The Effects Of Infidelity In Future Relationships

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

An Increased Risk Of Future Separations

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Unfortunately, for both people in the a relationship involving some infdelity, they often struggle to maintain relationships in the future. For the person who has been cheated on they have some trust issues whereas the person who has cheated might have damaged their own self-belief.

A Lowered Emotional Wellbeing

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I'm sure you're not surprised to hear that someone who has been cheated on can have a lowered sense of emotional wellbeing. But essentially this means that they aren't looking after themselves or even trying to! They might not be maintaining a self-care routine.

You Could Become Depressed

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This and having a lower sense of emotional well-being come hand in hand together. There is no doubt that being cheated on can be quite a disastrous scenario for anyone, so, it's no surprise that it can cause someone to feel depressed. This can lead to the lack of a routine and burying themselves in their own sadness.

A Lack Of Self-Esteem

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Low self-esteem has been a common issue with people who have been cheated on, they essentially feel as though they brought this upon themselves and so they begin to have a lower opinion of themselves. This can also damage your work life and sense of belonging.

You Might Have Some Emotional Trauma

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Again, this isn't surprising! Unfortunately, someone who's partner has cheated on them might have some long-lasting trauma that is likely to affect not just their future relationships but their lives in general. Certain things might jog their memory and cause them to have some distressing and intrusive thoughts.

You Could Damage Your Children

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Unfortunately, especially in younger children, they will struggle to understand what's happening and can experience some feelings of confusion and abandonment. Besides this studies have shown that children with parents who have cheated can have trust issues with their own future partners.

You Could Get Attachment Issues

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Once someone has been cheated on, I'm sure you'll be able to sympathise with them that it can be difficult to get back out there and try to find another relationship. It can be hard to accept the fact that someone loves you and they won't cause you the same harm that your former partner did.

A Lack Of Confidence

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As I mentioned before, someone who has been cheated on can place all the blame on themselves; this can obliterate their own self-confidence. This confidence can mean anything, about the way the look, the way they act, or even their own capabilities. They can struggle to return to their former selves.

You Have A Broken Sense Of Trust

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Trust is something that is very important when it comes to a romantic relationship and if you've been cheated on it can be hard to find that kind of trust again. The problem is you might just struggle to trust anyone, including your friends and family not just any future partners.

You Won't Want To Love Again

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For some people, it isn't just the trust that can cause problems in a relationship but the fact that you find it hard to love anyone again. This is something that comes with a damaged sense of trust, because without this trust you're going to struggle to become emotionally attached again.

You Might Hate The Opposite Sex

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In some circumstances of infidelity, a person who has been cheated on (in a heterosexual relationship) can have such a damaged view of the opposite sex that they gain a resentment for them. This isn't just going to affect the quality of a future relationship but a relationship happening at all.

You Get A Damaged View Of Relationships

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It won't surprise anyone to understand that if you've been cheated on the idea of a relationship might not be at the top of your list of favourite things to do. In fact, you might come to expect that being cheated on is always a possibility and it doesn't matter who it is you're involved with.

You Might Feel Ashamed

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A lot of people don't like to admit that they've been cheated on, in fact some people avoid talking about the fact with anyone including their future partners. This is because they feel ashamed, and they essentially believe that being cheated on is down to the way they are and the way they look.

Increased Levels Of Jealousy

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Unsurprisingly, when you get cheated on you do lose a little bit of trust in the world and so in the future, if you do enter another relationship you might struggle. If your partner has friends of the opposite sex it is possible that you might become incredibly jealous for no reason!

You Might Lose Weight

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Following periods of low self-confidence, low self-esteem and a lack of emotional wellbeing you might notice that your body can also go through some physical changes. You probably want to ensure that if your mental wellbeing is damaged that you don't allow this to cross over to your physical body.

You Have A Lower Libido

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Sexual interaction is something that requires a lot of trust, and as we have already discussed, trust is something that someone who has been cheated on might lack. In general, you might avoid intercourse for a considerable period as you don't want to commit your body to another person again. This leads us too...

You Might Struggle To Commit To A Real Relationship

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Other people actually become very confident in their bodies after they've been cheated on and they might enjoy being back on the market and getting attention again. However, these people can also prefer these shorter interactions and be unable to commit to a real relationship again.

Other People Might Look At You Differently

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For the person who has been cheated on, this is out of your control. But you might find that some people look at you with sympathy and pity in their eyes which can feel condescending. And for the person who did the cheating, you are likely to be viewed negatively for a long period of time.

You Might Need Emotional Closure

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Often before getting in to another relationship, or at the start of a new relationship you might benefit from visiting a good relationship counselor; this might help you unpack your problems. They will be able to get across points that are hard to get across in the first place which leads us too..

You Might Be Unable To Communicate

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Communication is key within a relationship, but some people who have been cheated on can struggle to do so. This might be because they don't want to say something that might cause their new partner to cheat on them again. They might not have the confidence that they used to in order to say how they feel.

You Will Have Wasted Good Time On Your Former Partner

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Sometimes you have to look back on infidelity reflectively. If you have found a new partner, one you love; then you might believe that you wasted time in the past with someone who didn't appreciate you enough to tell you they didn't feel the same way about you anymore.

You Might Get PISD

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One doctor has titled his own disorder PISD, essentially the same as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but the 'I' stands for Infidelity. Dr Ortman has suggested that discovering you have been cheated on can cause you to experience similar symptoms to PTSD and a true mental shock.

You Might Lose The Trust Of Your Child

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Often, especially in cases where you are the partner who has cheated on the other, any children you might have can tend to turn on you and decide they can no longer trust you. This will obviously have an effect on your happiness and ultimately the happiness from within your relationship.

You Could Have Some Financial Issues

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This occurs for both the cheater (and the cheatee); the person who has been cheated on might let issues like their depression and lack of confidence affect their work life, whereas the person who cheated on someone may have to pay child support if they don't get custody of their child.

You Might Develop Anxiety

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This isn't surprising, but a betrayed partner is likely to develop some form of anxiety as a result of being cheated on. This can affect the possibility of getting in to future relationships as they might struggle to get out and about. They might also be unable to communicate as well anymore.

You Can Be Emotionally Distant

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One of the problems with infidelity is the effect it can have on someone's emotions. If there's one thing that might be a red flag for someone when going in to a relationship, its that your potential new partner is unable to display any form of emotion, whether that be romantic or not.

Overwhelmed With The Consequences

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This one is in regards to the cheater, they might struggle with the moral implications of what they've done to someone they, at one point, loved. They might be unable to then believe that they can remain loyal again to a future partner, and ultimately, despite it being their fault really affect their feelings.

You Might Become Reliant On Your Friends

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People who have been cheated on can begin to feel alone, and so they begin relying on their friends to get them through the hard times. This isn't something you should be worried about though, your friends are your friends for a reason. Let's just hope your friends get on with your new partner.

You Might Need Therapy

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Unfortunately, the emotional impact of being cheated on can lead to disastrous impacts for people. Unfortunately, the distress it can cause can lead to some people needing some professional help. This can lead to some long-lasting (and expensive) therapy sessions that can affect your future relationships.

Anger Is Your Number One Emotion

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Above all the sadness, depression, anxiety and lowered self confidence after being cheated on, you might simply just be angry at everything. Not just the people that have caused the damage to you but also anyone in your way. People might want to stay out of the warpath of someone who's been cheated on.

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