These Foods Are Guaranteed To Bring Out Anyone’s Spiritual Side

By Elliot Nott 11 months ago

What Are Spiritual Foods?

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We all eat to nourish our bodies, but how many of us eat to nourish their souls? It is believed by many, that each food we eat has different impact on both the body and soul. If you want to bring out your spiritual side, assess what food you're eating day to day, and some small changes can bring out your spiritual side.

How Does Food Relate To Spirituality?

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Different foods can cause different impact on your energy, and therefore your spiritual side. Processed, high sugar foods can lower your vibrations, whereas eating whole foods, with no added chemicals can actually raise your vibrations, making you feel more uplifted. Let's take a look at some of these foods...


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Avocados are known to the Aztecs as the 'symbol of love' - eating avocados can enhance existing relationships and attract new ones! The avocado is known to balance chakras, and has over 20 spiritual benefits such as fertility, purification, and cleansing.


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Salmon is enriched with omega-3 which can bring out your spiritual side greatly. Omega-3 fatty acids increases blood flow to the brain, therefore increasing learning and memory. Salmons omega-3 fatty acids are also known as a 'good mood food', so if you want to enlighten your life, it could be a great choice.


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Eating garlic can enhance your spiritual side as it has many health benefits from preventing a common cold to lowering your risk of heart disease! As well as tasting delicious, garlic, in some spiritual practices, is believed to create a barrier between individuals and spiritual entities or energies that may be harmful.

Coconut Oil

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In the spiritual world, coconut oil is used in many spiritual rituals to cleanse peoples aura and protect them from negative energies. Aside from this, it possesses many health benefits to help you on your spiritual journey. You can implement it into your lifestyle through cooking with it, or as skincare.


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Spiritual practices emphasise the importance of a healthy balanced lifestyle, and spinach is packed full of nutrition! Spinach is packed full of vitamins, as well as iron, calcium, and potassium, which contribute to many areas of your health including heart health, digestive health, and bone health.


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Oranges are
good for you! Oranges are great for digestive health, and also contain collagen which is a protein that protects your skin. Collagen is key to minimize wrinkles and keep the skin soft and plump. Oranges are also great for those with anaemia, as they help with the absorption of iron in the body.


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Healthy fats found in avocados, extra virgin olive oil, and of course... tuna, are great for supporting brain health, so don't assume that fats = bad! Healthy fats are also thought to reduce anxiety, which can contribute to your spiritual awakening. This could be a great place to start if you want to bring out your spiritual side!


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Similarly to tuna, lemon is occasional used to help those who suffer with anxiety. The refreshing scent of a lemon alone is known to improve our moods, and relieve stress. Even the color of lemons are thought to be associated with vitality, optimism, and spiritual illumination!


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Broccoli is packed full of nutrient qualities such as a high fibre and vitamin content, which can assist you in many areas of your health. There are many ideas on the spiritual benefits of broccoli. One being that broccoli reminds people of the tree off life, and represents the ideas that everyone is on their own individual journey.


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Sadly, we don't mean cinnamon in cinnamon roll form, more the spice alone... but the spice has been linked with good fortune for centuries. Cinnamon is thought to attract greater opportunities in finances, the workplace, and everyday life, and has the power to attract positive energies.


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Quinoa was regarded as a 'sacred plant' during the Incan empire, and they believed it to be the 'mother of all grains' due to its spiritual relevance and health benefits. As it is rich in antioxidants, which can help with cholesterol and lower your risk of heat disease. The spiritual history of this food makes it a must for those who want to bring out their spiritual side!

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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As previously mentioned, extra virgin olive oil is packed full of health and spiritual. benefits! Like quinoa, it has been considered sacred for centuries, and the lie branch itself was a symbol of peace. Extra virgin olive oil is also thought to protect the brain from some symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.


