
29. Non-committal

(Image/ Source: reddit)
Whether you’ve just started dating someone or you’re in a long-term relationship, something as simple as making plans for Saturday night is impossible for a lot of guys. They seem like they might be keen on doing something, but they’re reluctant to nail anything specific down. Oh, and if you do try and plan properly, you’ll be called clingy.
30. Backhanded compliments

(Image/ Source: reddit)
Some men think it’s a good idea to give rude, backhanded compliments to women. We’re not sure why this is, as it really doesn’t go down well. To give an example; telling a woman “You would have such a good body if you worked out” is not the great comment you might think it is. It’s insulting, and makes women think you’re an idiot.