Take These Vitamins Everyday For A Better Night Sleep

By Anna Collins 12 months ago

1. Magnesium

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Magnesium is a necessary vitamin for our body and it can also help us get a better night's sleep. Magnesium can help to calm our nervous system and help out muscles relax which can help you fall into a peaceful, and deeper sleep, alleviating tension that can keep you up at night.

2. Melatonin

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Melatonin is a very useful vitamin for helping us get a good night's sleep. It can actually help to regulate our sleep-wake cycle, meaning that it can help us get in our hours of well-needed sleep and help us to wake up feeling more refreshed and energized!

3. Vitamin C

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Vitamin C (also sometimes known as ascorbic acid) is a vital vitamin for our bodies and health. It is thought that it can help to reduce the oxidative stress in our body which in turn can help our body relax, meaning we can get the kind of kip we deserve!

4. Vitamin K

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Vitamin K is sometimes overlooked, however, it is an essential vitamin in our body that can help to regulate our calcium metabolism. This helps with our sleep cycle as is essential to our sleep and the quality of our sleep which is what helps us feel refreshed in the morning.

5. Vitamin A

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Vitamin A, and retinol which is a derivative of Vitamin A play a very important role in our sleep cycle. It can help to regulate our sleep patterns and our sleep-wake cycle. So, taking vitamin A could really help to promote a healthy sleeping pattern.

6. Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic acid

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Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid is thought to help the functioning of adrenal glands. This in turn then helps us get a good night's sleep as when we have healthier adrenal glands, we are more likely to be able to get quality sleep time helping our energy levels to grow!

7. Calcium

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Calcium, we all know, is great for bone growth and strength. But it also helps our brains to make use of something called tryptophan, which is what produces melatonin. And, as we know melatonin helps us sleep. So calcium is another vitamin recommended for aiding our sleep!

8. Iron

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Iron is important for many reasons, including our sleep. Some people who have an iron deficiency find that they suffer from restless leg syndrome which can have a negative impact on sleep. Low iron levels may also mean that we are more likely to have some kind of sleep disorder!

9. Thiamine

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Thiamine, or vitamin B1, helps support our nerve function. When our nerves are properly aided it can improve the relaxation in our body. When our body is less tense, it can mean that the quality of sleep is greatly improved, and you may even fall asleep quicker too.

10. Probiotics

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Probiotics may help us maintain a healthy gut, promoting an increase in good gut bacteria. Our gut impacts several things including our immune system, our mood, and also our sleep. When our gut is healthy we are more likely to be healthier in general and sleep better too!

11. Skullcap

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Skullcap is a flower that can be taken in vitamin or tablet form. It has historically (and still to this day by some) been used to treat insomnia. There is a strong belief that Skullcap directly affects our sleep, impacting it positively and helping us get better quality rest.

12. Coenzyme Q10

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Some studies have shown that people taking Coenzyme Q10 actually have a better night's sleep than people who do not take it. It is believed by some that the vitamin can help decrease the likelihood that we will have a disturbed night's sleep, allowing us to sleep through!

13. Zinc

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Zinc is a very important substance for our bodies. One of the less well-known reasons is that it may impact our sleep, beneficially. And, people with zinc efficiencies have in some cases reported that they struggle with sleep, or struggle to stay asleep throughout the night.

14. Vitamin E

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Vitamin E is a vitamin that is believed to hold antioxidant properties, meaning that it can reduce the oxidative stress in our body. Not only can oxidative stress have negative health implications but it may also refrain us from being able to get a good night's sleep.

15. Vitamin F

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Vitamin F is an essential fatty acid. Fatty acids and Omega 6 and Omega 3 may be super important in maintaining the health of our brains. So, it makes sense that with a healthier brain, we also get a better night's sleep. It is also thought that Vitamin F can help to regulate our sleep better.

16. Vitamin B6 - Folate

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Vitamin B6, also known as Pyridoxine, is important in our body's capability of producing both melatonin and serotonin. Both of these things may drastically help our sleep, as serotonin helps our body relax and feel happy which can lead to a less disturbed night.

17. L-theanine

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L-theanine is something that can be found in green tea, hence why people believe that green tea can improve sleep quality. L-theanine is believed to be able to help reduce anxiety, which of course means that your brain and body may be more able to relax and sleep.

18. Cod Liver Oil

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Cod live oils are thought to contain numerous health benefits. And the fatty Omega acids, combined with Vitamin A and vitamin D mean that it could be a great way to take numerous beneficial vitamins for aiding our sleep and the quality of how we sleep at night.

19. St. John's Wort

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St. John's Wort is a species of plant that has for many many years thought to have a whole list of health benefits. One of these is that it can help us sleep. This is because it is thought that St. John's Wort may lessen symptoms of anxiety and depression ad may help us relax.

20. 5-HTP

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5-HTP is something that can convert to serotonin in our body. Serotonin, also known as the molecule of happiness, can help to ease our mind and boost our mood, both of which things are linked to being able to get a good night's sleep. A calm mind sleeps better than an anxious mind.

21. Alpha-linolenic acid

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Alpha-linolenic acid or ALA, is a kind of omega-3 fatty acid that can help to boost our sleep, helping us get more hours of quality sleep. It's not a vitamin that is often talked about, however, it is believed that it could contribute to a better night's sleep.

22. Vitamin B12

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Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a vitamin regularly talked about because it's not as easy to intake naturally through our diets.  Vitamin B12 helps us to reduce melatonin in our body which as we know, can positively affect how well we sleep at night.

23. Vitamin H

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Biotin, or vitamin H, is something that has been linked to sleep as a consequence of the health benefits it provides to the body. So, vitamin H is thought to help supports a functioning and healthy nervous system, and in turn, it is believed that this will help us to get a better night's sleep.

24. Lemon verbena

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Lemon Verbena is a kind of plant that is known for its use in herbal remedies and the belief that it contains many beneficial health properties. Among these is the fact that many people think Lemon Verbena helps us sleep better. It is known for calming and relaxing those who consume it.

25. Theaflavins

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Theaflavin is a vitamin that can be found naturally occurring in black tea! It is thought that Theaflavins help us to relax and destress which is why some people find a cup of tea great for being able to unwind. Being more relaxed then leads to us getting a better night's sleep.

26. Glycine

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If you're looking to fall asleep quicker at night, then Glycine may be one of the best vitamins to take. It is believed that Glycine (which is an amino acid) can not only help improve the quality of your sleep but can help you fall asleep quicker too!

27. Docosahexaenoic acid

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Docosahexaenoic, which is thankfully more commonly shortened to DHA, is a kind of important Omega acid which may be essential for maintaining a healthy brain. Omegas are believed not only to be crucial for our health but also for helping us to get a better night's sleep!

28. Vitamin P

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Vitamin P (bioflavonoids) can be found naturally in fruit and veg, or it can be taken as a supplement. They are a kind of antioxidant which can help reduce the stress in our body and help to calm our nervous system. Both of these things are super important in helping us sleep!

29. Niacin

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Niacin (or vitamin B3) helps to produce serotonin in our bodies. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in our brain that can help to promote our sleep. After all, our sleep quality is important in how we feel on a day-to-day basis, and in maintaining our health.

30. Folic acid

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Folic acid is super important for our bodies. It's a vitamin that is regularly taken during pregnancy to help to fetus grow. This is because it helps with the production of red blood cells. And not only may this help our health, but it can also help us to sleep better!

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