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Herbs as a whole provide much spiritual significance, and each herb has its own spiritual purpose. Sage is used in a practice called smudging, where you burn the herb to cleanse a space, Lavender is associated with relaxation and can be used to help people who struggle with sleep, and basil is believed to attract positive energies and is associated with protection and love.


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Now, we're not suggesting smearing it all over your face if you want to bring out your spiritual side, but if used differently, can definitely help you on you journey. Turmeric has a Lon g history of use in traditional medicine, and is often associated with cleansing the mind, body, and spirit.


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The process of honey being made gives the food lots of spiritual significance. It connects us with nature as we work in harmony with bees, and is often seen as a gift from nature and a representation of the interconnectedness of all livi g beings. Honey is still used to this day for soothing illness, and is often seen as a symbol of gratitude.


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Blueberries deep, blue color is linked to the throat chakra, which is associated with communication and self-expression. And well as this, blueberries are known for their antioxidant properties and their role in promoting overall health and well-being when consumed.


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Lentils are a nutritious and versatile food source, providing sustenance and energy, which can be seen as supporting overall well-being and spiritual vitality. Lentils can also be viewed as a reminder of interconnectedness and unity's as they are often used in communal meals or shared during times of celebration and charity.

Chia Seeds

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Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fibre, which are seen to nourish both the body and mind. When chia seeds make contact with liquids, they expand, and this can symbolize resilience, a metaphor for personal expansion and opening oneself to new possibilities.


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Dates are one of the most nutrient rich snacks on the market, which will contribute to the spiritual elements of your life. Dates are a natural source of carbohydrates, meaning they provide us with lots of energy throughout the day. They also promote healthy digestion, and possess anti-inflammatory properties.


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This nutrient-dense snack is often associated with abundance and sustenance, and in some traditions, nuts are believed to possess protective and grounding qualities. Their hard outer shell can symbolize strength and resilience, while the edible inside represents hidden potential and wisdom.


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We aren't here to judge wether you put pineapple on your pizza or not, but in terms of spirituality, you might want to after this! Pineapples are often a symbol for the sweetness of life due to their sweet, tangy flavor which can evoke feelings of joy and pleasure. Some individuals view the pineapple's crown and spiky exterior as a representation of the crown chakra and spiritual awakening.


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The fig tree is seen as a symbol of strength and resilience in many cultures, so it's no surprise that eating figs makes you feel those spiritual benefits. They are often associated with wisdom, enlightenment, and spiritual nourishment; and in some spiritual traditions, the fig is seen as sacred.


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Artichokes have a unique appearance that contributes to their spiritual value; their layered petals can symbolize growth, transformation, and inner layers of the self. Many individuals view the process of peeling away the petals as a metaphor for shedding external layers to reveal ones true self.

Maple Syrup

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Maple syrup isn't just good for pouring over your pancakes in the morning! Like honey, maple syrup holds spiritual significance as it represents a connection between nature and the earth, as it is derived from the sap in maple trees. The sweet taste of maple syrup can also bring feelings of joy and pleasure.

Goji Berries

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Goji berries, like many other foods on this list, can have spiritual significance for certain individuals. They are associated with health and vitality, considering them to possess energizing or rejuvenating properties, and they have a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine, contributing to their spiritual value.

Black Beans

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Black beans can hold spiritual significance for some due to cultural ties, symbolic meanings, ritual use, and the perceived nutritional and energetic properties. Mindful consumption of black beans can enhance spiritual awareness as they represent grounding, abundance, protection, or purification in various spiritual beliefs.


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Oatmeal has been considered the most fuelling, energizing breakfast anyone can have, so it's no surprise that it is considered a spiritual food. For many, it also holds a nostalgic, comforting meaning as many of us ate oatmeal as children, and that can evoke a spiritual response.


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Although not a food, water is essential for our existence as humans and without it, we quite simply could not exist. People travel great distances to drink water from sources that possess spiritual energy and is believed to cleanse bad energy. Our body is made up of 60% water, so it is vital that we stay hydrated for our physical, and spiritual health.

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